Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Membership Team
- Newsletter Team
- Education Team
- Server Team
- Computers for Kids (C4K)
- Membership Approval Team
- Next Week's Agenda
21:03[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting is on! Hopefully I don't screw this terribly! 21:03< johnc4510> yea 21:03< ianmcorvidae> Ok, intros. I have no idea who's new and isn't. 21:03< Apple> im new 21:03< ianmcorvidae> Except apple. 21:03< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, go 21:03< Apple> :) 21:03< johnc4510> yes 21:03< johnc4510> and t00na 21:04< ianmcorvidae> Introduce yourself; how you got into ubuntu, where, why you're here, et cetera. 21:04< jacob2440> im kinda new 21:04< ianmcorvidae> Apple, you start. 21:04< Apple> well i'm apple 21:04< bluecat9> mmm 21:04< johnc4510> :) 21:04< Apple> i got into ubuntu by just being tired of windows 21:05 * johnc4510 claps 21:05< Apple> was looking around and found it 21:05< Apple> i'm here because i want linux and other oss to be better noticed and more usable 21:06< Apple> and it's nice to know that there are other ubuntu users local to az 21:06< bluecat9> Amen 21:06< johnc4510> cool, where ya from Apple 21:06< Apple> i'm a flagstffian 21:06< Apple> ^^ 21:06< bluecat9> booo 21:06< bluecat9> jk 21:06< johnc4510> :) 21:06< Apple> he 21:06< Apple> y 21:06< ianmcorvidae> lol 21:06< jacob2440> Iwow 21:06< Apple> lol 21:06< johnc4510> excellent 21:06< bluecat9> welcome, Apple 21:07< ianmcorvidae> Welcome. 21:07< Apple> ty 21:07< johnc4510> and welcome 21:07< ianmcorvidae> A reminder to all members, before I forget: Please try to keep away from side conversations in channel. Makes the meeting very hard to run :)' 21:07< br24> welcome Apple 21:07< johnc4510> k 21:07< ianmcorvidae> (forgot to do that before intros) 21:07< ianmcorvidae> Anyway, who's next? 21:07< jacob2440> i will go 21:07< johnc4510> jacob2440: 21:07< jacob2440> My name is jacob 21:07< jacob2440> I found ubuntu after I spent 15 minutes installing itunes on my new lap top that had vista 21:08< Apple> boooo 21:08< bluecat9> hehe 21:08< bluecat9> cool 21:08< jacob2440> I also found it because I wanted a non-windows server 21:08< jacob2440> I am from Gilber AZ and go to ASU 21:08< jacob2440> and I am an accountant for Maricopa County 21:08< jacob2440> I also like long walks on the beach ;) 21:09< bluecat9> I hear that 21:09< ianmcorvidae> Agreed on the walks, hehe. 21:09< Apple> don't we all 21:09< br24> AZ will soon have one 21:09< ianmcorvidae> Anyway. Next? 21:09< jacob2440> Oh and I love this community 21:09< bluecat9> welcome jacob2440 21:09< ianmcorvidae> br, with global warming, yeah. 21:09< jacob2440> great people 21:09< ianmcorvidae> :/ 21:09< ianmcorvidae> Aaaanyway. 21:09< Apple> welcome 21:09 * johnc4510 welcome jacob2440 21:09< ianmcorvidae> t00na: Intro? 21:09< johnc4510> :) 21:09< ianmcorvidae> welcome jacob 21:09< ianmcorvidae> ,* 21:10< johnc4510> hmmm t00na was around 21:10< ianmcorvidae> Hmm. 21:10< ianmcorvidae> t00na: Are you here? 21:10< t00na> what? 21:10< Polygon89> im semi here 21:10< ianmcorvidae> Could you give an introduction for us? 21:10< Polygon89> just fyi 21:10< ianmcorvidae> Ok, poly :) 21:10< t00na> me? 21:10< johnc4510> yes 21:10< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, you 21:10< t00na> um... ok... 21:10< t00na> Hello 21:11< johnc4510> hi 21:11< t00na> How is everybody? 21:11< Apple> konichiwa 21:11< bluecat9> average 21:11< johnc4510> goooooooood 21:11< t00na> Yeah. Fabulous. 21:11< t00na> So this is the meeting... 21:11< johnc4510> yes 21:11< johnc4510> the start 21:11< t00na> Welcome... to the meeting... 