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Revision 49 as of 2009-12-06 00:53:17
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||
#Title Nathan Handler
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{{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} '''Name''': Nathan Handler<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/6591121/illinois.png}} '''Location''': Illinois, USA<<BR>>
{{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} '''Launchpad''': LaunchpadHome:nhandler <<BR>>
{{https://bugs.launchpad.net/@@/private}} '''GPG Key''': [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xF30EEA8C3446F59EF0DB433C2335FB3F3933A7CE&op=index|3933A7CE]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpad.net/@@/mail}} '''Email''': [[mailto:nhandler@ubuntu.com|nhandler@ubuntu.com]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} '''IRC''': nhandler on irc.freenode.net<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7171615/ubuntulogo_s.png}} '''Ubuntu Forums''': [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=148906|nhandler]]<<BR>>
{{http://identi.ca/favicon.ico}} '''identi.ca''': [[http://identi.ca/nhandler|nhandler]]<<BR>>
{{http://twitter.com/favicon.ico}} '''twitter''': [[http://twitter.com/nathanhandler|nathanhandler]]<<BR>>
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* '''Name:''' Nathan Handler == Team Participation ==
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* '''Location:''' Illinois, USA {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1013640/ubuntu_emblem.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers|Ubuntu Members]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/4423778/qa-icon.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol|Ubuntu Bug Control]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/15994865/Untitled.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners|Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1516491/motu-image-2.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~motu|MOTU]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1072363/motu.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev|Ubuntu Development Team]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/3864626/minitools.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors|Ubuntu Sponsors for Universe]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/15753958/25iyhhv.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-unanswered|UF Unanswered Posts Team]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/2083887/kubuntu-dapper-k.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members|Kubuntu Members]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/31496145/icon.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas|Kubuntu Ninjas]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/18594743/needsreview.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~revu-admins|REVU Admins]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16987751/14logo.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~brainstorm-moderators|Ubuntu Brainstorm Moderators]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/3300871/chigotchi.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-chicago|Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1598041/face-smile.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~motu-release|MOTU Release Team]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpad.net/@@/team}} [[https://launchpad.net/~motu-council|motu-council]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/26021066/package14.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~packaging-training-coordinators|Packaging Training Coordinators]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpad.net/@@/team}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-beginners-council|Ubuntu Beginners Team Council]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7119688/the-fridge_0-14.jpg}} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fridge|Ubuntu Fridge Editors]]<<BR>>
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/14562530/preferences-desktop-peripherals1.jpg}} [[https://launchpad.net/~uwn|Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter]]
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* '''Launchpad:''' [https://launchpad.net/~nhandler/ nhandler] Click [[https://launchpad.net/~nhandler/+participation|here]] to see a complete list of teams that I currently am a member of.
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* '''Email:''' [mailto:nathan.handler@gmail.com nathan.handler@gmail.com] == Other Activities ==
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* '''IRC:''' nhandler on irc.freenode.net {*} Manage the [[TeamReports|Ubuntu Team Reports]]<<BR>>
{*} [[http://freenode.net/|freenode]] staff member<<BR>>
{*} Develop [[VoteBot]] for the Ubuntu Beginners Team<<BR>>
{*} Contribute as a member of the [[http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianPerlGroup|Debian Perl Group]]
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* '''Ubuntu Forums:''' [http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=148906 Cheater] == Interviews and Other Places I've Been Mentioned ==
* [[http://behindmotu.wordpress.com/2008/12/23/nathan-handler-nhandler/]]<<BR>>
* [[http://blog.joeb454.com/2009/09/an-interview-with-nhandler/]]<<BR>>
* [[http://hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com/?feature=nathan-handler]]<<BR>>
* [[http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issue27_en.pdf]]
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== About Me ==
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My name is Nathan Handler. I live in Illinois, and I have been using Ubuntu since Dapper Drake. Currently, I am running Intrepid Ibex. == IRC Council Election 2009 ==
I am an active participant in many Ubuntu IRC channels on freenode. I serve as a member of the [[BeginnersTeam|Ubuntu Beginners Team]] Council, and am an operator in all of the team's channels. From this, I have learned the value of being patient with all users. I believe that it is very important to try and make sure troublesome users understand what they are doing wrong as well as what they must do to resolve the issue. I have found this to work much better than simply banning users. Recently, I have become a member of the freenode staff. This has given me experience handling most types of issues that take place on IRC. It has also helped to improve my conflict resolution skills, which I believe are very important for council members as well as operators to have. I believe I have sufficient knowledge and experience with IRC and the Ubuntu community to be able to greatly benefit the Ubuntu community by serving on the IRC Council.
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== Contributions == == Community Council Election 2009 ==
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I've been an active member of the forums since I began using Ubuntu in August of 2006. During that time, I have gone from being the type of person who is always asking questions, to the type of person who answers them. Since I knew how aggravating it can be to not have your questions answered, I decided to join the [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnansweredPostsTeam Unanswered Posts Team]. As a member, I attempt to answer questions that have not received any attention. I also tag these posts using the Unanswered Posts Team's tracker. This allows me to come back to questions that I attempt to resolve, and verify if my solution worked. It also allows me to request help from other team members if I am unable to resolve the issue. I have been nominated for a seat on the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/council|Community Council]]. The Community Council is one of the two highest governing councils in the Ubuntu community (the other being the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/techboard|Ubuntu Technical Board]]). As you can see from what I [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nhandler#MOTU%20Council%20Poll%20February/March%202009|wrote up]] when running for the MOTU Council, I have contributed to many different areas of the community. Although I am not an expert in all of these areas, I have spent time learning enough to be able to contribute and help out. If I am elected, I feel that this knowledge will allow me to help resolve most community issues that might arise. So far, the Community Council has done a good job of governing the community and resolving issues that come up. After working with several of the members of this council, I feel that I would be very capable of working with them on the Community Council.
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During the Gutsy development process, I decided to start giving back to the community by patching bugs. [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmmetHikory Emmet Hikory (persia)] helped teach me the basics of patching bugs. Thanks to his patience, I was able to successfully patch several bugs prior to Gutsy's release. == MOTU Council Poll February/March 2009 ==
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I was unable to participate in the development process of Hardy because of school. I have been nominated for a seat on the [[MOTU/Council|MOTU Council]]. Quoting the wiki page description, "The MOTU Council is the central place for approving new ubuntu-universe-contributors and motu team members and helping to find consensus and have a final say in conflicts."
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For Intrepid, I have been busy syncing and merging packages from Debian. [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmilioPozuelo Emilio Pozuelo (pochu)] has sponsored several of these merges/syncs. This was the first Ubuntu release that I did merges/syncs for. As a result, not all of them were perfect the first time. However, I learned from my mistakes. If a merge of mine was found to contain errors, I would go back, and revise it until it was excepted. I am learning quickly, and have been attempting to challenge myself by choosing packages that have multiple conflicts to merge. Like on the forum, I'm also trying to use my knowledge to help other people. I have looked over a few merges that other people have done, and I have pointed out problems with them when they exist. If the person needs help resolving the problems, I attempt to help them as well. I have worked hard in many areas of the community (as you can see from the list of teams I participate in). This experience has given me knowledge about how many of the teams work/operate, and how they fit into the big picture. I also try to stay up-to-date with all events going on in the community by subscribing to many mailing lists, following many blogs, subscribing to many people on identi.ca, and joining many different IRC channels. As a result of all of this, I feel that I generally have a good idea about what is going on in the community.
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Another way I contribute to the community is by trying to keep [http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php DaD] updated. DaD has a comment field that can be used as a status field or an assignee field. If I come across a package that somebody has started to perform a merge on, I make sure the comment field on DaD reflects that. This prevents multiple people from trying to merge the same package at the same time. It also allows other developers to quickly see what packages people are working on merging. My plans for the future include:
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== Goals/Plans For The Future ==  * Making it easier for people to begin contributing to Ubuntu
 * Developing new tools that make it easier for Developers to perform their everyday tasks
 * Improving communication between the different teams
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I currently plan to continue merging and syncing packages until the import freeze. After that, I will probably attempt to patch as many bugs as I can. If you have any questions or comments about anything, feel free to contact me using one of the methods described above.
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I am also currently working on [http://utilities.servehttp.com/SuperMoM/SuperMoM.html Super MoM]. It takes most of its information from [http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html MoM]. However, it also fetches additional information from Launchpad. The goal of this project is to create a site that displays all of the information from both MoM and Launchpad on one page. This will increase productivity for developers because they won't have to flip between MoM and Launchpad to figure out if someone has already started working on a merge. Currently, Super MoM is in its early stages of development. At this point, I'm not sure if it will ever turn into a tool that other people use, but I know it will help increase my productivity. == Testimonials ==
=== Testimonials for Ubuntu Contributing Developer ===
  * Nathan Handler is a sincere and dedicated member of the OSS community. His contributions are prominent and well appreciated. I've had great experience working with him at the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=215|UF_Beginners_Team]]. He has the potential and a positive attitude towards development and is fully entitled to become an Ubuntu Contributing Developer. -- [[SayakBanerjee|Sayak_Banerjee_(glade88)]]
  * It has been my pleasure to work with Nathan Handler on the Beginners Team. Nathan is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. I support his application as a Ubuntu Contributing Developer and feel he will become a valued member of the development community. [[BodhiZazen]]
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My goal is to someday become an [http://launchpad.net/~universe-contributors Ubuntu Contributing Developer]. I don't want to be a Contributing Developer just to become a member in another group. I want to become a Contributing Developer because in order to do that, other Ubuntu developers will have to feel that I have enough knowledge and have contributed enough to the community. When that happens, it will make all of the hard work I am currently doing pay off. === Testimonials for Community Council Election 2009 ===
  * I've been working with Nathan for over a year on the Beginners Team, and I have to say that it has been a great experience since day 1. He is dedicated, reliable, patient, passionate about Ubuntu, and very easy to work with and to talk to. I think he would be an excellent representative for the Ubuntu community, and I am pleased to give my full and unreserved support to his application to the CC. -- [[LaunchpadHome:rocket2dmn]] <<DateTime(2009-08-29T11:35:19-0500)>>
  * I've had the pleasure of working directly with Nathan these past few months on the [[Classroom]] project, which he's been a valuable asset to, helping keep the schedule conflict-free and updated for upcoming classes. We've also worked together on the BeginnersTeam and I'm frequently surprised at all the other places I bump into him within the community, his contributions and dedication are nothing short of amazing. -- [[lyz|ElizabethKrumbach]]

=== Testimonials for IRC Council Election 2009 ===
  * I've been around the block with Nathan for quite some time now, he brings an open minded, caring approach to helping our users with any issues that may arise, be it "crowd control" or anything of that nature. I FULLY support him with the application for IRC council because I know first hand how hard this position is. (I am a staff member of other IRC networks.) [[Speeddemon8803|Robb Munson]]

  * I have been lucky enough to work with Nathan in several aspects of the Ubuntu community. He has been a truly inspirational force in any group he participates in. He has demonstrated a great ability to lead with care, and to use his authority with care. I feel he would make a perfect fit for the IRC Council, and he has my complete support. [[swoody]]

  * I have known nhandler for a long time now and worked closely with him as a member of the Beginners Team. nhandler has been involved in the day to day management of the Beginners Team and shown great skill in handling the little events that can play havoc on a teams morale. In all cases his actions were exemplary and his skill in handling conflicts brought about resolutions. He has a tremendous amount of energy and his commitment to the community is extraordinary. [[cprofitt]]

  * What can I say about nhandler - I sit with him on the Ubuntu Beginners Team Council, where he's generally the one who will come up with the topics for discussion and make sure we have meetings when necessary. He seems to be around on IRC a surprising amount of the day, which to me, shows his dedication to the activies he is involved in. From what I have seen of his leadership & people skills, he would be a perfect candidate for the role. I fully support his application to the IRCC. [[Joeb454]]

  * When one thinks of Ubuntu, NHandler definitely comes to mind. I have helped him in planning meetings and it was a pleasure to work with him. He seemed to be always around when needed and would always iron out the kinks if any arose. From being on IRC with him I know he takes ubuntu VERY seriously and is very supportive to everything he belongs to. To show how seriously he takes ubuntu he even wrote a paper on it! He is an excellent candidate for the council. [[RM3|R.Moss]]

  * [[starcraft.man]] On my ever expanding quest to give everyone everywhere a testimonial, from yours truly, I arrive at nhandler (not literally though, then, I'd be a stalker -_-). Anyway, what is there to say? He's nhandler, it's all right in the name.... handler. He handles __everything__ (exhibit A: see team participation). It is better to ask what hasn't nhandler done/fixed/resolved/killed? Oh there I go again, talking about things I shouldn't, not supposed to talk about secret night jobs... I say if ya want the best man for the job, ya go with nhandler. He's a proven op, he's friendly and helpful, and above all, he promised not to ninja me if I did this... oh now I'm gonna get it. *runs away before a shuriken from the dark gets him*.

  * Most people will agree that the power in any social structure should be with the good guys. Nathan Handler has chilled with us in #ubuntu-chicago on freenode (fixed caps) for a while now. You will find him to be both courteous and professional. Even though it goes without saying, Nathan Handler is a devoted Ubuntu member who exceeds the expectations for such position. :) [[TonyNarlock|Tony Narlock]]

Contact Info

https://launchpad.net/@@/person Name: Nathan Handler
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/6591121/illinois.png Location: Illinois, USA
https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico Launchpad: nhandler
https://bugs.launchpad.net/@@/private GPG Key: 3933A7CE
https://launchpad.net/@@/mail Email: nhandler@ubuntu.com
https://launchpad.net/@@/language IRC: nhandler on irc.freenode.net
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7171615/ubuntulogo_s.png Ubuntu Forums: nhandler
http://identi.ca/favicon.ico identi.ca: nhandler
http://twitter.com/favicon.ico twitter: nathanhandler

Team Participation

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1013640/ubuntu_emblem.png Ubuntu Members
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/4423778/qa-icon.png Ubuntu Bug Control
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/15994865/Untitled.png Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1516491/motu-image-2.png MOTU
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1072363/motu.png Ubuntu Development Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/3864626/minitools.png Ubuntu Sponsors for Universe
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/15753958/25iyhhv.png UF Unanswered Posts Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/2083887/kubuntu-dapper-k.png Kubuntu Members
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/31496145/icon.png Kubuntu Ninjas
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/18594743/needsreview.png REVU Admins
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16987751/14logo.png Ubuntu Brainstorm Moderators
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/3300871/chigotchi.png Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1598041/face-smile.png MOTU Release Team
https://launchpad.net/@@/team motu-council
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/26021066/package14.png Packaging Training Coordinators
https://launchpad.net/@@/team Ubuntu Beginners Team Council
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7119688/the-fridge_0-14.jpg Ubuntu Fridge Editors
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/14562530/preferences-desktop-peripherals1.jpg Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter

Click here to see a complete list of teams that I currently am a member of.

Other Activities

Ubuntu Manage the Ubuntu Team Reports
Ubuntu freenode staff member
Ubuntu Develop VoteBot for the Ubuntu Beginners Team
Ubuntu Contribute as a member of the Debian Perl Group

Interviews and Other Places I've Been Mentioned

* http://behindmotu.wordpress.com/2008/12/23/nathan-handler-nhandler/
* http://blog.joeb454.com/2009/09/an-interview-with-nhandler/
* http://hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com/?feature=nathan-handler
* http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issue27_en.pdf

IRC Council Election 2009

I am an active participant in many Ubuntu IRC channels on freenode. I serve as a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team Council, and am an operator in all of the team's channels. From this, I have learned the value of being patient with all users. I believe that it is very important to try and make sure troublesome users understand what they are doing wrong as well as what they must do to resolve the issue. I have found this to work much better than simply banning users. Recently, I have become a member of the freenode staff. This has given me experience handling most types of issues that take place on IRC. It has also helped to improve my conflict resolution skills, which I believe are very important for council members as well as operators to have. I believe I have sufficient knowledge and experience with IRC and the Ubuntu community to be able to greatly benefit the Ubuntu community by serving on the IRC Council.

Community Council Election 2009

I have been nominated for a seat on the Community Council. The Community Council is one of the two highest governing councils in the Ubuntu community (the other being the Ubuntu Technical Board). As you can see from what I wrote up when running for the MOTU Council, I have contributed to many different areas of the community. Although I am not an expert in all of these areas, I have spent time learning enough to be able to contribute and help out. If I am elected, I feel that this knowledge will allow me to help resolve most community issues that might arise. So far, the Community Council has done a good job of governing the community and resolving issues that come up. After working with several of the members of this council, I feel that I would be very capable of working with them on the Community Council.

MOTU Council Poll February/March 2009

I have been nominated for a seat on the MOTU Council. Quoting the wiki page description, "The MOTU Council is the central place for approving new ubuntu-universe-contributors and motu team members and helping to find consensus and have a final say in conflicts."

I have worked hard in many areas of the community (as you can see from the list of teams I participate in). This experience has given me knowledge about how many of the teams work/operate, and how they fit into the big picture. I also try to stay up-to-date with all events going on in the community by subscribing to many mailing lists, following many blogs, subscribing to many people on identi.ca, and joining many different IRC channels. As a result of all of this, I feel that I generally have a good idea about what is going on in the community.

