2011June 12
Sunday 06 April 2025 |
[21:00] toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:01] toddc Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:01] Dazed_75 +1 [21:01] toddc +1 [21:01] dennisk +1 [21:01] toddc Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? [21:02] toddc I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me during the meeting [21:02] toddc Here is new news from ubuntu news: [21:03] toddc see the current status for ubunt server development [21:03] toddc http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/ubuntu-server.html [21:03] toddc Ubuntu Cerification going forward to be ready for Oneirick [21:03] toddc http://victorpalau.net/2011/06/06/ubuntu-certification-going-forward/ [21:03] toddc Key-mon now in the Archive a on screen keyboard for touch screens [21:03] toddc http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/05/key-mon-now-in-ubuntu-oneiric-archive.html [21:03] toddc ubuntu classroom friday430-530 [21:03] toddc Q and A with Penelope Stowe and Charlie Kravetz of the Ubuntu Accessibility Team [21:04] toddc The Linux Action Show sunday at 10.am and 8pm pacific time [21:04] toddc http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/8211/bryan-smash-google-las-s16e09/ [21:04] toddc Install and configure GNOME DO in unity [21:04] toddc http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/install-and-configure-gnome-do-in-ubuntu-unity/2535 [21:04] toddc 30 days of linux day 4 tweaking the look and layout [21:04] toddc http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/229418/day_4_tweaking_the_look_and_layout_of_ubuntu_linux.htm [21:05] toddc Linux User's Ubuntu column #100 with Mark Shuttleworth [21:05] toddc http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/opinion/linux-users-ubuntu-column-100-with-mark-shuttleworth/ [21:06] toddc sh and WiKID TWO FACTOR auth [21:06] toddc http://www.howtoforge.com/securing-ssh-on-ubuntu-with-wikid-two-factor-authentication [21:06] toddc Team Status is still in question and has not moved to my knowledge I have updated the azloco site a bit and made some progress on the team wiki but it still needs more updating before we can go before the council [21:06] toddc I have not been in contact with john4510 for a while but did email him this week but no reply as of yet [21:06] toddc Dazed_75 and I are updating the team wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam [21:06] toddc if you have a second check it out and make some recommendations or help with updating [21:06] toddc also if someone would like to handle the education or membership or newsletter team [21:06] toddc they are easy and will help the Team a lot and the wiki explains a lot of info on each and those page could use a update also. [21:07] toddc JOB LIST [21:07] toddc local motors is looking for a PHP programmer [21:07] toddc TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:07] toddc Bj0 built a eyeos server for me as a test platform if anyone would like to play and give me input [21:07] toddc please try it after the meeting at http://tempe.dyndns-at-home.com:8080/eyeos/ [21:07] toddc eyeos is a web browser desktop think of it as a light weight cloud desktop pc---android=google [21:07] toddc [21:07] toddc The BBB server is working well. I recommend everyone try it at http://azlocobbb.banditti.com and pick a log in name. I think we can start talking about holding meetings there and picking a date to switch. Any thoughts? [21:08] toddc TEMPE INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:08] toddc Server installfest is Next Saturday 6/18 at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's [21:08] toddc Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:08] toddc The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:08] toddc Q and A with Penelope Stowe and Charlie Kravetz of the Ubuntu Accessibility Team [21:08] toddc WhenFri, June 17, 4:30pm – 5:30pm utc [21:08] toddc Where#ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net [21:09] toddc FUTURE EVENTS [21:09] toddc I was thinking about a 11.10 release party/ meet and greet Oct 11 but need Idea's as to where? [21:09] toddc Some thoughts are UAT or a bar/ coffee shop or I hear there is wifi at Tempe Town lake maybe a BBQ? [21:09] toddc Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects? [21:09] toddc [21:09] toddc Thanks to [R] for the logs, I have been able to recreate most of the lost meeting logs files to enter into [21:09] toddc our team wiki. There are still a few gaps and I have only had time to review the last year [21:09] toddc Team status must be renewed by July 19 [21:09] Dazed_75 10/11 is 2 weeks prior to the release [21:10] toddc this needs to be done if we want to keep active status as a Team we will also need to show events like the installfests and keep up your personal wiki's and [21:10] toddc PLUG EVENTS [21:10] toddc no events This week [21:10] toddc Linux Security Hackfest 12-3 Sat AT Gangplank see azloco.com calender or plugaz for more info [21:10] toddc XHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:11] xHans just one more item [21:11] xHans well, it's kinda two items [21:11] xHans Free Software Stammtisch is a week from Tuesday [21:11] xHans http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#East_Valley [21:11] xHans that same night, after the Stammtisch, there is an ABLEconf planning meeting [21:11] xHans both are in the conference room at Iguana Macks [21:12] xHans that's it. danke [21:13] toddc Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events [21:13] toddc dennisk do yo have anything to add? [21:14] xHans thanks for giving us room and for keeping the loco going [21:14] Dazed_75 So server Installfest is this Saturday and regular is the following one [21:14] toddc correct [21:14] dennisk Nothing at the moment [21:14] toddc that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [21:15] toddc thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question [21:15] Dazed_75 We have 3 in Big Nlue Button ATM [21:15] Dazed_75 Ack - my typing sucks [21:15] toddc need more to test under load [21:18] -->| spinrage (~spinrage@ip70-190-142-30.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:18] toddc just missed the meeting spinrage
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/2011June 12 (last edited 2011-08-03 23:40:22 by tcole3737)