Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
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If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with toddc or scott_ev.
toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:00] <fuzzyvader> +1 [21:00] <toddc> +1 [21:00] <scott_ev> +1+1 [21:00] <toddc> 9.00 [21:00] <ravitejavad> +1 [21:00] <LostPenguin> +1 [21:00] <FernHans> moin moin, dual-meetinging [21:00] <toddc> Our launch pad site [21:00] <toddc> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona [21:00] <toddc> Our web site is azloco.com [21:01] <toddc> lot of stuff tonight so let me know if I need to go over anything [21:01] <toddc> ravitejavad is new tonight so say hi and welcome him [21:01] <fuzzyvader> yo [21:01] <scott_ev> welcome [21:01] <ravitejavad> hi everybody [21:01] <toddc> Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? [21:01] <scott_ev> what does that nic mean? [21:01] <toddc> be nice! [21:02] <ravitejavad> it is my name [21:02] <scott_ev> ok, cool [21:02] <scott_ev> where are you? [21:02] <ravitejavad> i live in tempe,az but am from Indiaq [21:02] <ravitejavad> *India [21:02] <scott_ev> excellent [21:02] <toddc> I live in Tempe also [21:02] <ravitejavad> cool [21:02] <scott_ev> which part of India? [21:03] <ravitejavad> the southern part [21:03] <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:03] <scott_ev> ok, thanks fort answering [21:03] <ravitejavad> sure [21:03] <toddc> Here is new news from ubuntu news: [21:03] <toddc> Ubuntu manual Project opening Job listings [21:03] <toddc> http://itigloo.com/2011/03/04/ubuntu-manual-project-job-openings/ [21:03] <toddc> Quick Ubuntu install using minimal installer [21:04] <toddc> http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2011/03/speed-up-your-ubuntu-install-with-ubuntu-minimal/ [21:04] <toddc> Ubuntu cancels 11.04 UNR since Unity interface is the same. Netbook remix [21:04] <toddc> Ubuntu 11.10 to be named Oneirc Ocelot [21:04] <toddc> Ubuntu is the 4th Most Popular linux Distribution on web servers and continues to grow faster [21:04] <toddc> http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/02/ubuntu-is-4th-most-popular-linux.html [21:05] <toddc> ATI full support will be included in 11.04 I am using it ATM [21:05] -->| Eric-A (~eric@184-98-16-177.phnx.qwest.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:05] <toddc> hello eric-A [21:05] <Eric-A> hello [21:05] <toddc> Ubuntu Globbal Jam April 1-3 [21:05] <toddc> http://www.linuxsouls.com/node/32 [21:05] <toddc> any interest in doing a group event or getting involved? [21:06] <toddc> Why every ubuntu user must install ubuntu tweak! [21:06] <toddc> http://www.muktware.com/a/23/2011/787/why-every-ubuntu-user-must-install-ubuntu-tweak [21:06] <scott_ev> I can't commit to that [21:06] <toddc> How to sync windows with ubuntu one [21:06] <toddc> http://www.howtogeek.com/news/sync-your-windows-computer-with-your-ubuntu-one-account-desktop-client/3776/ [21:06] <toddc> Spotlight on Linux: Puppy Linux 5.2 [21:06] <toddc> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/spotlight-linux-puppy-linux-52 [21:07] <toddc> Ubuntu 11.04 will include upgrade option on live disk [21:07] <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/ubuntu-live-cd-will-let-you-upgrade-to.html [21:07] <toddc> Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects? [21:07] <ravitejavad> interested. [21:07] <toddc> Job list [21:07] <toddc> AMD hiring over 1000 IT/linux engineers [21:07] <toddc> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTIwNA [21:08] <toddc> Free open source auction site bunfu.com [21:08] <toddc> http://www.buntfu.com/ [21:08] <scott_ev> hey [21:08] <toddc> YO [21:08] <scott_ev> you need to slow down and let people answer your question [21:08] <ravitejavad> any news about Nvidia optimus technology support on 11.04? [21:08] <scott_ev> ravitejavad: said yes, interested and you just kept going [21:09] <toddc> I have not seen anything on it but I usually only check when I run into a problem [21:09] <ravitejavad> oks [21:10] <scott_ev> does that mean we'll be discussing installfests/server