Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
Welcome to the Arizona LoCo Team Installfest planning page for the Hardy Heron 8.04 release. The link below shows general guidelines and suggestions from Ubuntu on running this type of event.
Ubuntu Guidelines for Installfests: Ubuntu Installfests
- Initial plans are to have the Installfests between 4 to 6 weeks after the introduction of the next Ubuntu release. Hardy Heron 8.04 is the next release, and it is due out in April of 2008. From past experience, these releases come out somewhere around the 18th of the month. It would therefore make sense to plan the event for somewhere between the 15th and the 31st of May. (We need to decide what day of the week and during what time periods we want to do the event)
- Finding a location in Phoenix is of major concern. Size is not of great concern, but internet access, plenty of outlets, bathroom facilities, solid tables, chairs, access to food and drink, and the ability to display some kind of signs, banners, or posters is necessary.
- Advertising should be of importance if we want to have a successful event. Local radio, colleges, libraries, newspapers, coffee shops, etc. should be informed and/or small window posters distributed too.
- We should consider looking into having some cheap silkscreen T-shirts made up for the team members to wear, making us visible to the people looking for help.
- I also believe we can request an "Event Package" from Ubuntu that I believe includes a banner. (I will look into that and see what is offered)
Material Requirements
- Manpower
- Install Disks (Default and Alternate)
Power Strips & Extension Cords
Leaflets to pass out about our LoCo
- Signs, banners, and/or posters
- Some kind of cart to help people bring in the boxes
- Cameras
- GPG Key-signing materials(if we so decide)
Date: May 17th, 2008
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
First Baptist Church of Peoria
Basketball Gym(West Building)
8133 W. Cactus Road
Peoria, AZ 85318
- Note: This location was secured for our us by our team member enigmastrat, who also had a big part in getting things set up. A big "Thank You" to him and also to the First Baptist Church of Peoria for helping our team out!!
The team has done it again! A great event that provided fun, friendship, teamwork, and Ubuntu advocacy. Well done!! Members met in Phoenix to do installs, give out Ubuntu Live CDs, and show the area what Ubuntu and our team is all about. This was definitely a successful event and you can see it by looking at the pictures below. w00t, Arizona team, "The Hottest Loco on Earth". Special notice to Craig and Kenny for their efforts on our behalf too.
Installfest Swag
Computer belongs to storkus (Mike). Nice shirt.
Setting Up
Left to right, Mike Schwartz, gunxfight (Chris Wiggins) and Rondo (Ron McCarty)
Showing off our team Installfest Flyer
DesertPenquin (John) and Mike Schwartz
Discussing Strategy
In back, tyche (Craig), seated, Mike Schwartz, Jonathan Wiggins, gunxfight (Chris Wiggins) and rondo (Ron McCarty)
The team hard at work installing Ubuntu
Standing across the back, Wayne, tyche (Craig), paul928 (Paul), Mike Schwartz. Seated on left, word (Travis McHenry). Standing on right, DesertPenquin (John). Seated (back to front) Jonathan Wiggins, gunxfight (Chris Wiggins), and rondo (Ron McCarty)
Hans and friend enjoying a private joke
xhans (Hans), talking to a future convert.
Craig gives out Ubuntu business card and Live Ubuntu CD
Wayne, tyche (Craig) and paul928 (Paul).
DesertPenquin explaining the steps for installing Ubuntu on a Thinkpad to Mike Schwartz
Mike Schwartz and DesertPenquin (John)
word kicks back and observes his handywork
word (Travis McHenry), paul928 (Paul), and storkus (Mike).
Craig(tyche) cultivates a new convert while the rest of the team slaves away
Wayne and tyche (Craig). Someone? talking to paul928 (Paul) (arm and shirt on the right)
Serious work commences
ArizonaTeam/Installfest (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:17 by localhost)