Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
20:59 < tyche> One minute warning. Who's here for the meeting? 20:59 < tyche> +1 20:59 < MatthewMPP> I guess I will fit right in. 20:59 < kennymc0> +1 20:59 < scott_ev> +1 20:59 < scott_ev> MatthewMPP: will fit right in 21:00 < tyche> Siph0n: I saw you in hear earlier. 21:00 < scott_ev> I have a feeling he ain't quite right neither 21:00 < Siph0n> yup 21:00 < Siph0n> +1 21:00 < kennymc0> hear or here? 21:00 < Siph0n> lol was just reading the channel, didnt get to the end yet 21:00 < kennymc0> yeah it can get quite chatty in here at times 21:00 < tyche> I know slofgren is working, so he won't show. 21:01 < tyche> OK. First of all, I have some bad news. johnc4510 won't be with us tonight. 21:01 < kennymc0> did you get him sick again? 21:01 < tyche> In his words, "I'm going to have to bow out tonight. I'm really feeling rotten, and can't keep anything down." 21:01 < xHans> all OK on the johnc4510 front? 21:01 < tyche> I sent him back to bed. Hopefully, it will pass soon. 21:02 < tyche> So, that's the bad news. The good news is . . . YOU'VE GOT ME!!! Hee hee 21:02 < scott_ev> dizzamn 21:02 < tyche> So, first off, are there any new members that haven't had a chance to introduce themselves? 21:02 < kennymc0> uh oh.....we're in trouble 21:03 < scott_ev> Siph0n: MatthewMPP , you're up 21:03 < MatthewMPP> yeah i'm here 21:03 < Siph0n> ? Siph0n? Im not new 21:03 < kennymc0> i'm pretty sure Siph0n has been here for a meeting befor 21:03 < tyche> MatthewMPP: You sign up with the team? 21:03 < kennymc0> several times 21:03 < scott_ev> sorry Siph0n I wasn't sure 21:03 < Siph0n> scott_ev, yup, no worries :) 21:04 < xHans> MatthewMPP: if you're not certain what to say just cut-and-paste from tyche's bio 21:04 < tyche> MatthewMPP: Member or not, you're always welcome here. 21:05 < MatthewMPP> I have started to be more active in the community lately. Plug meetings, ASU install fest, and Wednesday I will be going to the West Side meeting. This is my AZloco meeting. 21:05 < tyche> There's nothing really obligatory about the team. We don't even charge dues or anything like that. 21:05 < kennymc0> i guess i'll see you at the westside meeting :) 21:05 < tyche> We're happy to have you. 21:05 < tyche> OK, I've got a couple of announcements. Nothing too serious. 21:06 < tyche> Ubuntu 9.04 Beta freeze is in effect now. The Beta release will be Thursday. 21:06 < MatthewMPP> I tried to sign up on the web page a half hour a go. Hit a snag. I will try again tomorrow. 21:06 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:06 < tyche> I'm looking forward to the beta release. I'm hoping they have the new artwork in it. 21:06 < scott_ev> wb Adler 21:06 < kennymc0> one of the admins have to approve you on the webpage 21:07 < kennymc0> make sure to sign up on launchpad and the mailing list MatthewMPP 21:07 < scott_ev> I will be taking MatthewMPP through all of our stuff this week 21:07 < kennymc0> cool 21:07 < tyche> MatthewMPP: and if you have problems, holler. I'm not sure I can help, but I'll try. johnc4510 would be the one that has to approve you, though (pure formality) 21:08 < tyche> scott_ev: GREAT!!! Thanks. 21:08 < tyche> OK, next announcement: Everyone should take a look at the Ubuntu Forums news in todays UWN issue. It lays out some of the major things about the forums that everyone should know. