Sunday, April 5th, 2009, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
Gutsy will be going EOL on the 18th. Relevant links: EOL announcement, support timeframes for all releases
- Most Gutsy users should upgrade to Hardy, which is an LTS (so it'll be supported for 3 to 5 years). The next scheduled LTS after Hardy (which Hardy users can upgrade to directly) will be 10.04.
- Still working on red tape for getting a booth. Yasumoto wasn't around to give an update.
- Booths are 10' x 10' according to the prospectus.
OSCON is at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Consider mini-keysigning party? Would help to widen the Ubuntu-CA web of trust, which is limited to SoCal people right now.
Consider a signup board at the booth for the California LoCo mailing list, Ubuntu Weekly News, or ubuntu-announce.
So far, no suggestions for SoCal release party. Consider Pei Wei or PF Changs.
- Current locations for parties: South California somewhere, San Francisco (organized by Jesse Zbikowksi), Walnut Creek, maybe Santa Cruz
LoCo Approval
- Most meetings now have summaries; all of them will be done (and old ones moved to archive pages) before the next meeting
- Grantbow worked on the projects page and home page.
CaliforniaTeam/Projects/ToDoList has a mostly-current list of things to do
- "Wiki one-a-week": if a group of people did one wiki edit a week, it'd help a lot with keeping things up to date
- Flannel, Yasumoto, and nhaines need to compile their photos of past events and document stuff
- Help out! Put stuff on the todo list if it isn't already there!
- Timeframe for approval: no definite deadline, but before Karmic would be good.
- Project to keep communications open with various !LUGs in California.
- Peninsula LUG is looking for a speaker for August; rww will talk to them about doing a Jaunty presentation for that, is looking for co-presenters
- A simple way to participate in the User Group Contacts project, especially in more remote parts of the state, is to simply show up at a LUG with a few burned Ubuntu copies.
- The todo list also has LUGs that need contacting.
- CD inventory: about 2 full boxes total, with about 80 CDs per box.
Original Agenda
Quick note, in case someone asks about it at events/installfests/etc.: Gutsy goes EOL on April 18th. More info on the Ubuntu site. Supported upgrades from Gutsy are via Hardy.
- San Jose OSCON in July - Further Discussion
Jaunty Release Stuff - Further Discussion, new Features
Approval Process - Update, Discussion, other housekeeping from ToDoList
Discussion of updates to Projects/UserGroupContacts
19:09 < Flannel> Welcome everyone to our first meeting in April. We (well, Ubuntu) has a lot of stuff going on in April. So, lets get started. 19:09 < Flannel> Our Agenda for the evening can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09April05 19:10 < Flannel> Hmm, and it seems my edits earlier never got applied. That agenda isn't in the order we're going to go. We'll follow the one on the email I sent out. But all the topics are there. 19:10 < troyready> (sorry; got distracted; hello all) 19:11 < Flannel> So, that is: Gutsy EOL, OSCON, Jaunty Release, LoCo Approval (and other housekeeping stuff), User Group Contacts 19:12 < Flannel> If anyone has more to add, feel free to do so at any time. 19:12 < rww> yay, my addition got promoted to first place :) 19:12 < Flannel> So, our first topic is mostly a PSA. 19:12 < Flannel> Gutsy (7.10) is going EOL (End of Life) in the middle of this month, on the 18th. 19:13 < Flannel> Which means it won't be supported anymore (no more updates) and soon thereafter the repos will be taken down off of the mirrors, and moved to the archives. 19:13 < rww> There's a nice summary on the Ubuntu site at http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-7.10-eol, if you'd like something to bookmark. 19:14 < Flannel> If you're still running a Gutsy machine, it's time to upgrade to Hardy. Which happens to be a LTS. 19:14 < Flannel> (And since youre on Gutsy still, LTS is likely what you want to stick to) 19:14 < sn9> i need to upgrade a feisty shortly 19:15 < rampageai> Next LTS is 10.04, right? 19:15 < Flannel> Even after the EOL (and everything's taken down) it's still possible to upgrade, it just is a little more involved. This goes for even older versions too. Having to do with old-releases.ubuntu.com and other details we won't get into. 19:15 < rww> rampageai: yeah 19:15 < nhaines> rampageai: correct. 