2011April 10
Sunday 06 April 2025 |
[21:00]<toddc>Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a+1 [21:00]<toddc>+1 [21:00]<syn-ack>+1 [21:00]<toddc>Star Date 64757.8 [21:01]<toddc>Our launch pad site https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona [21:01]<toddc>Our web site is azloco.com [21:01]<toddc>azlocobbb.banditti.com Big Blue Button sever-- Audio Video Chat with others but still in testing [21:01]<toddc>3 of us? [21:01]<kennymc0>+1 [21:01]<syn-ack>wow, seems that way, toddc [21:01]<toddc>Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:01]<toddc>Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? [21:01]<kennymc0>yay i'm one of the 3 i feel special ;P [21:02]<toddc>Here is new news from ubuntu news [21:02]<toddc>Commodore 64 Returns with a new computer updated and running ubuntu [21:02]-->|SlickMcRunFast (~mark@host-86-116.aztegmo.clients.pavlovmedia.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:02]<toddc>welcome [21:02]<toddc>http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2383185,00.asp [21:03]<toddc>commodore ???? again [21:03]<toddc>6 handy sites for ubuntu news tricks and tips [21:03]<toddc>http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-handy-sites-learn-ubuntu-tweaks-tricks/ [21:03]<toddc>Gnome 3 released yesterday [21:04]<toddc>http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2011/04/gnome-3-released.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+UbuntuVibes+%28Ubuntu+Vibes%29 [21:04]<syn-ack>May I make a comment about that? [21:04]<toddc>how to control ubuntu from the command line tutorial for starting level command line [21:04]<toddc>http://apcmag.com/how-to-control-ubuntu-from-the-command-line.html [21:04]<toddc>go ahead [21:04]<toddc>it was a cool machine in its day [21:04]<syn-ack>For those of you who are wondering what Gnome3 is like and would like to install it on your 11.04... DON'T [21:05]<syn-ack>installing Gnome3 will break Unity. Badly. [21:05]<kennymc0>ah so it's like when kde 4 first came out [21:05]<toddc>oh I thought you were talking about the commodore [21:05]<kennymc0>as in it left beta way too early [21:05]<syn-ack>Unity is built on GTK2, not 3. [21:05]<syn-ack>So, yeah, that's my friendly word of advice [21:06]<toddc>ubuntu 11.04 new app will allow you to test new apps be for installing them [21:06]<toddc>http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/ubuntu-software-center-lets-you-test.html [21:06]<toddc>that is why ubuntu went to unity I thought [21:06]<syn-ack>no [21:06]<toddc>Ubumatic is a tool that build simple scripts to make configuring ubuntu easy for us none coders [21:06]<toddc>http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubumatic-simple-script-to-configure-most-basic-activities-on-ubuntu-11-0410-1010-04.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ubumatic-simple-script-to-configure-most-basic-activities-on-ubuntu-11-0410-1010-04 [21:06]<syn-ack>Unity at this point, imo is a competitor to Gnome 3 is all. [21:07]<toddc>debian has gnome 3 I played with it today a while then installed 11.04 [21:07]<syn-ack>There are a few GTK3 backports in the Ubuntu code, but nothing more [21:07]<toddc>Never go for Windows airlines. When you are in situation to open your parachute, you will get a message "Do you wish to open the parachute? Yes No". [21:07]<toddc>Are you sure? Yes/No. [21:07]<toddc>Parachute needs permission to continue. Allow/Ignore/Cancel. [21:08]<toddc>Two ways to sync using drop box or Sparckle share [21:08]<toddc>http://www.r-bloggers.com/fast-two-way-sync-in-ubuntu/ [21:08]<toddc>Puppy linux just released 5.25 and I just installed it today also [21:09]<toddc>NOTICE ubuntu 9.10 end of life april 30 [21:09]<toddc>We are currently a un-approved Team with ubuntu but we are currently trying to change this [21:09]<toddc>so we can get cd's and be official Team. They check activity so please update your personal wiki [21:09]<toddc> JOB LIST [21:09]<toddc>Linux Developer: Linux open source development using C with Security expertise. Location-Chandler,AZ...contact me mdutta@volt.com [21:10]<toddc>TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:10]<toddc>I also would like some help copying meeting logs to out team wiki and azloco this would be weekly and should only take a few minutes [21:10]<toddc>Much Thanks to banditti for the server and help with setup on BBB server [21:10]<toddc>Thanks also to Syn-ack for all the debugging and setup testing. He spent a lot of time trying to get something up and going [21:11]<toddc>Future BBB server thoughts are a log in screen and copy chat to IRC and back and syn-ack is writing [21:11]<toddc>a blog for azloco.com on thoughts after he installed and configured it. [21:11]<toddc>TEMPE INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:11]<toddc>zloco/plug installfest is Saturday 4/23 at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's [21:11]<toddc>Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:11]<toddc>The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:11]<toddc>UBUNTU TRAINING [21:12]<toddc>ubuntu App Developer week starts monday on lernid or Irc training learn how to build apps and get involved [21:12]<toddc>http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/ubuntu-app-developer-week-11-04-starting-on-monday/ [21:12]<toddc>April 1-15 will have several classes appdevel check it out [21:12]<toddc>FUTURE EVENTS [21:13]<toddc>ASUlugs have asked for help and want to do some events with us they have a hackfest on 4/9 [21:13]<toddc>from 12-3 I will post it on azloco calender also they have a installfest 4\16 9am-5pm that I will post to azloc calender. both events are at ASU [21:13]<toddc>PLUG EVENTS [21:13]<toddc>plug east side meeting thursday see azloco.com calender for more info [21:13]<toddc>Linux Security Hackfest 12-3 Sat AT Gangplank see azloco.com calender for more info [21:13]<toddc>XHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:14]<toddc>any one have anything else? [21:14]<syn-ack>I'm good. [21:14]<toddc>thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/2011April 10 (last edited 2011-08-04 00:37:38 by tcole3737)