
Differences between revisions 2 and 57 (spanning 55 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2012-03-20 13:19:47
Size: 919
Editor: bas4-windsor12-1279315405
Revision 57 as of 2016-06-08 10:40:03
Size: 17364
Editor: localhost
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:35%; background:#F1F1DD; margin: 2.5em 0 1em 1em; border: none; border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;" style="margin: 0; padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents(6)>>||
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'''Hi all''', ventrical here. Just dropping in to say I got a few things started in the topics menus. The wiki-testers site is beginning to shape up. I also see that effenberg is still formulating template designs and editing in other content matter that concerns the administrative and goal aspects of the wiki. Great stuff effenberg!!. If anyone sees something I wrote that needs editing or grammar - go ahead and work on it ! I got a lot of great ideas and intend to spend more time here but I often get called away on service calls - but I'll be around as much as I can. == 8th June 2016 ==
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Have a great day and drop in and leave a note! ps .. I know this may not be the right tree to put this in .. but just for now .. perhaps I'll put in a 'log-chat section.   Unity8 development is full speed ahead. Testing has been slow so far in the forums but the mailing.list shows lots of activity with Mark at the helm, ever tireless with his input and enthusiasms.
Line 9: Line 9:
  Looks like effenberg has given us a lot of space to brainstorm in :)   There has been major changes to wiki editing priviledges because of spammers. It has become very frustrating and many wiki editors who belonged to the ethernet.pad.instance have been excluded out as Canonical IS and other community teams construct a new team to handle this problem. I had offered up U+1 as a staging area to temporarily validate wiki editors that are know to the forums community but I have not yet received a reply from popey.
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regards, ventrical == 18th May 2016 ==

  I have sent out several e-mails to members via launchpad users list option. I am trying to determine how many members are active. There was a spam episode in that users were trying to log on and use the ethernet.instance as a back door to deface and alter wiki help pages. Apparently Canonical IS is working on resolving this problem. Users who are not active or are not contributing are given a 90 day notice, If they wish to stay on longer they can e-mail me and I will gladly increase their access time. As always , to those working diligently behind the scenes, I extend my thanks and kind regards for your efforts.

  We are currently in yakkety yak cycle 16.10 and Mark Shuttleworth and his team are ambitiously working on making the unity8 desktop a viable reality, hopefully by the end of this cycle with the possibility of a ubuntu_personal.img mini.iso. Lots of heavy lifting ahead.

== 7th Dec 2015 ==

  I have been busy as of late .. from one job to the next , one task to the other. Just when I find time to contribute to the wiki I always seem to be called away :( If the wiki is lagging behind a bit it is for the above reasons, However, when I do get time I always find some content to add.

== 5th Dec 2015 ==

  All quiet on the development front. The xenial rolling release in working very well, even with proposed repos on.

== 27th Nov 2015 ==

  Things are rolling along. It has been a while since last entry. Where have all the bloggers gone ? :)

  Snappy Personal Image still remains static with no image updates (at least as I can find).

== 31st October 2015 ==

''' Thanks to all who replied to the roll call. U+1 is alive and well.

  We are now into the xenial xerus cycle ( I dare you to say that 5 times real fast ) :)

  This cycle looks to hold promise for breakage , new tools, new desktops (snappy personal) and a few surprises. great ! That's what we testers look forward to.:) '''

== 8th October 2015 ==

''' I was renewed as an Administrator of U+1 testing team by cariboo. Thanks cariboo.

I sent out a test mail to the mailing list. Some people replied back. I apologize if I did not get back to everyone. The basic message I am trying to convey is that the team needs individuals with Moin Moin experience to keep adding links to the Library section and the Instructional Development Section. The idea is to be as current with all the aspects of Ubuntu Development Version testing and keep it updated as fresh as a newly picked bundle of carrots!:) So all are welcome to contribute. '''

== 25 Sept 2015 ==

''' Team Captain dropping in here just to make mention that I am dropping in.:) There has been lots of development with snappy, convergence and other aspects of unity8. I am still trying to recruit others who have a little experience with Moin Moin to help out with the wiki. '''

