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## Put the irc log into {{{ }}} block.
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:40] <johnc4510> ok we ready?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:43] <johnc4510> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:44] <nhasian> thanks its running on a dual xeon server with fedora
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:50] <kennymc0> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:52] <johnc4510> ah
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:58] <Mauricio> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:02] <nhasian> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:03] <johnc4510> ok lets begin
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:05] <slofgren> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:25] <johnc4510> do we have new members that haven't introduced themselves before?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:31] <johnc4510> nhasian: have you?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:46] <nhasian> i dont think i've introduced myself yet
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:51] <nhasian> this would be my first meeting
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:54] <johnc4510> just a line or 2 about yourself
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:56] <johnc4510> please
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:02:11] Join azteech has joined this channel (n=stevan@
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:02:49] <nhasian> well i'm 32 and have been using PCs since 1991 I think. I just started using ubuntu with 8.04 i have several MS certifications and used to build/repair workstations servers and networks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:03] <johnc4510> nice
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:06] <azteech> evening all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:13] <kennymc0> evening azteech
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:16] <johnc4510> azteech: howdy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:27] <johnc4510> nhasian: welcome to the group :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:35] <johnc4510> right folks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:38] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:54] <Mauricio> nhasian: Welcome
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:08] <nhasian> thanks i'm happy to be here
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:08] <johnc4510> Mauricio: you haven't been here before to intro yourself have you?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:29] <Mauricio> Yes, I did 4 weeks ago
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:32] <johnc4510> k
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:33] <johnc4510> thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:43] <johnc4510> sorry i forgot
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:44] <johnc4510> :(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:46] <johnc4510> ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:57] <Mauricio> np
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:10] <johnc4510> first off then is the installfest for tucson and phoenix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:25] <azteech> action {inserts age joke} .. then ducks behind kennymc0 ...... hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:27] <azteech> hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:30] <johnc4510> i got in touch with nock from U of A
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:38] * kennymc0 steps to the side
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:43] <johnc4510> it was friday
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:54] <johnc4510> and he had left already from work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:11] <johnc4510> he didn't think there would be a problem with the date
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:13] <johnc4510> but
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:28] <johnc4510> he is going to call me first of the wk and let me know for sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:45] <johnc4510> btw, date is the 17th of Jan.
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:52] <johnc4510> as we discussed last wk
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:59] <johnc4510> xHans: ping
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:06] <johnc4510> about ASU
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:07] <nhasian> right since there isnt going to be a point release for 8.10
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:16] <johnc4510> right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:22] <johnc4510> now, about ASU
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:29] <xHans> pong
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:43] <johnc4510> xHans: can you give me zach's email addy?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:51] <xHans> johnc4510: sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:56] <johnc4510> since i lost my desktop, i lost his addy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:00] <xHans> ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:01] <johnc4510> :(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:22] <johnc4510> didn't realize it until friday when i wwent to emaail him
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:27] <johnc4510> so
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:39] <johnc4510> i'll got one out to him monday
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:48] <johnc4510> and start the ball rolling on that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:40] <johnc4510> then we can get the flyers fixed with the date, locations, etc
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:47] <johnc4510> and start distribution
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:54] <xHans> johnc4510: the Zach (addy) is in the mail
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:54] <kennymc0> sounds good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:01] <johnc4510> xHans: thx bud
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:04] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:10] <xHans> bitte
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:28] <johnc4510> we have 5 full wks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:33] <johnc4510> till event
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:50] <johnc4510> of course xmas is in there, and new years
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:53] <nhasian> johnc4510, i got my ubuntu stickers ready hehe
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:01] <johnc4510> lol, great
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:04] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:19] <nhasian> does anyone have some KVM switches we can bring to help expedite the installs?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:22] <johnc4510> we should also be thinking about media coverage
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:34] <johnc4510> nhasian: i don't sorry
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:00] <johnc4510> after installing on my new desktop box
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:10] <johnc4510> install went pretty easy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:19] <kennymc0> that's good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:28] <johnc4510> not sure why it was easier on new equip
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:46] <nhasian> i know a producer at ABC. i can ask if they'd like to come
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:47] <johnc4510> especially since it's a P45 chipset
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:48] <kennymc0> if we have a good internet connection there we shouldnt have a problem getting everything working great for everyone
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:57] <johnc4510> and most had trouble with that one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:07] <johnc4510> kennymc0: right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:08] <johnc4510> and
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:10] <johnc4510> i
