
About me

This is Chit Ko Ko Win from Myanmar (Burma) . I start learning redhat Linux in 2010 because of lazy in MS but can't used as well as Ubuntu . After meet with Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team , I migrated to Ubuntu Operating system and I joined with LoCo Team . Reading , Learning and Helping to Team when we go all around the country . Most of the time I spend in community .Later ,I try to help people in facebook group after that I know that they just need localization . That'why I start wrote some articles for our people our language and training Ubuntu at Info Myanmar Computer Services .

Contact Information








Ubuntu Counter




I Love Ubuntu

Smile :) + Big Grin :) = Ubuntu


Recommend via Ubuntu-MM LoCo Team

Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team Core Member. Who is advocated by ubuntu-mm team member.

(./) Ubuntu Event/Class Organizer
(./) Ubuntu Event/Class Volunteer
(./) Ubuntu Event/Class Helper
(./) Ubuntu Event/Class Trainer
(./) Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team Supporter

Who is Core Member of Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team. Likewise, administrator of Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team and supporting the Ubuntu LoCo Teams' Facebook groups and LoCo Teams' movement.

Who is advocate Open-Source and Ubuntu whenever possible. For ease of use, I publish the customize DVD to whom who need it and I publish the Ubuntu Live CDs and ISOs as much as I can. I am also doing the favour for who doesn't know the Ubuntu and hasn't discovered Ubuntu by giving the Ubuntu Live CDs.

We Support
(OK) Barcamp Yangon
(OK) Barcamp Mandalay
(OK) Barcamp Lashio
(OK) Barcamp Loikaw


LoCo Event

Event Physical and Web Chat

Where and When Barcamp at daily most popular topic is "I Love U Ubuntu " and "Work with U Ubuntu "

you can find our Event Photos at here

University Computer Student [City]

  • (./) UCSM - M = Mandalay 1 and 2
    (./) UCSL - L = Lashio UCSL and GTU
    (./) UCSM - M = Monywar GTU

Ubuntu Introducing and Install Fest have done!

Event Photos

you can find me there.

Ubuntu-MM Team Activity Photo


It's example. more interview is can see Press and News Media.

We can't success without this person

(i) Warning: this template is limited access with who approved Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team Core Member

Contribute Event

  • I really love to contributing Ubuntu because of I learned from them who contribute to us.



  1. 1. Barcamp Lashio at Shan State (4,5 Jan 2014)
    • In this event, Ko Ko Ye , Ethan Kurt , Hein Htet and me were explain about Ubuntu Touch , Ubuntu Operating System and RPI . Sharing ebooks and ISO for people who want to use Ubuntu. 10 persons migration Ubuntu OS . 5 persons using Bootable USB stick & 6 persons try to using Ubuntu Touch .

Ubuntu & RPI @ lashio, Shan State

  1. 1. Techcamp
    • In this event, Ko Ko Ye , Ethan Kurt and me were explain about Ubuntu Touch , Ubuntu Operating System and RPI .

ubuntu & RPI

  1. 1. UCSY IT camp at Yangon 24th jan
    • in this event my topic was " What is Ubuntu & Open Source Software ".

What is Ubuntu @ UCSY IT CAMP



  1. 1. Ubuntu Booth at 1st Mobile & Tablet Fair (Tat Ma Taw Convention Hall_Yangon)

. In this event, Ko Ko Ye , Ethan Kurt and me were explain about Ubuntu Touch , Ubuntu Operating System and RPI . Sharing ebooks and ISO for people who want to use Ubuntu. 5 ~ 10 persons try Ubuntu with Bootable USB stick . 30 DVDs . 300 sheets Ubuntu Flyer "what is Ubuntu ? and Who,where migration ubuntu linux".

  • Ubuntu Booth @ TATMATAW convention Hall)

Ubuntu Booth @ TATMATAW convention Hall)
Ubuntu Booth @ TATMATAW convention Hall)


  1. 1. Ubuntu Cornor at MandalaySoft RCPA_Mandalay

    • In this Class, 200 persons attend What is Linux , what is ubuntu ,what is open source,How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free Ubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntustudio/lubuntu/edubuntu/xubuntu 13.10 iso ,Free Ebooks.

1. 1. Ubuntu Cornor at DevConMDY RCPA_Mandalay

  • What is Linux , what is ubuntu ,what is open source,How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free Ubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntustudio/lubuntu/edubuntu/xubuntu 13.10 iso ,Free Ebooks.


  1. 1. Ubuntu Linux + Pi at RCPA_Mandalay (2 days,5-6 october)
    • In this Class, 30 persons attend History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free iso DVD ,Free Ebooks ,free documentation for linux command.