21:11< t00na> Now... meet up! 21:11< ianmcorvidae> Oh, lol. 21:11 * bluecat9 passes t00na the guidance 21:11< johnc4510> lol 21:11< DX00> t00na: i think he meant an intro of who you are 21:11< ianmcorvidae> I meant introduce yourself :P 21:11< t00na> how was that? 21:11< t00na> oh... 21:11 * bluecat9 nudges ianmcorvidae 21:11< t00na> :D 21:12< ianmcorvidae> No worries :P 21:12< jacob2440> lol 21:12< DX00> ROFL 21:12< t00na> i am tuna... 21:12 * johnc4510 nudges bluecat9 21:12< johnc4510> :) 21:12< johnc4510> hi t00na 21:12< t00na> i... am a Linuxoholic. 21:12< t00na> I bought a computer... just so that I can run Beryl 21:12< Apple> nice 21:12< t00na> </intro> 21:12< johnc4510> cool 21:12< jacob2440> nice 21:12< ianmcorvidae> Heh, ok. 21:13< ianmcorvidae> No more introductions, I don't think. 21:13< ianmcorvidae> Announcements: johnc4510? 21:13 * johnc4510 says ah that's me 21:13< johnc4510> First I want to welcome our traveling man, Ian McEwen, back to the channel. Ian has the stats back up and running here: http://ubuntuarizonairc.thruhere.net 21:13< bluecat9> Here Herre 21:13< johnc4510> wb ian 21:13< Apple> wb 21:13< ianmcorvidae> Thanks :) 21:13< Polygon89> welcome 21:13< ianmcorvidae> Irc stats, by the way :) 21:14< ianmcorvidae> (john didn't say that) 21:14< bluecat9> hisss 21:14 * johnc4510 hangs head in shame 21:14< ianmcorvidae> lol, sorry. 21:14 * ianmcorvidae shuts up and lets announcements finish :P 21:14< johnc4510> Ian is also hosting gtetrinet again, but I still can't compete with him, though I like to try! (johnc hangs head in shame!) For the new people, I'm sure Ian would be glad to have you join in. I know I could use the help! :) 21:15< johnc4510> ignore middle 21:15< johnc4510> hee hee 21:15< bluecat9> i can redirect tetrinet.penguinized.net also if the Ian so wishes 21:15< johnc4510> Computer Power Supply problems kept me from being here for Marketing Team meeting on Thursday. I would like to try again on Wed. if no objections. If none, I will send out email to those on volunteer list tomorrow. 21:15< johnc4510> bluecat9: ty 21:15< ianmcorvidae> bluecat, I think we'll be fine :) 21:15< bluecat9> ianmcorvidae, roger dodger 21:15< ianmcorvidae> But thanks for the offer 21:15< johnc4510> For anyone interested, Vorian is hosting his own repository for comp-fusion with nightly builds. I have been using comp-fusion now for about 2 weeks, and can report that it is solid on my box. You do need a graphics card set up and with direct rendering enabled. I have the repository and key commands to enable updates if anyone is interested, or you can get more specific info from Vorian himself. 21:16< Polygon89> post info here? 21:16< br24> maybe in the forum 21:16< johnc4510> hmm 21:16 * johnc4510 confused 21:16< johnc4510> what 21:17< br24> johnc4510, any info on comp-fusion 21:17< ianmcorvidae> john, put up the info on the repo into forums, if you would :) 21:17< bluecat9> Vorian's Repo: http://debs.vorian.org/dists/feisty/extras/ 21:17< johnc4510> br24: i have it hang on 21:17< br24> ty johnc4510 21:17< johnc4510> # Vorians repository of nightly builds courtesy of "The Lord of Ubuntu" 21:17< johnc4510> deb http://debs.vorian.org/ feisty extras 21:17< johnc4510> deb-src http://debs.vorian.org/ feisty extras 21:17< johnc4510> For key: 21:17< johnc4510> gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys E504A4BB 21:17< johnc4510> gpg --export --armor E504A4BB | sudo apt-key add - 21:17< johnc4510> Then: sudo apt-get update 21:17< ianmcorvidae> comp-fusion == compiz-fusion :) 21:17< johnc4510> Then: sudo apt-get upgrade 21:17< johnc4510> http://vorian.org/?p=89 21:17 * johnc4510 says add 1st 3 lines to source list 21:18< johnc4510> then terminal gpg keys one at a time 21:18< johnc4510> http adress is Vorian blog on comp-fusion 21:18< ianmcorvidae> Those that need help can ask myself, john, or Vorian later :) 21:18< johnc4510> ys 21:18< johnc4510> yes 21:18< ianmcorvidae> john, next announcement? 