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A Project of the MarketingTeam See Also: ActivismHowTo

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If you are interested in joining this project, please add your name here. You can also add your Loco Team link to the Local Initiatives section (see below). Consider subcribing to this page so you are informed of changes and additions.


Ubuntu in Libraries is a project to put together an online guide for effective placement of Ubuntu media (CDs, DVDs and books) in local libraries where Ubuntu members wish to further use of Ubuntu. Although the ShipIt initiative has been extraordinarily succesful in delivering thousands of CD-ROMs worldwide, we need a more effective way to make fewer CDs and media have a greater impact locally, by increasing their availability through library lending.

This idea originates and is inspired by various other initiatives, including the Open Source Lending CD's in Libraries: Howto as well as the ideas gathered during UbuntuBelowZero/LoveDay.


  • Produce a simple guide to approach local libraries to accept donations of professionally / home-produced CD-ROM images of Ubuntu's various distributions (initially, i386, PPC and AMD64)
  • Provide guidelines and links to existing DIYMaterial or new specific material to produce the media that will be proposed to the libraries
  • Report local success stories about libraries where Ubuntu becomes available for lending
  • Establish a list of libraries and appropriate contacts


DVD Labels and Jacket Covers


Add your local initiative for UbuntuInLibraries here


  • Get an ISSN number. This should be a separate ISSN for every initiative that produces localized content for the DVD-case insert.
  • Announcement in forums and mailing lists


UbuntuInLibraries (last edited 2013-08-22 14:21:12 by magicfab)