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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #95 for the week June 8th - June 14th, 2008.

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

Intrepid Alpha 1 Delayed

According to the published Intrepid release schedule at, the first Intrepid alpha was scheduled for June 12, 2008. Due to a number of factors, chief among them the current division of developer attention between the upcoming 8.04 point release and Intrepid, the alpha release was not made available as scheduled. Needless to say, every effort is being made to get an installable alpha image together in the coming days.

Help Needed for Global Bug Jam

Brainstorm Plans

Three months after the launch, it is time to do a small recap and lay out the plans for the next months. The project is now working towards better feedback to your input. Starting this cycle, there should be some regular developer feedback on popular ideas. In the next months, the work will be focused on an easier classification of ideas in projects, so that it can be exploited by non-Ubuntu software developers. Also coming is an easy way for Brainstorm users to contact each other, tools for Ubuntu developers to spot and keep track of the interesting ideas, and in the long run, the project is heading towards a neutral release, but don't expect it too soon.

Intrepid blueprints from the Ubuntu Server Team

With the end of UDS, members of the Ubuntu Server Team are busy writing specifications (aka blueprints) about topics discussed during the summit. Specifications should be finalized by Thursday, June 5th, in accordance with the Intrepid release schedule. Here is a non-exhaustive list of blueprints that are currently been written:

Remember, these are plans, there is no guarantee that they will make it into Intrepid Ibex.

New Ubuntu Members

The EMEA Board

The EMEA Membership Board had their third meeting last tuesday. Three candidates have been welcomed aboard the Ubuntu ship.

Javier Garrido has been rocking hard for the Spanish LoCo team, being administrator of Ubuntu-es since February 2007.Wiki: LP:

László Torma has supported, written about, and documented Ubuntu. He is also doing great work for the Hungarian LoCo team. Wiki: LP:

Risto Kurppa has been doing great work for the Finnish team, supporting users and writing articles. Wiki: LP:

The EMEA Board is happy to welcome aboard these excellent members! Our next meeting will be on June 17, 2008 18:00 UTC.

The AsiaOceania Board

The AsiaOceania Membership Council had its first Meeting on June 10th, 2008. The board approved 3 new Ubuntu members.

Russel John is the Team Contact of Ubuntu Bangladesh LoCo Team and has conducted and contributed to various events to spread Ubuntu. Wiki: LP:

Mahayudin Susanto is from Indonesia. Notable contributions made be Susanto, are translations and advocating for Ubuntu in the East Java region of Indonesia. Wiki: LP:

Muhammed Takdir is also from Indonesia. Notable contribution include the efforts made in taking Ubuntu/Edubuntu to schools of a region called Sinjai. Wiki: LP:

The AsiaOceania Board is happy to welcome aboard these excellent members! Please check our wiki page for future meetings.


After some time away, Zhengpeng Hou has found time to return to MOTU and continue previous work in package maintenance, CJK support, KDE bugfixing, and helping with the sponsor queues.

MOTU Videos

The Ubuntu Developer Channel continues to be packed with goodness. It is a pleasure to announce another fantastic MOTU video - Packaging 101, Part 1 and Part 2. The video is presented by Daniel Holbach and is an instructional on how to put together a package. This video is a great first step in learning packaging, and will get you started on the path to becoming a MOTU.

Note: You can catch up on all 22 videos at the Ubuntu Developers youtube site:

Gobuntu Future(Jono Bacon)

The Gobuntu development team is announcing that after 8.04 release of Gobuntu, the project will aim to merge many of the Gobuntu changes into mainline Ubuntu. One such merge would be their "Free Software Only" installer option, which only installs software considered free by the Free Software Foundation's definition of software freedom. The primary focus of the Ubuntu community, Canonical, and their derivative and downstream projects remains the success of free, Open Source software. It is hoped that by providing every Ubuntu user with the ability to install a completely free system, using the standard Ubuntu installer, we will move closer to a world of freedom, choice, and personal liberty with the hardware you own.

Kubuntu Tutorial Days - Sunday June 15th, 2008

Kubuntu Tutorials Day is back. Join the Kubuntu team in IRC channel #kubuntu-devel, for some great chats with Free Software’s finest developers. There are five months of development ahead before the release of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex, so this is the perfect way to learn how to get involved. Mark your calendar to attend any, or all of the scheduled presentations.

  • 19:00 UTC - Getting Involved - Richard Johnson(nixternal)
  • 20:00 UTC - Usability - Celeste Lyn Paul(seele)
  • 21:00 UTC - Packaging & merging howto - Jonathan Riddell(Riddell)

  • 22:00 UTC - Plasma with Python - Michael Anderson(nosrednaekim)
  • 23:00 UTC - But triage - Ralph Janke(txwikinger)
  • 24:00 UTC - Kubuntu Q & A Session - The Kubuntu Team

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Hardy

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron," see more at:

LoCo News

Great OpenFest Organized by Ubuntu Colombian Team

The last Saturday, June 7th, the Colombian Ubuntu LoCo Team, along with the OpenSolaris Colombian Team, organized the first Free Software Festival on the University of San Buenaventura campus. The event featured an installfest, conferences, demos, workshops where the team presented the new and cool advantages of Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and our LoCo team's organization and Community work.

