This is a single, jump off point for all questions about how the Kernel Team deals with LaunchPad bugs.
For an introduction to Triage we recommend you start by reading Kernel/BugTriage/Process:
For additional information see:
Frequently Asked Questions about kernel bug processing. |
What Kernel bug triage is all about. |
How the Kernel Team interprets a bugs status. |
How the various levels of triage are defined and how they are performed |
How tags are used within Kernel bugs, Level-2 triage tags and searches |
The information to collect for specific bug types. |
Standard responses to put on bugs for various circumstances |
Debugging hints for various common scenarios |
Date of the next Bug Day and what it will be focused on. |
Kernel/BugTriage (last edited 2012-06-19 00:49:02 by 210-185-64-102)