projects later? [21:10] <toddc> any ideas on what and hoe to participate in it? [21:10] <toddc> yes [21:10] <scott_ev> I'll be at teh installfest [21:10] <toddc> Tucson or Tempe or both [21:10] <scott_ev> unless something happens that I can't get out of [21:10] <scott_ev> both [21:11] <toddc> cool [21:11] <scott_ev> I plan on starting to attend monthly at UAT like before [21:11] <fuzzyvader> when's tempe? [21:11] <scott_ev> fuzz, I need to talk to you after the meeting [21:11] <toddc> Azloco/plug installfest is this Saterday at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:11] <fuzzyvader> scott_ev: cool [21:12] <fuzzyvader> crap I can't make it... [21:12] <fuzzyvader> I might try for tucson, but that's a hike for me [21:12] <toddc> this saterday is the server installfest nesxt week is the normal installfest [21:12] <ravitejavad> toddc: i will attend normal installfest. [21:12] <ravitejavad> at tempe [21:12] <fuzzyvader> hmm I could prolly make next sat... this sat wife and I are celebrating anniversary [21:13] <toddc> TUCSON INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:13] <toddc> current plans are for me to drive to Tucson 4/2/2011 with my van to carpool leaving Azmills at 7:00AM [21:13] <toddc> Dazed_75 will be with me anyone else? [21:13] <fuzzyvader> possibly [21:13] <fuzzyvader> will keep you posted [21:14] <toddc> no hurry but let me know before the 2nd [21:14] <ravitejavad> maybe, but will confirm later [21:14] <toddc> cool the more the merrier [21:14] <toddc> Thanks to azmike he has posted over 30 flyer's for the Tucson installfest [21:14] <ravitejavad> toddc: will the Tucson be a server installfest [21:15] <toddc> so we should have a good showing for the Tucson installfest [21:15] <toddc> normal but will answer questions and help if we can [21:16] <ravitejavad> toddc: thanks [21:16] <toddc> on servers since they usually take more time and are usually set up differently [21:17] <toddc> I will be out of town next Saterday and miss the Server event [21:18] <toddc> but will be at the normal and Tucson events [21:18] <toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:18] <toddc> The team servers needs updating at Devry so the plans are to get together some Saturday and update and rebuild both as a group event and will be lead by Shane Lofgren AKA slofgren but we need a date and a list of who is interested in this. [21:19] <scott_ev> I have to find out when shane is available and he won't know until after he talks to devry [21:19] <toddc> ok so hold this a while? [21:20] <toddc> The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:20] <scott_ev> just let people know that we will be doing it [21:21] <scott_ev> and when I get more info from shane I'll report back to the team [21:21] <toddc> I will need to read more about the global JAM unless anyone knows more about it and what or how to participate in it [21:22] <scott_ev> I've been involved before as an individual [21:22] <scott_ev> but am uncertain how a team participates [21:23] <ravitejavad> toddc: we could ask other LoCo teams who have registered [21:23] <scott_ev> ravitejavad: would you be willing to do some research for us? [21:25] <toddc> if not I can check this week and bring it up at the next meeting [21:27] <sloggerkhan> I'm kinda a here... [21:27] -->| slofgren (~slofgren@unaffiliated/slofgren) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:27] <ravitejavad> toddc: i will fo some research on it and contct the other teams [21:27] <toddc> hello and welcome [21:27] <scott_ev> sloffy [21:28] <scott_ev> we were just discussing upgrading the servers as a team event [21:28] <toddc> thanks I am here or toddc@azloco.com [21:28] <toddc> The team servers needs updating at Devry so the plans are to get together some Saturday and ####update and rebuild both as a group event and will be lead by Shane Lofgren AKA slofgren but we ####need a date and a list of who is interested in this. [21:30] <toddc> we put this on hold till we know more about when from you slofgren [21:31] <toddc> here are a few events from plugaz [21:31] <toddc> East side free software Stammtisch Tuesday at Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371 N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 85224 [21:31] =-= Mode #Ubuntu-US-AZ +o slofgren by ChanServ [21:31] =-= Mode #Ubuntu-US-AZ +o scott_ev by slofgren [21:31] <slofgren> howdy [21:32] <toddc> hello are with us now? [21:32] <slofgren> kinda [21:32] <slofgren> lol [21:32] <slofgren> eatting cereal [21:33] <toddc> np we table the server stuff till we hear about when you are availible and can get access [21:34] -->| SlickMcRunFast (~mark@host-86-116.aztegmo.clients.pavlovmedia.