December 2010 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Americas Regional Membership Board
The approval results from the December 17th Americas Membership meeting are as follows:
Jason Gerard DeRose ( |
Community Council
Developer Membership Board
EMEA Regional Membership Board
Forum Council
IRC Council
- Team Report
- New ops appointed for #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-ops, mentors assigned
- IRCC nominees list sent to CC
Shell Policy draft done (yet unapproved)
- Liased with freenode about ways to improve the network (continuing work)
- Meeting minutes
December 11, 2010 (Full log)
- Volunteering for duties and time management within the IRCC
- Brief discussion on delegation
- Ubuntu IRC Council not responsible for all core channels
- ACTION: jussi and Pici to draft proposal for inter-council co-operation to maintain project channels
- Give ubottu editing privileges to all who are operators in a core channel
- Decided by vote to give all ops in core channels editing rights, with the exception of those on probation
- Add information on the recent increase of spam and that it should be ignored by users, to the #ubuntu topic
- Decided by vote to add "ignore spam" info to #ubuntu topic
- ACTION: Pici to add
LoCo Council
Technical Board
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
Xubuntu team report for December, 2010
Bug Triage
- Still squashing bugs. This will be an on-going process.
Packaging, Development, & Testing
- Added new versions of xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-appfinder, xfwm4, ristretto, xfce4-dev-tools and xfce4-volumed.
- Tested and released the Natty Wharhal Alpha1 images.
- There are no alpha1 images for Powerpc and PS3 users.
Website & Marketing
Xubuntu needs a Marketing Lead. Contact us per if interested or email
- We still need a good plymouth theme.
- We have drawn up artwork specs for Xubuntu wallpaper, and any input is welcomed.
- ochosi is working on updating the faenza icon theme to include all icons.
- ochosi is updating the bluebird theme to create greybird for possible inclusion in Natty Narwhal.
Feel free to check it out @ > greybird.
Xubuntu needs an Artwork Lead. Contact us per if interested or email
- We are striving to get more users to blog about Xubuntu. We would like to get word out of the changes being made, as well as new releases.
- The Xubuntu Community holds a regular meeting on Thursday at 19:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Minutes and Logs from the meetings are available at
- A community meeting was held on 2010-12-02.
Xubuntu needs to nominate and vote for a permanent Project Lead. Nominations are explained in
Xubuntu needs a Documentation Lead. Contact us per if interested or email
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
Asturian Team
3 December - 1Help=1Coffee & μCourses. Picture.
Australian Team
December Meeting - Regular Team Meeting held 14th December, chaired by Jared Norris (head_victim) and attended by - 13 team members.
Team Artwork - a new Project page was created to compile a source of artwork for the Ubuntu-AU community to use for Ubuntu publicity.
New Team Wiki Header - a revamp of the team wiki header to incorporate the new theme better.
LCA 2011 - Brisbane - continuing organisational efforts for Linux.Conf.AU 2011 in Brisbane next January - just waiting for approval on the ShipIt order!
Belgian Team
December 12th: booth at computer fair in Mechelen
Weekly IRC meetings for coordination on December 2nd, 9th and 16th in #ubuntu-be
Cameroonian Team
1st December 2010.Release of Aventure Libre #4
11 December 2010. Maverick Meerkat , install party at Yaounde
17 December 2010. Maverick Meerkat , install party at Ngaoundere during a week called Un Jour, une thématique
Canadian Team
Catalan Team
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Danish Team
Ecuador Team
French Team
- December 6th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- December 13th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- December 14th : Meeting Ubuntu Party to organize the education oriented day.
- December 17th : Pause Ubuntu in Paris, an Ubuntu Hour like
- December 20th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
December 22th : IRC meeting in #ubuntu-fr-meeting channel on Freenode for starting the Ubuntu Party in Paris organization. minutes
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Thanks to the understanding and immediate action of the current domain holder and our team's member, points straight to our homepage
- Addition of Calendar in our homepage to facilitate at-a-glance communication of various upcoming events.
- Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους! / Merry Christmas everyone!
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
- The number of registered users on has almost reached 20000 (the 20000th user registered on 3rd January).
We had our monthly IRC meeting on the first Thursday of the month as usual:
We regularly updated our loco site with the latest news:
- We did various translation-related tasks
Ubuntu Ireland
Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 15th December 2010.
Some members of our LoCo gave a hand running a Christmas quiz this month. Four other members of our LoCo took part in the quiz and came third. Well done to those fantastic four. A write-up of the happenings at the quiz can be found here and some photos of the event can be found here
Some members of our community have formed the Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Podcast crew. Planning is underway for the podcast. The first recording is due to take place on the 19th Jan (directly after the monthly IRC meeting). The podcast team can be contacted by email ubuntuiepods-AT-gmail-DOT-com or on Twitter @ubuntuiepods.
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
Korean Team
Nicaraguan Team
- 05 Dec:
Recording of POSOL episode 18 by Team POSOL (Leandro Gomez, Jose Ernesto Davila, Norman Garcia and Marcelo Gutierrez).
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
South African Ubuntu team
Swedish Team
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
- Just a how to :p « TunisianTeam/TeamReports/10/December » .
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
Podcasts Long May It Wave and Departure of a Grand Old Man released
Christmas party held at the Hub
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
Team Meetings
Ubuntu Hours
Other Events
Dec 4th Holiday Peace Faire, San Jose/Campbell
Other projects
Launched SCaLE9x planning and received promo code for team
- Website
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
- Held our regular monthly meeting on 2010-12-06
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Please Update with Details for December 2010
Iowa Team
New York State Team
- * 20101218 12pm - 4pm
- Linux Hands on Workshop with Interlock Rochester
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
- Preparing to test accessibility of Natty, but the first alphas do not have accessible Unity
- Persona work continues, but not quite as fast as planned
- Triaged over 100 bugs this month.
- Installation of Natty Narwhal using screen-reader is now working, although it won't start automatically after completing the installation.
Thanks to jcastro, we have a page to track all the new and old shortcuts in Natty and Unity -
Ubuntu Beginners Team
Ubuntu Classroom Team
Announced the next Ubuntu User Days Event for Jan 29-30 2011 and started recruiting instructors
15 Dec: Basics of Bug Triaging by devildante
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women
Team meeting December 8th
Full Circle Magazine, Issue #44 article "Ubuntu Women Project in Italy" by Flavia Weisghizzi and Silvia Bindelli
- Of the 630 Ubuntu Members at the end of this month 5.08% are women (31 December 2010)