Sunday 06 April 2025 |
Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #43 for the week April 7, April 13.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Forty Third Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-April 16, 2008
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam
- Next meeting: Sunday April 20, 2008 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
The upcoming Hardy Heron release party is a great chance for ALL members to get involved. Below you will find the link to the fliers that are ready to print and distribute for the Phoenix and Tucson parties. Print some up, distribute them to family, friends, neighbors, libraries, colleges, coffee shops, etc. The party will be a casual get together to celebrate the new Ubuntu release. It is a chance for team members to get to together and get to know each other, and also a chance to introduce new folks to what we think is the best operating system out there. As with any party, the more the merrier, so make your plans now to attend and get to know all of the great team members. Be sure to bring your laptops if you have one since both party locations have free wifi. Don't have a laptop, no problem, there will be team members there who do. There are lots of new features in Hardy that everyone will want to check out. See you there!!
Summary of the April 13, 2008 meeting
johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 8:53 PM
johnc4510 began by announcing that "Yesterday [April 12, 2008] was the one year anniversary of the AZ loco. It has been my pleasure to help promote Ubuntu in AZ and to be associated with all you fine folks. I'm looking forward to our next year of Ubuntu!"
johnc4510 then recommended to the Team that it view a podcast. Ubuntu podcast here: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2008/04/07/s01e03-help-me/. "This is only the 3rd podcast, but they are interesting if you have the time to listen. This is a uk podcast but the people putting it on are very knowledgeable."
The next order of business was a change in the Hardy Heron Release Party fliers. tyche did one final change to the release fliers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=754539. The link is also in the topic if you need it quick. These are the ones we want you to use please. tyche admitted that he had made a mistake on the fliers by not mentioning that it was a release party. The new fliers correct that. johnc4510 offered some suggestions for where to put fliers: libraries, grocery stores, post offices, and anywhere there were bulletin boards. He then reminded people of the locations of the 2 parties. For Phoenix:
Peter Piper Pizza - Metrocenter Outer Loop Across From Harkins Theatre 9620 N Metro Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85051 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2008 at time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
And for Tucson:
Silver Mine Subs Across from U of A 760 N. Tyndall Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2008 at time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Tyndall is one block east of Euclid and the shop is half a block South off of University. Or about 2 and a half blocks North off of 5th Street. You can use Google map and put in the addresses for a better idea of the locations. For the Tucson release party, the sub shop will be a good place to relax and have some fun. I went there and the wifi was good and easy to connect to. Music, and the owner was nice and very accommodating. There are not a lot of plugs, but he said we could run extensions and power strips as needed. We can order food individually, or he offered party trays. I might buy a party tray to start us off, depending on how many members are going to show up. Either way, we should patronize the place since they're being nice enough to let us use it for our get together. Of course, the same holds true for the Phoenix party at the Pizza Place. Everyone should plan on eating dinner at these places. We want to show our appreciation of course johnc4510 will also be adding the Tucson party to Craigslist. tyche responded that he would get the procedure from his wife, and send it to johnc4510 along with the link to the one she had put up. johnc4510 also asked soldats for the email address of the radio guy, for the purpose of trying to get the information on the air. soldats said that he would email johnc4510 with the email addresses. johnc4510 also will be looking into other radio and TV stations, and is considering newspapers as well. soldats also suggested all schools, libraries, stores, computer stores, and anywhere else might be hit up with fliers. Starbucks and other coffee shops are another suggestion. johnc4510 wants the parties to draw crowds.
johnc4510 mentioned that next week he would go over the Install Fest fliers.
In the mean time, he reminded everyone that they needed to get the fliers for the Release Party out to the public. "Fliers, fliers, fliers."
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 PM.
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/08April16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:18 by localhost)