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 * Move over GNOME, Ubuntu Mobile looks at Qt, other desktop environments - Rodney Gedda of Computerworld tells us that the Ubuntu Mobile operating system is undergoing its most radical change with a port to the ARM processor for Internet devices and netbooks, and may use Nokia's LGPL Qt development environment as an alternative to GNOME. During a presentation at this year's conference in Hobart, Canonical's David Mandala said Ubuntu Mobile has changed a lot over the past year in that it now includes netbook devices in addition to MIDs and the ARM port. Mandala said that one of the biggest challenges is reminding developers to write applications for 800 by 600 screen resolutions found in smaller devices. Ubuntu Mobile uses the GNOME Mobile (Hildon framework) instead of a full GNOME desktop, but since Nokia open sourced Qt under the LGPL it may consider this as an alternative. Ubuntu Mobile for netbooks will also get its own distribution in line with the release of Jaunty Jackalope in April 2009. "Jaunty will have a full image for netbook devices," Mandala said. "Jaunty netbook edition will have a cut-down set of applications compared with the Ubuntu desktop, but apt-get works and you can install what you like. I'm working very hard with system vendors to get these devices to market at reasonable prices."  * Move over GNOME, Ubuntu Mobile looks at Qt, other desktop environments - Rodney Gedda of Computerworld tells us that the Ubuntu Mobile operating system is undergoing its most radical change with a port to the ARM processor for Internet devices and netbooks, and may use Nokia's LGPL Qt development environment as an alternative to GNOME. During a presentation at this year's conference in Hobart, Canonical's David Mandala said Ubuntu Mobile has changed a lot over the past year in that it now includes netbook devices in addition to MIDs and the ARM port. Mandala said that one of the biggest challenges is reminding developers to write applications for 800 by 600 screen resolutions found in smaller devices. Ubuntu Mobile uses the GNOME Mobile (Hildon framework) instead of a full GNOME desktop, but since Nokia open sourced Qt under the LGPL it may consider this as an alternative. Ubuntu Mobile for netbooks will also get its own distribution in line with the release of Jaunty Jackalope in April 2009.  According to Mandala, Jaunty will have a full image for netbook devices, and Jaunty netbook edition will have a cut-down set of applications as compared with the Ubuntu desktop, but apt-get works and you can install what you like. Mandala says he's working very hard with system vendors to get these devices to market at reasonable prices.




Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #126 for the week January 18th - January 24th, 2009. In this issue we cover ...

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS released

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS, the second maintenance update to Ubuntu's 8.04 LTS release. This release includes updated server, desktop, and alternate installation CDs for the i386 and amd64 architectures.

In all, over 200 updates have been integrated, and updated installation media has been provided so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded after installation. These include security updates and corrections for other high-impact bugs, with a focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.

Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS:

Release Notes:

Post release update list:

Ubuntu Developer Week

It was a very exciting Ubuntu Developer Week. There were lots and lots of attendees and it was surprising how many really great questions there were, and how awesome the atmosphere was. Everybody was really thrilled about getting started with Ubuntu Development.

It all started off with a two hour session called "Getting Started." For the first time there were sessions in English, Finnish, French, German, Italian and Spanish, and it was a roaring success. Day one also included Packaging 101, Working with Debian, and Understanding Gnome technologies.

Day Two was another jam packed day of sessions and answers that included Launchpad Bug Tracking, QA Tools, Launchpad Web Service API, High-quality Updates. One session that had to be cancelled on day two was Marin Pitt's talk on Debugging Program Crashes due to a misplaced keystroke that deleted his presentation. Look for a rescheduling of his talk here:

With the community primed after two days of sessions, Day Three didn't fail to grab everyones attention. Talks on: Pushing out Gnome releases, Fixing Bugs in Ubuntu, Bazaar for Packaging, Kubuntu Bug Squishing, and Using VMBuilder to create test enviorments made the day a rousing success for all who attended.

After three solid days of exceptional sessions you'd think the Ubuntu Developers would be running out of topics for discussion, but think again, developing a first class distro like Ubuntu takes endless work. Day Four included topics covering: Automated Desktop Testing, Ubuntu Netbook Remix Q&A, Boot Performance, Kubuntu Ninjas in Unicorn mode, and Packaging software for Mono.

The sessions ended up on Friday, but Day 5 was anything but dull. Talks included the following titles: Testing your .deb with piuparts, Fun with python-apt, Bazaar and Launchpad - How to do it, packaging Kernel modules with DKMS, and Xubuntu.

If you missed any of the sessions, or just want a refresher, you can visit the link and click on any title to follow along with the log of the session.

Ubuntu Developer Week was a huge success. Thanks to all the developers for their hard work putting on this great event, and to the Ubuntu Community for their enthusiastic participation.

Ubuntu Classroom upcoming sessions

"Bug Jam" is coming. And for those who are interested in learning how to run one the Ubuntu-Classroom Team has put together some classes.

  • 30 Jan 2009 @1200 UTC: How to Run a Bug Jam presented by DanielHolbach

  • 31 Jan 2009 @ 0000 UTC: How to Run a Bug Jam presented by Jorge Castro
  • 13 Feb 2009 @1200 UTC: How to Run a Bug Jam presented by Daniel Holbach
  • 14 Feb 2009 @ 0000 UTC: How to Run a Bug Jam presented by Jorge Castro

The classes will be held in IRC channel #ubuntu-classroom. More information can be seen at

Developer application process changes

Here's how future applications will be handled for:

  • Ubuntu Contributing Developers
  • Ubuntu Developers (MOTU)
  • Ubuntu Core Developers (core-dev)

1. Set up a personal wiki page for your application. Please make use of (Talk to your sponsors beforehand and ask them to add some information to the wiki page. In a regular application your will have 3-5 sponsors.)

2. Add your application details to MOTU/Council/Meeting, give the motu-council list a quick heads-up and pick a meeting time you'll be able to attend. Please allow at least one week of time for the MOTU Council members to review your application. (If you can't make it to one of the meetings, please email motu-council at for either a different meeting time or to process the application on the mailing list.)

3. Attend the meeting.

The MOTU Council will have prepared for the meeting (reviewed the application details, checked a few examples of your work, talked to sponsors, etc.) and ask questions to make sure the applicant qualifies for the team. During the meeting the MC members will cast their votes and if quorum is reached (3 of 5 currently), will add the applicant to the team (in case of Contributing Developer and MOTU, else speak out a recommendation for the Technical Board) or ask to re-apply in due time.

Just updated with the new process, added MOTU Council meeting pages and the new template for applications. If there's still anything that deserves clarification, please let us know. Also the MC will make sure to have the current applications sorted out until the first meeting.

Technical Board run-off results

The votes are in and Colin Watson is the newest member of the Technical board. Developers were encouraged to vote in a run-off for the board postion between Colin and Kees Cook. The developers and the Ubuntu Community congratulate both candidates on thier interest in the position.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (46680) -55 over last week
  • Critical (23) -1 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (18381) -337 over last week
  • Unassigned (39291) -120 over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (244768) +1781 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Intrepid

  • Spanish (15904) +6 over last week
  • French (61592) -26 over last week
  • Swedish (72562) +6 over last week
  • Brazilian Portuguese (76004) -839 over last week
  • English (UK) (81173) -147 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex," see more at:

5-a-day bug stats

Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days

  • mrkanister (395)
  • pvillavi (136)
  • crimsun (116)
  • dantrevino (66)
  • charlie-tca (60)

Top 5 teams for the past 7 days

  • ubuntu-cl (136)
  • dcteam (118)
  • ubuntu-us-florida (98)
  • ubuntu-berlin (55)
  • ubuntu-de-locoteam (53)

5-A-Day stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

  • Program to alert when it is low disk space
  • Make the Update Manager more informative
  • Remove "Don't care" option from brainstorm
  • Never lose focus while typing a password
  • Redesign ubuntu for 2010

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

Ubuntu on Italian TV

Fabio Marzocca had the opportunity to appear on Italian television and talk about Ubuntu[1][2]. A short transcript of the interview is also available in English[3].

Japanese LoCo held the "Offline Meeting Tokyo"

Ubuntu Japanese Team held the "Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo" on January 17th at Hirose Building, Akihabara. This event, organized by the Ubuntu Japanese Team and Hirose Electric Works, Ltd. included install party and troubleshooting, and several advanced sessions. There were over 40 attendees.

More information:

Nordic Ubuntu LoCo teams working together

Martin Pihl reports on the creation of a Team cooperative effort for Nordic LoCo Teams. In his blog post[1] he includes links to the Planet Ubuntu Nordic, Ubuntu Nordic Mailinglist, Ubuntu Nordic wiki page, and the Launchpad Ubuntu Nordic group. Also available is the IRC channel #ubuntu-nordic.

New in Intrepid Ibex

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

In The Press

  • Move over GNOME, Ubuntu Mobile looks at Qt, other desktop environments - Rodney Gedda of Computerworld tells us that the Ubuntu Mobile operating system is undergoing its most radical change with a port to the ARM processor for Internet devices and netbooks, and may use Nokia's LGPL Qt development environment as an alternative to GNOME. During a presentation at this year's conference in Hobart, Canonical's David Mandala said Ubuntu Mobile has changed a lot over the past year in that it now includes netbook devices in addition to MIDs and the ARM port. Mandala said that one of the biggest challenges is reminding developers to write applications for 800 by 600 screen resolutions found in smaller devices. Ubuntu Mobile uses the GNOME Mobile (Hildon framework) instead of a full GNOME desktop, but since Nokia open sourced Qt under the LGPL it may consider this as an alternative. Ubuntu Mobile for netbooks will also get its own distribution in line with the release of Jaunty Jackalope in April 2009. According to Mandala, Jaunty will have a full image for netbook devices, and Jaunty netbook edition will have a cut-down set of applications as compared with the Ubuntu desktop, but apt-get works and you can install what you like. Mandala says he's working very hard with system vendors to get these devices to market at reasonable prices.

  • Ubuntu 9.04's blazing boot times - According to IT Wire's David M Williams, the results of the latest alpha release of Ubuntu's Jaunty Jackalope are spectacular. The next major release of Ubuntu will be out this April and Ubuntu’s engineers have, as always, included the latest Linux kernel to come out of Linus Torvalds’ hands. While the kernel always includes more drivers, better performance and various bug fixes, often times these go under the radar because they are obscure, or only of niche interest. The Linux kernel 2.6.28 delivers a stable implementation of the ext4 filesystem. It’s this filesystem which is getting geeks worldwide all steamy under their collar. ext4 looks set to offer greater file performance along with greater reliability and stability. What’s more, while ext3 was designed well before the advent of SSDs, ext4 is fully cognoscente of such drives. ext4 does include smarts to maximize the lifetime of solid state drives and thus ought theoretically to offer a boost to netbooks without any corresponding fear of a shortened lifetime. Here's to Ubuntu 9.04 and better disk speed!

  • Don't Fear the Penguin: A Newbie's Guide to Linux - Neil McAllister of PC World says that getting started with Linux can be an intimidating task, particularly for people who have never tried any operating system besides Windows. In truth, however, very little about Linux is actually difficult to use. It's little wonder why Ubuntu is one of the leading Linux distributions for desktop PCs - it makes installing Linux simple. But once you have Ubuntu installed on your PC, what next? The short answer is: Whatever you like. Ubuntu may be free, but it's hardly a toy OS. If you can do something with Windows or Mac OS X, you can do the same thing with Ubuntu. The great thing about Linux distributions such as Ubuntu is that they include not only the OS but also a whole bundle of practical, full-featured applications. If you're having difficulty, your best option for further assistance is the Ubuntu forums, where beginners and advanced users gather to troubleshoot their favorite OS. Above all, have a good time. Linux's greatest strength is the community around it, and by choosing Ubuntu you have joined a thriving, growing community of users of one of the most powerful and exciting operating systems available today.

In The Blogosphere

  • French Lawmakers Hope to Inspire Linux Revolution - Blogger Ashlee Vance says that, "about 18 months ago, the [French National Assembly] shifted from running Windows on the 1,100 computers of its members and their assistants to running a version of Linux called Ubuntu." They are doing this not only for financial reasons, but for political reasons. They have expect to save about 500,000 euros, or 648,750 dollars over the next 5 years. They also hope to create more local jobs by giving local companies the chance to offer services to install and manage Linux for businesses. "A survey polling members of the French Assembly foudn taht 80 percent of the members were happy with the new software, which included new e-mail and office applications, while 14 percent felt Windows should return."