== 8 Sept 2015 ==

''' I have been busy with real time work throughout the summer and have not had much quality time to spend on the blog or other aspects of this particular wiki although I am actively testing several current wily installs across a variety of form factors. The U+1 wiki has gone through some changes and I feel that we are ready to handle the next cycle of XX (16.04) which will most likely roll into serious convergence and hot development of snappy. All those who contributed to re-structuring the Ubuntu Development Version wiki .. thanks BIG time. I am still hopeful that the KB and library can grow and that others will get involved with some ideas and contributions. Special thanks to grahammechanical, slickymaster, elfy , effenberg and of course Cariboo. '''

== 17 August 2015 ==

''' It has been a while since I have updated the blog. There has not been much to report. There was some discussion on ubuntuforums about snappy development but it went rather silent running. There do not appear to be any super bugs and it has been very quiet. Personally all of my updates on the flavours I test have gone extremely well.

 Certainly the slow activity is due to the 'dog days of summer' in the North Americas and is bound to pick up soon. The increase in activity may come up like a tsunami so I plan to be ready :) '''

== 7 July 2015 ==

''' Adding some instructional links in Instructional Development section. '''

== 6 July 2015 ==

''' Activity is low in the forums. Mid Summer approaches. Waiting for snappy. '''

== 19 June 2015 ==

''' Very quiet in the forums. End of school in North America. Waiting for some movement on snappy-personal. No real show stoppers in development cycle. '''

== 9 June 2015 ==

''' Began the process of populating the Ubuntu Forums portal with current development links.'''

== 2 June 2015 ==

''' Reading a lot of material about Mir, unity-system-compositor, ubuntu-desktop-next and unity8. In the convention of Mir it appears that the concept is dead, especially with unity8 and desktop-next (although there are daily desktop-next builds being put out.However mir and snappy may be the new news that is comming down the pipe. This is a wait an see situation as we have no working snappy .iso yet. '''

== 2 June 2015 ==

''' A lot of work is being done in the library section of the wiki. It seems that some team members have found a way to keep things current and up-to-date. This is important as there are several hundreds of outdated and unkept wikis on a variety of subjects. Even many wikis have not been kept current. We have to be careful about sending newcomers to deprecated wikis.! '''

== 29 May 2015 ==

''' The 'Deployed' subject header in the wiki navbar will be changed to Instructional Development.The current data there is not current and covered in other areas.'''

== 29 May 2015 ==

'''There is a good discussion going on at called Crossroads by zika. He has brought up the topic of how to help newcomers make a transition from one cycle to the next - specifically how to instruct the configuration of the sources.list and directories. A link was pointed to that Cariboo has covered a lot of ground in this area but perhaps there needs to be more visibility and discussion on these items, especially in light of new 'snappy' and convergence.'''

== 16 May 2015 ==

'''Team Reports section has been changed to Ubuntu Forums.'''

== 16 May 2015 ==

''' The library section is looking very good. Thanks grahammechanical and slicky master. (-- [[LaunchpadHome:dale-f-beaudoin]] <<DateTime(2015-05-16T11:47:02Z)>>)

== 13 May 2015 ==

''' Elfy gave me some good pointers about links and being more specific at pad.ubuntu. slickmaster has begun adding links to the library. Some topic headers from the NavBar have been removed and other content has been parsed out. (-- [[LaunchpadHome:dale-f-beaudoin]] <<DateTime(2015-05-13T17:56:55Z)>>)

== 11 May 2015 ==

''' Effenberg had changed my status from 'approved' to 'administrator'. Thank you effenberg and all. I have been trying to keep the wiki info updated as best as possible. I have also created a devel-testers-wiki as a sort of back up with other instructional development formats to be forthcoming. Ubuntu Development Version is still an active subforum and the team is still functional and input has been great. Things have slowed down during the last cycle of Vivid Vervet but that may have to do with the fact that there was not much breakage with the exception of systemD and the usual nVidia proprietary graphics drivers. Where help is needed is with updating certain parts of *this* wiki and all the different subsets that are outdated. They need updating , parsing , concactating and truncation :)

== 17 October 2014 ==

''' A poll held at ubuntuforums was closed and the title of the discussion was changed to U+1 Discussion. U+1 member and founder , effenberg, is assumed U+1 team leader until end of next cycle. Housekeeping of all aspects of the wiki are in progress. '''

