Karmic Release Notes That Have Been Translated
When your translation has been completed please add it to the list here (make sure the link is to the translated version, not to the original version). The date is so that we know if the most recent version has been completed.
EN completed 2009-10-21 by MatthewNuzum
EU completed 2009-10-29 by Mikel Pascual Aldabaldetreku
it completed 2009-10-29 by MiloCasagrande
es completed 2009-11-05 by RicardoPérezLópez
sv completed 2009-10-29 by DanielNylander and HåkanHagman
ca started from version 47 -- dpm 2009-10-29 12:59:00, will complete when edits on the main page have finished
fi completed 2009-10-30 by TimoJyrinki (not completely translated, but better than plain English and with a note that not yet completely translated)
nl completed 2009-11-14 by Cumulus007. Previous version has been deleted because of it's incomplete state, it's completely updated now.