  2. 1. Ubuntu Linux + Pi at RCPA_Monywar (2 days,7-8 october)
    • In this Class, 30 persons attend History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free iso DVD ,Free Ebooks ,free documentation for linux command.

Ubuntu September

  1. 1. Ubuntu Class at IMCS (4 days a week) for 3 months 7th,8th,9th & 10th week

    • In this class , 15 teens to getting started with Ubuntu . History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu .

  2. 1. Linux + Pi at Work4U (2 days a week) for 1 months 3rd & 4nd week

    • In this Class, 30 persons attend History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free iso DVD ,Free Ebooks .

Ubuntu August

  1. 1. Ubuntu Class at IMCS (4 days a week) for 3 months 2nd,3rd,4th,5th & 6th week

    • In this class , 15 teens to getting started with Ubuntu . History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu .
  2. 1. Linux + Pi at Work4U (2 days a week) for 1 months 1st & 2nd week

    • In this Class, 30 persons attend History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi . Free iso DVD ,Free Ebooks .

Ubuntu July

  1. IMCS - Ubuntu Basic Class (A) (B)2 Classes / 2 days (6,7)

    • IMCS - Ubuntu Basic Class (A)(B)


    • In this event , I made documentation for events , helper and trainer .
  2. Ubuntu Corner at Barcamp TU MDY (17, july 2013)



      • In this events we contribute Ubuntu-MM DVD 150 pcs , Ubuntu Myanmar Ebooks and 12 people dual booting with Windows and 1 dual booting with MAC . Also sharing how to use Raspberry Pi .
  3. Ubuntu Class at IMCS (4 days a week) for 3 months 1st week

    • In this class , 15 teens to getting started with Ubuntu . History of Linux , License , How to prepare for installation Ubuntu .

Ubuntu June

  1. Global Wave Company Staff Ubuntu Training

  2. IMCS - Ubuntu Basic Class (A) (B)2 Classes / 6 days (15,16,22,23,29,30)

    • IMCS - Ubuntu Basic Class (A)(B)

    • In this event , I contributed documentation for events , helper and trainer .
  3. Ubuntu Hours THATON (University of Computer THATON)

    • In this event , we contribute 110 DVDs to computer student and I made documentation for events , helper.

Ubuntu May

  1. Mandalay Ubuntu Intermediate Class




    • In this event , I made documentation for events , helper .
  2. Mandalay University of Computer

    • In this event , I made documentation for events , helper.
  3. Net pro Ubuntu Intermediate Class 2 Classes 5 days


    • In this event , I made documentation for events , helper and speaker .

Ubuntu April

  1. Yangon City Development Committee

    • In this event, Ko Ko Ye , Ethan Kurt, ThoHi, Hein Htet @Ho No and me went to there and training Ubuntu OS and apps and how to use . Yangon City Development Committee already changed to Ubuntu OS in April,2013 .

Ubuntu March

  1. Ubuntu Touch events Shan State/Taunggyi


    • In this event, Jouni helminen ,Ko Ko Ye , Sai Maw Khan , Ethan Kurt, ThoHi and me went to there and A lot of people interesting in Ubuntu Touch. I always make documentation for event .

  2. Ubuntu Touch Yangon



    • In this event, Jouni helminen ,Ko Ko Ye , Sai Maw Khan , Ethan Kurt, ThoHi and me went to there and A lot of people interesting in Ubuntu Touch. I always make documentation and help for event .

Ubuntu February

  1. Appexpo Ubuntu Corner

    • In this event , I made documentation for events and organizer .
  2. Interview with Digital Life journal

    • In this event , we explain about our Ubuntu-MM DVD for Myanmar .

Ubuntu January

  1. Conversation with USAID events Yangon State/Yangon


    • In this event , I made documentation for events and organizer .
  2. Barcamp Mandalay


    • In this event , I made documentation for events and speaker at Ubuntu corner (crowded).


Ubuntu December

  1. Training days in unofficial office Ubuntu-MM 1212 (Goodbye 2012)

    • In this event , I made documentation for events , helper and speaker .

Ubuntu July

  1. Interview about Ubuntu-MM Distro with Internet Journals


    • In this event ,We explain about our Ubuntu-MM DVD and which apps can and which fonts can in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu March

  1. Global Jam Yangon day2


    • In this event , I made documentation for events and organizer .

Ubuntu February

  1. Barcamp Mandalay

    • In this event , I made documentation for events and helper .
  2. Edubuntu for government Basic Education High School ( edubuntu or B.E.H.S MYANMAR )


    • In this event , I made documentation for events and helper .
  3. Barcamp Ayeyarwaddy (Pathein)


    • In this event , I made documentation for events and helper .


