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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #19 for the week October 14 - October 20, 2007.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Nineteenth Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-October 17, 2007
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam
- Next meeting: Sunday October 21, 2007 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
I hope everyone is planning on attending one of the Gutsy release parties. There is one in Phoenix and one in Tucson, information on these events is given below. If for some reason you canĀ“t make it to one of these events, you can join us in the team channel, and take part in the festivities that way. Free wifi will be provided and if you have a digital camera, please bring it and help us record the fun. Our thanks to Craig Eddy aka tyche for getting the Phoenix party together. He and I look forward to meeting as many of the members as is possible. Thanks: John Crawford aka johnc4510
Summary of the October 21, 2007 meeting
Johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:04 PM
There were no announcements and no introductions.
The first order of business was the Gutsy Gibbon Release Party. The party is scheduled for Thursday evening, October 18, 2007, at 7:00 PM. The Phoenix party will be held at Desert Ridge Marketplace, at 21001 N. Tatum Boulevard. A map with directions can be found at http://tinyurl.com/yo42rn. The place to meet will be the entrance to Barnes & Nobel, at the lower end of "The District". Tyche will be wearing an Ubuntu-Arizona shirt, for identification. Desert Ridge has free wifi, and restaurants are available for food. There is outdoor seating available, so no reservations are necessary. Those interested in attending at Desert Ridge are encouraged to bring any laptops, digital cameras, and friends - relatives - significant others that they would like to bring. Tyche will try to have about 5 disks burned with the new release for those that want it. The Tucson party will be held at the residence of John Crawford - 3003 W. Broadway #20. If you need to call him to find where he lives, phone: 520-882-9187. A map with directions can be found at http://tinyurl.com/ywfu2y. John has requested that people attending bring food if they want it. The change in venue was because John couldn't get reservations at Bookman's.
The second order of business is the Team server. Slofgren reported that the server is up. ianmcorvidae asked about getting DNS, and John replied that he hadn't purchased it yet. He was waiting to be sure we had a server to attach it to. Slofgren reported that the server has a limited capacity (8 Gig) and he doesn't have physical access to it to add another hard drive. He wanted to know what the Team wanted to use it for. Various suggestions were offered, like file hosting, team site, forums and email forwarding, but due to the size limitations they were tabled for the time being. Slofgren suggested that we need to implement our web design team. He felt that it's most likely to be a web host/email forwarding server primarily until we have more disk space; with more space it could become a file storage area. Other ideas included links to Arizona LUGS and information on how to do things in Linux. Another idea was an edu section that had those common task explanations right there with detailed easy instructions. br24 replied that they were going on the wiki. Slofgren asked that any members who wanted a web presence on the server contact him. Use his nick at gmail. Word suggested that an individual should be nominated to accept the blame if they break the server. Tyche declined the honor.
The third order of business was the Education Committee. br24 reported that the Edu Committee is getting back on track, and he would like to have a meeting of the committee on Friday night at 8:00 PM. Johnc4510, tyche and jsounder agreed. Polygon89 would be unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Also, Polygon89 is still working on getting screencasts done. br24 thanked tyche for the work that he had done. The purpose of the Education Committee is getting people to understand ubuntu and things like how to install and programs that are available. word volunteered to be a part of the Education Committee. Tyche volunteered to install Quanta+ and see what he could do with it.
The meeting was adjourned at 10-01 PM
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