== 14 October 2014 ==

 Effenberg, team Captain is back.
 Tester wiki data was updated to Utopic in May, 2014

 * Updated the tester wiki to current development cycle , Trusty Tahr. (-- [[LaunchpadHome:dale-f-beaudoin]] <<DateTime(2014-02-28T00:45:57Z)>>)

 * Removed sub-topics under 'Install Settings' as all of those topics are discussed in the link provided.-- [[LaunchpadHome:twocamels]] <<DateTime(2012-12-20T15:08:50Z)>>

== 05 November 2012 ==
 * I have gradually made the transition in the testers-wiki from Quantal Quetzel to Raring Ringtail and have added some minimal content. (-- [[LaunchpadHome:twocamels]] <<DateTime(2012-11-05T15:11:27Z)>>)

== 15 April 2012 ==
 * Since I got involved in ISO testing I have become confused as to which test cases I should be running against which ISO images. I found it especially confusing due to the number of ISO images available for all flavours of Ubuntu. I decided to produce some kind of breakdown of the test cases. I have not finished but you can get some idea of what I am trying achieve here -- [[|Breakdown of test cases]] -- [[LaunchpadHome:grahammechanical]] <<DateTime(2012-04-15T23:15:07z)>>

== 14 April 2012 ==
 * Iv'e been busy building systems and working in the field. In between I have been trying to test the daily build using zsync <time permitting>. Just noticed how well Precise works with Dell Dimension 3100, a 6 year old PC . Seems like they were made for each other. I haven't put up any context as of late. I'll be around. (-- [[LaunchpadHome:twocamels]] <<DateTime(2012-04-15T01:08:06Z)>>)

 * We had a problem with the Wiki Top NavBar, in which it displayed wrapped text depending on the browser (tested on IE/Firefox/Chromium). I have changed it's code and it looks like it's fixed. -- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:55:14-0300)>>
 * I'm reviewing text formatting, specially CSS text-align:justify in mostly all areas, to give pages a more professional look, despite MoinMoin limitations. -- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:55:14-0300)>>
 * I think we should add the tutorials (2 iso-testing, 1 rc-testing, 1 VirtualBox) to the Wiki or FAQ areas. It looks more like wiki IMO. -- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:55:14-0300)>>
 * Our MeetBot is running in test mode, fully functional, for 48 hours. A couple more days and I'll upload it to a Data Center cloud server. A problem I'm working on is that no bot can readily output MoinMoin syntax. And I know no automated way to convert pure HTM into MoinMoin or to properly embed HTM in a MoinMoin-based page. -- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:55:14-0300)>>.
 * Development of our Team bugtracker tool is now ongoing. It's basically PHP, to render the page, and it invokes Python (LP API) scripts to get LP info into a MySQL DB. I'm starting to feel confident we can have it running (basic features) before QQ Alpha.-- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:55:14-0300)>>
 * It looks like the default practice in Ubuntu is to have concise Team Reports presented to the CC regularly, which follow some rules. I'm thinking we should use this blog area to keep track of our activities, etc, and create summarized reports in the Team Reports area. So, to adhere to this standard, I might move most of that content to here and create the summarized reports there.-- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-14T17:58:17-0300)>>
== 10 April 2012 ==
 * I have removed the content of the "Activities" area, so it will be ready for Graham's tracker when it becomes ready. Everything there was outdated so it's better to remove anyway.-- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-10T18:23:02Z)>>
 * I feel like it's important to explore this "Blog" area more. See some tests I did at I think I'm gonna implement that system here, to make it easier for people to post without having to know anything about the MoinMoin syntax.-- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-10T18:23:02Z)>>
 * I'm also thinking about the "Blueprints" area of the team page on LP. It a professional way to track ideas (like our "Brainstorming" area), have members accept/refuse/prioritize/start them as projects, delegate and keep track, etc. If people see they can suggest stuff and have the group make them real collectively, it might ignite an increase in participation. Let me know what you guys think about it when we talk. -- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-10T18:23:02Z)>>
== 8th April 2012 ==
 * I have posted an article in [[|my blog]]. It pretty much defines the current state of affairs in the U+1 Team. I suggest U+1 members to read it.-- [[LaunchpadHome:effenberg0x0]] <<DateTime(2012-04-08T20:28:26Z)>>