Ubuntu December

  1. December Ubuntu Hour Mandalay




    • In this events , I am documentation for events. A lot of people coming and we gave them Free DVDs , Sticker and Ubuntu Cheat sheet for everyone. This is event is first in Mandalay and I meet with Htut Myat , Saw Khaing , Lu Gyi Min aka Co Hein and Kaung Khant Min Tun from Mandalay.

Ubuntu November

  1. Burmese Localization , WiKi Translation and why we used Ubuntu?


    • In this events , I am documentation for events. A lot of people coming and we gave them Ubuntu-MM DVD, Sticker and T-shirt .


Life Goals

I want to learn more in Networking, and learn bug fixing and applying patches, also I hope to become an Ubuntu developer in mobile team .

As well as I have a poor knowledge in Linux.

I am an active member and Co Member of our native loco team (Ubuntu-mm).

Future Goal

Become an Ubuntu member.

In our country , millions of people must be know about Ubuntu and I'll write ,share , contribute and train . Help Our team become an re-approved Lo Co team . I 'll help in global and local community to help people when they want to used Ubuntu. Learning Ubuntu customization and Python .


Please place your testimonials below ending with your name. Thanks!

I met Chit Ko Ko Win in Myanmar in March 2013 when I was visiting the country and doing a couple of talks there on Ubuntu Touch. I was very impressed by the work he and the whole Ubuntu-MM team do - they have a space in Yangon where they teach people how to use Ubuntu, they travel around the country holding workshops and lectures on Ubuntu to hundreds and sometimes thousands of people at a time, and they are even talking to the government and council leaders of Yangon about changing their systems to Ubuntu. Chit Ko Ko Win and the rest of the Ubuntu-MM team also does very valuable work on translating Ubuntu and different apps to native Myanmar language, which has been a huge driver in terms of adoption of Ubuntu in Myanmar. He is a great guy, very helpful and kind, and I fully recommend him to be an Ubuntu Member.

Jouni Helminen, Lead Designer, Ubuntu Touch

One of my brother who is enthusiastic in distribution of Ubuntu in Myanmar. First time i met him, he is very welcome. I can't believe they are going around Myanmar and sharing knowledge about Ubuntu. I'm very pround to be friendly with Ko Chit Ko Ko Win....:)

Saw Khaing

Mr. Chit Ko Ko Win ? Who is MyanmarTeam in full-time volunteer, trainer, helper ? also ever-smile guy. who is real love Ubuntu and OSS. testing ubuntu and other Ubuntu Derivative. Future Ubuntu-MM Team Leader, it's must be. Ko Ko Ye

Mr .Chit Ko Ko Win ,we call our bro ,Ko Chit ,is essential for Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team .He is very active member in every community activity and good in sharing his knowledge to others.I support him to become a Ubuntu Member . Htut Myat

Bro Chit Ko Ko Win? He is really nice guy. Very smart at teaching and most active member of Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team. I strongly recommend him to be a member of Ubuntu Community because of his contribution power. He is also be the essential person for MyanmarTeam. You can check how much he support and contribute the Ubuntu on his Web page
Ethan Kurt

Great Man, Always ready to help others. Smile face, Nice body, and what else? I support him!. pyaesone

One of the most active person in Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team. He really love Ubuntu and love to share it. He never rejects our problems. He's our lovely bro. He's our lovely Core Member. I always admire him. Lu Gyi Min

We known each other when we interest in Ubuntu.He is one of most active member in Yangon.When we get shortage of help member in event , he can count on sure help member.When we make free class for Ubuntu , his help is one of big hand. Keep it Chit Chit for Ubuntu in your live. thohi

He is the part of LoCo Team Member. He goes around with LoCo Team and makes a knowledge sharing about Ubuntu. He is one of the Server Specialist on Ubuntu and he also make a Q&A heinhtet

May I write his name in Burmese " ကိုုခ်စ္ကိုုကိုုဝင္း" for my respect to him. I met him at Mandalay Ubuntu Hour. I think that's hour is a meaningful hours. Because I met someone, ChitKoKoWin. He is very kind to help other not only Ubuntu Communities but also outside world of Ubuntu communities. He try to be a good teacher for teaching Ubuntu class. He also came to ours Shan State and share his knowledge to my Shan people. He also descendant from ours Shan race. So he love our people as he love Ubuntu. We love him too.
Sai Mawn Kham

ChitKoKoWin (last edited 2014-01-29 09:05:01 by 103)