
I am an Australian residing in Finland. I started my Ubuntu experience with Edgy and proceeded to get more and more involved. (Long may it continue). I moved to Kubuntu with feisty and havent looked back. I am Windows free and use Linux exclusively.

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~jussi01

IRC(freenode): jussi, jussi01

Email: jussi01 (at) ubuntu (dot) com

Ubuntuforums: jussi01

Ubuntu Member


The Future

I plan to continue the work within IRC, and within Kubuntu, wherever I can be helpful. I enjoy communication in various forms and that is my focus. I am also somewhat active with the KDE promo team helping in items there.

Opinions and Testimonials (IRC Council Nomination)

Opinions and Testimonials (Kubuntu Council Nomination)


JussiSchultink (last edited 2012-06-04 11:54:35 by cs84021)