Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
- Introduction - who you are, where at, why you chose Ubuntu, any *nix experience
Feisty upgrade - any issues w/ upgrading, pros & cons, new apps, how to do things
- How to convert local people to Ubuntu
- Programming - what you would like to learn, who has experience in what
- Games - who's a gamer, what games, any *nix games others can play as a group
un,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) here is the list br posted Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) 1. Introduction - who you are, where at, why you chose Ubuntu, any *nix experience Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) 2. Feisty upgrade - any issues w/ upgrading, pros & cons, new apps, how to do things Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) 3. How to convert local people to Ubuntu Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) 4. Programming - what you would like to learn, who has experience in what Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) 5. Games - who's a gamer, what games, any *nix games others can play as a group Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( johnc) sticky is up on forum, our thanks to vorian Sun,22.04.2007|18:08( SlickMcRunfast) that didnt work to well Sun,22.04.2007|18:09( SlickMcRunfast) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417097 Sun,22.04.2007|18:09* Vorian tilts a hat to johnc Sun,22.04.2007|18:09( SlickMcRunfast) lets get going Sun,22.04.2007|18:09( Vorian) oops Sun,22.04.2007|18:09( SlickMcRunfast) 1) self intro Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( johnc) You guys start with the intr Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) alphabetical Sun,22.04.2007|18:10>> Stats #ubuntu-arizona: +o[1] +v[0] -o[11] Total: 12 Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) atoponce go Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) if your here Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( rsthree) he's dead, jim Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) guess so Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( br24) nice Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( rsthree) [atoponce] is away (screen detached) Sun,22.04.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) azteech Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( azteech) Well, real name is steve. Live in Tucson area .... chose ubuntu as it seems to fit my current style Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( SlickMcRunfast) nice to meet you Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( azteech) Have some previous experience with *nix, from red hat to unix based computers as a user in military. Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( SlickMcRunfast) br Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( br24) thanks azteech Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( azteech) yw Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( SlickMcRunfast) military? Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( SlickMcRunfast) nice Sun,22.04.2007|18:11( azteech) Retired Sun,22.04.2007|18:12( br24) okay here I go Sun,22.04.2007|18:12( br24) names Brian, in Tucson, chose Ubuntu after testing many distros Sun,22.04.2007|18:12( br24) I would say about 2 yrs exp Sun,22.04.2007|18:13( br24) mostly I taught myself Sun,22.04.2007|18:13( azteech) nice to meet you brian Sun,22.04.2007|18:13( rsthree) cool. Sun,22.04.2007|18:13( br24) danke Sun,22.04.2007|18:14( rsthree) ianmcorvidae? Sun,22.04.2007|18:14( ianmcorvidae) Name is Ian McEwen, Tucson. High school student; started tu use Linux after Windows became too unstable on my home computer this January; had been intending to switch for some time. Chose Ubuntu specifically due to little experience with Linux, in general terms. *nix experience is limited to some use of Solaris workstations at the UA, my dad's work. Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) Sorry, was writing a long one, as you can see. Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( rsthree) :D np Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( br24) its cool ian Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( azteech) lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) I'm a bit long-winded at times :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:15( azteech) started to do same, then decided not ... lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:16( rsthree) it's all good, so long as you don't incite snoring Sun,22.04.2007|18:16( rsthree) or so i figure :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:16( ianmcorvidae) I'll try not to, then. Sun,22.04.2007|18:16( SlickMcRunfast) JohnC your turn Sun,22.04.2007|18:16( johnc) I'm 53, (old) and live in tucson, been using ubuntu for over 2 yrs. like to play golf and have fun. A fresh brewsky is always welcome.Mostly self taught on linux. Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( br24) brews are good Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( johnc) u bet Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( br24) as long as they arent macros Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( rsthree) tucson dominates so far :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( br24) thanks johnc Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( SlickMcRunfast) yes... Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( azteech) lol .... brews always welcome Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( ianmcorvidae) Evidently. Sun,22.04.2007|18:17( johnc) ofcourse rs3 Sun,22.04.2007|18:18>> Polygon|eatingdi is now known as Polygon89 Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( SlickMcRunfast) good timing polygon Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( rsthree) just in time, Polygon. Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( rsthree) :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( SlickMcRunfast) your turn Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( SlickMcRunfast) self intro Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( Polygon89) whose? Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( Polygon89) mine? Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( br24) oh yeah Sun,22.04.2007|18:18>> Stats #ubuntu-arizona: +o[1] +v[0] -o[11] Total: 12 Sun,22.04.2007|18:18( azteech) yeppers :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:19( Polygon89) mark grandi, tucson (somehow i know ian, but i dont remember....) started using ubuntu since about two years ago, did it because windows kept crapping out on me and got some help from a long time linux user who played americas army with me Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( johnc) nice to know you mark Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( br24) thanks mark Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( johnc) and tucson is reigning king so far Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( azteech) nice to know you mark, john, Ian ... Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( rsthree) i'm about to break the tucson streak :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( Polygon89) heh Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( ianmcorvidae) lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:20( johnc) that's ok rs3 Sun,22.04.2007|18:20* rsthree is from yuma! hah Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( br24) sorry to hear that Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( br24) hehehe Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( ianmcorvidae) :P Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( rsthree) my name's royal. i'm originally from washington state, actually... :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( azteech) nice to meet you royal ... have to find out where from in wa .. some time Sun,22.04.2007|18:21( rsthree) but living down here indefinitely. going to AWC then NAU-Yuma extension when that finishes. been running ubuntu since breezy (5.10), trying to convert from windows completely and hoping to help others do the same. Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( johnc) we'll get you out of Yuma, but nice meeting ya. Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( rsthree) azteech, all around. bremerton, port angeles, seattle, bellingham, et cetera :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( br24) thanks royal Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( rsthree) thank you! Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( azteech) kewl, royal .. Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( br24) my gf is from out there Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( rsthree) nice Sun,22.04.2007|18:22( azteech) was raised in eastern wa ... Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( rsthree) (nod) a bit drier out that way :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( azteech) almost like here, not as hot though Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( rsthree) seamless, you ready? Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( johnc) Yuma is the hottest!!!!!!!!! Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( seamless) My name is John Schember. I'm a student at ASU and use Ubuntu because it's dead simple to maintain. Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( rsthree) excellent Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( azteech) by far the hottest ... Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( Polygon89) welcome Sun,22.04.2007|18:23( johnc) nice Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( Vorian) (w00t ASU) Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( br24) good stuff john s Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( azteech) nice to meet you john s .. Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( SloggerKhan) b00 AS-who? lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( rsthree) haha Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( br24) awesome Sun,22.04.2007|18:24* Vorian is a buckeye Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( Vorian) we love ASU Sun,22.04.2007|18:24( ianmcorvidae) lol. Sun,22.04.2007|18:25>> Stats #ubuntu-arizona: +o[1] +v[0] -o[11] Total: 12 Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) Slick? Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( rsthree) i lived in columbus for a year Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( rsthree) miss it somewhat Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( johnc) we love em when we beat them Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( SlickMcRunfast) My name is Mark, I live in Tempe. Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( Polygon89) hahaha@john Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( SlickMcRunfast) Almost done at school in about a week Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( azteech) Hi mark ... ntmy Sun,22.04.2007|18:25( Polygon89) another mark, heh Sun,22.04.2007|18:26( ianmcorvidae) lol. Sun,22.04.2007|18:26( rsthree) graduating, then? Sun,22.04.2007|18:26( azteech) 2 for john and 2 for mark ... lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:26( br24) thanks mark Sun,22.04.2007|18:26( johnc) any of you ASU people know Magie Huff? Sun,22.04.2007|18:27( seamless) Don't t think so. Sun,22.04.2007|18:27( johnc) nice girl, look her up Sun,22.04.2007|18:27( johnc) tell her John Crawford says hi Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( johnc) bathroom break, be right back Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( rsthree) k Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( Polygon89) k Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( azteech) k Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( Vorian) not ok Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( Vorian) hold it Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( Vorian) =] Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( rsthree) hahah Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( ianmcorvidae) lol. Sun,22.04.2007|18:28( Polygon89) so..... i just installed feisty today and the one bug that i was hoping that got fixed (and is even listed as fixed in launchpad) still doesnt work for me.... it makes me sad =/ Sun,22.04.2007|18:29( rsthree) which? Sun,22.04.2007|18:29( Polygon89) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/22876 Sun,22.04.2007|18:29( ianmcorvidae) Oh, and also: Slogger? Sun,22.04.2007|18:29( SloggerKhan) I'm Dustin, UA student. Am a Southwesterner/American. Use Ubuntu 'cause it's free, only Linux that is easily usable as an everyday sort of OS on my laptop (Can't afford to spend days getting basic stuff to work. Need a working comp for school). (Tried gentoo (including kernel compile) w/ a friend of mine. More of a life than an OS.... ugh. Also tried others.) Live in Tucson currently. Have used unix and linux through SSH f Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( SloggerKhan) Prepared a statement, guess you might say. Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( Polygon89) ahaha Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( Polygon89) was going to say, you type fast. Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( ianmcorvidae) Yeah. Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( azteech) ntmy, dustin Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( ianmcorvidae) looks like it got cut off. Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( ianmcorvidae) Just after "SSH" Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( br24) thanks dustin Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( ianmcorvidae) Also, pleased to meet you :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:30( SloggerKhan) for CS/ENG class. Started using Ubuntu specifically about 1 year ago. Would consider myself mostly self taught. Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( johnc) nice to meet ya Dustin Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( SloggerKhan) Likewise. :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:31>> Stats #ubuntu-arizona: +o[1] +v[0] -o[11] Total: 12 Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( Polygon89) welcome. Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( ianmcorvidae) Vorian? You've said a bit, but might as well be official :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( Vorian) hmm Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( Vorian) ok Sun,22.04.2007|18:31( br24) why not Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( Vorian) Hi! I'm Steve Stalcup https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StephenStalcup. I used to live in Gilbert (Power Ranch). I was introduced to ubuntu in Arizona. I really hate my job and want to move back to AZ, so if any of you can help me out (that would be awesome) Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( Vorian) Anyway... Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( Vorian) I love the LoCo project. Like i said earlier, if you ever need anything let me know. Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( br24) youre awesome Vorian Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( Polygon89) cool thanks Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( Vorian) pfft! Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( br24) but Im not sure about the moving back to AZ part Sun,22.04.2007|18:32( rsthree) haha Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( Vorian) :( Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( br24) tis okay lad Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( Vorian) I loved it there Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( johnc) thanks v, you've been a big help. Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( br24) yes thank you Vorian Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( azteech) kewl, vorian, ntmy ... Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( Vorian) :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:33( br24) always welcome in AZ Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( johnc) come back anytime Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( SlickMcRunfast) ntmy Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) Indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( Vorian) thanks :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( SlickMcRunfast) atoponce are you here? Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) He's apparently away on a detached screen. Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( Vorian) atoponce is always away Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( Vorian) I'll introduce him Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) Heh, ok. Sun,22.04.2007|18:34( Vorian) He's from the Utah Team Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( Vorian) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AaronToponce Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( Vorian) he has a short temper and eats children Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( johnc) ha ha Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( ianmcorvidae) rofl Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( azteech) lmao Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( Polygon89) uh oh lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:35( johnc) does he cook them first Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( br24) awesome Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( rsthree) hahaha Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( Vorian) =] Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( Vorian) This is what we do ----> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/ Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( Vorian) We are mentors for loco teams Sun,22.04.2007|18:36( Vorian) I saw that you guys were having a meeting, so I though I would stop by Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( azteech) way kewl Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( Polygon89) cool Sun,22.04.2007|18:37* Vorian shuts up now Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( rsthree) appreciate it Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( johnc) V, should i put you on the mailing list? Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( Vorian) sure johnc Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( johnc) ok Sun,22.04.2007|18:37( SlickMcRunfast) 2. Feisty upgrade - any issues w/ upgrading, pros & cons, new apps, how to do things Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( ianmcorvidae) Haven't gotten around to it yet. Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( SlickMcRunfast) I had only 1 issue Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( rsthree) feisty included sudoku! best reason to upgrade, ever! Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( Polygon89) johnc, do you have my email Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( SloggerKhan) Feisty is awesommmmmmmmmmmm Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( seamless) Feisty upgrade one two different systems went perfectly for me. Nothing broke. Everything worked as expected. Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( johnc) Poly, yes Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( ianmcorvidae) One could say it was a seamless upgrade, eh? Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( Polygon89) i just upgraded to feisty today, its pretty cool, except for the volume bug which STILL is not fixed (even though it says it is), otherwise it went fine Sun,22.04.2007|18:38( Polygon89) oh yeah! there was one problem Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( azteech) well, since i am in the fringes, and can't get high speed, have held off on d/l'ing feisty. Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( seamless) ianm, indeed Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( SloggerKhan) Plus rhythmbox has Magnatune and Jamendo plugins. Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( Polygon89) there has been this bug since breezy: ubuqity (or whatever the installer is called) cannot create the right menu.lst for beans. Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( johnc) mine was really easy, no problems. Don't like compiz that well though. I thought beryl was better Sun,22.04.2007|18:39( rsthree) for grub? Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( Polygon89) yeah. Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( johnc) yeah, i did have to edit grub for the correct kernel Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( Polygon89) like for example, it set menu.lst so that the root partiton is at (hd1,0) when it really is at (hd0,0) Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( SloggerKhan) yeah, swap for beryl, I agree. Compiz had artifacts on my machine. Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( johnc) Slogger, configuring it is no fun either Sun,22.04.2007|18:40( ianmcorvidae) My machine's too unstable for anything above fluxbox, heh. Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( ianmcorvidae) And sometimes not that. Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( Polygon89) i dont like beryl and compiz, i dont really see a point for them, and they make my computer spaz out sometimes. Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( rsthree) ianmcorvidae, low-powered system? Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( johnc) ianmcorvidae, i don't use it everyday, just to show people mostly Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( ianmcorvidae) Not really, actually. Sun,22.04.2007|18:41( ianmcorvidae) Just a bit screwy; it's only two years old. Sun,22.04.2007|18:42( ianmcorvidae) I messed up some stuff with overclocking, I think, so it sometimes spazzes without warning, et cetera. Sun,22.04.2007|18:42( rsthree) oh i see Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( br24) interesting Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) When I actually have the money, I'll probably upgrade motherboard/cpu/graphics card Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) However, High School student :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( Polygon89) hehe Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( br24) in time my friend... Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) Indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( SlickMcRunfast) get a job you bum Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) :P Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) Not as a University High School Junior :P Sun,22.04.2007|18:43( br24) I do have a question Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( ianmcorvidae) Although this summer, probably will. Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( br24) for everyone Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( rsthree) chute Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( br24) anyone upgrade/install on a laptop? Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( seamless) I did. Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( ianmcorvidae) I have it on my laptop. Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( SlickMcRunfast) i'm on a laptop Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( ianmcorvidae) But not Feisty, if that's what you meant. Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( SlickMcRunfast) dell inspiron 8600 Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( br24) hmm...not sure why I started like that Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( rsthree) naw, did two desktops fresh but my lappy hasn't run ubuntu since 6.06 Sun,22.04.2007|18:44( br24) heres my situation Sun,22.04.2007|18:45( br24) I used update manager on my main box, been working nicely Sun,22.04.2007|18:45( br24) tried installing on the lappy, only for me to find out my wireless card has been blacklisted Sun,22.04.2007|18:45( Polygon89) oo that sucks Sun,22.04.2007|18:45( br24) I have found something on the forum, but I am still not getting it to connect Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( Polygon89) blacklisted as in it will never or almost never get supported? Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( rsthree) added to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist? Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( Polygon89) or blacklisted as not being loaded Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( br24) yes it is Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( br24) so I modified that Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( rsthree) which if i may Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( br24) device is seen now, but still doesnt connect Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( br24) go ahead rs Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( rsthree) which card, that is Sun,22.04.2007|18:46( rsthree) chipset Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( br24) dwl-650 Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( br24) uses r8180 Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( rsthree) oh, d-link? Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( br24) yeah Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( rsthree) oh snap Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( rsthree) the ralink chipsets have given me only hell Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( rsthree) except for early ones Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( rsthree) or is that realtek? Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( br24) I never had any problems with this Sun,22.04.2007|18:47( br24) no its a d link Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( br24) was working perfectly with network-manager on edgy Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( Polygon89) hmm Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( rsthree) :/ that's unfortunate Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( Polygon89) did you trying googling your wireless card? i found that really helped me Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( br24) but I am going to try blacklisting this and then install ndiswrapper Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( br24) yeah been doing that Sun,22.04.2007|18:48( Polygon89) cause if there is some bug with it not working with a newer version of nm, then more ppl would be talking about it Sun,22.04.2007|18:49( br24) theres a post already about this issue Sun,22.04.2007|18:49( Polygon89) is network-manager the problem? Sun,22.04.2007|18:49( Polygon89) as in its not liking your card? Sun,22.04.2007|18:50( br24) I dont think so Sun,22.04.2007|18:50( br24) its almost as if there is a connection issue Sun,22.04.2007|18:50( Polygon89) have you tried not using network manager but using the old gnome networking thing? Sun,22.04.2007|18:51( br24) let me try that Sun,22.04.2007|18:51( johnc) slick, shall we move on to the next topic? Sun,22.04.2007|18:51( SlickMcRunfast) yea its about time Sun,22.04.2007|18:51* ianmcorvidae votes yes, although resolving problems is not a bad topic in any case :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:51( br24) yes indeed Sun,22.04.2007|18:51( ianmcorvidae) Converting locals to Ubuntu, then. Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( SlickMcRunfast) 3) we are the borg Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( ianmcorvidae) lol. Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( br24) assimilate everyone Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( johnc) agreed ianmcorvidae Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( SlickMcRunfast) 3. How to convert local people to Ubuntu Sun,22.04.2007|18:52>> SignOff: Vorian [":porc::inca::dito::love:"] Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( rsthree) haha Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( johnc) nice guy Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( rsthree) helpful guy, too Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( ianmcorvidae) This is a category where I'm not sure where to even start, so someone else talk :P Sun,22.04.2007|18:52( ianmcorvidae) Yeah. Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( br24) well maybe I can start something here Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( Polygon89) heh my friend already installed ubuntu, but he keeps windows cause of games. Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( azteech) you giving up on us already, vorian .. Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( br24) I am in the process of starting my own biz Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( johnc) well, i've only converted 1 person in over 2 years Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( ianmcorvidae) Well, we need some sort of strategy, methinks. Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( SlickMcRunfast) i think i just got one today Sun,22.04.2007|18:53( johnc) but he's sold Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( johnc) what's that slick Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( Polygon89) its hard to convert people who are dependent on certain programs, aka games like most of my friends :D Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( rsthree) br24, what manner of business? Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, agreed. Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( seamless) Selling ubuntu isn't hard. Getting people to look at it is. Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) That's actually why I stayed out of Linux for years. Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( azteech) I have given out several of the cd's I received from shipit, but so far not one has installed the software. Have had feed back that the live cd was too slow, or they have been too busy to try. Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( br24) I am attempting a computer repair/consulting business Sun,22.04.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) seamless: indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( johnc) sound good br Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) br24: Ok; thinking of trying to convert Linux through that? Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( rsthree) that's one of the easiest ways to win a convert. Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( rsthree) i would guess Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( br24) heres my site Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( br24) http://br.webhop.info Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( azteech) seems to be the norm, seamless. To quote an old saying "can lead a horse to water, cann't make one drink" Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) Well, except for people that don't want to be told what to do, but that's a problem everywhere :P Sun,22.04.2007|18:55( Polygon89) heh Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( Polygon89) but half of the people who use computers wouldent care what they are using anyway Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( Polygon89) as long as they could use youtube, myspace, aim/msn/ whatever and listen to music and sync their ipods they are happy Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( br24) I may be able to convert 2 small businesses and 1 person Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( johnc) br, nice site, bookmarked it to have a better look later Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( seamless) Every semester at ASU we (the ASULUG) puts on an install fest. 99% of people who go keep Linux on at least one system. But very few people ever show up. Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( ianmcorvidae) br24: Add "Ubuntu Linux" to your experience list, for one thing :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( br24) thanks john Sun,22.04.2007|18:56( br24) thats a very good idea ian Sun,22.04.2007|18:57( ianmcorvidae) Is there some sort of already-established event in any of our cities that we could piggyback with? Sun,22.04.2007|18:57( johnc) we had a few install deals at the tucson computer club i used to belong to, but they were never to successful Sun,22.04.2007|18:57( ianmcorvidae) People are more likely to look at the bullet list than that paragraph underneath, heh. Sun,22.04.2007|18:57( seamless) In Phoenix. There is ASULUG, and PLUG for big events and groups. Sun,22.04.2007|18:58( ianmcorvidae) Well, but those are organizations that are already involved with Linux. Sun,22.04.2007|18:58( johnc) that's true Sun,22.04.2007|18:58( seamless) Well you did ask for already established. Sun,22.04.2007|18:58( johnc) how do you spread the word on something like that? Sun,22.04.2007|18:59( ianmcorvidae) That's true; I was thinking something more like a generalized computer fair, where our competition would be Windows rather than other distros :) Sun,22.04.2007|18:59( seamless) I see... Sun,22.04.2007|18:59( johnc) the linux subgroup of the club wasn't very large and the MS people thought we were nuts Sun,22.04.2007|18:59( Polygon89) lol Sun,22.04.2007|18:59( ianmcorvidae) Hmm, yeah. Sun,22.04.2007|19:00( br24) I wonder if there is any type of group event with the local colleges Sun,22.04.2007|19:00( rsthree) i will see what Sun,22.04.2007|19:00( azteech) well in-trenched ms users seem to be the problem everywhere. They will eventually get tired of paying out to bill, but until they do, all we can do as a group is try to convert them, one at a time. Sun,22.04.2007|19:00( br24) or if somebody can start something like that Sun,22.04.2007|19:01( rsthree) is up at AWC. it's not much, but it's something Sun,22.04.2007|19:01( johnc) these are good ideas, just need to be refined. Lets all think on it for a week and have new ideas for next week. Slick, topic for next week. OK Sun,22.04.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) Indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|19:01( br24) good deal Sun,22.04.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) University students, check on events at your university, if you didn't catch the hint :) Sun,22.04.2007|19:02( ianmcorvidae) Are we to our next topic, or is there more that should be said on this? Sun,22.04.2007|19:02( seamless) I got them covered. I handle all the Linux events at ASU. If Ubuntu LoCo wants to do anything there let me know. I can see about getting a room and what not setup. Sun,22.04.2007|19:02( johnc) next topic, fine by me Sun,22.04.2007|19:02( SlickMcRunfast) 4. Programming - what you would like to learn, who has experience in what Sun,22.04.2007|19:02( azteech) Just one note. Went to the sipit site just now. They have changed the quantity anyone can order from 5 down to three cd's ... Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) Excellent, seamless. Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( rsthree) seamless, awesome. Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( br24) thanks john s Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( azteech) shipit I meant Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, they lowered it. I suspect a LoCo team could arrange more of them, though. Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( Polygon89) azteech, if one of us has access to a cd labeler, we could just make our own cd's Sun,22.04.2007|19:03( johnc) you can probably order more for a group thing, at least you used to be able to Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) Throw some ubuntu-arizona contact info onto the label so that new users will have support, too. Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( Polygon89) and if we could get ahold of the label on the live cd or just make our own it would almost the same, except i dont know what you could do for a case Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( azteech) agreed ian. Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) Cases can be bought. Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( Polygon89) you could make buy a bunch of jewel cases, Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( Polygon89) **buy Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, or even sleeves. Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( johnc) It was a special order thing that you had to call about i think Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( azteech) Well, just ordered three, so if we can hold on, they will be here in a few weeks Sun,22.04.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) Hehe. Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( Polygon89) there are also other organizations that ship livecd's Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( johnc) I'll order some too Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( ianmcorvidae) Likewise. Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( azteech) sorry to interrupt the meet train ... Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( SlickMcRunfast) ? Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( ianmcorvidae) No problem, az. Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( johnc) back to programming? Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( seamless) Sounds good. Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( ianmcorvidae) Indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( johnc) not much experience here at all Sun,22.04.2007|19:05( Polygon89) nor here. Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( br24) I mentioned the programming after talking w/ royal Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( rsthree) wanting to get some experience there. Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( johnc) this one's on you guys Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( SlickMcRunfast) all mine is on windows Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( rsthree) :( all mine is on the apple ][ Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( rsthree) haha Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( Polygon89) i think python is a very good one to learn Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( azteech) I have dabbled a little with programming, back in the days of basic, but nothing in linux arena Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( ianmcorvidae) As to programming, I'd love to learn, but that's about as far as I go; messed with Visual Basic in early middle school, messed with Ruby a bit in February, but certainly not experienced. Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( Polygon89) from what ive heard Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( seamless) I can manage my way around Python and C#. Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( br24) I can work with perl and php, but I need to get better Sun,22.04.2007|19:06( ianmcorvidae) Oh, and calculator programming (essentially stripped-down BASIC), I can do :P Sun,22.04.2007|19:07( br24) I wont call myself experienced though...not yet Sun,22.04.2007|19:07( azteech) have been wanting to learn php ... would help with doing web programming ... which I am dabbling in Sun,22.04.2007|19:07( Polygon89) im planning to learn some python over the summer if i can, seems like a nice simple language that can do alot (since like half the programs on ubuntu are written in python) Sun,22.04.2007|19:07( seamless) Python rocks. Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( rsthree) same; i bought the o'reilly books on python that i'd heard all about Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) Others, are you getting all x86 CD's, or is it worth getting an x64? Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( rsthree) planning to use them this summer to get rolling with that Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( SlickMcRunfast) C/C++ fan here Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( br24) I may be interested in learning python Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( Polygon89) well 64 bit processors can run 32 bit stuff Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( azteech) have ordered one x64 and 2 x86 Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) Not the OS, though. Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) You do need the right kernel :) Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( Polygon89) ah. Sun,22.04.2007|19:08( SlickMcRunfast) the cds you order i hear are the last version Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( rsthree) for introducing ubuntu to people, i'd just go with the x86 variant Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( ianmcorvidae) Hmm. Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( SlickMcRunfast) 6.10 Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( johnc) x86 here Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( ianmcorvidae) No, they have Feisty CDs. Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( azteech) that is what it says on the entry page .. we get the latest 7.04 Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( ianmcorvidae) Says it quite clearly, hehe. Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( SlickMcRunfast) nice then Sun,22.04.2007|19:09( rsthree) they skipped shipit for edgy Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( ianmcorvidae) I'm going to get an x64; I know folks that build their own computers, so that may be necessary. Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( SlickMcRunfast) so the programming topic is dead next? Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( azteech) Agreed, would recommend keeping with the x86 version. The majority of the common folk will have x86 based computers. Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( rsthree) haha yep, dead Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( br24) kinda sounds like it mark Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( johnc) dead Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, little bit, heh. Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( SlickMcRunfast) 5. Games - who's a gamer, what games, any *nix games others can play as a group Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( Polygon89) i could of swore that the amd64 chips could run 32 bit sutff, cause i know people who run windows 32 bit on an amd 64 chip Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( ianmcorvidae) We don't have any real intense programmer folks here. Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( azteech) would seem that way, for the moment Sun,22.04.2007|19:10( br24) pretty true, but not a prob Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( SlickMcRunfast) i'm a programmer but just for windows right now Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( johnc) maybe someone new will join soon that is a whiz at programming Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( rsthree) Polygon89, they can Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( ianmcorvidae) Heh, yeah. Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( rsthree) i'm running 32-bit feisty on my a64 3200 right now Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( ianmcorvidae) Hmm. Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( SlickMcRunfast) win32api/c#/c/C++ Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( ianmcorvidae) Even the liveCD worked? Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( azteech) well, from what I have read, a lot of windows only programmers are having to learn to program in linux, as a lot of their customers are turning to linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:11( ianmcorvidae) Friend of mine couldn't get it to work with the LiveCD; I got him the x64 CD for that reason. Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( rsthree) yeah, i used a desktop cd for installation Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( rsthree) no sweat Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Hmm. Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Who knows. Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( rsthree) (shrug) Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Indeed. Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) 5. Games - who's a gamer, what games, any *nix games others can play as a group Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( Polygon89) are we going on to games now? Sun,22.04.2007|19:12* ianmcorvidae thinks so. Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( SlickMcRunfast) ty Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( SlickMcRunfast) I'm a gamer Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( rsthree) i am a bit of a gamer Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( Polygon89) im a gamer: gaming in general kinda suck on linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( br24) sadly, I am not much of one any longer Sun,22.04.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) As to that, I think we need to figure out Wine/Cedega stuff a bit if we want to attract gamers. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( Polygon89) there are really only 3 major games for linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) I am not either; haven't had time to mess with stuff. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( Polygon89) unreal tournament, quake, doom. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( azteech) gamer, of sorts. just loaded wine last weekend, to see if I can get wow to run. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( seamless) You missed Enemy-Territory. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( Polygon89) yeah that Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( rsthree) you also missed gnome sudoku :( Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( Polygon89) as well Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( rsthree) hahaha Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) Hehe. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( azteech) agreed, ian. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( SlickMcRunfast) I hear ET runs better under wine Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) I like a lot of the included games, but that's not going to convert gamers. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( Polygon89) but other then that, 99.9% of games are for windows.. Sun,22.04.2007|19:13( br24) unfortunately Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( ianmcorvidae) as awesome as Wesnoth is, it's not going to get Warcraft players over. Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( Polygon89) i mean in windows i play games like half life 2 (plus mods), fear, prey, battlefield two, etc etc Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( Polygon89) some people have gotten hl2 to work with wine but i havent... Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( SlickMcRunfast) I watch alot of the linux gaming sites and people are still coming out with console games Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( rsthree) i have to get going and pick up the missus Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( seamless) I've only gotten hl2 working with Cedega. Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( johnc) only linux games for me: lbreakout2, supertux, frozenbubble, and i was glad to see chess standard on Feisty Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( rsthree) see you all later :) Sun,22.04.2007|19:14( Polygon89) later rs Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( johnc) bye Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( br24) later royal Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( SlickMcRunfast) bye Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( SlickMcRunfast) http://happypenguin.org/ Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( ianmcorvidae) later, rsthree Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( Polygon89) yeah but i know im not going to pay 5 dollars a month to pay for a service that will help me run my games that i already bought Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, I know what you mean. Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( SlickMcRunfast) really good site for linux gaming Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( Polygon89) a lot of other gamer think the same way Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( br24) exactly Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( Polygon89) another huge blow Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( azteech) Lets face it, gaming in Linux, is rudamentary, at best ... for the moment. To win over the hardcore gamers, we have to be able to show that linux can play the latest/modern games Sun,22.04.2007|19:15( Polygon89) was when the army stopped producing americas army for linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( Polygon89) that day will come with unreal tournament 3: simultaneous release for win/mac/linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( johnc) I'm going to take off too. I will send the emails on Wed. They should include the meeting reminder and a brief summary of tonights meeting. Anyone who didn't email me their address should do so. johnc4510@cox.net I'm very upbeat about this so far, you folks are a great bunch, and I see good things ahead. I wondered for a while if this was going to work or not. I believe it is. See everyone next week. Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Yeah; and that requires DX9c support, which requires Cedega. Sadly. Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( Polygon89) later johnc Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Later, john. Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( azteech) speaking of, does anyone know where I can get the linux version of america's army? Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( SlickMcRunfast) cya Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( br24) thanks johnc Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( Polygon89) 2.5? Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Can you access logs to finish notes? Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Or should I send you a log after this meeting's done? Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( seamless) oldversion.com may have it. Sun,22.04.2007|19:16( azteech) later john Sun,22.04.2007|19:17( Polygon89) and ian: ut3 is going to be a native linux release Sun,22.04.2007|19:17( azteech) tks seamless ... will try that Sun,22.04.2007|19:17>> SignOff: johnc ["Ex-Chat"] Sun,22.04.2007|19:17( ianmcorvidae) Awesome. Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( Polygon89) http://pcmedia.gamespy.com/pc/image/article/616/616445/unreal-tournament-2007-20050518050719434.jpg Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( Polygon89) i think that counts as a "modern" game =P Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( seamless) http://americasarmy.filefront.com/file/AASF_Direct_Action_v25_Linux_Full_Install;49654 Sun,22.04.2007|19:18>> Vorian joins #ubuntu-arizona Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( azteech) believe you are right polygon Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( Polygon89) lol Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( azteech) wb vorian Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( Polygon89) yeah hi Sun,22.04.2007|19:18( br24) greetings Vorian Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( Vorian) hey Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( ianmcorvidae) Welcome back. Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( Vorian) ty Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( Polygon89) but other then that, most game companies think that linux isnt a profitable platform for games Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( Polygon89) hense the reason why there are only like 3-4 well known games released for it Sun,22.04.2007|19:19( seamless) It can't be profitable until the video card manufactures release better Linux drivers. Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( Polygon89) yeah Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( SlickMcRunfast) its changing slowly Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( Polygon89) even then, ut2004 runs at least 2x faster in ubuntu then in windows Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( SlickMcRunfast) ID and epic have been with linux for along time Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( SlickMcRunfast) Introversion is now with it Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( Polygon89) its good that we have those two very very very powerful allies :D Sun,22.04.2007|19:20( Polygon89) what games does introversion make? Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) small new company Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) distopia Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) defcon Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( br24) well I am departing for the time being Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( br24) 3:45 will come fast Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) no Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) darwinia Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) wrong game Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( Polygon89) oh them? Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( Polygon89) i know them Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( Polygon89) they release their games on steam Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( azteech) well, believe that we as a linux community need to see what we can do to change the mindset of the big companies. but to do that, i think we need to show them that we are willing to pay for quality games. If the community as a whole doesn't want to, and want to stay in the GPL, then the companies probably will stay where they know the $ will come from. Sun,22.04.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) yes Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( SlickMcRunfast) and now they are converting them to linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( Polygon89) nice Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( azteech) tc br21 Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( azteech) whoops br24 Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( br24) everyone have a good evening Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( SlickMcRunfast) bye br Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( Polygon89) well ill pay for games, just because im not paying for like a program to run my computer, im paying for a story, a game to entertain me. Sun,22.04.2007|19:22( Polygon89) later br Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( Polygon89) and not to mention there are also a ton of people who run wow with wine. Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( SlickMcRunfast) and Blizzard doesnt want to port it Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( SlickMcRunfast) even if they have a mac version already Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( SlickMcRunfast) so sad Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( Polygon89) there was some post saying they had a linux version but did not release it Sun,22.04.2007|19:23( Polygon89) well the fact that it supports open gl is pretty good, makes it run well with wine. Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( azteech) agreed, willing to pay for quality games, if they are available on linux. But feel a lot of the *nix community may not feel that way. I may be wrong though. Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( seamless) They won't port it because that costs money to and wine doesn't. Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( SlickMcRunfast) I would buy all my games over again if they were for linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( Polygon89) blizzard is rolling in money, they are just lazy =P Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( SlickMcRunfast) its nice that epic and id games install on both Sun,22.04.2007|19:24( SlickMcRunfast) yea Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( Polygon89) id ditch windows if source games were for linux Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( Polygon89) the free third party mods are the best part. Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( SlickMcRunfast) hl1 game run fine Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( SlickMcRunfast) but source Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( SlickMcRunfast) ... Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( Polygon89) yeah cause its a quake based game, and quake runs both on dx and opengl Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( SlickMcRunfast) run bad on dx Sun,22.04.2007|19:25( azteech) well, it is not only the gaming world that is keeping me holding on to a windows version. We all just experienced it a week ago. How many of you did taxes on windows software? Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( seamless) We need a mono like project for DX. Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( SlickMcRunfast) no Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( Polygon89) i dont do taxes but my dad uses mac, and uses parallels on his mac for a few thins, including turbotax Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( SlickMcRunfast) we just need everyone to convert to opengl Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( SlickMcRunfast) why keep fueling ms Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( Polygon89) opengl is as good as dx anyway Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( seamless) OpenGL is only graphics DX is a full media framework. Sun,22.04.2007|19:26( Polygon89) you also have openAL Sun,22.04.2007|19:27( Polygon89) and all those other openX things Sun,22.04.2007|19:27( SlickMcRunfast) epic uses openal Sun,22.04.2007|19:27( seamless) Which are separate components. Most companies want to use one platform not multiple. DX makes it easy. And makes it easy to get your game on the 360. Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( Polygon89) yeah cause the code difference on a windows computer and the 360 is like 10% Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( azteech) okay all, going to call it a night. Like John, tomorrow comes early. Nice to meet you all. Until the next meet, t/c Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( SlickMcRunfast) bye Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( Polygon89) yeah later az Sun,22.04.2007|19:28>> SignOff: azteech ["Leaving"] Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( ianmcorvidae) Ok, I'll be back in a bit. Need to restart. Sun,22.04.2007|19:28( seamless) I'm going to get going too.
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