19:15 < Flannel> The next scheduled LTS is 10.04, yes. 19:15 < rww> sn9: You'll want to go Feisty > Gutsy > Hardy 19:15 < Grantbow> a nice graph of support timeframes is at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/146 19:15 < sn9> and then to jaunty indirectly 19:15 < nhaines> 10.04 will be out for one year before Hardy EOLs. So there's plenty of time to make sure 10.04 LTS is stable and ready. 19:16 < rampageai> That is nice. 19:16 < Flannel> Desktop EOL that is. 19:16 < Flannel> Servers are two more years after that (yes, 6.06 is supported for a year after 10.04 comes out) 19:16 < jercos> man, i remember dapper drake... 19:17 < jercos> those were the days :D 19:17 < Kai_> the memories 19:17 < Torikun> Dapper: THe distro that let me switch 100% to Linux. 19:17 < Flannel> Anyway, if you have more specific questions about random upgrades, stick around afterwards. 19:17 < Flannel> Our next topic is OSCON. I think we've decided that OSCON is something we're interested in having a booth at. 19:18 < Flannel> Unfortunately Joe isn't here to give us specifics about how far we are in actually registering for one. 19:18 < Flannel> Actually, I guess interest is something we figured out last time. Manpower is something we've figured out since then. 19:19 * Grantbow nods 19:19 < Flannel> So, we will have a booth (assuming all the red tape goes well). I'm... not up on the specifics. Does anyone know how big they are/etc? 19:19 < sn9_> [4/6/2009 2:16:34 AM] <rampageai> That is nice. 19:19 < sn9_> [4/6/2009 2:18:07 AM] * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). 19:19 < sn9_> what'd i miss? 19:19 < Flannel> sn9_: I'll give you a pastebin 19:20 < Grantbow> someone will be posting a log too 19:20 < Grantbow> afterward 19:20 < Flannel> sn9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145243/ 19:21 < rww> Flannel: 10'x10' booths 19:21 < HammerHead66> Flannel: it's in san jose right? 19:22 < jbermudes> sounds like fun 19:22 < rww> Flannel: that's according to the Exhibitor prospectus 19:22 < Flannel> HammerHead66: OSCON is in San Jose this year, yes. 19:22 < Flannel> And there is no Ubuntu Live this year either. 19:22 < Flannel> rww: Thanks. 19:22 < rww> HammerHead66: Sam Jose McEnery Convention Center 19:22 < Grantbow> This page will be evolving - please add info if it's missing. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/OSCON2009 19:22 < Flannel> So, our booth is a bit larger than SCaLE. Which means... well, we've got more to play with. 19:23 < Flannel> Grantbow: Lets not do sign ups just yet. It's still a bit away and people won't really be able to commit firmly 19:23 < Flannel> Let alone we don't know what well be doing. 19:23 < HammerHead66> rww:ty for the name 19:23 < Grantbow> It was a take-away from Scale7x discussions - I'll move the singnup to a secondary page if you like. 19:24 < Flannel> At this point, we're looking for booth ideas. 19:24 < rww> I was thinking that, since we don't have many events up in North California, and Joe's GPG key is signed by some of the South California people, it might be a good idea to do a little keysigning among the booth volunteers. 19:24 < Flannel> Grantbow: Oh right. Yeah, well definately want it, but not yet. Just comment it out for the moment. 19:24 < jbermudes> buntustand! 19:24 < Grantbow> kk 19:24 < Flannel> Grantbow: Likely a month to six weeks beforehand. 19:25 < Flannel> Yeah, we'll have CDs (which includes a working buntustand), 19:25 < Flannel> do we want demo computers? I've never been to OSCON, is that really something people would get something out of? 19:25 < Flannel> Maybe we can ask the list/people who have been to one in the past. 19:26 < rampageai> Is there something else like an Ubuntu newsletter that would be available for sign-up? 19:26 < rww> rampageai: for the California LoCo? https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ca 19:26 < Flannel> We obviously have some time to think about it. We don't have to pin things down tonight (and our suggestions tonigh don't have to be sane) 19:26 < rampageai> That could work 19:26 < Flannel> well, there's also UWN 19:27 < Flannel> that's not really mailed out though. But, I think they do have an annouce list. 19:27 < rww> Flannel: they use the ubuntu-news list 19:27 < Grantbow> there's an email version - I got one today. 