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:28] <johnc4510> am going to bring a bunch of 8.04 cds
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:32] <johnc4510> that we left over
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:39] <johnc4510> we know they work good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:45] <kennymc0> give everyone the option which is good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:53] <johnc4510> and we can always install and upgrade if necessary
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:57] <Mauricio> I install 8.10 in 3 different equipments...no problems....except Little's to fix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:14] <kennymc0> everything works great on my desktop now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:18] <johnc4510> well, i had a big problem on the old desktop and my laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:34] <johnc4510> yeah this one is doing good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:41] <johnc4510> and so is the laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:41] <kennymc0> my laptop worked right away but the fn keys still dont work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:42] <kennymc0> :/
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:56] <johnc4510> some of mine do and some don't
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:02] <johnc4510> just like before
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:17] <johnc4510> i don't think they're going to fix that anytime soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:20] <johnc4510> ::(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:23] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:36] <johnc4510> we'll have internet
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:50] <johnc4510> and hopefully, ASU will have a game server going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:00] <johnc4510> i'm going to ask zach about that in the email
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:26] <azteech> think I have my issue figured out .... as well, johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:30] <johnc4510> and i think all the students will be back from break by the 17th
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:44] <johnc4510> azteech: great...the vga one?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:54] <nhasian> johnc4510, who's gonna bring he donuts and coffee?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:00] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:05] <azteech> yeah, but will talk off-line
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:08] <johnc4510> ah, did you just volunteer?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:09] <kennymc0> tyche can since he's not here
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:23] <word> rawr
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:31] <kennymc0> ah it's a dino
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:35] <johnc4510> well see what we can work out before hand on that one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:40] <johnc4510> word: welcome
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:43] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:52] <johnc4510> ok,
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:56] <kennymc0> when does school start back up after xmas word?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:59] <johnc4510> slofgren: ping
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:07] <kennymc0> since you go to asu and all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:13] <johnc4510> good question
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:24] <johnc4510> word: speak to us :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:54] <johnc4510> slofgren: you still here i hope?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:11] <johnc4510> hmmm
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:22] <azteech> one other ?, are we getting a second team banner made up ... so that both locations will have one?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:22] <word> umm
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:36] * word gets up to grab flyer
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:41] <johnc4510> azteech: hadn't thought about that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:50] <johnc4510> it's here in my office
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:51] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:56] <kennymc0> we could have a competition
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:06] <kennymc0> the location with the best turnout gets it for the next year
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:11] <johnc4510> and it was about 80 dollars to have made up
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:21] <johnc4510> kennymc0: we could do that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:21] <kennymc0> and have it as a trophie for the location that gets the most people to show up
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:23] <johnc4510> ::)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:29] <azteech> yeah, I remember ....
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:33] <johnc4510> i'm not opposed to that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:38] <azteech> lol ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:42] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:19] <johnc4510> ok, slofgren has ubuntu installed on the server and is waiting to get with devry to install it at the facility
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:31] <word> 20th is the first day
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:36] <azteech> think who ever gets the territory trophy .... hosted, should be the one who gets it .... :p
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:38] <word> of january
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:40] <johnc4510> he's in prescott and facility is in phoenix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:51] <johnc4510> word: thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:00] <kennymc0> i can show up to help if i know when
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:14] <johnc4510> so, students should be filtering back in that wkend
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:21] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:33] <johnc4510> i'll let you know when slofgren tells me
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:36] <johnc4510> thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:52] <johnc4510> once it's up we'll have 2 servers going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:58] <johnc4510> one for the team, the new one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:04] <azteech> if students are filtering in back on the 20th, should we then think of postponing further?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:15] <johnc4510> and the old one that we are going to use for state user groups
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:30] <johnc4510> slofgren: well
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:32] <johnc4510> not sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:40] <kennymc0> azteech: i think that's the first day back to classes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:45] <johnc4510> they'll be in the wkend before
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:52] <johnc4510> and looking for a party
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:55] <johnc4510> i would think
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:58] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:10] <kennymc0> and they will have all those new toys they got while they were back home
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:14] <azteech> but, that also means tired from travels ... and mind set on getting back to classes .... is all I am thinking
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:27] <johnc4510> i'll ask nock about when u of a starts up againg
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:36] Join SlickMcRunfast has joined this channel (n=mark@ip24-255-46-64.tc.ph.cox.net).