== 4th April 2012 ==
 * ''' From Ventrical''' @grahmmechanical. Hey .. is that table ever neat man. ! Great job Grahm. I like the colour scheme and the whole layout. Very professional and easy on the eyes.(-- [[LaunchpadHome:twocamels]] <<DateTime(2012-04-06T11:41:34Z)>>)

 * ''' From grahammechanical''' I have been trying to produce an Activities Planner. You can see my work here: [[|Activities Planner]]. I hope it will be a place we can go to find out what testing needs to be done and when. Just to show that ventrical is not the only one who can add a smiley {OK} Regards - grahammechanical.

== 29th March 2012 ==
 * '''From Ventrical''' @grahmmechanical- yes.. your right.. Top down , bottom up :) The sprint was (in my opinion) very successful, but, for the most part I could see the chaos and fragmentation of how the q&a process works. I also noticed a lot of dead or 403 wiki links to nowhere. (sorry ... I did not document them.) The jumping around ... link after link , loop after loop, the redundancy is very inefficient and the duplicaton is not necessary - but there it was. And the testing process itself contained a lot of downtime, downtime in the sense that it took a lot of time to wait to test from one process to another.Personally I don't have the speed to download that fast and the usage charges in Canada are just awful but all in all it was a great experience and great to work with a smart group of people.

== 28th March 2012 ==
'''Hi all''', ventrical here. Just dropping in to say I got a few things started in the topics menus. The wiki-testers site is beginning to shape up. I also see that Effenberg is still formulating template designs and editing in other content matter that concerns the administrative and goal aspects of the wiki. Great stuff Effenberg!!. If anyone sees something I wrote that needs editing or grammar - go ahead and work on it ! I got a lot of great ideas and intend to spend more time here but I often get called away on service calls - but I'll be around as much as I can.

Have a great day and drop in and leave a note! ps .. I know this may not be the right tree to put this in .. but just for now .. perhaps I'll put in a 'log-chat section.

Looks like Effenberg has given us a lot of space to brainstorm in :)


== 27th March 2012 ==

As a casual tester I tried to use this ISO testing "sprint" to become a casual, but serious tester. I am not sure that I succeeded. But I learnt a lot which I will reflect upon so that I can bring my experiences into the wiki as helpful information.


P.S. @ventrical: we are writing this news blog upside down, don't you think? New posts should push the older posts downwards. Yes?

== 24th March 2012 ==

It's been a few days since I have made an entry in the "daily "news log :) anyways.. things are really shaping up. I've been busy (as most of you are). Effenberg has made a new ISO Testing Q&A section which is really great.

 I'm pooped. I put up some info about hardware. Effenberg did a great job with his tutorial on ISO testing.I've been go , go .. going !! I know the rest of ya have been too. This morning ISO was just rocking right out of the gate ! It worked just beautiful .. faster on the CD than it is on the hdd. :) weird.. I know.


Team Structure

History of U+1
Team FAQ
Contact U+1
Join U+1

Team WorkIconsPage/picto_engineering_48.png


Docs & ToolsIconsPage/picto_articles_48.png

Testers FAQ
Testers Wiki
Ubuntu Forums

Ideas & ProjectsIconsPage/picto_education_48.png

Instructional Development

The U+1 Team is looking for new members. Only basic skills are needed for most tasks. This is an opportunity to join a friendly and talented community, learn fast and be an active part in Ubuntu future. Click here to know more.

Daily News Log

8th June 2016

  • Unity8 development is full speed ahead. Testing has been slow so far in the forums but the mailing.list shows lots of activity with Mark at the helm, ever tireless with his input and enthusiasms. There has been major changes to wiki editing priviledges because of spammers. It has become very frustrating and many wiki editors who belonged to the ethernet.pad.instance have been excluded out as Canonical IS and other community teams construct a new team to handle this problem. I had offered up U+1 as a staging area to temporarily validate wiki editors that are know to the forums community but I have not yet received a reply from popey.

