Revision 21 as of 2012-02-01 17:05:07
Clear message
The next translations meeting will be on 2012-02-01
Review of last meeting's actions (DavidPlanella)
- Andrej to follow up with the Wine developers on them using Launchpad for translators.
Gabor to review the NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline page, add any missing packages and take care of the exports when the time comes
- David to send an e-mail to the docs team about how to best localize images
- Kenneth to investigate the iCal structure from the language pack calendar feed and report on the next meeting if it's feasible/worth it to split the main feed and merge the resulting feeds into other calendars
Turned out not to be so difficult, so I was able to make a quick script for it. The code lives in:
Upcoming deadlines in the release schedule (DavidPlanella)
Automated notifications of disabled langpack builds (DavidPlanella)
- ...