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:45] <johnc4510> SlickMcRunfast: evening
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:53] <johnc4510> azteech: yeah i hear you
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:53] <kennymc0> you know these are college students we are talking about azteech :P
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:17] <johnc4510> ok, well, if we are going to make a change, we have to decide now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:20] <johnc4510> so
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:57] <johnc4510> lets have a vote on "to change" +1 or "to not change date" -1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:09] <johnc4510> everyone can vote
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:11] <azteech> understood .... was just a thought is all ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:14] <johnc4510> new folks too
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:17] <nhasian> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:30] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:37] <kennymc0> -1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:45] <johnc4510> word: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:51] <Mauricio> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:53] <johnc4510> Mauricio: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:39] <Mauricio> I did
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:46] <johnc4510> ok, i'll abstain
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:51] <johnc4510> so it's a change
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:06] <kennymc0> we dont want to push it back much further
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:17] <nhasian> well if there are no students on campus we can finally find parking ^_^
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:17] <johnc4510> the 24th is the next wkend
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:18] <johnc4510> ??
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:27] <azteech> would say, a week at most ... is all ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:33] <azteech> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:33] <johnc4510> is the 24th good?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:40] <kennymc0> i wouldnt be able to go
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:42] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:45] <johnc4510> Mauricio: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:46] <Mauricio> I think we need to know when the students will back to school first and bring 1 week more
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:48] <johnc4510> nhasian: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:50] <kennymc0> well i might be able to go just might have to leave early
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:10] <johnc4510> kennymc0: k
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:27] <Mauricio> Fine to me
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:30] <johnc4510> word said they are back for that wk
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:36] <nhasian> johnc4510, but then most of our installees will probably be students anyway
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:44] <johnc4510> right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:45] <nhasian> johnc4510, so we should have the installfest when they return
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:56] <johnc4510> nhasian: that's the idea of having it at the colleges
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:16] <johnc4510> ok, then
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:20] <nhasian> we could be like "Stop pirating windows, use geniune Ubuntu instead!"
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:26] <johnc4510> the 24th
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:29] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:14] <johnc4510> i'll let nock know and zach isn't a problem since i didn't have his addy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:20] <azteech> stop pirating period ... OpenSource is better :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:25] <johnc4510> i'll just change it when i send it
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:43] <johnc4510> well, we have the flyers pretty much done i think
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:47] <xHans> azteech: stop pirating because the RIAA are the real pirates?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:54] <johnc4510> adding date, location etc is all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:10] <azteech> No, just the Thieves
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:12] <johnc4510> and if asu does a gaming server we should throw that in
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:40] <azteech> who prey mostly on poor, .....
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:42] <xHans> azteech: dunno, they attack people and hold them legally hostage at lawyerpoint
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:49] <nhasian> azteech, like Metallica?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:50] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:56] <johnc4510> xHans: you have announcements?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:02] <xHans> johnc4510: a few
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:07] <johnc4510> shoot then
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:11] <xHans> it's the annual end of year party this Thursday for PLUG, bring family, friends and food :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:17] <xHans> 19:00 in Mesa, see PLUG website for maps, etc.
