
Revision 198 as of 2010-10-01 16:41:04

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Mission statement

The Ubuntu-be team wants to grow the local ecosystem of individuals, companies, non-profits and governmental and intergovernmental institutions working with Ubuntu Linux in and very close to Belgium. To achieve this, we follow a two-pronged approach:

  1. In areas where location is key to success (example: install parties), ubuntu-be team members do the work.
  2. In areas where language is key to success (examples: documentation, online support), we refer people to their respective language project (ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-fr, ubuntu-de, ubuntu-tr, ubuntu-ku, ...).

Ubuntu-be members publicise and coordinate their efforts with the different local, regional, language community and national levels involved in mind. Special attention goes to nl_be - fr_be coordination.


To join us:

  1. Subscribe to the Ubuntu-be mailing list

  2. Send a message to the list telling who you are and why you are interested in becoming a member.
  3. Create an account in if you don't already have one

  4. If you want to do serious volunteer work, apply for membership at .

Currently, Ubuntu-be is an informal organization of Ubuntu enthusiasts. As such, our realization are mostly the action of willing individual acting on their own. There is a ongoing reflexion on how to to organize ourself more effectively at BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization. Feel free to join the discussion.




We plan to have frequent IRC meetings, see BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings for more information.

we had other meetings, some online and some in real life, see BelgianTeam/PastMeetings.

Belgium specific documentation

Looking for documentation on Belgian topics, see

Wanting to share your knowledge of Belgian specific topics, see BelgianTeam/BeDocs for information on how and where to do it

Belgium press coverage

Belgium Ubuntu courses

Localized installer CD

TO BE UPDATED IN 2010 Join the effort at BelgianTeam/LocalizedCD !

Activities, Fair booths & Events


Support points volunteers show their enthousiasm to potential converts by distributing CD's, giving demonstrations and helping to install Ubuntu for the first time.


CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryBelgianTeam