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Revision 29 as of 2008-06-13 13:51:36
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Editor: c-71-56-103-64
Comment: news
Revision 30 as of 2008-06-13 18:29:20
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Editor: ip68-231-150-253
Comment: added EMEA and asiaoceania board report of new members
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==== The EMEA Board ====

The EMEA membership board had their third meeting last tuesday. Three
candidates have been welcomed aboard the Ubuntu ship.

Javier Garrido has been rocking hard in the Spanish Lo``Co team, being administrator of Ubuntu-es since February 2007.Wiki: LP:

László Torma has supported, written about and documented Ubuntu and
doing great work for the Hungarian Lo``Co team. Wiki: LP:

Risto Kurppa has been doing great work in the Finnish team, supporting
users and writing articles. Wiki: LP:

The EMEA board is happy to welcome aboard these excellent members! Our
next meeting will be on june 17, 18:00 UTC.

==== The AsiaOceania Board ====

The Asia``Oceania Membership Council had its first Meeting on 10-June-08. The board approved 3 new Ubuntu members.

Russel John is the Team Contact of Ubuntu Bangladesh Lo``Co Team and has conducted and contributed to various events to spread Ubuntu. Details of Russell can be had from:

Mahayudin Susanto is from Indonesia. Notable contributions of Susanto are Translations and spreading Ubuntu to the East Java region of Indonesia. Wiki page:

Muhammed Takdir is also from Indonesia. Notable contribution include the efforts made in taking Ubuntu/ Edubuntu to schools of a region called Sinjai. Wiki:


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #95 for the week June 8th - June 14th, 2008.

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

Help Needed for Global Bug Jam

Brainstorm Plans

Three months after the launch it is time to do a small recap and lay out the plans for the next months. The project is now working towards a better feedback to your input. Starting this cycle, there should be some regular developer feedback on popular ideas. In the next months, the work will be focused on an easier classification of ideas in projects, so that it can be exploited by non-Ubuntu software developers. Also coming is an easy way for Brainstorm users to contact each other, tools for Ubuntu developers to spot and keep track of the interesting ideas, and in the long rung, the project is heading towards a neutral release, but don't expect it too soon.

A selection of Intrepid blueprints from the Ubuntu Server Team

With the end of UDS, members of the Ubuntu Server Team are busy writing specifications (aka blueprints) about topics discussed during the summit. Specifications should be finalized by Thursday, June the 5th according to the Intrepid release schedule. Here is a non-exhaustive list of blueprints that are currently been written:

Remember, these are plans, there is no guarantee that they will make it into Intrepid Ibex.

Intrepid Alpha 1 Release?

New Ubuntu Members

The EMEA Board

The EMEA membership board had their third meeting last tuesday. Three candidates have been welcomed aboard the Ubuntu ship.

Javier Garrido has been rocking hard in the Spanish LoCo team, being administrator of Ubuntu-es since February 2007.Wiki: LP:

László Torma has supported, written about and documented Ubuntu and doing great work for the Hungarian LoCo team. Wiki: LP:

Risto Kurppa has been doing great work in the Finnish team, supporting users and writing articles. Wiki: LP:

The EMEA board is happy to welcome aboard these excellent members! Our next meeting will be on june 17, 18:00 UTC.

The AsiaOceania Board

The AsiaOceania Membership Council had its first Meeting on 10-June-08. The board approved 3 new Ubuntu members.

Russel John is the Team Contact of Ubuntu Bangladesh LoCo Team and has conducted and contributed to various events to spread Ubuntu. Details of Russell can be had from:

Mahayudin Susanto is from Indonesia. Notable contributions of Susanto are Translations and spreading Ubuntu to the East Java region of Indonesia. Wiki page:

Muhammed Takdir is also from Indonesia. Notable contribution include the efforts made in taking Ubuntu/ Edubuntu to schools of a region called Sinjai. Wiki:

See June 10th,


After some time away, Zhengpeng Hou has again found time to return to MOTU, continuing previous work in package maintenance, CJK support, KDE bugfixing, and helping with the sponsor queues.

MOTU Videos

The Ubuntu Developer Channel continues to get crammed with goodness, and it is a pleasure to announce another MOTU video - Packaging 101 Part 1 and Part 2. The video is presented by the esteemed Daniel Holbach, and is geared to teach you how to put together a package. This is a great first step to getting started becoming a MOTU.

You can catch up on all 22 videos on the Ubuntu Developers site:

Gobuntu Future(Jono Bacon)

The Gobuntu development team would like to announce that after 8.04 release of Gobuntu, the project will aim to merge many of the Gobuntu changes into mainline Ubuntu, such as our "Free Software Only" installer option which only installs software considered free by the Free Software Foundation's definition of software freedom. The primary focus of the Ubuntu community, Canonical, and our derivative and downstream projects remains the success of free, Open Source software. It is hoped that by providing every Ubuntu user with the ability to install a completely free system, using the standard Ubuntu installer, we will move closer to a world of freedom, choice, and personal liberty with the hardware you own.

Kubuntu Tutorial Days

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Hardy

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron," see more at:

LoCo News

New in Hardy Heron

Launchpad News

Launchpad service interruptions: 17th, 18th and 19th June

Downtime details:

  • June 17th 22:00 UTC - June 18th 03:00 UTC: all of Launchpad will be offline.
  • June 18th 22.00 UTC - June 18th 00.00 UTC: code browse and pushing and pulling to code branches hosted on Launchpad will be unavailable.
  • June 19th 22.00 UTC - June 20th 03.00 UTC: uploading to, building and publishing in package archives - both distribution archives and PPAs - will be unavailable.

The downtime will be used to upgrade the servers that host Launchpad to the latest version of Ubuntu, 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron. This will result in an improved platform on which to develop new Launchpad services. Specifically, it will include Python 2.5 and PostgreSQL 8.3, along with updates to several libraries that Launchpad relies on.

Ubuntu Forums News, 600,000 register users, see if there is a better link

In The Press,289142,sid39_gci1317353,00.html

In The Blogosphere, and Mark's response,

In Other News, recommends Ubuntu for installing their software

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. Please feel free to contact us to submit an idea, or to voice any concerns or suggestions. Send your email to *Please note that you must subscribe to the list to be able to submit. If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue95 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:49 by localhost)