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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #38 for the week March 3 - March 9.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Thirty-Eighth Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-March 12, 2008
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ArizonaTeam
- Next meeting: Sunday March 16, 2008 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
Summary of the March 9, 2008 meeting
tyche called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM
[Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:01:54] <tyche> johnc4510 couldn't be with us tonight, because his mother isn't doing well and he needs to take care of her. I know from personal experience what it's like to be on 24 hour watch and watch, taking care of someone that isn't in the best of health. [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:01] <t00na> oh noes! [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:08] <tyche> Therefore, I'd like the team to join me in a resolution - That we hope that johnc4510's mother feels better soon, and that johnc4510 can have some rest and relaxation. Those in favor, please indicate with a +1. [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:13] <tyche> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:22] <t00na> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:22] <gunxfight> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:24] <kennymc0> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:27] <t00na> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:27] <jsonder> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:33] <paul928> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:36] <t00na> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:39] <SlickMcRunFast_G> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:46] <t00na> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:47] <kennymc0> +1X50 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:56] <tyche> Thank you. [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:02:57] <Wolf_45> +1 [Sun Mar 9 2008] [21:03:02] <t00na> +a banana
tyche then mentioned that soldats couldn't be with us for the meeting. However, he has been working on the InstallFest flier. If you go to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=704786&page=2, you can see what he's done with input from others. This has been a major effort, and we appreciate his hard work. ianmcorvidae has just recently added some comments, that you can see below in the forums. He has been in contact with johnc4510 about them, and is in the process of making some changes to keep the amount of text within the space available. He's put a lot of thought into the changes he suggested, and it's appreciated. Members of the Team agreed that all the work was appreciated. tyche asked the team to look at the forum post, as it is now, and keep an eye on it through the next week. As new versions of the flier show up, let soldats know what you feel about them. The forum is the best place to put your comments, but even in channel is good.
tyche then asked for questions, and was reminded that he hadn't asked if there were any new people. gunxfight mentioned that he was new, and added that he's 16, male, lives in mesa, and goes to red mountain high school. He's been using Linux on and off for a year and a half.
Further questions were mostly by gunxfight, concerning what an InstallFest was, where and when it would take place, and what distributions would be involved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM.
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/08March12 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:14:41 by localhost)