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:27] <xHans> the Hackfest is an online security lab this Saturday, more info should be going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:27] <xHans> up on the PLUG site soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:30] <johnc4510> saw that, a nice touch
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:45] <xHans> slofgren: any input for this month's Hackfest or for next month?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:51] <slofgren> nope
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:55] <xHans> johnc4510: danke
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:03] <johnc4510> now he speaks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:05] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:06] <xHans> slofgren: ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:16] <xHans> the January Hackfest has a special presenter, more info should soon be on the PL
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:16] <xHans> UG web site
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:20] <slofgren> we should have ascript for helping to join the von
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:23] <slofgren> vpn
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:28] <xHans> Both Stammtische are next week, http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:40] <xHans> slofgren: yup
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:55] <xHans> slofgren: they could probably just cut and paste from my security class page :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:03] <slofgren> ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:17] <slofgren> on way or another
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:20] <slofgren> one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:32] <xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/CIS271DL.html
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:43] <slofgren> I was thinking of a link to a download that they just run with out having to use vim
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:48] <xHans> towards the bottom
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:21] * xHans knows that page is definitely among the not most organized on the Net :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:35] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:38] <slofgren> gaw
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:39] <johnc4510> happens
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:41] <slofgren> ;)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:55] * slofgren pokes xHans for having to lok directly at that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:56] <azteech> lol, like an instructors notes? hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:56] <slofgren> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:00] <xHans> work online with us this month, we hope future months will also allow remote participation
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:21] <johnc4510> nice
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:25] <xHans> slofgren: do not look into laser with remaining eye :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:26] <slofgren> yes yes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:33] <slofgren> haha
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:37] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:58] <xHans> I'm looking forward to the January Hackfest, watch the site for the announcement
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:13] <xHans> the ABLEconf call for local committee opened this week, see the discuss list for more info
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:20] <johnc4510> ah
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:22] <xHans> trying to get info up on the ABLEconf site now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:45] <xHans> please pass the ABLEconf announcement far and wide within the state
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:55] <slofgren> when is the projected date for the next ABLEcon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:04] <slofgren> and where?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:13] <johnc4510> for new members ABlEconf is our all state user groups participating in a opensource conference
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:40] <xHans> slofgren: where depends on which local committee wins the bid
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:41] <johnc4510> we hope tucson, but it's undecided
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:58] <xHans> hopefully it'll be in Mar or Apr
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:09] <slofgren> Prescott ftw
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:15] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:16] <slofgren> or Flag
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:34] <xHans> johnc4510, slofgren: build the local committee and make your case :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:40] <slofgren> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:40] <johnc4510> yep
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:46] <slofgren> johnc4510: your going down
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:54] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:01] <azteech> Hopefully before April, since we go back into full swing, including weekends at work 1st weekend in April ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:05] <xHans> slofgren: he's keeping you busy not deliverying the server :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:34] <slofgren> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:34] <xHans> azteech: ok, help us make it in mid-March
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:46] <slofgren> yeah I will try to get the server down to Phx soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:00] <johnc4510> i may have to call slofgren's better half and arrange some honeydo projects
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:02] <slofgren> just need to pick a day to lose money and not work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:19] <xHans> anyway, only one in-person PLUG event this month, but still lots of stuff going on, including both Stammtische
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:42] <xHans> the December west side meeting is cancelled, I believe the December Installfest is also cancelled
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:20] * xHans hands slofgren some cantaloupe to go with the honeydo
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:26] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:47] <azteech> lmao
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:58] <slofgren> haha
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:00] <xHans> hope to see many of you Thursday at the party
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:04] <johnc4510> cool
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:08] <johnc4510> that it xHans ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:17] * xHans is done with announcements and probably also done with the bad jokes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:22] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:23] <xHans> johnc4510: must be :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:26] <johnc4510> ok all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:35] <johnc4510> if that's it?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:37] <SlickMcRunfast> party?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:41] <johnc4510> i need to run
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:47] <slofgren> bye
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:51] <xHans> SlickMcRunfast: yup, this Thursday at PLUG in Mesa
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:56] <xHans> n8 johnc4510
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:45:04] <SlickMcRunfast> bye johnc4510
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:45:20] <johnc4510> later all, thanks for the great meeting, thx to nhasian, new member :)

If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:40] <johnc4510> ok we ready?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:43] <johnc4510> +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:44] <nhasian>   thanks its running on a dual xeon server with fedora
