
Revision 66 as of 2010-04-18 19:37:59

Clear message Name: Pablo Rubianes Location: Montevideo, Uruguay Email: <> Launchpad Profile: Pablo Rubianes IRC: PabloRubianes at Freenode Twitter: @pablorubianes @pablorubianes

Ubuntu Ubuntu Forums Profile: Pablorubianes GitHub: prubianes

Ubuntu Current Ubuntu: Ubuntu 15.04

About Me

I am from Montevideo Uruguay, I am a computer engineering student and I am part of the Uruguayan Ubuntu Community. I started using GNU/Linux with Knopix in a high school course, and after trying openSuse and Fedora I am using Ubuntu since Hardy Heron, and recently I have become Ubuntu Member. Now I am using Lucid Lynx.

My Goals

  • Help Ubuntu Uruguay becoming an Official LoCo Group.

  • Provide equal opportunities for Spanish speakers in the Ubuntu community.
  • Contribute in the development of Ubuntu.
  • Develop software for GNU/Linux Operating Systems.

Team member of

Ubuntu community contributions

Ubuntu Uruguay LoCo Team Community Council Member

  • I got elected to be part of the 5 member Uruguayan Community Council. Link

Ubuntu Admin of Ubuntu Uruguay LoCo Team Site

  • I take care of every aspect of the site as my main responsability is to keep an eye on the comments to prevent any ofensive remarks and put the posts in the right place as we have our local Forum on our site.

Ubuntu Admin of Ubuntu Montevideo part of Ubuntu Uruguay

  • This is a site part of the Uruguayan LoCo that is in charge of promoting Ubuntu in my department (State). Nowadays I am the only writer for this site, but my intention is to have more people writing for it.

Ubuntu Code Of Conduct Signed

Ubuntu Creation of Ubuntu Tutorials at Ubuntu Uruguay and Ubuntu Montevideo

Ubuntu Organization for the Ubuntu User Days (Spanish Edition) with DiegoTurcios

Ubuntu Restructure of the Official Ubuntu Uruguay wiki

  • Our team used to have our wiki in another URL, I created the actual Official wiki from scratch, as I have redone every page from the old wiki to the new one and created new pages to file everything our LoCo does.

Ubuntu Solved questions at Launchpad about Ubuntu Answers

  • On the 08/DEC/2009 I got into the Ubuntu Answer Tracker Top Contributors list on Launchpad Link

Ubuntu Translations at Launchpad in Ubuntu and Package Descriptions for Ubuntu Translations

Ubuntu Bug registed by me on Launchpad

Ubuntu Work on the Ubuntu Uruguay - Estado Libre project

  • This project aims at promoting the use of Ubuntu in the public administration of Uruguay. We sent a letter to The Parliament, The President and every political party with parliamentary representation. Letter

Ubuntu Owner of the Uruguayan LoCo Team Council and Ubuntu Montevideo Users Teams at Launchpad

  • This is because of my responsabilities with my LoCo

Ubuntu Creator of the Ubuntu Montevideo Logo

Ubuntu Work done on Ubuntu Community Documentation:

Ubuntu Talks I gave:

Ubuntu I am starting to give Ubuntu Basic Talks on ##Learners channel on Freenode

Ubuntu On the Ubuntu Beginners Team I am tutoring Asterismo in order to help him join the team. Ubuntu And I am temporary IRC FG Lead in Ubuntu Beginners Team I am sharing this job with Swoody


I was Pablo's mentor in the Beginners Team membership process. This means I spent a lot of time with him and got to know him very well. I found him to be one of the nicest and most genuine people I had ever met. Someone who was guided by a strong Moral Compass. He was eager to learn, help other people, and embodies everything the Code of Conduct teaches us. Never frustrated and always positive I believe he embodies characteristics that we want in all Ubuntu Members. His work to provide opportunities in the community for Spanish speakers has always impressed me. Whenever he hears of an event or a something going on in the community he asks 'is there a Spanish version'. When the answer is no, too often it is, he quickly organizes a sister event in Spanish that in the end rivals the original in size and quality. I whole heartedly endorse Pablo Rubianes for Ubuntu Membership. - duanedesign