19:28 < Flannel> So, some sort of sign up list(s) for things. 19:28 < rampageai> It's sort of an "action" someone can take to be more involved. 19:28 < Flannel> alright, well... keep thinking about it. Feel free to post crazy ideas to the list. 19:29 < Flannel> rampageai: So, more for our LoCo? 19:29 < Flannel> If we can't use [crazy idea] for OSCON, we can always use it in the future. 19:29 < rampageai> Flannel: maybe it's just so that people have a way to be involved. 19:30 < Grantbow> our mail list should be able to serve that purpose, shouldn't it? 19:30 < nhaines> We can advertise ubuntu-announce. 19:30 < Flannel> If they want to be more involved, a LoCo is definately one place to point them, yes. Perhaps not just ours though. People do come from all over. 19:31 < Flannel> (we can have them include a state/country on the sign up, and forward it appropriately) 19:31 < Flannel> but we probably should hone it down to one or two things for them to sign up for. too many pieces of paper creates confusion. 19:32 < Flannel> So, think about what would be most interesting and useful to people who would visit us. And we'll revisit this, and the rest of it. 19:32 < Grantbow> oh, for oscon attendees, ok 19:32 < Flannel> Yeah. 19:33 < Flannel> We can put what's most useful to *us* out there, but if no one bites, its not really useful to anyone. 19:34 < Grantbow> Unfortunately I haven't attended one before either so I don't know first hand what the crowd will be like. Good to think about. 19:34 < rampageai> If they have pitchforks it could be bad. 19:34 < Flannel> So, we'll talk about it on the list? I know a few of our readers have been there before. 19:34 < HammerHead66> lol 19:34 < Flannel> rampageai: What's wrong with BSD? 19:34 < rww> The prospectus I mentioned earlier has statistics on attendees. It's marketingspeak to a certain point, but might be useful. 19:34 < Grantbow> rww: yup 19:35 < Flannel> rww: That's a good thing to know and look into, yeah. 19:35 < rampageai> Flannel: True. I was on OpenBSD before Ubuntu. 19:35 < Flannel> Alright, so... moving on to... Jaunty Release stuff. 19:36 < Flannel> So far we have a total of zero suggestions for locations for our party in the south. 19:36 < Flannel> Is it just that no one really cares where we do it? or have we decided we don't want to? 19:36 < nhaines> I suggested http://www.peiwei.com/ as a good food location. It's like PF Changs but cheaper. 19:36 < sn9> antarctica. sorry, just had to say that 19:36 < Flannel> nhaines: did I miss that email? 19:36 < Flannel> sn9: I approve! 19:37 * rww didn't get it either 19:37 < Grantbow> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/JauntyRelease 19:37 < nhaines> Flannel: I at least told Joe. :) 19:37 < Flannel> nhaines: ah! Secrets! 19:38 < Flannel> Alright, so, we've got one location. That's a good start. 19:38 < rww> Grantbow: speaking of which, do you know what/where the "Gidget Kitchen Community Technology Center" is (under the WC party)? 19:38 < troyready> no preference here, in case I'm not around 19:38 < nhaines> Seal Beach, Irvine, and Lake Forest all have one. Plus there are many others. 19:38 < Grantbow> rww: another Tech group - a few facebook people who will be there. 19:38 < rww> ah, facebook. that explains thing. 19:39 < rww> s/thing/things/ 19:39 < Grantbow> I didn't see the co-hosted thing until just now = might have to fix that. 19:39 < Flannel> Alright, and as I understand it, a location/date/etc has been set for our north thing. Grantbow, want to say something? 19:39 < Grantbow> I'll follow up. 19:39 < Grantbow> Two north dates are set 19:39 < Grantbow> one more may follow near Santa Cruz 19:39 < Grantbow> details on the wiki page 19:39 < Grantbow> one is San Francisco, one is Walnut Creek. 19:40 < Grantbow> that's the basics, Flannel. 19:40 < Flannel> Grantbow: And the one in SF, what all is going to go on? 19:40 < rww> Would it be helpful to make a signup list, so we know how many people are going to be at each one? 19:41 < Grantbow> Flannel: I haven't talked to Jesse yet, I'll report back next week on SF. 19:41 < Flannel> Grantbow: Who is Jesse? 