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Ubuntu-ca Team Meeting in IRC
Held regularly on the fourth Thursday of the month.
8:30pm |
Newfoundland |
8:00pm |
Atlantic |
7:00pm |
Eastern |
6:00pm |
Central |
5:00pm |
Mountain |
4:00pm |
Pacific |
In the IRC channel irc:// Freenode Webchat at
Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal (Optional, but it helps to show activity for our LoCo renewal)
You can register for this [[|IRC Meeting for Ubuntu-ca]] at the
That happy sound is your step
- Regulars say hi. New people introduce themselves.
For a list of all events see the Google Calendar (iCal) and the Ubuntu Canada LoCo Portal.
Ubuntu Hours
Kitchener: 1st Friday of the month, 7:00pm
- Guelph: 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00pm
Ubuntu UserDays, between releases
Ubuntu Developer Summit, about a month before a release
UbuntuDeveloperWeek, about a month before a release
UbuntuGlobalJam, about a month before a release
Release Parties
UbuntuOpenWeek, about a week after a release
UbuntuSDKDays is an online event where a number of app developers and Ubuntu SDK creators will get you started writing apps for Ubuntu on multiple devices.
Ubuntu Touch Core Apps Hackdays, an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on software projects
OpenDataDay, February every year
SoftwareFreedomDay, September every year
UCAday: Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day, 20 November every year
Other stuff
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