  • TechCrunch Tablet Update: Prototype B - Blogger Michael Arrington of TechCrunch goes over their prototype of a small and cheap tablet for web surfing. Their goal was to make it so that it would cost around $200, but he goes on to say that $299 is a more realistic price. It has a 12-inch touchscreen with a 1024x768 resolution, which will make it easy to view full webpages without scrolling. It's powered by a Via Nano processor, with 1 GB of ram and a 4 GB flashdrive to store the OS and browser. Other features include: wifi, an accelerometer, camera and a 4 cell battery. For the OS they are using Ubuntu with a custom browser, drivers and a virtual keyboard. The software was created by Fusion Garage. So far they have not decided whether they will start making production units.

  • Ubuntu's Shuttleworth praises Windows 7, welcomes fight - Blogger Gavin Clarke reports on Mark Shuttleworth's reaction to Windows 7. "Mark Shuttleworth is looking forward to a good, clean netbook fight with Microsoft following the release of Windows 7." He is looking forward to Microsoft having to sell Windows 7 to OEMs instead of giving Windows XP away to them. "Shuttleworth believes a good version of Windows will end the current phony war between Windows and Linux in the high-growth netbook market adn reignite the fight on features and capabilities." Even with the new features that Windows 7 is coming out with, the plans for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope will up the game to keep pace.

In Other News

Ubuntu Podcast #18

Josh Chase and Nick Ali from the Georgia US LoCo released episode #18. Some of the topics covered in this episode include:

  • The Dell and college student story
  • Ubuntu hard drive “killer” bug gets fixed
  • Differences between Ubuntu and Debian users
  • An interview with Jorge Castro

Jorge covers a lot of areas, like the upcoming Global Bug Jam, Ubuntu and social networking, and Ubuntu and Debian getting along.

Meeting Summaries: January 2009

Mobile Team

  • Seed changes to move ubuntu-umpc to ubuntu-netbook-remix are now complete, as part of the adsobtion of the Netbook remix into Ubuntu.
  • Daily images for both MID and netbook-remix are available, and ready for testing
  • evtouch package updated to new X API
  • Mobile-interesting TODO list provided to kernel-team
  • backend started for UbuntuSpec off-line installer:

Japanese Team

  • We held "Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo" on January 17th at Hirose Building, Akihabara. This event, organized by Ubuntu Japanese Team and Hirose Electric Works, ltd. had install party and trouble shooting, three advanced session. We recived more 40 visitors.
  • Website of Japanese Team was updated to Ubuntu 8.04.
  • "Ubuntu Weekly Topics and Recipe" which is online Japanese magazine was renewed system and author.
  • Wrote an article "Install Ubuntu to your second homebuilt computer" for Nikkei WinPC which is a Japanese computer magazine published by Nikkei BP.

Colombian Team

Irish Team

Romanian Team

Full Circle Magazine

  • Issue 19, and 20, of FCM released.
  • Thus far nearly 17,000 downloads of FCM#20. Over 26,000 downloads of #19.
  • Translation of FCM#18 to: Chinese and Italian online.
  • Translations of FCM#19 to: Polish, Hungarian, Turkish, Chinese and Italian all online.
  • Issue #21 almost complete.
  • Donations button added to:, all donations are handled through Dreamhost and go towards paying for the FCM hosting, which Rob Kerfia has been paying for nearly two years. What a guy.

  • First competition result announced in FCM#20, second result coming in #21, prizes will be sent out shortly. When I get off my lazy back side that is...
  • Survey results will be in FCM#21, if anyone wishes to use the raw text of the results, they are at:

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Server Team Meeting

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Kubuntu Developers Meeting

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

  • Start: 12:00 UTC
  • End: 13:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Desktop Team Meeting

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10

Security Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Kenny McHenry

  • Dave Bush
  • Liraz Siri
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License CCL.png Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue126 (last edited 2009-01-25 22:33:00 by ip68-0-181-84)