Hello I´m magu42, an enthusiast for free software,I know Pablo Rubianes from the last year, in and #ubuntu-uy, helping people all nights in the IRC, and posting in the community blog. Also I saw him organizing events about Ubuntu in the web, when he found events in English he make the same in Spanish, that is so useful in Latinamerica because not all people here speak English, for those things I think he must be an Ubuntu member, to continue helping us. magu42

Pablo Rubianes has been a great contributor to the Uruguay community, he is and active part of the organization of the community as he works on the web site, the IRC channel and the Community Council. He's also been involve in the organization of the Ubuntu Users Days spanish version, he is always willing to help and support free software, that's why I endose Pablo Rubianes for Ubuntu Membership. Sofía Vitale

Pablo with other members had been a fundamental for the growing of our community in Uruguay. Without his active participation we weren't at the state we are and with the posibility of growing we have now. For the onces that we've been from the beginning of our LoCo is a pleasure to have members as actives as he, who is also doing admin of the web site. All in all he will be an excelent Ubuntu member as he has been an excelent Uruguay LoCo member. Julio D. Gianola


Acerca de mi

Soy de Montevideo Uruguay, estudio Ingenieria de Sistemas y soy parte de la Grupo de usuarios Ubuntu del Uruguay. Empece a usar GNU/Linux con Knopix en un curso del Liceo, y luego de probar openSuse y Fedora estoy con Ubuntu desde la versión Hardy Heron hasta el día de hoy con Karmic Koala.

Mis Metas

  • Convertirme en Ubuntu Member.
  • Ayudar a Ubuntu Uruguay a ser un grupo LoCo oficial.

  • Tratar de dar las mismas oportunidades que tienen los que hablan ingles a los que hablan español en la comunidad Ubuntu.
  • Contribuir en el desarrollo de Ubuntu.
  • Desarrollar software para sistemas operativos GNU/Linux.

Equipos a los que pertenezco

Contribuciones a Ubuntu

Ubuntu Administrador de Ubuntu Uruguay

Ubuntu Administrador de Ubuntu Montevideo comunidad parte de Ubuntu Uruguay

Ubuntu Miembro del Consejo Comunitario del LoCo Team Uruguayo

Ubuntu Código de conducta firmado Codigo de conducta firmando

Ubuntu Creación de Tutoriales para Ubuntu en Ubuntu Montevideo

Ubuntu Organización del (Día del Usuario Ubuntu) junto a DiegoTurcios

Ubuntu Restructura del Wiki oficial de Ubuntu Uruguay

Ubuntu Preguntas respondidas en Launchpad acerca de Ubuntu Respuestas

Ubuntu Traducciones en Lauchpad para Ubuntu y Descripción de paquetes para Ubuntu Traducciones

Ubuntu Trabaje en el proyecto Estado Libre de Ubuntu Uruguay

Ubuntu Creador de los grupos: Consejo Comunitario del LoCo Team Uruguayo y del Grupo Ubuntu Montevideo en Launchpad

Ubuntu Creador del Logo de Ubuntu Montevideo

Ubuntu Trabajos en Documentación Comunitaria de Ubuntu:

Ubuntu Charlas


Pablo Rubianes es un gran colaborador de la comunidad de Ubuntu, participa y organiza activamente la Comunidad Ubuntu Uruguay, participa activamente en el sitio de Ubuntu Uruguay, en el IRC, y es parte del consejo comunitario de Ubuntu Uruguay; también ha organizado varios eventos como el Día del Usuario Ubuntu en español; siempre está dispuesto a ayudar y colaborar con el desarrollo del software libre; por esto recomiendo a Pablo como miembro de la comunidad de Ubuntu. Sofía Vitale

Pablo ha sido un pilar fundamental, junto a otros companeros, para el crecimiento y la consolidacion del grupo y sitio Ubuntu Uruguay. Sin su activa participacion no estariamos hoy en el lugar donde estamos y con las posibilidades de crecimiento que tenemos. Para quienes hemos estado desde el inicio en este Ubuntu Uruguay es un placer contar con integrantes activos e inquietos como el, que ademas ahora tambien cumple funciones de administrador en el sitio. En definitiva seria un excelente miembro para Ubuntu asi como lo ha sido, y esperamos lo siga siendo para nuestra comunidad. Julio D. Gianola

Este wiki esta escrito en Español e Ingles \ This wiki is written in Spanish and English