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:34] <toddc> hey slick [21:34] <slofgren> you can always email me slofgren @ gmail [21:34] <toddc> ok [21:34] <slofgren> I will try to be here for 9pm meetings [21:34] <toddc> West side free software Stammtisch Thursday at Sals Tusan Grill 7:00PM 13291 W. McDowell Rd Goodyear AZ 85395 [21:35] <toddc> that is all I have anyone have anything else? [21:36] <toddc> FernHans if you are here do you have any news for us? --I know he is in another meeting so he may not make it [21:36] <slofgren> I spray painted my sandisk USB drive yellow and waiting for then to dry - all my news [21:37] =-= Mode #Ubuntu-US-AZ +o toddc by slofgren [21:37] <toddc> ABLEconf.com is April 2 at UAT [21:37] <slofgren> go nuts [21:37] <slofgren> REALLY? [21:37] <toddc> thanks it will help [21:38] <slofgren> so is ableconf offical? [21:38] <toddc> now I can get back at all those that kicked me out of here before [21:38] <toddc> yes it is in it's third year [21:38] <FernHans> slofgren: yes, has been for months :) [21:38] <toddc> http://www.ableconf.com/ [21:39] <FernHans> toddc: the big thing is ABLEconf :) [21:39] <FernHans> as you said, it's the first Saturday in April at UAT [21:39] * slofgren feels bad for not being envolved [21:39] <FernHans> we've gotten confirmation from all but two presenters and will hopefully have the schedule up in a couple of days [21:39] <toddc> due to my poor planning it is the same day as the Tucson Installfest [21:40] <slofgren> cancel it [21:40] <scott_ev> damnn, that's like choosing between Barak Hosein Obama and John the cripple McCain [21:41] <slofgren> o.O [21:41] * scott_ev is always politically correct [21:41] <scott_ev> haha [21:41] <FernHans> we have come cool talks this year: Local-Motors, Dell, accessiblity, several business talks, graphics, translation software, geneology, cloud computing, wikipedia, hackerspaces [21:41] <slofgren> always as in never [21:41] <slofgren> lol [21:41] <scott_ev> agreed [21:41] <toddc> looks like we are getting a lot of RSVP to the Tucson installfest and a lot of linux users are emailing me about it [21:41] <sloggerkhan> hmm what day ableconf vs tucson installfest? [21:42] <toddc> april 2 [21:42] <scott_ev> FernHans: who's going to be the biggest players in cloud computing in the long run? What do you think of Silicon Graphics? [21:42] <FernHans> so ABLEconf is looking good [21:42] <FernHans> we also probably have a keynote this year :). on renewable energy and Free Software [21:42] <scott_ev> nice [21:43] <slofgren> say cloud one more time... [21:43] <FernHans> scott_ev: BTW, does your startup want a table? [21:43] <scott_ev> it is quite the buzz word this year [21:44] <FernHans> slofgren: we don't get to see them very often down here :) [21:44] <toddc> some send me a live video feed from ableconf? [21:44] <scott_ev> FernHans: We dissolved that entity, sorry [21:44] <eeeThugal> :( [21:45] <FernHans> scott_ev: ah [21:45] <FernHans> toddc: we might have that [21:45] <scott_ev> in other words my partner went MIA after I quit shelling out the $ [21:45] <toddc> it would be used [21:45] <FernHans> toddc: ok, I'll hold you to that :) [21:46] <toddc> I will show in Tucson if availible [21:46] <scott_ev> brb [21:48] <toddc> that is about all I have for the meeting to night but I will be here a while if anyone has questions or comments [21:48] <slofgren> well I plan to be there unless the baby comes a month early
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/10October31 (last edited 2011-03-14 06:18:06 by ip98-177-246-154)