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I'm currently studying Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, but I've been interested in design since I can remember.
I've been involved in the GNU/Linux community since 2009, when I first installed Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) in my laptop (I actually installed 9.04 a day before 9.10 was launched because I was a total noob :P).
My first involvement in open source projects was thanks to Around 2009 I started contributing helping localise applications such as Gwibber, Transmission, Miro, and so on mainly into Catalan; as well as improving old Spanish and English (UK) translations. I ended up joining the official Ubuntu English (United Kingdom) Translators and some other teams, which led to my collaboration to elementary OS.
Around 2010 I started being heavily involved in the localisation process of elementary OS, ending up leading the Catalan and English (UK) translation teams, as well as contributing to the Spanish team. Alas, I'm not as active as I used to be before; thankfully there are lots of folks that actively help elementary grow more and more each day.
- In 2013 I created a logo for Ubuntu GNOME; one thing lead to another, and now I'm the Marketing (formerly Artwork and Design) Team Leader of the project. With time, we've built an awesome team with enormously talented people. Our goal is to improve the UX of Ubuntu GNOME, as well as helping the project get more users and contributors. Some of my contributions to the project are:
Created a new logo for Ubuntu GNOME (replaced by Inoki's new visual identity for Ubuntu GNOME in 2015).
Redesign of Ubiquity for Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 (with SatyajitSahoo we based the new theme upon the Ubuntu theme; most of the text was wirtten by amjjawad).
Created a new Plymouth theme for Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 (AlbertoMilone, the original author of the Ubuntu Plymouth theme, solved some of my questions about the code).
- Created the syslinux theme.
- Created the branding for our social media sites.
- Since the creation of the first (old) visual identity of Ubuntu GNOME, I've kept GNOME informed about our use of their Trademark; their feedback has been crucial into the evolution of our visual identity. This has recently (early 2016) led to a Trademark License Agreement with the GNOME Foundation.
Coded a brand-new Ubiquity theme for Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 based upon the designs made by Inoki.
Although the main design has been visualised by Inoki, we all have helped in the brainstorming process of the design of our (upcoming) new website.
For the last three (3) years, I've been heavily involved with Ubuntu Communities (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, UbuntuGNOME, others) and I have worked side by side with many good people who became very good friends of mine. Among all those, there are some unique mates, some other are special, some are smart, some you can't forget them no matter what, and so on. Each has different style and way which I like and admire. aldomann is someone that I can't mention his name without admiring his unique talent of reading my mind and he knows what exactly I want from the first word and sometimes, I don't even have to mention anything. He is, without a doubt, a great addition to UbuntuGNOME Team and his Artwork Skills are really amazing. I am so glad that I got to know and meet him and it is a pleasure and fun to work with someone really smart like him - amjjawad.
Alfredo joined the Ubuntu GNOME Artwork team about 3 years ago and quickly became the team leader for that team, over that time he has been constantly active in anything design related, Over time he has designed logos, plymouth themes, icons for the wiki pages, installer slideshows, and more. He was primary in organising trademark agreements with the GNOME Foundation. He is also heavily involved in the redesign of the new website/branding for Ubuntu GNOME. I highly recommend him for Ubuntu membership, in fact he probably should have applied about 2 years ago!
-- darkxst 2016-04-09 13:05:13 Ubuntu GNOME - Technical Lead
Working with Alfredo was a pleasant experience from the start. He's someone you could always count on, equal to saying "the right person in the right spot", he acquitted his position as team lead responsibly. He's very professional, committed, kind and considerate, always willing to help and provide guidance on the highest level possible.
-- inoki Principal Designer, Ubuntu GNOME
aldomann (last edited 2016-05-07 17:11:11 by localhost)