
Hi I am Bhavani Shankar a 26 year old guy and I'm an electrical engineer by profession and a MBA, a ubuntu member and a ubuntu developer for more info about my work in ubuntu please see

My Current work in ubuntu

  • Being a Ubuntu Member from 2007.
  • Being a MOTU and working on the sponsors queue ocassionally
  • Being a part of DeveloperAdvisoryTeam and helping out on reaching out to new and experienced contributors alike

  • Being a part of the Application Review Board till recent and helping out in reviewing and publishing apps

(My ARB application here:

(My recent session logs on the ARB here: (

Cheers from the community

  • Bhavani is not only a hard worker, but also always brings a positive approach to whatever he does. While he's been on the ARB, I've been working with him and have been impressed by how he gets things done, his responsiveness, friendliness and helpfulness when assisting application developers get their apps into the Software Center. -- dpm 2012-09-13 07:13:43

  • Bhavani has been a great addition to the ARB. He's productive and persistant in clearing the queues, has stellar attention for details, and is kind and gentle with new developers as they're learning the ropes of Ubuntu packaging. -- allison 2012-09-17 15:50:11

  • Bhavi is ideal role for DMB, i'm very confident when he want to be DMB stuff. As far as i know he always say hello to new contributors, i have talk to new contributor and talking about Bhavani, i'm surprised that a new contributor always know about Bhavani. He is first door to me to talk about ubuntu developent and discuss what can i take and leave it. The other reason is he is very active in sponsoring and ARB, and i think he have enough quality to have DMB role. -- udienz 2025-03-23 05:02:28

Cheers for the community council election

  • Bhavani is one of the most promotive developers in Ubuntu, as he focuses on making Ubuntu development great. He knows of a lot of Ubuntu knowledge and has a great communication with Ubuntu Members and non-members. I'm certain that he will be a great member of the Ubuntu Community Council and will serve the Ubuntu community in a very good way. -- smartboyhw 2013-09-22 12:33:42

  • I first met Bhavani at UDS-Q, in Oakland. Since then, we've had great great communication, and I have seen him contribute through different parts of the community. From giving a session during OpenWeek to packaging and developer stuff, and back to LoCo Council, I think that Bhavani is very dedicated in what he does and has the ability to openly give his opinion when needed. In my opinion, Bhavani would be a great addition to the Community Council, as both an active member and contributor. Keep up the good work, hope to see you around for much longer! -- jose 2013-09-22 14:42:18

  • Bhavani is really an awesome Ubuntu member. He's friendly, cooperative and he is always doing a hard work for our OS and community. He's always been responsive and very active in anything he's been involved with me in the LoCo Council. I fully support his application, and I think the Community Council should be proud to have members like him. -- Costales 2013-09-22 23:31:18

  • Bhavi is a 'one point stop' to know about our community. He worked in almost all parts of the community and to my knowledge, he is one of the best in our community. His involvement and commitment to the responsibilities he takes up is awesome. I know Bhavi from 2008 and I believe that he will add more value to the Community Council as a Core Member. I fully support his application to the Community Council!! I wish you good luck and I know you will gain more experience in the Community as a CC Bhavi. Smile :) -- Mohi

  • I've met Bhavi because I got in the LoCo Council, and from the start I saw in him a great leader and a good partner to work with. He has all the characteristics you will look in someone to put in charge of a team. I totally support his application and hope he get into the Council. Pablo Rubianes


BhavaniShankar (last edited 2013-09-25 02:06:53 by r186-52-147-21)