Technical Update

Mirco Muller, Ubuntu "bling" expert, has written some responses to submitted Brainstorm ideas:

Launchpad News

Launchpad service interruptions: 17th, 18th and 19th June

Downtime details:

  • June 17th 22:00 UTC - June 18th 03:00 UTC: all of Launchpad will be offline.
  • June 18th 22.00 UTC - June 18th 00.00 UTC: code browse and pushing and pulling to code branches hosted on Launchpad will be unavailable.
  • June 19th 22.00 UTC - June 20th 03.00 UTC: uploading to, building and publishing in package archives - both distribution archives and PPAs - will be unavailable.

The downtime will be used to upgrade the servers that host Launchpad to the latest version of Ubuntu, 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron. This will result in an improved platform on which to develop new Launchpad services. Specifically, it will include Python 2.5 and PostgreSQL 8.3, along with updates to several libraries that Launchpad relies on.

Ubuntu Forums News, 600,000 register users, see if there is a better link

In The Press

  • Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva Performance Compared - After last weeks release of Phoronix Test Suite 1.0, one of the requests they received was to do a side-by-side comparison between the popular desktop Linux distributions. Ubuntu 8.04, Fedora 9, and Mandriva 2008.1 were chosen and it included 28 benchmark tests. Using the same hardware, and the standard default settings for each distribution gave the tests credibility, however some tests are just a comparison of Ubuntu 8.04 and Fedora 9. Ubuntu 8.04 won in 14 of the 28 tests. Mandriva 2008.1 won in three of the nine tests where it was used. In 9 of the 19 tests that were just between Ubuntu 8.04 and Fedora 9, the Red Hat based distribution won. As to which distribution is the fastest, from all of these tests and their varying results, it really depends what areas of the Linux desktop are important to you. You can see the detaila presented in graphic form at the link.

  • Spawn of Ubuntu - It isn’t enough just to create a great distribution these days, you also have to create a distribution that can spawn offspring to further that greatness. All the major distributions including Slackware, Red Hat, SUSE, Gentoo, and Debian have reproduced to the point where the children scarcely look like the parent. Now the children have grown up enough to begin procreating new and exciting distributions of their own for every whim and user type. Ubuntu Linux, based on Debian, is one of those prolific parents that has produce new offspring on a regular basis. A few new Ubuntu-based distributions have converted from other distributions to join the ever-growing Ubuntu family, and Ubuntu has also produced some nifty new Desktop distributions of their own.

  • Ubuntu is early favorite in OpenLogic survey - A survey of open source software adoption, OpenLogic Inc.'s Open Source Census, has scanned more than a thousand computers to date. The objective of the survey is to help assist clients with support issues, and to attempt to quantify the actual usage of open source applications and their relative popularity. OpenLogic's Discovery Engine, which automatically identifies and inventories open source software, has searched 1,270 machines and detected open source software on about a third, or 478 computers. Of those computers with open source software, the leading operating system was Ubuntu, which was detected on 46% of all machines with open source software.,289142,sid39_gci1317353,00.html

In The Blogosphere

  • MS Buys Codecs from MS ([M]ark [S]huttleworth buys [M]icro[S]oft codecs for Ubuntu) - This article, from Boycott Novell, attempts to show from an IRC discussion, that Mark Shuttleworth purchased the right to include Microsoft codecs in the Remix distribution for sub-notebook computers.

  • making deals with M$ - In rebuttal to the allegations in the above article, and in a post to ubuntu-devel-discuss, Mark Shuttleworth responded, "There is (again) absolutely no truth to the rumour that Canonical has done a deal with Microsoft for access to codecs - either in return for money, or for some other quid-pro-quo." Read more of his response at

  • Technology Today: Linux — A new user’s review - Linux is an open source operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows and Apple’s OS X. My first experience with Linux left her with a bad taste in her mouth, but the distribution of Linux known as Ubuntu 7.10 (aka “Gutsy Gibbon”), the version prior to the current version of Ubuntu, has impressed her enough to convince her to completely switch her personal computer to Linux. It has been a fascinating adventure, and she's learned a lot about the inner workings of her computer. See what she considers the pros and cons at

  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS still No. 1 for my laptop - After pretty much a full year of Debian (first Etch, mostly Lenny), also great but not as great as this new version of Ubuntu, so many things are working so well that Steven Rosenberg is reluctant to do anything but keep using this long-term support version of Ubuntu, which will have three years of updates and patches on the desktop.

  • Tonight is Linux Night! - Christopher Dawson is running a Linux night with his computer club. His theme? Get Lucky on Friday the 13th with Linux! One of the major cost savings, aside from building the computer from parts, is the use of Linux instead of Windows. The computer that they are giving away is loaded with Ubuntu 8.04 and they’ll show the other attendees how to set up Ubuntu as a fine Internet system. they’re giving away Ubuntu Live CD’s so even those who don’t win the computer can give it a shot.