18th May 2016

  • I have sent out several e-mails to members via launchpad users list option. I am trying to determine how many members are active. There was a spam episode in that users were trying to log on and use the ethernet.instance as a back door to deface and alter wiki help pages. Apparently Canonical IS is working on resolving this problem. Users who are not active or are not contributing are given a 90 day notice, If they wish to stay on longer they can e-mail me and I will gladly increase their access time. As always , to those working diligently behind the scenes, I extend my thanks and kind regards for your efforts. We are currently in yakkety yak cycle 16.10 and Mark Shuttleworth and his team are ambitiously working on making the unity8 desktop a viable reality, hopefully by the end of this cycle with the possibility of a ubuntu_personal.img mini.iso. Lots of heavy lifting ahead.

7th Dec 2015

  • I have been busy as of late .. from one job to the next , one task to the other. Just when I find time to contribute to the wiki I always seem to be called away Sad :( If the wiki is lagging behind a bit it is for the above reasons, However, when I do get time I always find some content to add.

5th Dec 2015

  • All quiet on the development front. The xenial rolling release in working very well, even with proposed repos on.

27th Nov 2015

  • Things are rolling along. It has been a while since last entry. Where have all the bloggers gone ? Smile :) Snappy Personal Image still remains static with no image updates (at least as I can find).

31st October 2015

Thanks to all who replied to the roll call. U+1 is alive and well.

  • We are now into the xenial xerus cycle ( I dare you to say that 5 times real fast ) Smile :)

    This cycle looks to hold promise for breakage , new tools, new desktops (snappy personal) and a few surprises. great ! That's what we testers look forward to.:)

8th October 2015

I was renewed as an Administrator of U+1 testing team by cariboo. Thanks cariboo.

I sent out a test mail to the mailing list. Some people replied back. I apologize if I did not get back to everyone. The basic message I am trying to convey is that the team needs individuals with Moin Moin experience to keep adding links to the Library section and the Instructional Development Section. The idea is to be as current with all the aspects of Ubuntu Development Version testing and keep it updated as fresh as a newly picked bundle of carrots!:) So all are welcome to contribute.

25 Sept 2015

Team Captain dropping in here just to make mention that I am dropping in.:) There has been lots of development with snappy, convergence and other aspects of unity8. I am still trying to recruit others who have a little experience with Moin Moin to help out with the wiki.

8 Sept 2015

I have been busy with real time work throughout the summer and have not had much quality time to spend on the blog or other aspects of this particular wiki although I am actively testing several current wily installs across a variety of form factors. The U+1 wiki has gone through some changes and I feel that we are ready to handle the next cycle of XX (16.04) which will most likely roll into serious convergence and hot development of snappy. All those who contributed to re-structuring the Ubuntu Development Version wiki .. thanks BIG time. I am still hopeful that the KB and library can grow and that others will get involved with some ideas and contributions. Special thanks to grahammechanical, slickymaster, elfy , effenberg and of course Cariboo.

17 August 2015

It has been a while since I have updated the blog. There has not been much to report. There was some discussion on ubuntuforums about snappy development but it went rather silent running. There do not appear to be any super bugs and it has been very quiet. Personally all of my updates on the flavours I test have gone extremely well.

  • Certainly the slow activity is due to the 'dog days of summer' in the North Americas and is bound to pick up soon. The increase in activity may come up like a tsunami so I plan to be ready Smile :)

7 July 2015

Adding some instructional links in Instructional Development section.

6 July 2015

Activity is low in the forums. Mid Summer approaches. Waiting for snappy.

19 June 2015

Very quiet in the forums. End of school in North America. Waiting for some movement on snappy-personal. No real show stoppers in development cycle.

9 June 2015

Began the process of populating the Ubuntu Forums portal with current development links.

2 June 2015

Reading a lot of material about Mir, unity-system-compositor, ubuntu-desktop-next and unity8. In the convention of Mir it appears that the concept is dead, especially with unity8 and desktop-next (although there are daily desktop-next builds being put out.However mir and snappy may be the new news that is comming down the pipe. This is a wait an see situation as we have no working snappy .iso yet.

2 June 2015

A lot of work is being done in the library section of the wiki. It seems that some team members have found a way to keep things current and up-to-date. This is important as there are several hundreds of outdated and unkept wikis on a variety of subjects. Even many wikis have not been kept current. We have to be careful about sending newcomers to deprecated wikis.!

