
Re-Approval Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat)


The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is a very active group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneous and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future.

Key Details


  • May 26th, 2012 Barcelona. Presentation and Ubuntu install party. [to be confirmed]

  • May 19th and 20th, 2012 Diada del Centre at Caldes de Montbui. Presentation and Ubuntu install party.

  • May 11th and 12th, 2012 - Release party 12.04 - Precise Pangolin Release Party in Terrassa.

  • May 10th, 2012 - 17:30 h Presentation and Ubuntu install party at Centre Cívic de Sant Feliu de Codines.


Mailing Lists

We have two different mailing lists:

  • equip (team): this one is an, open to everybody, organizational purpose list, to help the team manage the daily tasks without messing in the info list.

  • info (technical help): as the description states, is where people ask for help with their Ubuntu problems.


  • With 2959 threads so far.



  • New Drupal-based website:

  • Main communication channel with the community.
  • Map with the community members location and another one with the events locations, linking to its information.

  • Points to forum, mailing lists, irc channel and wiki, to allow new people to know just one only reference point for all the Loco resources.

  • Catalan translation of the site from version 8.10 upwards. Not completed, but improving.

IRC Channel

Fornightly Meetings

  • IRC : We have an online meeting the 1st and 16th of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our meeting's logs for easy reading and consulting.

Catalan Remix ISOs

Every release we present a set of ISOs including Catalan as default language complete with all language packages.


Active artwork team development: LoCo logo, desktop backgrounds, document templates, party announcements, t-shirt designs, sticker designs, pin designs, CD covers... Latest Lucid designs:

You can buy some items at cost price at Cafepress web shop

CatalanTeam/ReapprovalApplication2012 (last edited 2012-04-02 16:02:54 by 62)