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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #23 for the week November 4 - November 11, 2007.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Twenty-Third Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-November 14, 2007
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam
- Next meeting: Sunday November 18, 2007 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
This last week, we had an open meeting. In other words, we took it easy, had some fun, and in general just sat around and talked about whatever we wanted to. At next Sunday's meeting we hope to preview our new prototype web page on the team server. This should also include our new domain name which should be set up by Sunday. This will be everyones chance to give their opinion on the initial web page layout and design. Enigmastrat has been working hard on getting this initial offering ready for us, and has done a great job. Thanks Enigmastrat!!
We should also be covering some of the work the Education Team has done. The main focus of the team is to provide links to help educate and support new and existing members in all aspects of Ubuntu and Open Source. It encompasses a wide range of topics including our team, Ubuntu, installation, alternative applications, Ubuntu documentation, and much much more. Our thanks to the Education Team for all their hard work.
Please join us and voice your opinion on our team, current and future projects, and the advocacy of the Ubuntu Operating System. Meetings are every Sunday at 9:00 PM in our team channel #ubuntu-arizona the server is freenode. If you have never used IRC chat, you can go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto to learn how to set up xchat2 and get connected to a whole new world of Ubuntu. Come join us and help us to spread the word. John
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07November14 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:51 by localhost)