19:41 < Grantbow> The events are pretty informal, I don't think sign ups will be needed. 19:42 < Grantbow> Jesse Zbikowksi who announced the meeting on our mail list. 19:42 < nhaines> Which mailing list? 19:42 < Flannel> Did I miss another email? 19:43 < Grantbow> finding url 19:43 < Grantbow> odd, he must have mailed me - I'll report on that next week too. 19:44 < Flannel> Alright. Anyway. 19:44 < Flannel> Keep those suggestions rolling in! Althugh, if you don't... asian food is good for me! 19:45 < Flannel> It's coming up in... what, 18 days? 19:45 < rww> Flannel: yeah 19:45 < Flannel> Whew. Faster than ever. 19:45 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything for Jaunty festivities? 19:46 < Flannel> Alright, so. our next topic is LoCo Approval! 19:46 < Flannel> I know a whole lot of progress has been made so far on our Wiki cleanup. 19:46 < Flannel> Most, if not all, of our Meetings now have summaries. 19:47 < rww> Meeting stuff (summaries, archive pages, etc.) will be done before the next meeting. 19:47 < Flannel> I'd like to recognize rww, who has taken that task on. Which is quite monumental. 19:47 < nhaines> rww: you are amazing. Thanks so much. :) 19:47 < Grantbow> rww: thank you! 19:47 < HammerHead66> rww: claps 19:47 < Flannel> I know others have helped out with various other things as well. 19:47 * troyready claps 19:48 < rampageai> thanks! 19:48 < rampageai> (too) 19:48 < Flannel> I know Grantbow took care of the projects page and made it pretty. 19:48 < Flannel> And... yeah, I'm not going to ennumerate, since there's so much. 19:49 < Flannel> But, we've still got a lot to do. 19:49 < Grantbow> It's getting there there's more to do for sure. 19:49 < Grantbow> Another housekeeping item on the wiki agenda but not in your email is refreshing the front wiki page. Scale7x has concluded and the goals look like they need a refresh. 19:49 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/ToDoList has a (mostly current) list of things. 19:49 < Flannel> Including the front page ;) 19:50 < Grantbow> kk 19:50 < Flannel> I agree that SCaLE can be taken off (and OSCON put on) 19:51 < Flannel> As well as a blurb about Jaunty. 19:51 < rww> The concept of "wiki one-a-week" came up in a meeting a while ago. If everyone does a little every week, that'd help a lot with keeping e.g. the front page up to date. 19:52 < Flannel> rww: +1 19:52 < Flannel> I know Joe and Nathan and I have to get together and compile our pictures to document all the stuff we've done so far. 19:52 < Grantbow> we need the Karma Supybot plugin one of these days to record the +1's 19:52 < Flannel> and anyone else, of course, but I know we've got pictures. 19:52 < nhaines> Oh yeah, pictures. 19:53 < Flannel> yeah. Documenting the things we've done is another key task in approval. 19:53 < Grantbow> pictures, excellent 19:53 < Flannel> Cleaning everything up is... mostly just for our own respectability :) 19:54 < Flannel> Anyway, keep up the good work everyone! (or: now's a great time to start if you want to learn all about the wiki) 19:54 < rww> Grantbow and I were listening in on the #ubuntu-us meeting the other day. Documentation is a very, very, very good thing to have for the approval process. 19:54 < Grantbow> yes, it's on the todo list as well 19:55 < Grantbow> too bad my Internet got cut off when I was at web2expo this week 19:57 < Flannel> So, in conclusion. Help out! If you don't have time right then to fix a problem you see, at the very least, check the toDoList and add it if its not already there. 19:57 < Grantbow> +1 19:57 < Flannel> Keeping that list up to date is just as important as fixing them. 19:57 < Flannel> Now, last topic (so far) for the evening: 19:57 < Flannel> User Group Contacts 19:58 < Flannel> Some of you may remember this, we talked about it oh, so long ago. 19:58 * Secutor is back. 19:59 < Flannel> Basically, we're trying to keep proper communication channels open with all the UGs (LUGs and other various user groups) in the state. 20:00 < Flannel> This got swept aside when we started sprinting for SCaLE, but it's a really good endeavor, especially this time of year, with most groups planning their summer speakers. 