
Differences between revisions 55 and 56
Revision 55 as of 2013-02-07 23:56:51
Size: 5189
Editor: 96-37-220-51
Revision 56 as of 2013-02-07 23:58:16
Size: 5181
Editor: 96-37-220-51
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We have an open team anyone can join. Whether you are interested in helping others or you are interested in learning more yourself this is the place for you. [[|Join now]] and start learning, contributing, making friends, and having fun. If you are interested in getting help with your computer try our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginner. Or if you want to help others, that is the channel for you. If you want advice on joining the different areas of the community please join our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginners-team. We can help guide you to one of the many places that helps in keeping Ubuntu going. There is a Documentation team for people wanting to help with writing wiki pages and system docs. A Bug Squad for people looking to help triage bugs and help developers get better bug reports. There is MOTU, a place where users work to maintain the many packages in Ubuntu that we all use. There is so, so, much more. Without volunteers like you Ubuntu would not be the great platform it is today, I want to encourage you to come by and see if there is a place for you in the community. We have an open team anyone can join. Whether you are interested in helping others or you are interested in learning more yourself this is the place for you. [[|Join now]] and start learning, contributing, making friends, and having fun. If you are interested in getting help with your computer try our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginner. Or if you want to help others, that is the channel for you. If you want advice on joining the different areas of the community please join our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginners-team. We can help guide you to one of the many places that helps in keeping Ubuntu going. There is a Documentation team for people wanting to help with writing wiki pages and system docs. A Bug Squad for people looking to help triage bugs and help developers get better bug reports. There is MOTU, a place where users work to maintain the many packages in Ubuntu that we all use. There is so, so, much more. Without volunteers like you Ubuntu would not be the great platform it is today, I want to encourage you to come by and see if there is a place for you in the community.

This team is now deprecated. Official announcement about the team's closure can be found here.

Info (!) Ubuntu Help and Support IRC Channel: #ubuntu-beginners on Info (!)

Info (!) Community and Team IRC Channel: #ubuntu-beginners-team on Info (!)



The Ubuntu Beginners Team exists to enhance the initial experience of new Ubuntu users and to guide existing Ubuntu users to become part of the global Ubuntu community. The Beginners Team helps you get involved in the wonderful world of the Ubuntu Community. Whether you are a non-technical user or a power user the Ubuntu Community has a place where you can contribute and make a difference in Ubuntu. You can find out more by using the header section at the top of this page.

Getting Started

We have an open team anyone can join. Whether you are interested in helping others or you are interested in learning more yourself this is the place for you. Join now and start learning, contributing, making friends, and having fun. If you are interested in getting help with your computer try our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginner. Or if you want to help others, that is the channel for you. If you want advice on joining the different areas of the community please join our IRC channel #ubuntu-beginners-team. We can help guide you to one of the many places that helps in keeping Ubuntu going. There is a Documentation team for people wanting to help with writing wiki pages and system docs. A Bug Squad for people looking to help triage bugs and help developers get better bug reports. There is MOTU, a place where users work to maintain the many packages in Ubuntu that we all use. There is so, so, much more. Without volunteers like you Ubuntu would not be the great platform it is today, I want to encourage you to come by and see if there is a place for you in the community.


IRC is a great way for a global team, like the Beginners Team, to communicate. In our different channels we take care of team business, help users, or just get to know each other better. Please read BeginnersTeam/IRC for channel guidelines.

BT Channels on freenode network



Support and Main channel, where the magic happens






The channel for team discussions and meetings etc.



If you do not have an IRC Client or are brand new to IRC you can quickly and easily sign on to our team channel here.

For Team Members


The date of the next scheduled full team meeting, Focus Group meetings, and a record of previous meetings can be found on the Meetings page.

Topics for the next full team meeting can also be found on the Meetings Page. Feel free to add topics for discussion. Focus Groups should keep their agendas on their respective pages.

Current Happenings

  • Familiarize yourself with the new Team Structure.

  • Know why we are here, read the Mission Statement!

  • Get involved with Focus Groups! If you are a group leader, setup your next meeting soon, don't wait!
  • New members can introduce yourselves here.

  • Raise awareness of the community docs on the forums by using links! See the following subsection for details:


You can link easily make links to the help and team wikis using the forum's bbcode.

Note: drop the leading "" or "" from the title.


  • [uwiki]Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw[/uwiki]
  • [uhelp]8.04/internet/C/index.html[/uhelp]

CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryBeginnersTeam

BeginnersTeam (last edited 2013-08-27 00:17:35 by jose)