29 May 2015

The 'Deployed' subject header in the wiki navbar will be changed to Instructional Development.The current data there is not current and covered in other areas.

29 May 2015

There is a good discussion going on at called Crossroads by zika. He has brought up the topic of how to help newcomers make a transition from one cycle to the next - specifically how to instruct the configuration of the sources.list and directories. A link was pointed to that Cariboo has covered a lot of ground in this area but perhaps there needs to be more visibility and discussion on these items, especially in light of new 'snappy' and convergence.

16 May 2015

Team Reports section has been changed to Ubuntu Forums.

16 May 2015

The library section is looking very good. Thanks grahammechanical and slicky master. (-- dale-f-beaudoin 2015-05-16 11:47:02)

13 May 2015

Elfy gave me some good pointers about links and being more specific at pad.ubuntu. slickmaster has begun adding links to the library. Some topic headers from the NavBar have been removed and other content has been parsed out. (-- dale-f-beaudoin 2015-05-13 17:56:55)

11 May 2015

Effenberg had changed my status from 'approved' to 'administrator'. Thank you effenberg and all. I have been trying to keep the wiki info updated as best as possible. I have also created a devel-testers-wiki as a sort of back up with other instructional development formats to be forthcoming. Ubuntu Development Version is still an active subforum and the team is still functional and input has been great. Things have slowed down during the last cycle of Vivid Vervet but that may have to do with the fact that there was not much breakage with the exception of systemD and the usual nVidia proprietary graphics drivers. Where help is needed is with updating certain parts of *this* wiki and all the different subsets that are outdated. They need updating , parsing , concactating and truncation Smile :)

17 October 2014

A poll held at ubuntuforums was closed and the title of the discussion was changed to U+1 Discussion. U+1 member and founder , effenberg, is assumed U+1 team leader until end of next cycle. Housekeeping of all aspects of the wiki are in progress.

14 October 2014

  • Effenberg, team Captain is back. Tester wiki data was updated to Utopic in May, 2014
  • Updated the tester wiki to current development cycle , Trusty Tahr. (-- dale-f-beaudoin 2014-02-28 00:45:57)

  • Removed sub-topics under 'Install Settings' as all of those topics are discussed in the link provided.-- twocamels 2012-12-20 15:08:50

05 November 2012

  • I have gradually made the transition in the testers-wiki from Quantal Quetzel to Raring Ringtail and have added some minimal content. (-- twocamels 2012-11-05 15:11:27)

15 April 2012

  • Since I got involved in ISO testing I have become confused as to which test cases I should be running against which ISO images. I found it especially confusing due to the number of ISO images available for all flavours of Ubuntu. I decided to produce some kind of breakdown of the test cases. I have not finished but you can get some idea of what I am trying achieve here -- Breakdown of test cases -- grahammechanical 2012-04-15 23:15:07

14 April 2012

  • Iv'e been busy building systems and working in the field. In between I have been trying to test the daily build using zsync <time permitting>. Just noticed how well Precise works with Dell Dimension 3100, a 6 year old PC . Seems like they were made for each other. I haven't put up any context as of late. I'll be around. (-- twocamels 2012-04-15 01:08:06)

  • We had a problem with the Wiki Top NavBar, in which it displayed wrapped text depending on the browser (tested on IE/Firefox/Chromium). I have changed it's code and it looks like it's fixed. -- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:55:14

  • I'm reviewing text formatting, specially CSS text-align:justify in mostly all areas, to give pages a more professional look, despite MoinMoin limitations. -- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:55:14

  • I think we should add the tutorials (2 iso-testing, 1 rc-testing, 1 VirtualBox) to the Wiki or FAQ areas. It looks more like wiki IMO. -- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:55:14

  • Our MeetBot is running in test mode, fully functional, for 48 hours. A couple more days and I'll upload it to a Data Center cloud server. A problem I'm working on is that no bot can readily output MoinMoin syntax. And I know no automated way to convert pure HTM into MoinMoin or to properly embed HTM in a MoinMoin-based page. -- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:55:14.