21:18< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: that's it thank you 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Membership team. 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Heh, that's me. 21:19< johnc4510> that's you 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Heh, don't really have anything. 21:19< johnc4510> :) 21:19< johnc4510> k 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Although, john, talk to you after the meeting about that. 21:19< johnc4510> maybe next wk 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Anyway. 21:19< johnc4510> k 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Newsletter team. As I recall, this is jacob? 21:19< ianmcorvidae> Or am I nuts? 21:19< johnc4510> yes 21:19< johnc4510> but i will start 21:19< johnc4510> please 21:19< ianmcorvidae> k. 21:20< jacob2440> yes 21:20< johnc4510> Newletter Team 21:20< johnc4510> Jacob2440 put out the last newsletter and did a fine job for the first time. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07july08 Remember, you have to be signed up at ubuntu-us-az mailing list to receive it via email. https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 21:20< bluecat9> aye vn 21:20< johnc4510> jacob2440: next wk you can report any news on team you want or now if you have anything 21:20< johnc4510> :) 21:21< jacob2440> i dont really have much right now 21:21< ianmcorvidae> Ok then, that's OK :) 21:21 * johnc4510 congrats to jacob2440 on fine jov 21:21< johnc4510> job 21:21< ianmcorvidae> Indeed. 21:21< johnc4510> :) 21:21< ianmcorvidae> Education team: br24? 21:21< jacob2440> thank you 21:21< johnc4510> :) 21:21< br24> I have made some updates to the Edu page 21:21< br24> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education 21:21< johnc4510> cool 21:22< br24> added Chat Clients, Virtual Machines, and Web Browsers 21:22< ianmcorvidae> Useful link pages, I can attest. 21:22< ianmcorvidae> :) 21:22< johnc4510> br24: did you get an email i sent on some ideas i had? 21:22< br24> soon I will add Audio/Video Players, Email Clients, and possibly BitTorrent Clients 21:22< bluecat9> wd br24 21:22< br24> johnc4510, yes I did get the email 21:22< johnc4510> k 21:22< johnc4510> cool 21:22< johnc4510> :) 21:22< br24> soon I will be working on a beginners FAQ 21:23< johnc4510> excellent 21:23< br24> if anybody has any ideas on application categories, please say so 21:23< bluecat9> br24, lookin good 21:23< johnc4510> br24: nice job thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!! :) 21:23< ianmcorvidae> Thank you, br24 :) 21:23< br24> and in case anyone doesnt know, I am putting in sw categories 21:23< ianmcorvidae> Server team: DX00? 21:24< ianmcorvidae> Oh. 21:24< br24> sorry 21:24< ianmcorvidae> Say when you're done, br :) 21:24< br24> one sec 21:24< ianmcorvidae> No worries 21:24< johnc4510> k 21:24< br24> each category will have links to either Ubuntu Docs or its associated web site 21:24< br24> for each app 21:24< johnc4510> nice 21:24< br24> okay Im done 21:24< johnc4510> ty 21:24< johnc4510> :) 21:24< ianmcorvidae> OK. 21:25< br24> ty all 21:25< ianmcorvidae> Server team: DX00 21:25< johnc4510> br24: nice job 21:25< br24> ty johnc4510 21:25< johnc4510> :) 21:25< ianmcorvidae> Is DX here? 21:26< johnc4510> he was 21:26< johnc4510> DX00: you here? 21:26< johnc4510> we can come back if he comes later 21:26< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, indeed. 