
Revision 5 as of 2008-08-06 16:33:20

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If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with Johnc4510 or IanMcewen


  1. Due to me not getting back from vacation in time for the meeting, tyche took over and held an impromptu meeting. My thanks to him for taking over. John


[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:14] <tyche>     OK, who's second in command?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:22] <br24>      I think you are
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:30] <tyche>     HUH???!!!!???
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:43] <SloggerKhan>       What about ian?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:46] <tyche>     WAIT a minute!  When did I get elected?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:50] <SloggerKhan>       ianmcorvidae: You here?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:52] <br24>      I just elected you
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:02:54] <tyche>     ianmcorvidae: You here?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:01] <yamyogurt> i second that
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:07] <SloggerKhan>       I'm fine with tyche
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:18] <br24>      therefore it has been determined
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:22] <br24>      youre in charge tyche
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:54] <tyche>     (To the tune of 'I've been working on the railroad):  I've been railroaded into working.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:57] <tyche>     Hee hee
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:03:59] <slofgren>  howdy
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:07] <tyche>     Hi, slofgren
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:08] <yamyogurt> hi
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:10] <SloggerKhan>       hi
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:11] <slofgren>  hi
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:13] <br24>      hey slofgren
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:26] <br24>      slofgren, great news!
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:30] <slofgren>  I regret to say that I can't stay  ;) 
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:32] <br24>      tyche is 2nd in command
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:35] <slofgren>  yeah!
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:40] <br24>      ha!
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:42] <slofgren>  k
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:49] <slofgren>  who WAS second
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:04:50] <tyche>     ??help??
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:05:10] <slofgren>  ??
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:05:22] <tyche>     OK, It's 9:05, and we'll make this brief.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:05:24] <slofgren>  did ian drop out
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:05:51] <br24>      I havent seen ian in weeks
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:05:53] <tyche>     We yelled for ianmcorvidae, and he didn't respond.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:02] <br24>      I dont think anyone ever was 2nd in charge
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:06] <slofgren>  I am out.  Have to get up at 4:30am
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:07] <br24>      until now
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:12] <br24>      have fun slofgren
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:19] <slofgren>  I am stil intertested here but very busy
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:06:50] <tyche>     As most of you know, the case badges have arived.  Anyone signed up on the team launchpad page and team mailing list is entitled to up to 2 of them
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:07:17] <tyche>     Send johnc4510 a self-addressed, stamped envelope for them.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:07:38] <br24>      we all are busy slofgren
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:07:43] <br24>      hell, Ive been the worst
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:07:56] <br24>      was supposed to have an Edu team meeting, but I keep screwing it up
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:08:05] <tyche>     His address is in last week's newsletter.  If you, for some reason, aren't receiving the newsletter, it's also on line, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07October03
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:09:04] <tyche>     Second, the Gutsy party.  I don't know the details for the Tucson area.  John had them.  I'll try to get the information from him and get it posted in the newsletter for you.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:09:46] <tyche>     For the Phoenix area, We had been thinking of Desert Ridge plaza, just off the 101.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:10:22] <tyche>     I'll try to have about 5 disks burned for those who have low bandwidth or lack the time or patience to download and burn the iso's.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:10:40] <tyche>     Is there anything else that anyone can think of?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:11:52] <tyche>     OK, then.  If Vorian is lurking, would you like to say anything?
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:13:23] <tyche>     If not, then that's all I know how to do.  I hope to see you all again next week, and bring numbers of how many people you will be bringing with you.
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:13:27] <ianmcorvidae>      tyche: Last I heard, there *were* no details for the Tucson area, other than evening on the 18th  :) 
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:13:27] <yamyogurt> i would like to say something...
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:13:40] <tyche>     Go ahead, yamyogurt
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:14:03] <yamyogurt> you handled this meeting very well
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:14:09] <tyche>     Thanks
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:14:13] <yamyogurt> that is all
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:14:23] <SloggerKhan>       http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3494510#post3494510  if anyone wants to comment on my attempts to make wallpaper....
[Sun Oct 7 2007] [21:14:25] <tyche>     LOL.  That's enough.


Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
