
A meeting about issues relating to the Mozilla Team, in this meeting we discussed more on the crash report policy, producing some sort of bug statistics page, the wiki restructure, working with other teams; especially looking at developing upstream relationships and also ties with the AccessibilityTeam, we also defined a new member addition process.

Team Page:
Meeting Log(s):
Meeting Chair: JohnVivirito
Meeting Minutes by: AlexLatchford


The following were present during this meeting:

Members Present

Others Present

Agenda Items

The following agendas were proposed for this meeting:



The following is a break down of the entire meeting by agenda items.

Review last minutes

Presented by: JohnVivirito

Outcome: "Approved"

Thunderbird Debugging Symbols

Thunderbird is in desperate need of a debugging symbols package, we are getting reports we can do nothing about as there is no symbols, progress made in Feisty, but needs more info.

[20:17] <AlexLatchford> So asac to call pitti about tb debug package

Outcome: "AlexanderSack to contact MartinPitt about availability of package."

Debugging symbols auto-installation

When a bug report is filed it should detect that the debugging symbols are not installed and should prompt the user to install them. This currently doesn't happen so we are left with lots of useless reports.

[20:35]<AlexLatchford> hmm ok, so asac can you talk to pitti about the tb debugging symbols and about adding in debugging symbol auto detection system also?
<asac> yes I will try to figure out what the idea is and what can be done.

Outcome: "AlexanderSack to talk to MartinPitt about this feature."

Bug Stats

Presented by: AlexLatchford

We should keep statistics on the number of bugs we have open and such to track progress as we continue to work. The general consensus was that it was useful, but only if it doesn't divert time from other places.

[20:39] <gnomefreak> i say if someone has time to do it do it but other wise we have more pressing issues IMHO

Outcome: "Approved if time permits"

Wiki restructure report

Presented by: AlexLatchford & FreddyMartinez

In the last meeting it was discussed that the wiki needs restructuring, it seems to have made good progress but still has a fair amount of work, please see MozillaTeam/Todo.

Outcome: "Good Progress Annouced"

Crash report diagnosis page

It came out of the meeting that a major problem with a lot of people is trying to successfully read crash reports, a wiki page that outlines this needs to be written so that triagers know exactly what the appropriate actions are for certains types of crash.

[21:06] <gnomefreak> we really nee da wiki on how to read crash reports

Outcome: "Approved"

Contacts List(Tag List)

Presented by: AlexLatchford

When you have a bug you wish to get fixed and are unsure where to turn, a contact list of people you can assign/subscribe people to would be useful, upon consultation it was discussed that a tag list would be most appropriate for this, setting out tags for common issues, (Flash, User Interface etc.), this way we can tag problem areas and move from there.

[21:03] <AlexLatchford> ok so Freddy to start balling rolling on tagging list for bugs

Outcome: "Approved"

Working with other teams

Presented by: JohnVivirito

We need to develop relationships with key upstream developers, it came out of the meeting that we need to try to find more contacts to work with in order to maximise the efficiency of the team. A key relationship is with Adobe trying to fix issues with their Flash Plugin.

Outcome: "Approved/Denied"


Presented by: HenrikOmma

HenrikOmma came along to make us aware of the Orca Screen reader project and the problems it is facing with Mozilla Applications, he wished to draw our attentions to common problems experienced by Ocra readers and how we should deal with it.

[21:12] <AlexLatchford> aha ok, well maybe a wiki page explaining the more common accessibility issues?
 ones that triagers may come across
<asac> maybe start tagging them accessible :)
<AlexLatchford> well we will have a chat about this on the mailing list, try to get up a wiki page outlining common issues for triagers to look out for and maybe setup an accessibility tag also

Outcome: "Approved"

Membership council

Presented by: DavidFarning

Proposal to structure the entrance of new members into the team, they must be approved by 2 of the 4 member council, initial positions are to be held by DavidFarning, JohnVivirito, FreddyMartinez and AlexLatchford

<AlexLatchford> Well are we going to set one up?
<Admiral_Chicago> we have John, David, you and I on it

Outcome: "Approved"

New member education plan / Member addition policy

Presented by: FreddyMartinez

Proposal to mentor potential members through a series of tasks to make sure they know how to deal with common issues, such as crash reports, flash issues etc. It is mandatory if they are a relatively new triager they pass this before being approved by the new Mozilla Team Council.

<Admiral_Chicago> I would like our team to be open where if someone wants to help, they find a place. i have not seen that in some other teams.
<Admiral_Chicago> gnomefreak: in that case, we email them and ask them to come and meet with us.
<Admiral_Chicago> we show them around and if they do good work, at the next meeting (or whenever), we can vote on them
 per david's suggestion
<gnomefreak> ok with the new members and the tags can we write up a quick wiki on that mainly an outline and when we get to it we will add tags ect...

Outcome: "Approved"

Mozilla Sunbird packaged into universe

Presented by: EmilioPozuelo

Emilio inquired about getting Mozilla Sunbird included into the Ubuntu repositories, we decided that due to it being at 0.3 it was not quite ready yet to be sent for approval, however maybe in Feisty+1 if it has matured.

<AlexLatchford> I believe that Sunbird should be packaged for Ubuntu, but not for Feisty, maybe Feisty+1 if its ready
<asac> its not stable in terms on what you want in the release
<gnomefreak> pochu: lets see what mozilla does first

Outcome: "Denied"

Any other business

Presented by: JohnVivirito

Outcome: "None"


Pretty darn successful meeting, discussed a number of key issues, set out plans for new member acceptance procedures, the whole crash report status seems to be getting clearer now, we set out plans for helping out the AccessibilityTeam and also started the ball rolling on key bug triaging ideas as well as discussing how to successfully help upstream.


MozillaTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2007-02-05 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:09 by localhost)