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:50] <kennymc0>  +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:52] <johnc4510> ah
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:00:58] <Mauricio>  +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:02] <nhasian>   +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:03] <johnc4510> ok lets begin
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:05] <slofgren>  +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:25] <johnc4510> do we have new members that haven't introduced themselves before?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:31] <johnc4510> nhasian: have you?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:46] <nhasian>   i dont think i've introduced myself yet
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:51] <nhasian>   this would be my first meeting
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:54] <johnc4510> just a line or 2 about yourself
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:01:56] <johnc4510> please
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:02:11] Join        azteech has joined this channel (n=stevan@
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:02:49] <nhasian>   well i'm 32 and have been using PCs since 1991 I think.  I just started using ubuntu with 8.04  i have several MS certifications and used to build/repair workstations servers and networks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:03] <johnc4510> nice
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:06] <azteech>   evening all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:13] <kennymc0>  evening azteech
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:16] <johnc4510> azteech: howdy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:27] <johnc4510> nhasian: welcome to the group :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:35] <johnc4510> right folks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:38] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:03:54] <Mauricio>  nhasian: Welcome
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:08] <nhasian>   thanks i'm happy to be here
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:08] <johnc4510> Mauricio: you haven't been here before to intro yourself have you?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:29] <Mauricio>  Yes, I did 4 weeks ago
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:32] <johnc4510> k
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:33] <johnc4510> thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:43] <johnc4510> sorry i forgot
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:44] <johnc4510> :(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:46] <johnc4510> ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:04:57] <Mauricio>  np
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:10] <johnc4510> first off then is the installfest for tucson and phoenix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:25] <azteech>   action {inserts age joke} .. then ducks behind kennymc0 ...... hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:27] <azteech>   hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:30] <johnc4510> i got in touch with nock from U of A
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:38]      * kennymc0 steps to the side
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:43] <johnc4510> it was friday
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:05:54] <johnc4510> and he had left already from work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:11] <johnc4510> he didn't think there would be a problem with the date
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:13] <johnc4510> but
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:28] <johnc4510> he is going to call me first of the wk and let me know for sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:45] <johnc4510> btw, date is the 17th of Jan.
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:52] <johnc4510> as we discussed last wk
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:06:59] <johnc4510> xHans: ping
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:06] <johnc4510> about ASU
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:07] <nhasian>   right since there isnt going to be a point release for 8.10
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:16] <johnc4510> right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:22] <johnc4510> now, about ASU
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:29] <xHans>     pong
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:43] <johnc4510> xHans: can you give me zach's email addy?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:51] <xHans>     johnc4510: sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:07:56] <johnc4510> since i lost my desktop, i lost his addy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:00] <xHans>     ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:01] <johnc4510> :(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:22] <johnc4510> didn't realize it until friday when i wwent to emaail him
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:27] <johnc4510> so
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:39] <johnc4510> i'll got one out to him monday
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:08:48] <johnc4510> and start the ball rolling on that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:40] <johnc4510> then we can get the flyers fixed with the date, locations, etc
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:47] <johnc4510> and start distribution
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:54] <xHans>     johnc4510: the Zach (addy) is in the mail
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:09:54] <kennymc0>  sounds good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:01] <johnc4510> xHans: thx bud
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:04] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:10] <xHans>     bitte
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:28] <johnc4510> we have 5 full wks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:33] <johnc4510> till event
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:50] <johnc4510> of course    xmas is in there, and new years
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:10:53] <nhasian>   johnc4510, i got my ubuntu stickers ready hehe
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:01] <johnc4510> lol, great
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:04] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:19] <nhasian>   does anyone have some KVM switches we can bring to help expedite the installs?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:22] <johnc4510> we should also be thinking about media coverage
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:11:34] <johnc4510> nhasian: i don't   sorry
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:00] <johnc4510> after installing on my new desktop box
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:10] <johnc4510> install went pretty easy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:19] <kennymc0>  that's good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:28] <johnc4510> not sure why it was easier on new equip
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:46] <nhasian>   i know a producer at ABC.  i can ask if they'd like to come
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:47] <johnc4510> especially since it's a P45 chipset
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:48] <kennymc0>  if we have a good internet connection there we shouldnt have a problem getting everything working great for everyone
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:12:57] <johnc4510> and most had trouble with that one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:07] <johnc4510> kennymc0: right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:08] <johnc4510> and
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:10] <johnc4510> i
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:28] <johnc4510> am going to bring a bunch of 8.04 cds
