Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
<spinrage> awesome, I'm tuning in with my Droid incredible phone again. <toddc> what app? most seem to drop a lot <spinrage> yaaic <spinrage> it worked well for the last mtg i attended <toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 <spinrage> +1 <toddc> +1 <Dazed_75> +1 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. <toddc> Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? <spinrage> thanks <toddc> I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me. <toddc> Ubuntu 11.04 CD's are in, get with me to help Distribute them <toddc> Please look over the following applications and add testimonials or improve it if you can help <toddc> this what our application should look like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrenchTeam/ApprovalApplication <toddc> this is our currant application https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ArizonaTeam/ApprovalApplicationrenewal#preview <toddc> 11.10 Alpha 3 out with Firefox 6 and Thunderbird and 3.0 kernel <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-10-Alpha-3-Has-Firefox-6-and-Thunderbird-6-215227.shtml <toddc> How to install Drupal 7 on Ubuntu Linux <toddc> http://how-to.linuxcareer.com/how-to-install-drupal-7-on-ubuntu-linux <dennisk> +1 <toddc> Canonical Expands Partnerships with Game Developers <toddc> http://www.thevarguy.com/2011/08/04/canonical-expands-partnerships-with-game-developers/ <toddc> How To Install the Spotify Preview Client On Ubuntu <toddc> http://www.informationweek.com/byte/howto/personal-tech/desktop-apps/231002893 <toddc> P.S. I tried it and like it <toddc> Netflix Instant is coming to the entire Linux Community! <toddc> http://benjaminkerensa.com/netflix-instant-is-coming-to-the-entire-linux <toddc> Flying Drone Can Crack Wi-Fi Networks, Snoop On Cell Phones runs backtrack5 <toddc> http://blogs.forbes.com/andygreenberg/2011/07/28/flying-drone-can-crack-wifi-networks-snoop-on-cell-phones/ <toddc> I want one where can I order? <toddc> The Girl Who Didn’t Want Ubuntu <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=18240 <toddc> Ubuntu goes head-to-head with Red Hat and Windows in businesses <toddc> http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2097312/ubuntu-goes-head-head-red-hat-windows-businesses <toddc> great article <toddc> 66 Days till 11.10 <toddc> 10/29/2011 will be the 11.10 release party at the Installfest <toddc> hp and Dell joins openstack <toddc> JOB LIST <toddc> several jobs are availible at Limelight networks <toddc> http://www.limelightnetworks.com/content-delivery-company/careers/ <toddc> SRP has a posting on their website for a Sr. Linux Admin: <toddc> https://www.srp.apply2jobs.com/ProfExt/index.cfm?fuseaction=mExternal.showJob&RID=4565&CurrentPage=1 <toddc> I am looking to hire an administrator/technician. <toddc> http://www.phoenixinternet.net <scott_ev> huh <scott_ev> oh, +1 <toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS <toddc> Thanks to Shane Lofgren for getting both the azloco.com and test.azloco servers up to 10.04 <toddc> this is a bit of work so thank him if you see him in the channel. He will also be updating the Drupal soon so any Ideas to update the site please let us know. We do hope to add our big blue button server <toddc> to it as a user access from azloco.com <toddc> hey scott! <scott_ev> hello <toddc> Also the test server is ready to to go so if you want to test you skills or program please let us know <toddc> see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Server for more info <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS <toddc> I am planning on attending LUGY (Prescott LUGS)meeting August 9 7-9 PM if anyone else would like to go it should be a nice drive up this Tuesday!!!! <toddc> Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects? <toddc> PLUG EVENTS <toddc> Plug east side meeting thursday August 11 at MCC Southern ave and Dobson at the Kirk student center 7-9 pm <toddc> xHans if you are here do you have any news for us? <toddc> that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? <toddc> if there is nothing else? <scott_ev> nothin from me <spinrage> not from me as well <toddc> thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question <Dazed_75> nor me
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/11August07 (last edited 2011-08-08 06:34:36 by tcole3737)