

Session Notes


 * Feedback whether Rosetta is really useful for Kubuntu

 * Different Translation guidelines between KDE and Gnome
  * Translations in GNOME that diverge from upstream are analysed by the ubuntu translators that are reviewer and only accepted as official if appropriated. This doesn't work for KDE?
    * Is there any co-ordination between KDE upstream and translation teams to allow such issues to be resolved?
     * Not in Brazil, but we should, or kubuntu-translators should be a separated team with their own reviewers.
 * QA'ing language packs:
   * Comparing imported language packs and exported language packs (Danilo, David)
   * This will reveal whether there are many translation teams differing from upstreams in terms of translated strings

 * kde-l10n-xx should be installed in karmic by default by language-selector (see "pkg_depends" file in source)


Translations/Events/UDS/Lucid/KubuntuTranslationsFeedback (last edited 2009-11-24 16:54:04 by 212)