20:00 < Flannel> We've had a lot of success speaking at groups in the past, and would love to continue, but as far as I know, don't have any lined up this year. 20:01 < rww> Peninsula LUG in the South bay area is looking for a speaker for August. I'm going to be talking to them and seeing if I can get us in for that. 20:01 < rww> If anyone wants to co-present with me, that'd be awesome. 20:01 < nhaines> We have a few experienced speakers with a varied range of interests. So if a LUG needs a speaker on any topic, we can definitely cover it. 20:01 < rww> (I know it's probably too far from now to commit, though.) 20:01 < nhaines> rww: congrats. :) 20:01 < Flannel> If you are unsure how to approach a group/person/etc about this, feel free to ask (not now, but later) and we can help. 20:02 < Flannel> They don't have to be your LUG, or even in your general area (although that is a plus) 20:02 < Grantbow> I've refined the sections on "Why Contact LUGs" and what we can offer them. A simple way to participate, especially in more remote parts of our state, is to simply show up at a LUG with a few burned Ubuntu copies. 20:02 < Grantbow> Please send feedback to the mail list. 20:02 < Flannel> oh, right. 20:02 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts 20:03 < Grantbow> I've added four LUGs that we haven't visited yet to the ToDoList as well. 20:03 < Grantbow> at the bottom 20:03 < Grantbow> fosug.org, cvale.org, sclug.usc.edu and cplug.org 20:03 < Flannel> and actually, (just like to do list), this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts/Groups 20:03 < Flannel> is also important, if you know of a LUG in CA that isn't on that list, add it if you get a chance. 20:03 < rww> Speaking of CDs, do we have an inventory of how many Intrepid CDs we have right now? We might want to look into handing them out before Jaunty comes. 20:03 < rampageai> Is one of those a Caltech LUG? 20:04 < nhaines> Did we have many left over from SCaLE? 20:04 < Flannel> SGVLUG is CalTech, yeah. 20:04 < nhaines> I have 15 intrepid CDs. 20:04 < Flannel> We have that ~1 full box still. 20:04 < Flannel> We had ~2 boxes, and already distributed 1 to various persons in this channel. 20:04 < Flannel> For further distribution. 20:04 < Grantbow> Jaunty release is close, get them out there soon :-) 20:05 < Flannel> Boxes are... I'd guess 80 or so? 20:06 < Flannel> They'll still be relevant after Jaunty is released. 20:06 < Flannel> I wouldn't feel comfortable handing someone a Jaunty CD on release day if its their first time using Linux (for at least two weeks) 20:06 < rww> True. I imagine many people wouldn't want the absolute-newest release, in case of bugs, problems, etc. 20:06 < rampageai> Maybe Hardy? 20:06 < rww> and the Intrepid > Jaunty upgrade is relatively painless, in my experience. 20:07 < Grantbow> even a few weeks after Jaunty is pretty soon 20:07 < Flannel> I agree. So, obviously, they're still relevant. 20:07 < Flannel> rampageai: If they want new, Intrepid is good, because the its an easy upgrade. 20:07 < Flannel> Anyway, we're off topic slightly. 20:08 < nhaines> heh 20:08 < Flannel> But, I think that topic was done anyway. 20:08 < Flannel> Anyone have anything else to say/add/whatnot about the UGC initiative? 20:08 < Flannel> Feel free to ask for help if you're interested later (or anytime). 20:09 < Flannel> And, with that, anyone have anything else for our meeting? 20:09 < rww> Flannel: this is skipping back a bit, but what's the timeframe for the LoCo approval process? A few months from now, end of this year, etc? 20:10 < Flannel> rww: Few months would be great as a target. But we won't rush it. 20:10 < Flannel> That is, we won't apply before we're ready. 20:10 < Flannel> but as a goal, I'd love to be approved for Karmic. 20:10 < nhaines> Flannel: we sure haven't so far! ;) 20:11 < Grantbow> Karmic seems doable 20:11 < Flannel> That is, approved, and with a shipment of CDs, for Karmic. 20:11 < rww> That'd be excellent. I think we could have the wiki cleaned up in plenty of time for that, too. 20:12 < Grantbow> it's coming along nicely 20:12 < Flannel> Alright. Keep the gears in your head spinning coming up with ideas for OSCON. And send them to the mailing list! No crazy ideas will be denied! 20:12 < Flannel> With that said, Thank you all for coming. Jaunty parties are only a little bit away. See you all in two weeks, on April 19th.
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09April05 (last edited 2009-06-14 07:58:09 by 67)