
Revision 74 as of 2006-10-26 01:09:02

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Colorado LoCo Team


The Colorado [wiki:LoCoTeams Local Community Team] (aka CoLoCo) advocates the use of Open Source software and Ubuntu Linux in the State of Colorado. This is done through CD Distribution, Team expansion, user-base support, and outreach programs.

The Colorado Local Community Team is not meant to replace our local LUGS but rather enhance their overall experience by having a dedicated place to discuss, contribute, and gain support from local Ubuntu users.

While we were not the first Local Community Team in the USA, we were the first to complete the official process and become fully recognized by the Ubuntu [ Community Council]. We also share a close link with the [wiki:ChicagoTeam Chigaco Team].



[wiki:JoeyStanford Joey Stanford] is the current Team Leader. [wiki:NealMcBurnett Neal McBurnett] helps keep Joey on track.

If you are interested in joining our team please apply on our [ Launchpad page]. All that is required is residency in or near Colorado and a desire to see Ubuntu grow.

Members must sign the Ubuntu [ Code of Conduct]. We encourage members to do this via Launchpad.

What We Do

  • Educate the public about Ubuntu
  • Supply Ubuntu (CDs & CD images)

  • Support Ubuntu Locally
  • Conduct outreach programs via local schools

Community Resources

Team Activities

Team Events


Goals 2006

  • Increase awareness in the community and make our name known.
  • Bring more teachers on board, especially elementary.
  • Further refine, and then document, our outreach program.
  • LUG Talks
  • Develop more relationships like the one Paul Casey has with [ Longmont Free University].


Members of our team





  • 2006 June 02 - Joey, for his boundless enthusiasm, energy, and good humor.
  • 2006 June 01 - Jeffrey Haemer for donating a huge amount of blank CDs to the Dapper Party Burning Session

Smaller Team Logos

Hackergotchi size: attachment:colocohg.jpg

Icon: attachment:colocoico.jpg
