If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


20:59 < tyche> One minute warning.  Who's here for the meeting?
20:59 < tyche> +1
20:59 < MatthewMPP> I guess I will fit right in.
20:59 < kennymc0> +1
20:59 < scott_ev> +1
20:59 < scott_ev> MatthewMPP: will fit right in
21:00 < tyche> Siph0n: I saw you in hear earlier.
21:00 < scott_ev> I have a feeling he ain't quite right neither
21:00 < Siph0n> yup
21:00 < Siph0n> +1
21:00 < kennymc0> hear or here?
21:00 < Siph0n> lol was just reading the channel, didnt get to the end yet
21:00 < kennymc0> yeah it can get quite chatty in here at times
21:00 < tyche> I know slofgren is working, so he won't show.
21:01 < tyche> OK.  First of all, I have some bad news.  johnc4510 won't be with us tonight.
21:01 < kennymc0> did you get him sick again?
21:01 < tyche> In his words, "I'm going to have to bow out tonight. I'm really feeling rotten, and can't keep anything down."
21:01 < xHans> all OK on the johnc4510 front?
21:01 < tyche> I sent him back to bed.  Hopefully, it will pass soon.
21:02 < tyche> So, that's the bad news.  The good news is . . . YOU'VE GOT ME!!!  Hee hee
21:02 < scott_ev> dizzamn
21:02 < tyche> So, first off, are there any new members that haven't had a chance to introduce themselves?
21:02 < kennymc0> uh oh.....we're in trouble
21:03 < scott_ev> Siph0n: MatthewMPP , you're up
21:03 < MatthewMPP> yeah i'm here
21:03 < Siph0n> ? Siph0n? Im not new
21:03 < kennymc0> i'm pretty sure Siph0n has been here for a meeting befor
21:03 < tyche> MatthewMPP: You sign up with the team?
21:03 < kennymc0> several times
21:03 < scott_ev> sorry Siph0n I wasn't sure
21:03 < Siph0n> scott_ev, yup, no worries :)
21:04 < xHans> MatthewMPP: if you're not certain what to say just cut-and-paste from tyche's bio
21:04 < tyche> MatthewMPP: Member or not, you're always welcome here.
21:05 < MatthewMPP> I have started to be more active in the community lately.  Plug meetings, ASU install fest, and Wednesday I will be going to the West Side meeting.  This is my AZloco meeting.
21:05 < tyche> There's nothing really obligatory about the team.  We don't even charge dues or anything like that.
21:05 < kennymc0> i guess i'll see you at the westside meeting :)
21:05 < tyche> We're happy to have you.
21:05 < tyche> OK, I've got a couple of announcements.  Nothing too serious.
21:06 < tyche> Ubuntu 9.04 Beta freeze is in effect now. The Beta release will be Thursday.
21:06 < MatthewMPP> I tried to sign up on the web page a half hour a go.  Hit a snag.  I will try again tomorrow.
21:06 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@] has joined #ubuntu-us-az
21:06 < tyche> I'm looking forward to the beta release.  I'm hoping they have the new artwork in it.
21:06 < scott_ev> wb Adler
21:06 < kennymc0> one of the admins have to approve you on the webpage
21:07 < kennymc0> make sure to sign up on launchpad and the mailing list MatthewMPP
21:07 < scott_ev> I will be taking MatthewMPP through all of our stuff this week
21:07 < kennymc0> cool
21:07 < tyche> MatthewMPP: and if you have problems, holler.  I'm not sure I can help, but I'll try.  johnc4510 would be the one that has to approve you, though (pure formality)
21:08 < tyche> scott_ev: GREAT!!!  Thanks.