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:32] <johnc4510> that we left over
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:39] <johnc4510> we know they work good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:45] <kennymc0>  give everyone the option which is good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:53] <johnc4510> and we can always install and upgrade if necessary
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:13:57] <Mauricio>  I install 8.10 in 3 different equipments...no problems....except Little's to fix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:14] <kennymc0>  everything works great on my desktop now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:18] <johnc4510> well, i had a big problem on the old desktop and my laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:34] <johnc4510> yeah this one is doing good
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:41] <johnc4510> and so is the laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:41] <kennymc0>  my laptop worked right away but the fn keys still dont work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:42] <kennymc0>  :/
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:14:56] <johnc4510> some of mine do and some don't
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:02] <johnc4510> just like before
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:17] <johnc4510> i don't think they're going to fix that anytime soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:20] <johnc4510> ::(
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:23] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:36] <johnc4510> we'll have internet
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:15:50] <johnc4510> and hopefully, ASU will have a game server going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:00] <johnc4510> i'm going to ask zach about that in the email
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:26] <azteech>   think I have my issue figured out .... as well, johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:30] <johnc4510> and i think all the students will be back from break by the 17th
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:44] <johnc4510> azteech: great...the vga one?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:16:54] <nhasian>   johnc4510, who's gonna bring he donuts and coffee?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:00] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:05] <azteech>   yeah, but will talk off-line
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:08] <johnc4510> ah, did you just volunteer?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:09] <kennymc0>  tyche can since he's not here
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:23] <word>      rawr
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:31] <kennymc0>  ah it's a dino
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:35] <johnc4510> well see what we can work out before hand on that one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:40] <johnc4510> word: welcome
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:43] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:52] <johnc4510> ok,
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:56] <kennymc0>  when does school start back up after xmas word?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:17:59] <johnc4510> slofgren: ping
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:07] <kennymc0>  since you go to asu and all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:13] <johnc4510> good question
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:24] <johnc4510> word: speak to us  :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:18:54] <johnc4510> slofgren: you still here i hope?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:11] <johnc4510> hmmm
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:22] <azteech>   one other ?, are we getting a second team banner made up ... so that both locations will have one?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:22] <word>      umm
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:36]      * word gets up to grab flyer
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:41] <johnc4510> azteech: hadn't thought about that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:50] <johnc4510> it's here in my office
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:51] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:19:56] <kennymc0>  we could have a competition
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:06] <kennymc0>  the location with the best turnout gets it for the next year
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:11] <johnc4510> and it was about 80 dollars to have made up
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:21] <johnc4510> kennymc0: we could do that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:21] <kennymc0>  and have it as a trophie for the location that gets the most people to show up
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:23] <johnc4510> ::)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:29] <azteech>   yeah, I remember ....
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:33] <johnc4510> i'm not opposed to that
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:38] <azteech>   lol ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:20:42] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:19] <johnc4510> ok, slofgren has ubuntu installed on the server and is waiting to get with devry to install it at the facility
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:31] <word>      20th is the first day
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:36] <azteech>   think who ever gets the territory trophy .... hosted, should be the one who gets it .... :p
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:38] <word>      of january
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:40] <johnc4510> he's in prescott and facility is in phoenix
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:21:51] <johnc4510> word: thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:00] <kennymc0>  i can show up to help if i know when
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:14] <johnc4510> so, students should be filtering back in that wkend
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:21] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:33] <johnc4510> i'll let you know when slofgren tells me
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:36] <johnc4510> thx
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:52] <johnc4510> once it's up we'll have 2 servers going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:22:58] <johnc4510> one for the team, the new one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:04] <azteech>   if students are filtering in back on the 20th, should we then think of postponing further?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:15] <johnc4510> and the old one that we are going to use for state user groups
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:30] <johnc4510> slofgren: well
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:32] <johnc4510> not sure
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:40] <kennymc0>  azteech: i think that's the first day back to classes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:45] <johnc4510> they'll be in the wkend before
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:52] <johnc4510> and looking for a party
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:55] <johnc4510> i would think
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:23:58] <johnc4510> hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:10] <kennymc0>  and they will have all those new toys they got while they were back home
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:14] <azteech>   but, that also means tired from travels ... and mind set on getting back to classes .... is all I am thinking
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:27] <johnc4510> i'll ask nock about when u of a starts up againg
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:36] Join        SlickMcRunfast has joined this channel (n=mark@ip24-255-46-64.tc.ph.cox.net).
