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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #21 for the week October 21 - October 27, 2007.

  • Arizona Loco Newsletter
  • Twenty-First Edition
  • Powered by Ubuntu
  • Wednesday-October 31, 2007
  • Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam

  • Next meeting: Sunday November 4, 2007 9:00PM
  • Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona



Greetings and Happy Halloween to everyone. It's been another busy week here in the State. The release of Ubuntu's Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 our team has seen an increase in membership. It is a pleasure to welcome new voices in the team channel, and to see the obvious enthusiasm for another great Ubuntu version. The Education Team and the Server Team continue to progress, and we should be thinking about having an install fest soon. The end of the year is just around the corner, and most of us will be busy with family and friends at Thanksgiving and Christmas. So lets all start thinking about when would be a good time to introduce Ubuntu and Gutsy to some more prospective new members and continue our goal of fixing bug #1(Windows dominance of the OS desktop environment). Have a great week and I'll see you at the next meeting, Sunday at 9:00 PM in the team channel, #ubuntu-arizona. John

Summary of the October 28, 2007 meeting

Johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:04 PM

The first order of business was the introduction of new members. enigmastrat, introduced himself as Robbie. He lives in Goodyear and has been using Ubuntu for about a year. He is a Software Engineer for Lockheed Martin. He joined us using the Gurtsy LiveCD. He is about to put Gutsy on all his PC's. Right now, 2 of them are running 6.10, and one is running 7.04. He runs a LAN party in Peoria called Lannage, and runs all his game servers using Ubuntu. He told us that he had a friend that he would try to get in next week. kjandar79 then introduced himself as Kris. He's running Xubuntu Gutsy, and just recently completely switched over from Windows. He lives in North Phoenix. Netdoctor joined the meeting while it was in progress, and introduced himself as Dan Zubey. He works at Odysseyware, and has been using Linux for about 13 years, and Ubuntu for the past year. He lives in East Chandler. greenlegacy introduced himself as an engineer at Ratheon, living in Tucson. We welcome new members and friends, and invite you to join us any time on irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-arizona, where we can get to know you, and you can get to know us.

Next was the Education Committee. br24 reported that he had some material to post to the Team wiki, now that he had some time to do it. He will be posting it sometime this week, and will work on some new material. johnc4510 commented that for those new members present, the Ed team is set up to post to the wiki to help support new and prospective members in the use of Ubuntu. Polygon89 commented that he'll be doing some screencasts next weekend, or maybe even during the week if he has time. jsonder wasn't available to report, and tyche had nothing new to report this week.

The next order of business was the server. johnc4510 had some things to say before turning it over to the Server Team leader, slofgren. "The server is in place for us to use for education and support of the team. Now, as far as education goes, we envisioned using the server to help teach the team members the technology and inner workings of a server. Also to help us in learning html and other applications used for the design of web pages. For the support end of it, we want to link to pages that will be useful to new and prospective members. Both of these things will take time and support of the membership. To begin with members can ask slofgren for access to the server to set up a page that links to other pages they may have somewhere else. Like a blog or something. You can ask for access by emailing slofgren at slofgren@gmail.com You must be a registered member of the AZ mailing list and also the AZ launchpad team." slofgren then reported that we need a Web Team for web design for the server. johnc4510 put out a request for people with HTML and web page design experience. enigmastrat commented that he had posted a possible design on the forum, at http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=47712&d=1193283076. He has major HTML, CSS and javascript skills. br24 also stated that he had some skills. slofgren would like to have people get together to design and keep up the web presence on the server. He would add them to the az_webteam on the server. slofgren then stated that the server,in its current state, is more than likely a temporary use situation, and we may need to look into another server later on. He's not sure that this arrangement is in our best interest. johnc4510 added that, "For my part, I held back on buying the domain name this last week due to some difference of opinion with the DeLUG group in Phoenix. I wasn't sure if these differences would or would not lead to a delay of our server project. For now, we have come to an agreement, and we will continue on with this project. So this coming week, I will buy the domain name. AZLoco.org. For now we are going to use the resource, but look around for alternatives." slofgren added that others may have noticed strange accounts on the server develop. These are not by members of this group. The server was loaned to our Team for the Team's needs, but seems to be taken back some, which we didn't anticipate. We're still thankful, but may need to change sometime soon. slofgren thinks we would be able to use the current server until next summer. It would appear that the DuVry LUG is adding users to the server to teach them RedHat. This was found amusing by members of the team, that DELUG would be using an Ubuntu server to teach RedHat. enigmastrat asked what the hardware of the server was like. johnc4510 responded that it was a P-III with an 8 Gig hard drive and 1 gig of ram.

The meeting was closed at 9:38 PM


Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam
