Revision 87 as of 2005-10-07 21:58:00

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As at UDU, the plan is to focus on "Birds of a Feather" (BOF) meetings at UBZ. These will be organised so that each BOF results in a recorded output. It might be a plan, a process, a piece of code, etc. In each case, every BOF should terminate with a written report of the BOF, the conclusions, and the action items (and to who they were assigned).

We'd like to identify as many of the BOF topics before UBZ as possible, to give us time to prioritize them and look at assigning Leads and Seconds beforehand. This will also give leads (and all interested contributors) time to research the topic.

Ideally we are aiming to at least have a framework spec created for each topic, with a broad outline of the Introduction, Rationale, and some of the Scope and Use Cases listed so that everyone understands intent of BOF topic in advance.

BOFs will be related to one or more of the main tracks:

  • Ubuntu

  • Kubuntu

  • Edubuntu

  • Launchpad

Please help us by suggesting BOF topics which you think need to be addressed at UBZ. We'll start creating framework specs from these shortly. Let's aim to get a record number of [ Post-Its right across the wall]. Feel free to [ send feedback and suggestions] on how to make our Developer Summits more effective.

Startup/shutdown process:

  • I'd like to have a series of BOFs to deal with the startup sequence in small, manageable chunks. This has been an obsession of mine since we started the project, and now I'm on the distro team I'd like to make this a reality. The goal is not only to give the user their desktop faster than anyone else on the planet, but also to be able to reliably detect, configure and activate hardware and the services the user will need. (ScottJamesRemnant)

  • HardwareDetection - covers how we detect hardware, both when the system is running (udevd listening on uevent netlink socket?) and how we ensure that at startup we capture potentially missed events (synthesise udev events from a combined udevstart/coldplug replacement in initramfs?). Should also cover how we make sure we don't process events before we can deal with them (ie. network card module built-in, but none of ifupdown in initramfs).

  • HardwareActivation - our current boot process has parts that rely on certain pieces of hardware being available, such as networking, bluetooth, sound and printers. We should instead provide a means to activate these when the hardware is detected rather than assuming it exists, and move the startup scripts into activation scripts instead.

  • NetworkConfiguration - activation of network hardware is a complicated issue, we need to ensure that any hardware the user plugs in is automatically configured and used if possible and that devices such as modems and wireless cards just work; including choosing the appropriate default route for the system. The best tool for this job still seems to be network-manager, but it doesn't really play nice with the netbase/ifupdown system we currently use. This BOF will talk about making them both work together when the hardware is activated to get it running without bothering the user too much. Also the WEP Shared Key/Open Key/WPA mess should be addressed here.

  • StreamlinedBoot - identify what we're actually doing during boot up, and decide what we actually need to be doing and drop (or move) anything we don't; regroup the boot sequence into clear targets ("hardware detection", "console setup", "filesystem checking and mounting", etc.).

  • ReplacementInit - discuss replacing the tried, trusted and terrible sysvinit with something a little more flashy such as initng or launchd.

  • UsplashUntilDesktop - usplash currently bows out once gdm flips the vt, for users who are using gdm autologin, it would look sweet if it could wait until gnome-session has got their desktop ready for use.

  • SplashDown - showing a splash screen while shutting down, and showing an explanatory splash screen while preparing for hibernation.

  • FasterGnomeStartup - identify what takes the gnome session so long to start, streamline it down and get from gdm to desktop so fast we don't need a splash screen.

Software management:

  • FirefoxUpdates/Firefoxplugins - There has to be a nice way to make firefox not display the "install missing plugins" link but tell to use apt to install plugins. Same for updates
  • VariantSelection - easy switching between/adding of ubuntu variants (ubuntu,kubuntu,edubuntu,etc...)

  • Expansion of AddRemovePrograms - show screenshots, comments, ratings, installation of codecs/plugins or other commonly installed non-GUI programs, integration with launchpad.

  • AutomaticUpdates - automatic/silent installation of (security) updates, possible even when current user has no sudo privileges

  • RemovingDefaultPrograms - better mechanism to remove programs included in the default installation. Not removing ubuntu-desktop, maybe somehow remembering this is a default installation minus program removed, so you won't have problems when upgrading to a new distro version.

  • SmallerUpdates - Updates in the form of patches, I think suse is doing something like this? (even great when only as a last resort for dialup users)

  • AutopackageIntegration - Autopackage integration in Ubuntu to make it easy for commercial software to have installers (also have a look at [ klik])

  • BackportsPromotion - make people more aware of backports, provide an easier (GUI) way to enable them (SoftwareManager would cover some of the above)

  • AutomaticUpgrade - make it easier for users to upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu.