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:45] <johnc4510> SlickMcRunfast: evening
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:53] <johnc4510> azteech: yeah i hear you
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:24:53] <kennymc0>  you know these are college students we are talking about azteech :P
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:17] <johnc4510> ok, well, if we are going to make a change, we have to decide now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:20] <johnc4510> so
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:25:57] <johnc4510> lets have a vote on "to change" +1  or "to not change date" -1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:09] <johnc4510> everyone can vote
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:11] <azteech>   understood .... was just a thought is all ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:14] <johnc4510> new folks too
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:17] <nhasian>   +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:30] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:37] <kennymc0>  -1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:45] <johnc4510> word: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:51] <Mauricio>  +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:26:53] <johnc4510> Mauricio: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:39] <Mauricio>  I did
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:46] <johnc4510> ok, i'll abstain
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:27:51] <johnc4510> so it's a change
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:06] <kennymc0>  we dont want to push it back much further
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:17] <nhasian>   well if there are no students on campus we can finally find parking ^_^
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:17] <johnc4510> the 24th is the next wkend
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:18] <johnc4510> ??
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:27] <azteech>   would say, a week at most ... is all ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:33] <azteech>   +1
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:33] <johnc4510> is the 24th good?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:40] <kennymc0>  i wouldnt be able to go
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:42] <johnc4510> kennymc0: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:45] <johnc4510> Mauricio: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:46] <Mauricio>  I think we need to know when the students will back to school first and bring 1 week more
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:48] <johnc4510> nhasian: ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:28:50] <kennymc0>  well i might be able to go just might have to leave early
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:10] <johnc4510> kennymc0: k
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:27] <Mauricio>  Fine to me
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:30] <johnc4510> word said they are back for that wk
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:36] <nhasian>   johnc4510, but then most of our installees will probably be students anyway
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:44] <johnc4510> right
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:45] <nhasian>   johnc4510, so we should have the installfest when they return
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:29:56] <johnc4510> nhasian: that's the idea of having it at the colleges
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:16] <johnc4510> ok, then
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:20] <nhasian>   we could be like "Stop pirating windows, use geniune Ubuntu instead!"
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:26] <johnc4510> the 24th
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:30:29] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:14] <johnc4510> i'll let nock know and zach isn't a problem since i didn't have his addy
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:20] <azteech>   stop pirating period ... OpenSource is better :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:25] <johnc4510> i'll just change it when i send it
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:43] <johnc4510> well, we have the flyers pretty much done i think
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:47] <xHans>     azteech: stop pirating because the RIAA are the real pirates?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:31:54] <johnc4510> adding date, location etc is all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:10] <azteech>   No, just the Thieves
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:12] <johnc4510> and if asu does a gaming server we should throw that in
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:40] <azteech>   who prey mostly on poor, .....
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:42] <xHans>     azteech: dunno, they attack people and hold them legally hostage at lawyerpoint
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:49] <nhasian>   azteech, like Metallica?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:50] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:32:56] <johnc4510> xHans: you have announcements?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:02] <xHans>     johnc4510: a few
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:07] <johnc4510> shoot then
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:11] <xHans>     it's the annual end of year party this Thursday for PLUG, bring family, friends and food :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:17] <xHans>     19:00 in Mesa, see PLUG website for maps, etc.
