The Ubuntu IRC Council would like to ensure that even those channels which are not directly managed by it meet some basic requirements in order to

To achieve these goals, the IRC Council asks the operators of all the publicly accessible Ubuntu channels to

The IRC Council also strongly encourages channels to list Libera Chat staff (*!*@libera/staff/*) as operators, who can act in emergencies, and also suggests that the UbuntuIrcCouncil nickname is listed as an operator. E.g.:

/msg chanserv FLAGS #ubuntu-foo *!*@libera/staff/* +votiA
/msg chanserv FLAGS #ubuntu-foo UbuntuIRCCouncil +votiA

(Where #ubuntu-foo is your IRC channel.)

Some specific IRC channels must be available for providing public end-user support. These include LoCoTeam channels (named according to the channel naming conventions), unless there are arrangements in place between such a channel and another designated support channel speaking the same language. End-user support will co-exist with other uses of the channel, although LoCo operators can elect to use secondary channels for other matters than support.

Finally, the IRC Council would like to invite channel contacts (as well as operators) to partecipate in building a closer communication and knowledge exchange network. Language barrier, and simply group/team/channel barriers in geneal, can negatively affect the IRC medium, limiting its communicative power.

We wish to respect boundaries, but break barriers.

We encourage channel operators, including and especially those who are not part of the Ubuntu IRC Team, to get in contact with each other and the IRC Council, and to that purpose we propose to use the channel #ubuntu-irc, which is open to non-English speakers as well.

While using English is preferred whenever it can be used, as it generally makes communication possible among larger groups of people, we want to create a bridge that those who don't speak English can cross. Bilingual members from the IRC Team are volunteering to help with this, and what follows is a list of people you can try contacting (about this document and everything that its contents touch) if English is not an option:

If you are a bilingual channel operators and would like to help, please add your name and language to the above list. Thanks!


IRC/IrcCouncil/Coordination (last edited 2021-09-05 20:38:16 by examknow)