
* 04 April - AZLOCO/PLUG Virtual Installfest/Linux Workshop

  • Conducted on line, https://bbb.azloco.net/

  • 8 attendees
  • Solved a problem that a member had with permissions when he transferred a file from one computer to a second one with a different user ID.
  • Introduced attendees to the options available in Big Blue Button.
  • Discussed some general Linux topics. (Snap vs Flatpak and spinning disks vs ssd’s)

* 05 April - AZLOCO Team Meeting chaired by Todd Cole

* 09 April - Virtual Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense

  • Discussed the capabilities of Big Blue Button; (audio, video, presentations, public chat).
  • Discussed future Cochise Linux User Group activities which may be conducted on Big Blue Button.
  • Discussed the Sierra Vista mini-release party for Ubuntu 20.04 which has been put on hold until the Covid-19 virus is no longer a threat.
  • Briefly discussed the final beta version of Ubuntu 20.04.

* 09 April - Virtual Phoenix Ubuntu Hour hosted by Todd Cole

  • 4 attendees
  • Demonstration of Big Blue Button
  • Discussed LXD vs Docker

* 18 April – AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop

  • 11 attendees
  • Discussed LXC vs Docker
  • Big Blue Button installs, IPfire issues, uvtools

* 19 April – AZLOCO Team Meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense

ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/20/April (last edited 2020-05-02 20:38:19 by rexbouwense)