Sunday, December 30th, 2007

No meeting.

Sunday, December 16th, 2007


  1. SCaLE

    1. Our booth got accepted to SCaLE!
    2. SCaLE is in February, so planning for it will start once the holidays are over.
    3. Demo boxes (with Compiz) would be useful. Flannel has a couple he can bring.
  2. Launchpad expiration discussion (from last meeting) never made it to the mailing list; Flannel will get to that at some point.

  3. Two weeks from now is December 30th, which is in the middle of holidays, so the next meeting will be in January instead.

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


  1. SCaLE6x

    1. Booth application submitted. We'll probably get accepted.
    2. Canonical will probably have a booth. Flannel will email them to get "swag".
    3. Postpone specific plans (number of people at booth, etc.) until we get accepted.
  2. Launchpad Membership Timeouts
    1. Flannel set our Launchpad group to not expire members automatically. This was intended to be a temporary setting.
    2. Expiry is good because it gives us an idea of how many active/interested members we have. People would be emailed every so often asking if they want to stay in the group; if they don't reply, they get expired out of it.
    3. Discussion of how long between emails. No clear consensus, so the topic was moved to the mailing list.
  3. Installfest postmortem
    1. Case badges were a hit. We distributed a CD! Not much actual installing went on, though.
    2. nhaines presented on FOSS, instead of his original GPG plan.
    3. Pictures didn't come out well because of weird lighting.
  4. Release party
    1. The party at BarCamp LA was really cool! Next time, we should stay longer and do an Ubuntu presentation in the breakout room.

    2. Some people thought we were from Canonical (because of Ubuntu t-shirts and nametags?). The nametags were really cool, though.
  5. The-Kernel proposed that we package the Jabber server program "Openfire"
    1. Consider asking the creators, Jive Software, to do it for us
    2. Updates as The-Kernel researches it will be posted on the mailing list

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

No meeting.

Sunday, November 4th, 2007


  1. Not many people were around, and DST had just happened, so this meeting was rather informal :-).
  2. Some photos from the Installfest made it to flickr
    1. Maybe we should make an ubuntu-california tag on flickr for our photos?

Sunday, October 21st, 2007


  1. Gutsy Installfest
    1. Info page: CaliforniaTeam/Projects/GutsyRelease

    2. Yasumoto had problems getting a room for it, so we need to reconsider venue and time.
      1. Ideas: move venue to CSU Dominguez Hills' Sun Lab; push date back a week; co-ordinate with the new LUG at Cabrillo College?
    3. Maybe film the talks? Maybe come up with a schedule of talks?
    4. Probably not allowed food in installfest venue; go to a restaurant afterwards instead?
    5. Presentations: nhaines on GPG, lcafiero on FOSS
  2. California LUG discussion
    1. lcafiero mentioned that Cabrillo College is forming a LUG
    2. Yasumoto and charlesnw mentioned OCLUG, but neither have had much of a chance to meet them
    3. UC Irvine has no LUG activity Sad :-(

    4. SVLUG had a Gutsy installfest yesterday that went really well.
  3. New Logo discussion

    1. Several people liked 6, but think that the drop shadow makes it too busy.
    2. Consensus that dropping the shadow from 6 would make it the best.
  4. General discussion about filming and multimedia on Linux

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

No meeting.

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007


  1. Logo
    1. Three logo ideas so far! (on CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Logo)

    2. #3 seems to be the favorite. Its SVG is on the forums, feel free to play with it!
    3. No hard deadline for entries yet
  2. Launchpad as team repository
    1. Brought up by nhaines; postponed because the person responsible wasn't around
  3. Release Party/Installfest
    1. Release party will be on the 19th (the Friday after Gutsy comes out)
      1. Local, flexible events: probably stuff happening in LA (Philippes) and SD at least
    2. Installfest will be on the 27th, a week and two days after Gutsy release
      1. Flannel hopes to have case badges for that
      2. Yasumoto suggested Chapman University
      3. Not many people in the meeting from north CA, so nothing planned for up there. Flannel said he'd bring it up on the mailing list.
  4. Toorcon

    1. 9th year, hosted at San Diego Convention Center
    2. Yasumoto went last year and thought it was cool, albeit not open source-focused
  5. SCaLE 6x
    1. Feb 8-10 at the LA Airport Hotel
    2. Consensus that getting an Ubuntu booth there would be cool, need to fill out some forms and get the ball rolling
  6. LoCo Approval

    1. Flannel mentioned LoCoGettingApproved as a long-term goal

Sunday, September 9th, 2007


  1. Branding
    1. Page to post artwork ideas: CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Logo

    2. Remixing other peoples' entries is okay!
    3. After a while, we'll narrow down the list of entries, then pick a winner.
  2. Gutsy
    1. Consensus: release party on the Friday (day after Gutsy comes out), then installfest on the Saturday (should have case badges by then)
    2. Maybe have a couple of events for different parts of the state (LA, SF, SD, etc.)
    3. Things to discuss on mailing list: venue, carpooling, listing who's actually going
  3. Map application (by mthaddon)
    1. Launchpad page at https://launchpad.net/locomaps/

    2. Check out code: "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mthaddon/locomaps/locomaps"

Sunday, August 26th, 2007


  1. Team Map
    1. If you haven't already, sign our Members page to add yourself to the team map!

    2. We should soon have the source code for the map, and hopefully we can get set it up as a Launchpad project.

  2. Case Badge Stuff
    1. Money has been sent in, anyone that wants to help donate to the team, contact Flannel

  3. Branding
    1. If you're interested in creating a logo for the team, stop by the IRC channel or visit the forums

  4. IRC Parties.
    1. Proposed by cactaur, it seems like a fun way to get our geographically distant team together to hang out. Talk to him for more info. b. Here's the forum page for the event.

Sunday, August 12th, 2007


  1. Introduction
    1. What is a LoCo team

    2. Relationship with LUGs
  2. Map – LoCo team map, good idea.

    1. Implementation to be decided later
  3. Official voting to be done by Launchpad polls only
  4. Meetings will be held every two weeks at first
    1. 7pm on Sundays for now
  5. We do want to buy case badges, and prefer the second design (black text on silver background)

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/2007 (last edited 2009-12-22 00:38:17 by c-98-234-77-177)