21:26< johnc4510> k 21:26< ianmcorvidae> C4K team. Not sure who. 21:26< bluecat9> that'd be me 21:26< johnc4510> bluecat9: 21:26< ianmcorvidae> OK :) 21:26< johnc4510> yea 21:27< bluecat9> I renamed the link and URL for clarity and search engine optimization 21:27< bluecat9> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Computers4Kids 21:27< johnc4510> k 21:27< bluecat9> ..been slimming it down 21:27< bluecat9> to the basics 21:27< bluecat9> Computers For Kids 21:27< johnc4510> k 21:27< bluecat9> Need to pad up the page but the basics are in play 21:27< bluecat9> The idea is the same... get computers (with Ubuntu) for kids 21:28< bluecat9> K-12 21:28< bluecat9> I 21:28< bluecat9> have been researching funding 21:28< Apple> an idea for getting the computers 21:28< bluecat9> and have some idea's brewing 21:28< Apple> is freectcle 21:28< bluecat9> aye ;) 21:28< Apple> *freecycle 21:28< bluecat9> I have spoke with HR at my job 21:28< bluecat9> and they say if we are an official org they may be willing to donate ~$400 21:29< bluecat9> if upper management approves 21:29< johnc4510> excellent 21:29< bluecat9> others could ask their biz 21:29< Apple> deff 21:29< bluecat9> another idea is still in play, will announce more on that later 21:29< johnc4510> k 21:29< johnc4510> nice 21:29< bluecat9> johnc4510, any word on if we will become an official org or if we can send checks your way? ;p 21:29< johnc4510> bluecat9: excellent start 21:29< bluecat9> ty 21:30< johnc4510> official org as in official team? 21:30< bluecat9> that too 21:30< johnc4510> approved team 21:30< bluecat9> but perhaps a non-profit or something 21:30< johnc4510> oh 21:30< ianmcorvidae> Anyway. 21:30< johnc4510> approved team a ways off 21:30< ianmcorvidae> Membership Approval Team? Not even heard of this. 21:30< ianmcorvidae> Anyway... 21:30< jacob2440> we can file as a non-profit without team approval 21:30< johnc4510> ah 21:30< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: we will talk 21:30< johnc4510> hee hee 21:31< jacob2440> lol 21:31< ianmcorvidae> Um, ok. 21:31< bluecat9> anywho, the basics 21:31< bluecat9> im done 21:31< johnc4510> bluecat9: will discuss some of this later if ok 21:31< johnc4510> ? 21:31< bluecat9> sounds good 21:31< johnc4510> K 21:31< johnc4510> good jov 21:31< slofgren> sorry guys I am here. Late again 21:31< johnc4510> job 21:31< bluecat9> :) 21:31< johnc4510> slofgren: howdy 21:31< slofgren> hey 21:31< br24> wb slofgren 21:31< Apple> ehllo 21:32< slofgren> is it over? 21:32< ianmcorvidae> Heya, slof 21:32< ianmcorvidae> Darn close, but no :) 21:32< johnc4510> no 21:32< slofgren> ^^ 21:32 * johnc4510 asks if it is his turn again? 21:32< johnc4510> :) 21:32< ianmcorvidae> Um, sure. 21:32< johnc4510> feeling talkative 21:32< johnc4510> :P 21:32< ianmcorvidae> We only have next week's agenda on this week's. So. 21:32< ianmcorvidae> Go ahead :) 21:33< johnc4510> Team Approval Talk 21:33< johnc4510> For new members here tonight here are links to Team Approval Outline and Volunteer page 21:33< johnc4510> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline 21:33< johnc4510> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline/Resources 21:33< johnc4510> Just go into the edit at top of page and sign up for what your interested in. If you need help ask myself or Ian and we will be glad to show you how to edit the page. 21:33 * johnc4510 says this may be news to ian too 21:33< johnc4510> don't remember 21:33< bluecat9> Does anyone need a clarification on what "Team Approval" is? :) 21:34< johnc4510> If anyone is looking to burn some cd's or dvd's for team here are some buys in Sunday's ads. 21:34< johnc4510> Office Max and Office Depot have Memorex 100 ct. 52x cd-r's for 14.99 21:34< johnc4510> Office Max has 50 ct. jewel cases for 15.99 21:34< johnc4510> BestBuy has 50 ct. lightscribe DVD-R's for 14.99 21:34< slofgren> in "Marketing Project-CD Donation and Burning" what does that mean? 21:34 * johnc4510 thanks bluecat9 and will explain to anyone who needs it 21:34< johnc4510> slofgren: we 21:34< johnc4510> are going to burn the cd's ourselves 21:35< slofgren> yeah and give to who? 