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue134 21:08 < tyche> Also, There is a good interview with Jono Bacon the Ubuntu Community Mgr. who works for Canonical here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/interviews-28/interview-with-jono-bacon-ubuntu-community-manager-712635/ 21:09 < tyche> And on the lighter side: Here is a quick little read that gave several of us working on the UWN a good laugh today. It'll only take you about 5 mins. at the most. http://www.ubuntuproductivity.com/journal/uncategorized/03/2009/top-10-reasons-ill-never-use-ubuntu/ 21:10 < tyche> scott_ev: Do you have anything new on the bug front to go over? 21:10 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@] has quit [Connection reset by peer] 21:10 < scott_ev> not tonight 21:10 < tyche> KK 21:10 < scott_ev> well 21:11 < tyche> Well? 21:11 < scott_ev> I'm putting together a presentation. MatthewMPP and i are going to work on a few things 21:11 < scott_ev> he lives close 21:12 < scott_ev> that's all 21:12 < tyche> I'll look forward to seeing it when you get it done. 21:12 < MatthewMPP> xHans when do scott and I need to have the presentation ready? 21:13 < scott_ev> not until we are ready 21:13 < xHans> MatthewMPP: when do you want to give it? 21:13 < MatthewMPP> scott_ev, good answer. 21:13 < tyche> johnc4510 asked me to have everyone put in ideas for the Jaunty events. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/JauntyEvents 21:13 -!- Adler [n=jjmacey@ip72-208-119-3.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:14 < tyche> WB, Adler 21:14 < xHans> MatthewMPP, scott_ev: let me know when you want to give it 21:14 < MatthewMPP> ok 21:14 < tyche> Jeff_Martin has put in some ideas for Northern Arizona. 21:14 < xHans> for 30 to 45 minute presentations the only block we have is the east side May meeting 21:15 < Siph0n> what about having some games at the parties? Computer games 21:15 < tyche> Some of the ideas we need are ways to improve our media exposure, how to get the flyers out better, game ideas, etc. 21:15 < scott_ev> we could be done by then, I think 21:15 < Adler> Hi Guys (Gals?) 21:15 < Siph0n> and having sort of a lan party / release party 21:15 < xHans> for a 90 minute presentation we're open for either meeting starting in June and probably earlier on the west side 21:15 < xHans> moin moin Adler 21:16 < scott_ev> wb adler 21:16 < xHans> tyche: whoever is working on promo for jaunty parties should also help with ABLEconf promo 21:16 < tyche> The idea of games is interesting, but might take a bit of planning. Put it up on the wiki. 21:16 < tyche> xHans: not a bad idea. 21:16 < xHans> and we'll push the ABLEconf promo channels to help with the jaunty release promo 21:16 < xHans> we should be promoting Free Software gaming at every event :) 21:16 < scott_ev> true 21:17 < Adler> I'm looking to Jaunty not seizing up my notebook. 21:17 < tyche> I saw, on the ABLEconf mailing list, that you've got one person interested in doing fliers, already 21:17 < tyche> Adler: Well, the beta should be out Thursday, and you can check it out then. 21:17 < tyche> LiveCDs are great for that. 21:18 < tyche> Any other ideas floating around? 21:18 < scott_ev> tyche: I think he already installed it, right Adler 21:18 < kennymc0> we could have a pool party at your apartment for the release party like scott_ev keeps mentioning :) 21:18 < xHans> tyche: we have a bit of a promo channel in place, but haven't exercised it since September 21:19 < tyche> I didn't know that. Or, maybe I just wasn't paying attention (you know us Scots. We pay as little as possible). 21:20 < Adler> I'll wait for the final. Linux distros are coming out all over, and I never have been satisfied with WiFi support outside of running a usb device. I'm running now on Cox ethernet - love that speed. But, the last Ubuntu was not good for notebooks. 21:20 < MatthewMPP> xHans, okay I think scott and I can have it ready by May 14, 2009. I will keep you up to date on our progress. 21:20 < tyche> Adler: I'll agree with you there. 21:21 < xHans> MatthewMPP: OK, that's the one night I can't yet say we have room on the schedule 21:21 < Adler> Run Linux, Run Free ist meine Devise! 