21:08 < tyche> OK, next announcement:  Everyone should take a look at the Ubuntu Forums news in todays UWN issue. It lays out some of the major things about the forums that everyone should know. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue134
21:08 < tyche> Also, There is a good interview with Jono Bacon the Ubuntu Community Mgr. who works for Canonical here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/interviews-28/interview-with-jono-bacon-ubuntu-community-manager-712635/
21:09 < tyche> And on the lighter side:  Here is a quick little read that gave several of us working on the UWN a good laugh today. It'll only take you about 5 mins. at the most. http://www.ubuntuproductivity.com/journal/uncategorized/03/2009/top-10-reasons-ill-never-use-ubuntu/
21:10 < tyche> scott_ev: Do you have anything new on the bug front to go over?
21:10 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
21:10 < scott_ev> not tonight
21:10 < tyche> KK
21:10 < scott_ev> well
21:11 < tyche> Well?
21:11 < scott_ev> I'm putting together a presentation.  MatthewMPP and i are going to work on a few things
21:11 < scott_ev> he lives close
21:12 < scott_ev> that's all
21:12 < tyche> I'll look forward to seeing it when you get it done.
21:12 < MatthewMPP> xHans when do scott and I need to have the presentation ready?
21:13 < scott_ev> not until we are ready
21:13 < xHans> MatthewMPP: when do you want to give it?
21:13 < MatthewMPP> scott_ev, good answer.
21:13 < tyche> johnc4510 asked me to have everyone put in ideas for the Jaunty events.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/JauntyEvents
21:13 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@ip72-208-119-3.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az
21:14 < tyche> WB, Adler
21:14 < xHans> MatthewMPP, scott_ev: let me know when you want to give it
21:14 < MatthewMPP> ok
21:14 < tyche> Jeff_Martin has put in some ideas for Northern Arizona.
21:14 < xHans> for 30 to 45 minute presentations the only block we have is the east side May meeting
21:15 < Siph0n> what about having some games at the parties? Computer games
21:15 < tyche> Some of the ideas we need are ways to improve our media exposure, how to get the flyers out better, game ideas, etc.
21:15 < scott_ev> we could be done by then, I think
21:15 < Adler> Hi Guys (Gals?)
21:15 < Siph0n> and having sort of a lan party / release party
21:15 < xHans> for a 90 minute presentation we're open for either meeting starting in June and probably earlier on the west side
21:15 < xHans> moin moin Adler
21:16 < scott_ev> wb adler
21:16 < xHans> tyche: whoever is working on promo for jaunty parties should also help with ABLEconf promo
21:16 < tyche> The idea of games is interesting,  but might take a bit of planning.  Put it up on the wiki.
21:16 < tyche> xHans: not a bad idea.
21:16 < xHans> and we'll push the ABLEconf promo channels to help with the jaunty release promo
21:16 < xHans> we should be promoting Free Software gaming at every event :)
21:16 < scott_ev> true
21:17 < Adler> I'm looking to Jaunty not seizing up my notebook.
21:17 < tyche> I saw, on the ABLEconf mailing list, that you've got one person interested in doing fliers, already
21:17 < tyche> Adler: Well, the beta should be out Thursday, and you can check it out then.
21:17 < tyche> LiveCDs are great for that.
21:18 < tyche> Any other ideas floating around?
21:18 < scott_ev> tyche: I think he already installed it, right Adler
21:18 < kennymc0> we could have a pool party at your apartment for the release party like scott_ev keeps mentioning :)
21:18 < xHans> tyche: we have a bit of a promo channel in place, but haven't exercised it since September
21:19 < tyche> I didn't know that.  Or, maybe I just wasn't paying attention (you know us Scots.  We pay as little as possible).
21:20 < Adler> I'll wait for the final. Linux distros are coming out all over, and I never have been satisfied with WiFi support outside of running a usb device. I'm running now on Cox ethernet - love that speed. But, the last Ubuntu was not good  for notebooks.
21:20 < MatthewMPP> xHans, okay I think scott and I can have it ready by May 14, 2009.  I will keep you up to date on our progress.
21:20 < tyche> Adler: I'll agree with you there.
21:21 < xHans> MatthewMPP: OK, that's the one night I can't yet say we have room on the schedule
21:21 < Adler> Run Linux, Run Free ist meine Devise!