Desktop software:

  • EyeCandy - more (optional?) eyecandy in Ubuntu

  • ["CDBurningSolution"] - evaluate solution used in breezy: many programs vs. one centralized program (e.g. gnomebaker)
  • JukeboxCentralization is good, right now there are many programs to do similar tasks, for example, there's a ripper, a cd player, a music jukebox, there should be a centralized jukebox with support for playing cd's & ripping, maybe next version of rhythmbox? Do we need eog & gthumb? gthumb is better, and maybe f-spot gets better by the timeframe of dapper.

  • LookingGlass - If you wanna dazzle Vista wannabees, there's the package you'd want to consider. A 3D Desktop with much less requirements than Vista [ LG3D Site].

  • HomeUserBackup - Backup tool available in menus. Possibly backing up home dir + list of installed graphical apps? Allow incremental backups.

  • ScreenSaver - Speccing gnome-screensaver communication with the desktop (handling of fullscreen running apps, access from processes like acpid). And making it wonderful to use, too.

  • MenuEditorPanelIntegration - Integrate the menu editor into the gnome-panel (the menu itself), to let the user changing the menu directly (using the right-click, for instance), and the ability to sort the menu items arbitrary (now the items are sorted alphabetically, only).

  • MenusRevisited - Preferences menu - how to make it less cluttered. Putting system tools to pasture.

Help and migration:

  • ExtraCds - Making additional CD images available for download/purchase with software from universe with each a certain theme, e.g. a programming utilities cd. Mainly important for those of us that are not so fortunate to have broadband internet, who at the moment have a very difficult job installing extra software.

  • NonBroadbandUsers -In general have some thoughts at non-broadband users and what they need/miss.

  • InstallerForWindows -Ubuntu installer forWindows ([ old mailing list post])

  • MigratingToUbuntu - Does Ubuntu have all the tools needed to effectively migrate to linux with it (this includes importing Outlook calendars + mail, browser settings/bookmarks, etc. from other installations and/or OSs)?

  • HelpfulHelp - helpful, up-to-date, Ubuntu-specific help. Needs approval and bountying. Contents of Breezy FAQ Guide can be tamed for UbuntuHelp.

  • ForumsCommunityIntegration - Ubuntuforums integration with the rest of the Ubuntu community.

  • ExistingDocumentation - Fixing existing non-Ubuntu documentation (location, register to Yelp, etc.)

  • InclusionOfDocumentation WIP in milestone releases - have the documentation team map out internal milestones that coincide with distro milestones, instead of doing much of the integration work a few weeks before release.

  • BetterWiki - Moin needs some major love for doc work. We need to talk about how to achieve that.

  • WebsTranslation - Start the process of translating and localizing the Canonical/Ubuntu web services (Ubuntu web page, Launchpad...) into another languages.

  • The UbuntuWebSite is highly polished, but poorly designed, uninspiring, and poorly integrated with the wiki. A BoF would be enough time for a heuristic evaluation to compile a list of improvements.

  • EvaluateUbuntuGuide, the forum howto's and the wiki pages to see what can be made easier/better/improved, see UbuntuGuide

  • ["Ubuntu.Mac"] Look at possibility of starting a .Mac-like service for use across multiple Ubuntu computers (using Launchpad??)
  • FrozenWiki - Ubuntu Wiki Snapshots (from the official one and from the LoCoTeams) on the users desktop





  • PackageHeadersEducationSession - I'd like this to be a single session suggested to be mandatory for all distro people and motu; to explain exactly what Conflicts, Replaces, Provides, Pre-Depends, etc. do and why people need to stop abusing them and breaking our upgrade process. Weaponry may be involved. (ScottJamesRemnant)

  • Xinerama - Currently, we have a fair number of applications which don't behave very well in a multi-head environment. Xinerama is the X protocol extension which lets applications know that there are multiple physical displays attached and make sure to put up windows which doesn't span multiple physical displays and similar problems.
  • LinuxKernelRoadMap - We will need a very traditional kernel for the server support (5 years) and probably a more flexible and open one for the workstation (3). This BOF is targeted to identify the different requirements and integrate them with other part of the system.

  • UbuntuClusters - Breezy had the first real cluster love (HA oriented). This BOF target is to evaluate all possible combinations of clusters solutions we would like to offer to the community (more high availablity solutions, high performance solutions, thinclients reusage into cluster environment).

  • UbuntuClustersDeployment - This might be a subtopic of the above, but it is more related to d-i integration in order to find a simple way to deploy cluster installations.