My plans for the future include:

  • Making it easier for people to begin contributing to Ubuntu
  • Developing new tools that make it easier for Developers to perform their everyday tasks
  • Improving communication between the different teams

If you have any questions or comments about anything, feel free to contact me using one of the methods described above.


Testimonials for Ubuntu Contributing Developer

  • Nathan Handler is a sincere and dedicated member of the OSS community. His contributions are prominent and well appreciated. I've had great experience working with him at the UF_Beginners_Team. He has the potential and a positive attitude towards development and is fully entitled to become an Ubuntu Contributing Developer. -- Sayak_Banerjee_(glade88)

  • It has been my pleasure to work with Nathan Handler on the Beginners Team. Nathan is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. I support his application as a Ubuntu Contributing Developer and feel he will become a valued member of the development community. BodhiZazen

Testimonials for Community Council Election 2009

  • I've been working with Nathan for over a year on the Beginners Team, and I have to say that it has been a great experience since day 1. He is dedicated, reliable, patient, passionate about Ubuntu, and very easy to work with and to talk to. I think he would be an excellent representative for the Ubuntu community, and I am pleased to give my full and unreserved support to his application to the CC. -- rocket2dmn 2009-08-29 16:35:19

  • I've had the pleasure of working directly with Nathan these past few months on the Classroom project, which he's been a valuable asset to, helping keep the schedule conflict-free and updated for upcoming classes. We've also worked together on the BeginnersTeam and I'm frequently surprised at all the other places I bump into him within the community, his contributions and dedication are nothing short of amazing. -- ElizabethKrumbach

Testimonials for IRC Council Election 2009

  • I've been around the block with Nathan for quite some time now, he brings an open minded, caring approach to helping our users with any issues that may arise, be it "crowd control" or anything of that nature. I FULLY support him with the application for IRC council because I know first hand how hard this position is. (I am a staff member of other IRC networks.) Robb Munson

  • I have been lucky enough to work with Nathan in several aspects of the Ubuntu community. He has been a truly inspirational force in any group he participates in. He has demonstrated a great ability to lead with care, and to use his authority with care. I feel he would make a perfect fit for the IRC Council, and he has my complete support. swoody

  • I have known nhandler for a long time now and worked closely with him as a member of the Beginners Team. nhandler has been involved in the day to day management of the Beginners Team and shown great skill in handling the little events that can play havoc on a teams morale. In all cases his actions were exemplary and his skill in handling conflicts brought about resolutions. He has a tremendous amount of energy and his commitment to the community is extraordinary. cprofitt

  • What can I say about nhandler - I sit with him on the Ubuntu Beginners Team Council, where he's generally the one who will come up with the topics for discussion and make sure we have meetings when necessary. He seems to be around on IRC a surprising amount of the day, which to me, shows his dedication to the activies he is involved in. From what I have seen of his leadership & people skills, he would be a perfect candidate for the role. I fully support his application to the IRCC. Joeb454

  • When one thinks of Ubuntu, NHandler definitely comes to mind. I have helped him in planning meetings and it was a pleasure to work with him. He seemed to be always around when needed and would always iron out the kinks if any arose. From being on IRC with him I know he takes ubuntu VERY seriously and is very supportive to everything he belongs to. To show how seriously he takes ubuntu he even wrote a paper on it! He is an excellent candidate for the council. R.Moss

  • starcraft.man On my ever expanding quest to give everyone everywhere a testimonial, from yours truly, I arrive at nhandler (not literally though, then, I'd be a stalker -_-). Anyway, what is there to say? He's nhandler, it's all right in the name.... handler. He handles everything (exhibit A: see team participation). It is better to ask what hasn't nhandler done/fixed/resolved/killed? Oh there I go again, talking about things I shouldn't, not supposed to talk about secret night jobs... I say if ya want the best man for the job, ya go with nhandler. He's a proven op, he's friendly and helpful, and above all, he promised not to ninja me if I did this... oh now I'm gonna get it. *runs away before a shuriken from the dark gets him*.

  • Most people will agree that the power in any social structure should be with the good guys. Nathan Handler has chilled with us in #ubuntu-chicago on freenode (fixed caps) for a while now. You will find him to be both courteous and professional. Even though it goes without saying, Nathan Handler is a devoted Ubuntu member who exceeds the expectations for such position. Smile :) Tony Narlock


nhandler (last edited 2011-03-19 07:11:25 by 173-161-113-147-Illinois)