21:21  * xHans needs to email Hurricane
21:22 < tyche> xHans: they have it up by May 14 means that it would be ready for any time after that.
21:22 < xHans> hmmm, Ubuntu install CDs as currency...
21:22 < tyche> That should give you some flexibility.
21:22 < xHans> tyche: yeah, just letting them know that particular night might not work out :)
21:22 < tyche> xHans: do you have any announcements for us, tonight?
21:22 < tyche> Yep
21:23 < xHans> tyche: a couple
21:23 < Adler> I've not tried the live CD of any distro after openSuSE 11.1, which I run know.
21:23 < xHans> GNU/Linux classes are starting this week, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/757
21:23 < xHans> I think we're full up at MCC, but EMCC had some openings
21:23 < Adler> What would we learn there?
21:24 < Adler> Computing is my hobby, I do Linux ites, Forums and Blog.
21:24 < xHans> Adler: they're all GNU/Linux classes this quarter ranging from intro to sysadmin  to security
21:24 < xHans> there might also be a shell scripting class in there
21:24 < scott_ev> sweet
21:25 < xHans> in the Fall we should again have OpenOffice.org, some webdev stuff and PHP and Python classes
21:25 < kennymc0> sounds like something for everyone
21:25 < MatthewMPP> xHans, well later is fine.
21:25 < Adler> I understand that there are other places - better places - to go rather than ASU that I live next to.
21:25 < xHans> kennymc0: I'm working on Inkscape, GIMP and Blender, but don't count on that soon
21:25 < xHans> Adler: depends on what you want to study and learn
21:26 < xHans> MatthewMPP: cool
21:26 < xHans> PLUG West side this Wednesday, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/357
21:26 < xHans> speaking of gaming :)
21:26 < xHans> PLUG Installfest this Saturday, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/107
21:26 < xHans> The West side meeting will have a presentation on Free Software gaming
21:26 < xHans> the presentation is based on a presentation from SCaLE that got good reviews from all I've talked to
21:26 < kennymc0> cool
21:27 < xHans> in fact, the presenter from SCaLE and calimer are probably plotting on Free Software gaming stuff :)
21:27 < Adler> Well, the secrets of computing - I want to kick back and have some one so me the past, future and now.
21:27 < MatthewMPP> xHans are those the classes at MCC?  I took a linux class at Chand/Gilbert a while ago that wasn't any good.
21:28 < xHans> MatthewMPP: my classes are at MCC, I haven't talked to the Gilbert instructors
21:28 < MatthewMPP> what is EMCC?
21:28 < xHans> Estrella Mountain Community College in Avondale
21:29 < xHans> we're working on an ABLEconf in Tucson, join the ABLEconf discuss mailing list if you'd like to help
21:29 < xHans> http://lists.ABLEconf.com/private.cgi/discuss-ableconf.com/2009-March/000056.html
21:29 < Adler> I did run into a guy at the hi-speed line here in Tempe and he showed me a card to enroll. I asked him for his web site / forum, but he had none.
21:30 < xHans> MatthewMPP: I think MCC's BII ( where I teach ) and EMCC are the only community colleges to offer 8 week classes, so we're the only ones starting mid-semester
21:30 < xHans> hi-speed line?
21:31 < Adler> The new metro rail in Mesa - Tempe - Phoenix.
21:31 < xHans> tyche: that's it from me for now
21:32 < xHans> Adler: ah, I thought you might mean that, but I wasn't certain and I wouldn't categorize it at hi-speed :)
21:32 < tyche> OK, Thanks, xHans.  We appreciate the information.
21:32 < tyche> Is there anything else that should be brought up tonight?
21:32 < xHans> bitte
21:33 < tyche> If not, then I'll adjourn the meeting, and we can all wish johnc4510 a speedy recovery, so we can get back to a REAL meeting.  :-)
21:33 < tyche> Thanks for coming, all.

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09March22 (last edited 2009-03-23 04:42:52 by ip98-165-20-5)