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Thursday, 28 November 2013 - Ubuntu-ca Team Meeting in IRC
Held regularly on the fourth Thursday of the month.
8:30pm |
Newfoundland |
8:00pm |
Atlantic |
7:00pm |
Eastern |
6:00pm |
Central |
5:00pm |
Mountain |
4:00pm |
Pacific |
00:00 (29 Nov) |
In the IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca. Freenode Webchat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
IRC Meeting for Ubuntu-ca at the Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal (Optional, but it helps to show activity for our LoCo renewal)
You can register for this
Meeting information
#ubuntu-ca: Canadian Team IRC meeting in #ubuntu-ca Thursday, 28 November 2013, 29 Nov at 00:00 — 02:02 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-11-29-00.00.log.html
Meeting summary
The discussion about "Introductions" started at 00:01.
LINK: Here are the minutes from that LoCo Council meeting: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-11-19-20.07.html
The discussion about "Events" started at 00:13.
ACTION: Schedule a video chat for Ubuntu Canada
ACTION: aruna to arrange, advertise and market an Ubuntu Hour Toronto
LINK: http://spreadubuntu.org/ has some, but I never find anything I like very much.
ACTION: Discuss setting up Google+/Facebook/Twitter accounts for Ubuntu-ca and each City chapter, eg. Ubuntu-ca-kw, Ubuntu-ca-Toronto
ACTION: Invite University Computer Club people to Ubuntu events
IDEA: What about holding a cooperative event for all LUGs, like a Linuxfest? Would there be Canonical support for tthat? (BobJonkman1, 01:22)
ACTION: Get an Ubuntu Conference Pack for the Waterloo Mini Maker Faire
Other Topics
The discussion about "Other Topics" started at 01:44.
Next meeting (01:48)
ACTION: next meeting: Video Conference on Thursday, 23 January 2014
Action items
- Schedule a video chat for Ubuntu Canada
aruna to arrange, advertise and market an Ubuntu Hour Toronto
- Discuss setting up Google+/Facebook/Twitter accounts for Ubuntu-ca and each City chapter, eg. Ubuntu-ca-kw, Ubuntu-ca-Toronto
- Invite University Computer Club people to Ubuntu events
- Get an Ubuntu Conference Pack for the Waterloo Mini Maker Faire
- next meeting: Video Conference on Thursday, 23 January 2014
Action items, by person
aruna to arrange, advertise and market an Ubuntu Hour Toronto
- Schedule a video chat for Ubuntu Canada
- Discuss setting up Google+/Facebook/Twitter accounts for Ubuntu-ca and each City chapter, eg. Ubuntu-ca-kw, Ubuntu-ca-Toronto
- Invite University Computer Club people to Ubuntu events
- Get an Ubuntu Conference Pack for the Waterloo Mini Maker Faire
- next meeting: Video Conference on Thursday, 23 January 2014
People present (lines said)
BobJonkman1 (132)
- Neo31 (71)
aruna (58)
- dscassel (56)
- jose (18)
- FiReSTaRT (14)
- azend (13)
- meetingology (10)
KombuchaKip (2)
CrankyOldBugger (2)
- stephenw_ (1)
- lubotu1 (1)
- bregma (1)
Panayotis Varotsos (1947), Alan Lightman (1948), and Russell Alan Hulse (1951).
Happy Birthday to physicsts
- Regulars say hi. New people introduce themselves.
SaucySalamander (Ubuntu 13.10)
- No other release parties?
Ubuntu Hours
Kitchener: 1st Friday of the month, 7:00pm
- Guelph: 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00pm
Other stuff
How to improve participation? Thanx to the LoCoCouncil for helping us with this!
- Anything else!
(Back to Canadian Team Meetings)
CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013/2013-11-28 (last edited 2013-11-30 18:59:18 by 206-248-137-186)