  • ZeroConfSpec - It would be nice to include zeroconf support in breezy, it is needed to discuss if this would be suitable to have setup by default.

  • Consider [ changing the default partitioning scheme]

  • Consider the integration of the work done by [ Molinux] and [ Guadalinex]. For example, the graphical installer stage 2 process (see [ this] and [ this]).

  • DbusRestart - Either fix all applications so that we don't have to restart Dbus/HAL, or fix them all so that we can (preferred option)

  • [ Gnome Art]-like application(s) for easy installation of new backgrounds etc. from Similar to kde's get hot new stuff.

  • SetupSnapshots - Save, restore and share User and System setups everywhere (Still WIP).

  • [ Better Desktop of Presence Management/Connection Management for IM/Mail etc.] (see [ IPCF - Inter-Personal communication Framework]). Thinking of ShtoomVoIP Breezy Goal, dotUbuntu etc. we should work on this project to have a transparent framework for the (K)Ubuntu Desktop. Together with a Launchpad Integration for User Authentication and some newly created community services like Mail/Jabber/SIP we could have a highly integrated desktop.

  • ["UbuntuPVR-like"] - As already mentioned in ["µbuntu"] UDU BOF, direct the development of mid-weight Ubuntu flavour called miniUbuntu to build a PVR-like system, including softwares like: Myth-TV, Freevo, Dasher, etc. It shows up as a nice oportunity to be leading also this young market and possibly aggreagting the multimedia community around Launchpad.

  • SELinux - Since Dapper will be supported for much longer, having a system such as SELinux integrated can be useful for minimising security risks.
  • SchoolsInteroperabilityFramework - The Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) is an industry standard for making enterprise applications in a school share data. It is primarily used in the US, but there are plans for broad adoption in the UK and elsewhere. SIF could also be baked into Edubuntu for inter-application data sharing.

  • SpecialKeysOnPowerPC - Currently the interaction (or the lack of it) between pbbuttonsd and gnome-settings-daemon is a mess; we should find a solution that does not cripple either part and still works everywhere (VT, Gnome, other window managers) (MartinPitt)

  • DapperStandardsBase - dapper will be supported for five years, which makes it a great thing for vendors that which to support their software on Ubuntu. With only a little extra work, we can make it a fantastic thing by providing a set of dapper features that will be supported in every further Ubuntu release for five years. This standards base should specify the library APIs that can be used (old libraries can be shipped in a compat section or pocket of further releases) and also focus on the system APIs (how do you add your program to Applications, etc.) that we will support in Ubuntu releases (through packages in the compat section or pocket). This BOF should outline those APIs and provide a specification for writing the DapperStandardsBase document.

  • LocalesThatDontSuck - Upstream glibc has extremely strict standards for locales management. Many communities get discouraged trying to get localedata updates in, and the glibc maintainers often don't have enough information to prove the information. Two options are to use the Belocs package directly in place of locales, or have translators work in Launchpad and generate the entire locales packages from the data contained in there. (And possibly distribute the information entirely with the langpacks) (JeffBailey)

  • FirstAgainstTheWall -- when we run out of space on the Ubuntu installation CD, what should be dropped first?

  • AccessibleLiveDerivative - The Live CD derivative started by Luke should continue to be the main focus of our accessibility efforts. With a derivative we can include non-standard packages that would normally not go in Ubuntu, such as kernels patched with braille and speech support. We can also switch on several adaptive features by default such as screen readers and high-contrast themes that most users don't want. When UbuntuExpress stabilizes we can use that as the primary method for installing the AT-derivative. We should draw up a roadmap for a more ambitious AT Live CD during the Dapper release cycle. Some of this fruit hangs fairly low.

  • AccessibilityHacks - Some accessibility features can rightfully be considered hacks, such as patched kernels or versions of Firefox and OpenOffice. Development in this area can be slow and patchy and may introduce usability or performance drawbacks for general use. The latest version of Firefox where the patch that enables speech synthesis can be applied may be several versions older than the shipped one, or the patched kernel may cause some breakage on certain systems. However, these features are very important to those who need them and it would be helpful if they could be installed with apt instead of having to build them each time they are needed. We should discuss a strategy for having alternative patched versions of certain applications in Universe.

  • Better Tablet pc support
  • Inspired by, we would like to have better CUPS integration for dapper, starting by teching CUPS to respond to HAL events to be able to appropriately respond to hot pluggable printer events and configuration changes. (SivanGreen)

These are the deferred Breezy Goals, most of which will also be discussed at UBZ: