2011May 29
Sunday 06 April 2025 |
[21:01] Siph0n Anyone here for the meeting? We are on : azlocobbb.banditti.com [21:02] toddc I can probably do both post here and talk in BBB as soon we get audio back scott and I had thes concern once before [21:02] toddc head sets work much better [21:02] toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:03] toddc +1 [21:03] Siph0n +1 [21:04] toddc Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:04] toddc Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? [21:04] toddc I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me [21:05] toddc First I want to take a minute to thank all those that have served for Us and protect our way of life [21:05] toddc Here is new news from ubuntu news: [21:05] toddc Music on your Console why leave the console to play music [21:05] toddc http://www.ubuntugeek.com/moc-music-on-console-console-audio-player-for-linuxunix.html [21:05] toddc Ubuntu soon to be running in your car by joining GENIVI and ubuntu IVI REMIX [21:05] toddc http://www.muktware.com/news/18/2011/1187 [21:05] toddc http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Canonical-joins-GENIVI-creates-Ubuntu-IVI-Remix-1242314.html [21:05] toddc Lenovo to start selling Ubuntu Thinkpads in china [21:05] toddc http://www.muktware.com/news/12/2011/1145 [21:06] toddc The Linux Action Show sunday at 10.am and 8pm pacific time [21:06] toddc http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/8211/bryan-smash-google-las-s16e09/ [21:06] toddc Install and configure GNOME DO in unity [21:06] toddc http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/install-and-configure-gnome-do-in-ubuntu-unity/2535 [21:06] toddc How to run Ubuntu on a Motorola ZOOM thanks to XDA Developer [21:06] toddc http://liliputing.com/2011/05/how-to-run-ubuntu-11-04-on-an-android-tablet.html [21:07] toddc Fullcircle has a great review on virtual machines for anyone new to virtulizing [21:07] toddc http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issue49_en.pdf [21:08] toddc Team Status is still in question and has not moved to my knowledge I have updated the azloco site a bit and made some progress on the team wiki but it still needs more updating before we can go before the council [21:08] toddc I have not been in contact with john4510 for a while but did email him last week but no reply as of yet [21:08] toddc I also would like some help copying meeting logs to out team wiki and azloco this would be weekly and should only take a few minutes [21:08] toddc TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:08] toddc Bj0 built a eyeos server for me as a test platform if anyone would like to play and give me input [21:08] toddc please try it after the meeting at http://tempe.dyndns-at-home.com:8080/eyeos/ [21:09] toddc eyeos is a web browser desktop think of it as a light weight cloud desktop pc---android=google [21:09] toddc Tempe installfest went well not a lot showed up so we got in a few projects and a lot of chat [21:10] toddc Thanks to [R] for the logs, I have been able to recreate most of the lost meeting logs files to enter into [21:10] toddc our team wiki. There are still a few gaps and I have only had time to review the last year [21:10] toddc this needs to be done if we want to keep active status as a Team we will also need to show events like the installfests and keep up your personal wiki's [21:10] toddc PLUG EVENTS [21:10] toddc no events This week [21:10] toddc XHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:13] toddc I do have several projects for azloco web site and have a meeting with a drupal user to add some links to ubuntu training and new team event wiki site from ubuntu [21:13] toddc that is all I have any questions aor comments or other news or ideas? [21:14] scott_ev none frtom me [21:14] Siph0n none from me. [21:15] scott_ev I have a new SBC that I'll bring to the next installfest
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/2011May 29 (last edited 2011-08-04 00:04:37 by tcole3737)