
Welcome to the Ubuntu Venezuela LoCo Team ReApproval Application


Ubuntu Venezuela

From the beginning, the Ubuntu Venezuela, was built by people that used different distros and free operative systems, but due to it's rapid growth (as to become the largest community of Linux in the country!), many users of other distributions saw the benefits of a big and helpful community... and Ubuntu became their primary operating system! We value and appreciate our relationship with the broader GNU/Linux/FOSS community

Geographic Information

Zona horaria América/Caracas



Key details

Team Contact:

David Rondón


Official site


Ubuntu Venezuela Team

IRC Channel:


Mailing List:

Team Mailing List


Team Wiki


Telegram Ubuntu-ve

Facebook Page:

Facebook Page



Statistics: Social Media

We have a lot of social media channels, which are mentioned above, and here are some insights from our Twitter @Ubuntu_ve 1_opt.jpg 2_opt.jpg


  • There are 54 direct members of the Ubuntu Venezuela Team and 61 members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. Member Count

Structure and Governance

Regional & Works teams /Organization

ubuntu-ve all members have equal privileges and opportunities, but for best results we created groups in geographical areas for the organization and participation in team activities. thus users and novices can get a list of members and equipment available in your area of coexistence and have quick access to support and participation

Team Leaders/Contacts

Members with a significant and sustained contribution to the community are awarded official membership.



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Anniversaries, as the word implies, are events in which we celebrate the years of existence of the Venezuelan LoCo Team. It usually consists of a full day of conferences and workshops on Ubuntu and an Install-Fest, and is organized by regional enthusiasts and team members from all the states, but most of all, it's an oportunity to have a gathering of ubunteros and have a good time... and of course, everybody can join the celebration!


Local, National and International

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Events Year 2019


Event Name


March 20

"HackLab Introducción a la Programación de Computadora con PHP"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

March 24

"HackLab Soporte Tecnico con Ubuntu Linux"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

April 27

"Flisol Cumana"

Cumana, Sucre

April 27

"Flisol Maturin"

Maturin, Monagas

April 27

"Flisol Puerto Ayacucho"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

August 22,23,24

"UbuConLA"(Team Participation)

Talca - Chile


Sep 13

"5to Día Python Mérida"

Mérida, Mérida

Oct 17

"8º Webinar EaD: “La videoconferencia desde una mirada del que hacer en la Educación a Distancia”"

Maracay, Aragua

Oct 31

"9no Webinar: La Gamificación. IAE7 / EAD"

Maracay, Aragua

Nov 14

"10mo Webinar "Herramientas X.O para la Creación de Contenido"

Maracay, Aragua

Dec 4

"11mo Webinar "Las Redes de Conocimiento en la Web Social"

Maracay, Aragua

Events Year 2018


Event Name


April 27,28,29

"UbuCon Europe" (Team Participation)

Gijon, Asturias.España

April 28

"Flisol Calabozo 2018"

Calabozo, Guarico

April 28

"Flisol Barceolona- Anzoategui 2018"

Barcelona, Anzaotegui

April 28

"Flisol Mérida 2018"

Mérida, Mérida

September 15

"Día de Software Libre - SFD"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

Events Year 2017


Event Name


January 28

"Seminario Migración de Software Libre en la APN"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

March 30

"#DFD2017 Día del Documento Libre - Amazonas"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

April 22

"FLISoL Mérida"

Mérida, Mérida

April 22

"FLISOL Amazonas 2017"

Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas

April 22

"FLISoL Calabozo 2017"

Calabozo, Guarico

June 16


El Tigre - Anzoategui

June 26

"Taller Manejo y Edición de imágenes"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

July 16

"11 Aniversario de la Comunidad "Ubuntu Venezuela" ( El Tigre - Anz)"

El Tigre - Anzoategui

August 12

"2do Install-Fest 2017 - Ubuntu Linux Amazonas"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

August 18,19

"UbuConLA"(Team Participation)

Lima - Peru

September 26

"Taller Edición de Audio con Ardor"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

September 30

"Amazonas Día del Documento Libre"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

November 22

"Taller Ubuntu y Redes Sociales para Comunicadores"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

November 24

"Reunión Trimestral Ubuntu-ve Amazonas"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

November 26

"Edición de Vídeos con KdenLive"

Puerto Ayacucho - Amazonas

Ubuntu Venezuela and...

We want to point out that the strong problems we are currently experiencing in our country: such as economic problems, transportation, lack of cash, political and social problems have prevented us from continuing with the realization, organization and participation in meetings and events as we used to do. Due to security measures and all of the above, together with the migration of members to other countries, they have greatly affected us and all the free and open source software communities that make life in Venezuela.

  • However, we do not lose hope that we can soon recover our activities together with the stability of our country.


The Ubuntu Venezuela Community Council has set some short and long term goals for the team:

  • Membership - Find new and interesting ways for new members to contribute with the community, and try to make it easy and rewarding to contribute.
  • Helping the community in Venezuela, providing support in various ways by forums, telegram, facebook ,etc. This allows us to grow as a team and understand the needs of new users, allowing us to implement strategies to meet the responsabilities we have for this growing group of people.
  • Ubuntu Members -The Ubuntu Members are recognized for the great work they have done and are doing for the Ubuntu project. These Ubunteros are subject to a very thourough inspection by the Council of Regional Membership
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Ubuntu Rolando Blanco

Ubuntu Efraín Valles

Ubuntu Santiago Zarate

Ubuntu César Sevilla

Ubuntu David Rondon

Ubuntu Naudy Vilarroel

Ubuntu Alfieri Morillo

Ubuntu Hernán Guzmán

Our Pride

Without doubt our greatest pride is to be part of the satisfaction of the people that with a big smile in their face walk out of one of our Install-Fests happy with their shinny and new Ubuntu OS! ... and we do our best to make them feel that as Ubuntu users, they are not alone in this road to freedom ... they belong now to a bigger family... the Ubuntu-ve family!

But this is only possible with the participation and collaboration of a community, team work, and the will to fight against adversity and differences that often exist in any group of people and organizations. Only in this way we can conquer goals and achieve what has been achieved by Ubuntu-ve.

Throughout this time, all ubuntu-ve members that have passed through our growing family have left their footprints captured in this community. All those that have provided many good ideas and hard work, those who have given a little less but with with the best of faith, goodwill and hope, and absolutely all members who have worked for our LoCo Team, are valuable, and we trully thank them.

There is no greater pride than being valued and recognized positively for our work and effort.

Ubuntu-ve: "We now are many... we will be many more"

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The best of wishes from Ubuntu-ve to the global Ubuntu community

VenezuelaTeam/Re-VerificationApplication2019 (last edited 2020-03-15 18:23:54 by davidhdz)