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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #24 for the week November 11 - November 18, 2007.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Twenty-Fourth Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-November 21, 2007
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam
- Next meeting: Sunday November 25, 2007 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we should all take time to remember our family and friends as we gobble down our holiday meal. To me, you members, are a part of my family. I will be keeping all of you in mind as I celebrate the holiday with my immediate family. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!! This message brought to you by the head turkey, John.
Summary of the November 18, 2007 meeting
Johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:02 PM
The first order of business was the introduction of new members and visitors. There were no new members, but draker has been visiting our IRC channel from #ubuntu-oregon. We welcomed him to the channel.
The next order of business was the server. enigmastrat has been working on a prototype of a home page for the server. johnc4510 asked if he could get it up on the server, for the rest of the team to critique. The page can be seen at When the Team had had a chance to see it, johnc4510 asked for suggestions. word suggested making it a template for a CMS. Wolf_45 was happy with straight HTML, and enigmastrat suggested PHP. No consensus was reached at that time, and the matter was tabled for further discussion. We then began a discussion of the look of the page. johnc4510 raised the question of putting links down the right hand side of the page. enigmastrat directed his attention to the links near the top of the page, that are javascript. tyche commented that he thought it had been decided to put the Team logo at the top of the page. Polygon89 suggested that the right hand edge of the white area have a "torn page" effect, instead of the mountains and cacti that were rotated 90 degrees look it has now. tyche suggested that the page be centered more. johnc4510 added that the center section could be expanded. It was decided to expand the page width to 1024 pixels as being the most common monitor size normally used today. The current page width is 800 pixels.
The next order of business was the Education Committee. Polygon89 mentioned that he didn't think his computer was powerful enough to do screencasts, as he has been getting very low frame-per-second rates. johnc4510 informed the Team that he and tyche had worked on the page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education) on Saturday, and invited the Team to look at it. The purpose of the Committee and the page is for the education of new and prospective members. johnc4510 had added a link under the introduction to a Gutsy Guide (http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy) that he recommends to everyone. The next section is Ubuntu and we've add the installation link and the upgrade link. The upgrade link is in house, but the installation link isn't. It was felt that our time was better spent on providing things that hadn't been addressed yet, and not trying to compete with material that had already been done. The installing guide is very good because it's in depth and has a lot of screenshot to go with it. In the next sub header, accessibility thru Office, we have listed the apps available at installation, with links to the home pages of each app, and short descriptions. Now, it is our plan to add optional apps below, as we go along. We wanted to get the pages going with the basic information. johnc4510 invited the team to make suggestions.
As part of education, the possibility of setting up an email support system had been suggested. Possibilities were discussed, including gmail and mailman. The purpose of the email support would be to help those to whom we've given LiveCD's, as well as new and prospective members. There were concerns about privacy raised. Also concerns about the size of the program(s) necessary to set up the program, since the size of the hard drive on the server is limited. This was tabled until next week.
Colateral to setting up the Education page and using outside links was the Ubuntu philosophy of sharing with others. tyche raised the issue of offering material that we had originated to others. johnc4510 felt that this would be a good idea.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 pm
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