  • Development of our Team bugtracker tool is now ongoing. It's basically PHP, to render the page, and it invokes Python (LP API) scripts to get LP info into a MySQL DB. I'm starting to feel confident we can have it running (basic features) before QQ Alpha.-- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:55:14

  • It looks like the default practice in Ubuntu is to have concise Team Reports presented to the CC regularly, which follow some rules. I'm thinking we should use this blog area to keep track of our activities, etc, and create summarized reports in the Team Reports area. So, to adhere to this standard, I might move most of that content to here and create the summarized reports there.-- effenberg0x0 2012-04-14 20:58:17

10 April 2012

  • I have removed the content of the "Activities" area, so it will be ready for Graham's tracker when it becomes ready. Everything there was outdated so it's better to remove anyway.-- effenberg0x0 2012-04-10 18:23:02

  • I feel like it's important to explore this "Blog" area more. See some tests I did at I think I'm gonna implement that system here, to make it easier for people to post without having to know anything about the MoinMoin syntax.-- effenberg0x0 2012-04-10 18:23:02

  • I'm also thinking about the "Blueprints" area of the team page on LP. It a professional way to track ideas (like our "Brainstorming" area), have members accept/refuse/prioritize/start them as projects, delegate and keep track, etc. If people see they can suggest stuff and have the group make them real collectively, it might ignite an increase in participation. Let me know what you guys think about it when we talk. -- effenberg0x0 2012-04-10 18:23:02

8th April 2012

  • I have posted an article in my blog. It pretty much defines the current state of affairs in the U+1 Team. I suggest U+1 members to read it.-- effenberg0x0 2012-04-08 20:28:26

4th April 2012

  • From Ventrical @grahmmechanical. Hey .. is that table ever neat man. ! Great job Grahm. I like the colour scheme and the whole layout. Very professional and easy on the eyes.(-- twocamels 2012-04-06 11:41:34)

  • From grahammechanical I have been trying to produce an Activities Planner. You can see my work here: Activities Planner. I hope it will be a place we can go to find out what testing needs to be done and when. Just to show that ventrical is not the only one who can add a smiley (OK) Regards - grahammechanical.

29th March 2012

  • From Ventrical @grahmmechanical- yes.. your right.. Top down , bottom up Smile :) The sprint was (in my opinion) very successful, but, for the most part I could see the chaos and fragmentation of how the q&a process works. I also noticed a lot of dead or 403 wiki links to nowhere. (sorry ... I did not document them.) The jumping around ... link after link , loop after loop, the redundancy is very inefficient and the duplicaton is not necessary - but there it was. And the testing process itself contained a lot of downtime, downtime in the sense that it took a lot of time to wait to test from one process to another.Personally I don't have the speed to download that fast and the usage charges in Canada are just awful but all in all it was a great experience and great to work with a smart group of people.

28th March 2012

Hi all, ventrical here. Just dropping in to say I got a few things started in the topics menus. The wiki-testers site is beginning to shape up. I also see that Effenberg is still formulating template designs and editing in other content matter that concerns the administrative and goal aspects of the wiki. Great stuff Effenberg!!. If anyone sees something I wrote that needs editing or grammar - go ahead and work on it ! I got a lot of great ideas and intend to spend more time here but I often get called away on service calls - but I'll be around as much as I can.

Have a great day and drop in and leave a note! ps .. I know this may not be the right tree to put this in .. but just for now .. perhaps I'll put in a 'log-chat section.

Looks like Effenberg has given us a lot of space to brainstorm in Smile :)

Regards, Ventrical

27th March 2012

As a casual tester I tried to use this ISO testing "sprint" to become a casual, but serious tester. I am not sure that I succeeded. But I learnt a lot which I will reflect upon so that I can bring my experiences into the wiki as helpful information.

Regards, grahammechanical

P.S. @ventrical: we are writing this news blog upside down, don't you think? New posts should push the older posts downwards. Yes?

24th March 2012

It's been a few days since I have made an entry in the "daily "news log Smile :) anyways.. things are really shaping up. I've been busy (as most of you are). Effenberg has made a new ISO Testing Q&A section which is really great.

  • I'm pooped. I put up some info about hardware. Effenberg did a great job with his tutorial on ISO testing.I've been go , go .. going !! I know the rest of ya have been too. This morning ISO was just rocking right out of the gate ! It worked just beautiful .. faster on the CD than it is on the hdd. Smile :) weird.. I know.

Regards, Ventrical

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