2011June 26
Sunday 06 April 2025 |
[20:58] toddc2 Please note that I am in Page AZ tonight, 88 deg but very intermittent wifi so please bear with any drops that may occur. [20:59] Siph0n +1 [20:59] Siph0n lol no one else here? [20:59] toddc2 yes [20:59] dennisk +1 [20:59] Eric-A +1 [20:59] toddc2 is my clock slow [21:00] toddc2 I show 857 [21:00] toddc2 Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:00] toddc2 +1 [21:00] toddc2 Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:00] toddc2 Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself. [21:01] toddc2 I will also try to be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me during the meeting [21:01] toddc2 Here is new news from ubuntu news: [21:01] toddc2 firefox 5 installer [21:01] toddc2 http://techie-buzz.com/foss/firefox-5-ubuntu-main-repo.html [21:01] toddc2 Ubuntu Certification going forward to be ready for Oneirick [21:01] toddc2 http://victorpalau.net/2011/06/06/ubuntu-certification-going-forward/ [21:02] toddc2 official 10.10 manual now available for free download [21:02] toddc2 http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [21:02] toddc2 ubuntu 11.10 will be hybrid cd/usb image [21:02] toddc2 http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-11-10-ISOs-to-be-hybrid-CD-USB-images-1261923.html [21:02] toddc2 Canonical builds 42 core ARM cluster server for ubuntu to host arm testing [21:02] toddc2 http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/canonical-builds-a-42-core-arm-cluster-server-box-for-ubuntu-20110613/ [21:02] toddc2 install Oracle Database 10g Express in ubuntu [21:02] toddc2 http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Oracle/Install-Oracle-Database-10g-Express-in-Ubuntu/ [21:03] toddc2 boot repair guide grub2 [21:03] toddc2 http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/boot-repair-fix-ubuntu-boot-issues.html [21:03] toddc2 Team Status is still in question and has started to move again thanks to Dazed_75 and I have updated the azloco site and wiki a bit and Dennis will be heading up the education Team and wiki and Rav will be taking the membership team I think. I know we must go before the loco counsel on July 19 but I am not sure what we need to do or show so if someone finds any info let me know. [21:03] toddc2 this needs to be done if we want to keep active status as a Team we will also need to show events like the installfests and keep up your personal wiki's [21:03] dennisk Still with us, Todd? [21:04] toddc2 yes [21:04] toddc2 dennisk is this not showing up? [21:05] -->| toddcnb (~chatzilla@72-24-154-51.cpe.cableone.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:06] toddc2 everyone able to see this? [21:06] Eric-A I can [21:06] toddc2 ok and i can see on spare laptop [21:06] toddc2 JOB LIST [21:06] toddc2 local motors is looking for a PHP programmer [21:07] toddc2 <http://internaljobs.schwab.com/startsubmission.html?erjob=205727> [21:07] toddc2 Job ID: 0610-4409 [21:07] toddc2 Description: [21:07] toddc2 Application Deadline: 6/30/2011 [21:07] toddc2 SR linux/unix admin [21:07] toddc2 contact Eric Shubes About [21:07] toddc2 http://phoenix.jobing.com/it-administrator/job/2813833 [21:07] toddc2 I have a contract to hire a position for a client in Scottsdale, AZ. The client is looking for a Linux Administrator with RHEL and SUSE experience. If interested please email your resume to Asad@midcom.com or feel free to call me at (800) 737-1632 ext. 3717. Thanks. [21:07] toddc2 http://jobs-apollo.com/arizona/information-technology/jobid1515184-systems-administrator-ii-jobs [21:07] toddc2 TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:08] toddc2 test.azloco.com server has been updated to 10.04 so if anyone would like to test with it see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Server and let us know or help with your project. [21:08] toddc2 TEMPE INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:08] toddc2 the installfest was very busy and we ran out of table space last Saturday so maybe a bigger room is in the future? [21:08] toddc2 UBUNTU TRAINING [21:08] toddc2 Friday, July 8 [21:08] toddc2 4:30pm [21:08] toddc2 Q and A with Jonathan Lange on Launchpad [21:09] toddc2 FUTURE EVENTS [21:09] toddc2 I was thinking about a 11.10 release party/ meet and greet Oct 11 but need Idea's as to where? [21:09] toddc2 Some thoughts are UAT or a bar/ coffee shop or I hear there is wifi at Tempe Town lake maybe a BBQ [21:09] toddc2 ?????????????????????????????? [21:09] toddc2 108 days till 11.10 [21:10] toddc2 Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects? [21:10] toddc2 PLUG EVENTS [21:10] toddc2 The Developer Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7 at 7:30pm at uat [21:10] toddc2 XHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:11] toddc2 dennisk do you have any news for us? [21:12] toddc2 that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [21:12] |<-- dennisk has left freenode (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:13] toddc2 thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question [21:13] -->| dennisk (~dennisk@ip70-162-80-2.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:14] Eric-A wb dennisk [21:14] toddc2 dennisk working now? [21:14] dennisk Yes [21:14] toddc2 any new for us dennisk [21:15] toddc2 news [21:15] dennisk Did my FYI make it to the list? [21:15] toddc2 no [21:15] dennisk FYI: Bradley Kuhn and Karen Sandler's oggcast has moved to faif.us. They cover legal issues around FOSS. Karen is also the new exec. director of the GNOME Foundation. [21:15] -->| Dazed_75 (~larry@173-16-160-52.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:16] toddc2 hi Dazed_75 [21:16] Dazed_75 Hi, sorry I forgot [21:16] dennisk Karen has both a law degree and an engineering degree. Formerly with the SFLC. [21:17] dennisk She's a very dynamic person and a great choice to head up GNOME. [21:17] toddc2 np Dazed_75 I logged [21:17] Dazed_75 good, cuz I don't have the info [21:20] toddc2 thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question [21:21] xHans PLUG devel a week from Thursday: code pizza party [21:21] xHans PLUG east side two weeks from Thursday has two presentations: Open Source programs for virtual worlds from lawyer Connie J Mableson and Blender presentation from MCC instructor Phillip Waclawski [21:21] xHans sorry, jumped about a bit in scrollback and didn't see my queue [21:22] xHans I'm really excited by July's east side meeting [21:23] Eric-A sounds good [21:23] toddc2 hope I can be back by then [21:24] toddc2 Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events [21:25] dennisk I'm having trouble connecting to BBB. It's at my end, I suspect. [21:25] toddc2 three of use are in there right now [21:26] dennisk Firefox is attempting to reconnect. . . . [21:26] |<-- toddcnb has left freenode (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) [21:27] dennisk flaky wifi tonight [21:29] Dazed_75 DennisK: you do know you must log out and back in to BBB after losing conn and trying ti reconnect? [21:30] dennisk yep. [21:33] dennisk Na, OK, ich gebe auf. Gute Nacht, Jungs! [21:33] toddc2 nite [21:33] <--| dennisk has left #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:46] Eric-A lost the link guys [21:46] Dazed_75 lost todd too [21:46] Eric-A I'll have to buy me a new headset [21:46] Dazed_75 bbb is playing some spanish guitar tjo [21:46] Dazed_75 tho
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/2011June 26 (last edited 2011-08-03 23:36:12 by tcole3737)