
About me


I'm Brazilian. I was born in Salvador - Bahia, Brazil. I speak Portuguese, English and a little bit of Italian, French. Working with Linux since 1996. I used the Ubuntu , 7.04, 7.10 and now a day my personal's and work's computers are Ubuntu (by the way, I'm a Human bean).

How to contact me online



I work with Linux since my graduation in 1996, Start to teach it (Linux) in a graduation course in 1999; My relationship with Ubuntu started in 2006; Now a day, I work with the my regional team (Bahia), to show how great are this O.S. In 2007 i help to make the FLISOL in Salvador - Bahia, Brazil. At this year the FLISOL are bigger and the Ubuntu Release party will become at the same day (26/04/2008). In 2007 and 2008 i help the Brazilian Ubuntu team at the FISL (Forum International de Software Livre). I'm in Top Contributors

Working On


"Ricardo Cropalato is doing one great job in Ubuntu Brasil Community. Events, IRC, Mailing lists, etc... Cropalato is one great Ubuntu "evangelist", he has my support to become an official member of Ubuntu. Every community should have a member like Cropalato" -- Fábio Nogueira

Cropalato is a very active member in the Ubuntu Brazil community. He helps *a lot* users both in IRC and mainly in events, face-to-face meetings. I fully second his candidacy. -- JonhWendell

I would recommend Cropalato immediately for membership. He is involved with Ubuntu for quite some time, and was always helpful with newbies and educated with the radicals, which can be quite hard to do. -- Alexandre Strube (Surak)

Cropalato is doing a excelent work in the Ubuntu-BR community, disseminating the ubuntu in projects and training events and giving support to new users. Based on his advocacy and complete embrace of the Ubuntu "way of life", I strongly endorse his candidacy to the Ubuntu Team. -- Alexandro Silva (Penguim)

I really like what Cropalato do in Ubuntu translations!! André Gondim

I had the pleasure to meet Cropalato personally during the FISL'07. He helped on our stand during this event, back in April 2007 (and I have been told that did it again this year). He also is an active member on the Ubuntu-br-ba local team, as well as on the national ubuntu-br team on the irc channel, mailing list and on the international, via launchpad. He also are always spreading our philosophy among his students and co-workers on the Bahia university scenario. I fully support him as a ubuntu member! -- Duda Nogueira

Cropalato is a very active member of the Brazilian LoCo, and his translations contributions are remarkable. He helps users on IRC by giving support. On FISL 9.0, where I met him personally, he was always around the Ubuntu stand and gave a talk in the Ubuntu-BR community event. -- RafaelProenca

Cropalato helps a lot the Ubuntu Brazilian Community. Is very active online and offline, on events and spreading Ubuntu. Also helps a lot on translations... -- Andre Noel

Cropalato is a constant presence on #ubuntu-br IRC channel, always helping and encouraging new users. He also plays an important role in community events, so he has my support to become an Ubuntu member. -- Rafael Sfair

Cropalato (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:48 by localhost)