21:35< johnc4510> so we will have to donate the supplies 21:35< slofgren> that is easy and fine 21:35< bluecat9> johnc4510, on that note, we need a Donate Wiki page :) 21:35< johnc4510> libraries coffee shop with free wifi 21:35< johnc4510> etc 21:35< slofgren> is there an event or just in gweneral 21:35< johnc4510> bluecat9: k 21:36< Apple> mmmm free wifi 21:36< johnc4510> so far just getting items ready to distribute 21:36< johnc4510> closer to time we will decide exactly who and where 21:36< slofgren> we shoudl offer to setup a captive portal for coffee shops that give them a chance to runs some ads for the shop and for ourselves 21:36< johnc4510> we have ideas 21:37< johnc4510> but other ideas encouraged 21:37< slofgren> ww could use the donated computers 21:37< johnc4510> ah 21:37< johnc4510> a good idea 21:37< slofgren> s/ww/we 21:37< johnc4510> I put a new thread on forum about Ubuntu Flyer's http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494877 We've had some lookers, but no comments. Anyone have a thought about these flyers? 21:38< slofgren> what would we do with them? 21:38< johnc4510> you can post to thread with ideas 21:38< SloggerKhan> I still need to look at them. 21:38< johnc4510> slofgren: same kind of thing coffee shop libraries college get togethers etc 21:38< bluecat9> I think SloggerKhan could make some better ones :) 21:38< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: np just post to thread 21:39< johnc4510> k 21:39< johnc4510> np 21:39< johnc4510> these were just to get us started with ideas 21:39< johnc4510> :) 21:39< slofgren> I think we could use them to help sponsor local LUGs install fest 21:39< bluecat9> they're good 21:39< johnc4510> good 21:39< johnc4510> slofgren: good 21:39< johnc4510> idea 21:39< johnc4510> yes 21:39< johnc4510> those are the kind of ideas to post to thread so we can all look 21:40< johnc4510> :) 21:40< johnc4510> thank 21:40< bluecat9> slofgren, perhaps the LUG's would be interested in being our Computer Repo's? :) 21:40< johnc4510> thanks 21:40< bluecat9> slofgren, We could just drop off and pick up 21:40< slofgren> would we be insterested as a group to work with LUGs and help them sponsor an event we could advertise ubuntu with? 21:40< johnc4510> slofgren: i have an idea on the lug for you to talk this wk ok? 21:40< johnc4510> slofgren: yes 21:40< johnc4510> slofgren: agreed 21:40< slofgren> should we skype? 21:41< johnc4510> if you want 21:41< slofgren> k 21:41< johnc4510> :) 21:41< johnc4510> just let me know 21:41< johnc4510> :) 21:41< slofgren> I am getting serouse lag here 21:41< bluecat9> All: Those who use Skype, please update your personal Wiki page and add your Skype contact ID :) 21:41< johnc4510> bluecat9: goood idea 21:41< slofgren> bluecat9: I can't access my wiki 21:41< johnc4510> ty 21:41< bluecat9> slofgren, sounds like a personal problem ;p 21:41< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: that's all from me right now 21:41< jacob2440> haha 21:41< slofgren> I just need to setup a new accoutn under new user name 21:42< ianmcorvidae> johnc, excellent. 21:42< slofgren> bluecat9: my account is jacked up 21:42< johnc4510> slofgren: ask vorian to help ya out on that 21:42< ianmcorvidae> Same agenda next week, I'd presume? 21:42< bluecat9> slofgren, ah, i recall now 21:42< slofgren> any server news? 21:42< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: agenda ? 21:42< ianmcorvidae> DX00: You here? 21:42< johnc4510> ah 21:42< johnc4510> yes 21:42< ianmcorvidae> for next week :P 21:42< johnc4510> yes 21:43< ianmcorvidae> looks like dx is not here. 21:43< ianmcorvidae> Therefore. 21:43[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting's official segment is over. Keep talking, though :)
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