  • Adventures with open source apps on Linux - Part 2 - In this post Adrian Kingsley-Hughes covers the way to install multimedia support under Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). This is a "step-by-step" how-to meant to allow the newest Ubuntu user to add support for a lot of different multimedia file types, such as MP3, MPEG1, MPEG2, DivX and WMV and includes a method of providing support for commercial DVDs.

In Other News

Open source snub in UK schools

The Open Source community was bitterly disappointed after the UK appointed an unknown consultancy to run an historic program of advocacy in schools. International big hitters had piled behind UK open source houses bidding for the Becta contract to set up an open source community in the schools sector. But Becta gave the open source community a slap in the face when it turned down their bids and awarded the business to a consultancy with no links to the open source community.

Becta said in a written statement: "Bids were invited and, following an evaluation process, the contract has been awarded to The Alphaplus Consultancy(Manchester)." It did not say why Alphaplus had been chosen over a line-up of prime open source bidders, but Mark Taylor, president of the Open Source Consortium, and whose consultancy Sirius bid for the work, said it was a mistake. "They've chosen the worst possible candidate because Alphaplus has no open source experience whatsoever," said Taylor.

John Winkley, a director of Alphaplus, said he wanted to clear his comments with Becta before saying what his firm could bring to the UK's schools open source community. But he refuted the allegation that Alphaplus wasn't qualified to do the work: "I think we are and Becta clearly thinks we are," he said. The open source community has long complained that the odds were stacked against them in the UKs public sector. One of the losing bidders was The Learning Machine, an open source schools specialist. The Learning Machine was backed by Canonical, the organisation behind Ubuntu, the ground-breaking open source operating system.

Vienna failed to migrate to GNU/Linux: why?

Despite the announcement of several governments and councils concerning multi-year migration plans to GNU/Linux, some of those plans crumbled. But why? The City of Vienna made several crucial mistakes in their bid to migrate to open source. First, they tried to develop and implement their own distribution, instead of using an established, easy to use, stable one, like Ubuntu. Second, they thought they could depend on wine for certain already in use proprietary programs, which didn't work. The third problem is in direct relation to the first problem, they ran into hardware compatibility problems because they tried to develop their own distribution. Finally, the moment the city announced their decision to migrate to open source, Microsoft’s “damage control” machine started. The conclusion: The City of Vienna might well be a lost cause, but it is hoped that other IT managers can avoid making the same mistakes. The presence of a strong desktop distribution (Ubuntu) will hopefully simplify things. However, in the end IT managers need to accept that most of the world will eventually start migrating to open standards and free software.

Mark Shuttleworth on the future of Ubuntu

The life of South African Mark Shuttleworth has been a kind of geek dream according to Glyn Moody, who talked with the Ubuntu founder and CEO recently. The discussion included talking about what led to the startup of Ubuntu after selling off Thawte Consulting to Verisign in 1999. Ubuntu's shift in strategy to address the server side. Concern that Ubuntu is spreading itself to thin. Coordinating releases amongst the GNU/Linux distributions. Will computing in the cloud be a threat or an opportunity for Ubuntu? Mark's stand on including some proprietary elements in a free software distribution. Might KDE one day replace GNOME as the standard Ubuntu desktop? And finally, what would happen to Canonical and Ubuntu if Mark happened to fall out of a spaceship? All in all, a great interview that everyone should read.

How to build RepRap 1.0 "Darwin"

RepRap 1.0 "Darwin" is a rapid prototyping machine that is capable of making the majority of its own component parts. Instructions and all necessary data are available completely free under the GNU General Public Licence from this website to everyone. Requirements

  • A fairly modern computer
  • Decent graphics card (ATI / NVidia) 64MB+
  • Recommended at least 512MB of RAM
  • Serial port or USB <-> Serial converter

  • Ubuntu/Linux preferred, but OSX and Windows also work.

Find out how to do it at:

Siemens gets serious about open source

Siemens’ outsourcing unit is snapping up some of South Africa’s brightest open source minds as it readies to offer large-scale open source services to clients. Siemens already has in place partnerships and agreements with Red Hat, Canonical and enterprise content management suite providers Alfresco. On the desktop, Honigwachs says that the unit plans to offer either Red Hat or Ubuntu. “The advantage of having both Red Hat desktops and servers is the ability to have a single management tool. But in government there is a preference for Ubuntu."

Interview with Linux-Magazine Italia

Vincenzo Ciaglia from Linux-Magazine Italia sent Mark Shuttleworth a few questions related to the release of 8.04 LTS. Since he was going to translate the conversation into Italian this week, he was happy for Mark to blog the English version in his blog.

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • John Crawford
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. Please feel free to contact us to submit an idea, or to voice any concerns or suggestions. Send your email to *Please note that you must subscribe to the list to be able to submit. If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then