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:27] <xHans>     the Hackfest is an online security lab this Saturday, more info should be going
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:27] <xHans>     up on the PLUG site soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:30] <johnc4510> saw that, a nice touch
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:45] <xHans>     slofgren: any input for this month's Hackfest or for next month?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:51] <slofgren>  nope
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:33:55] <xHans>     johnc4510: danke
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:03] <johnc4510> now he speaks
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:05] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:06] <xHans>     slofgren: ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:16] <xHans>     the January Hackfest has a special presenter, more info should soon be on the PL
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:16] <xHans>     UG web site
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:20] <slofgren>  we should have ascript for helping to join the von
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:23] <slofgren>  vpn
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:28] <xHans>     Both Stammtische are next week, http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:40] <xHans>     slofgren: yup
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:34:55] <xHans>     slofgren: they could probably just cut and paste from my security class page :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:03] <slofgren>  ok
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:17] <slofgren>  on way or another
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:20] <slofgren>  one
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:32] <xHans>     http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/CIS271DL.html
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:43] <slofgren>  I was thinking of a link to a download that they just run with out having to use vim
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:35:48] <xHans>     towards the bottom
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:21]      * xHans knows that page is definitely among the not most organized on the Net :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:35] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:38] <slofgren>  gaw
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:39] <johnc4510> happens
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:41] <slofgren>  ;)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:55]      * slofgren pokes xHans for having to lok directly at that 
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:56] <azteech>   lol, like an instructors notes? hee hee
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:36:56] <slofgren>  lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:00] <xHans>     work online with us this month, we hope future months will also allow remote participation
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:21] <johnc4510> nice
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:25] <xHans>     slofgren: do not look into laser with remaining eye :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:26] <slofgren>  yes yes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:33] <slofgren>  haha
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:37] <johnc4510> :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:37:58] <xHans>     I'm looking forward to the January Hackfest, watch the site for the announcement
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:13] <xHans>     the ABLEconf call for local committee opened this week, see the discuss list for more info
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:20] <johnc4510> ah
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:22] <xHans>     trying to get info up on the ABLEconf site now
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:45] <xHans>     please pass the ABLEconf announcement far and wide within the state
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:38:55] <slofgren>  when is the projected date for the next ABLEcon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:04] <slofgren>  and where?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:13] <johnc4510> for new members ABlEconf is our all state user groups participating in a opensource conference
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:40] <xHans>     slofgren: where depends on which local committee wins the bid
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:41] <johnc4510> we hope tucson, but it's undecided
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:39:58] <xHans>     hopefully it'll be in Mar or Apr
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:09] <slofgren>  Prescott ftw
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:15] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:16] <slofgren>  or Flag
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:34] <xHans>     johnc4510, slofgren: build the local committee and make your case :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:40] <slofgren>  lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:40] <johnc4510> yep
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:46] <slofgren>  johnc4510: your going down
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:40:54] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:01] <azteech>   Hopefully before April, since we go back into full swing, including weekends at work 1st weekend in April ...
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:05] <xHans>     slofgren: he's keeping you busy not deliverying the server :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:34] <slofgren>  lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:34] <xHans>     azteech: ok, help us make it in mid-March
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:41:46] <slofgren>  yeah I will try to get the server down to Phx soon
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:00] <johnc4510> i may have to call slofgren's better half and arrange some honeydo projects
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:02] <slofgren>  just need to pick a day to lose money and not work
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:19] <xHans>     anyway, only one in-person PLUG event this month, but still lots of stuff going on, including both Stammtische
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:42:42] <xHans>     the December west side meeting is cancelled, I believe the December Installfest is also cancelled
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:20]      * xHans hands slofgren some cantaloupe to go with the honeydo
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:26] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:47] <azteech>   lmao
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:43:58] <slofgren>  haha
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:00] <xHans>     hope to see many of you Thursday at the party
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:04] <johnc4510> cool
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:08] <johnc4510> that it xHans ?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:17]      * xHans is done with announcements and probably also done with the bad jokes
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:22] <johnc4510> lol
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:23] <xHans>     johnc4510: must be :)
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:26] <johnc4510> ok all
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:35] <johnc4510> if that's it?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:37] <SlickMcRunfast>    party?
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:41] <johnc4510> i need to run
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:47] <slofgren>  bye
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:51] <xHans>     SlickMcRunfast: yup, this Thursday at PLUG in Mesa
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:44:56] <xHans>     n8 johnc4510
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:45:04] <SlickMcRunfast>    bye johnc4510
[Sun Dec 7 2008] [21:45:20] <johnc4510> later all, thanks for the great meeting, thx to nhasian, new member :)

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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08December07 (last edited 2008-12-08 05:51:16 by ip98-165-20-5)