21:21 * xHans needs to email Hurricane 21:22 < tyche> xHans: they have it up by May 14 means that it would be ready for any time after that. 21:22 < xHans> hmmm, Ubuntu install CDs as currency... 21:22 < tyche> That should give you some flexibility. 21:22 < xHans> tyche: yeah, just letting them know that particular night might not work out :) 21:22 < tyche> xHans: do you have any announcements for us, tonight? 21:22 < tyche> Yep 21:23 < xHans> tyche: a couple 21:23 < Adler> I've not tried the live CD of any distro after openSuSE 11.1, which I run know. 21:23 < xHans> GNU/Linux classes are starting this week, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/757 21:23 < xHans> I think we're full up at MCC, but EMCC had some openings 21:23 < Adler> What would we learn there? 21:24 < Adler> Computing is my hobby, I do Linux ites, Forums and Blog. 21:24 < xHans> Adler: they're all GNU/Linux classes this quarter ranging from intro to sysadmin to security 21:24 < xHans> there might also be a shell scripting class in there 21:24 < scott_ev> sweet 21:25 < xHans> in the Fall we should again have OpenOffice.org, some webdev stuff and PHP and Python classes 21:25 < kennymc0> sounds like something for everyone 21:25 < MatthewMPP> xHans, well later is fine. 21:25 < Adler> I understand that there are other places - better places - to go rather than ASU that I live next to. 21:25 < xHans> kennymc0: I'm working on Inkscape, GIMP and Blender, but don't count on that soon 21:25 < xHans> Adler: depends on what you want to study and learn 21:26 < xHans> MatthewMPP: cool 21:26 < xHans> PLUG West side this Wednesday, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/357 21:26 < xHans> speaking of gaming :) 21:26 < xHans> PLUG Installfest this Saturday, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/107 21:26 < xHans> The West side meeting will have a presentation on Free Software gaming 21:26 < xHans> the presentation is based on a presentation from SCaLE that got good reviews from all I've talked to 21:26 < kennymc0> cool 21:27 < xHans> in fact, the presenter from SCaLE and calimer are probably plotting on Free Software gaming stuff :) 21:27 < Adler> Well, the secrets of computing - I want to kick back and have some one so me the past, future and now. 21:27 < MatthewMPP> xHans are those the classes at MCC? I took a linux class at Chand/Gilbert a while ago that wasn't any good. 21:28 < xHans> MatthewMPP: my classes are at MCC, I haven't talked to the Gilbert instructors 21:28 < MatthewMPP> what is EMCC? 21:28 < xHans> Estrella Mountain Community College in Avondale 21:29 < xHans> we're working on an ABLEconf in Tucson, join the ABLEconf discuss mailing list if you'd like to help 21:29 < xHans> http://lists.ABLEconf.com/private.cgi/discuss-ableconf.com/2009-March/000056.html 21:29 < Adler> I did run into a guy at the hi-speed line here in Tempe and he showed me a card to enroll. I asked him for his web site / forum, but he had none. 21:30 < xHans> MatthewMPP: I think MCC's BII ( where I teach ) and EMCC are the only community colleges to offer 8 week classes, so we're the only ones starting mid-semester 21:30 < xHans> hi-speed line? 21:31 < Adler> The new metro rail in Mesa - Tempe - Phoenix. 21:31 < xHans> tyche: that's it from me for now 21:32 < xHans> Adler: ah, I thought you might mean that, but I wasn't certain and I wouldn't categorize it at hi-speed :) 21:32 < tyche> OK, Thanks, xHans. We appreciate the information. 21:32 < tyche> Is there anything else that should be brought up tonight? 21:32 < xHans> bitte 21:33 < tyche> If not, then I'll adjourn the meeting, and we can all wish johnc4510 a speedy recovery, so we can get back to a REAL meeting. :-) 21:33 < tyche> Thanks for coming, all.
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09March22 (last edited 2009-03-23 04:42:52 by ip98-165-20-5)