- The MythTV team has been rocking the MythTV world and is now blessed with official recognition.
The PlanetUbuntuEditorialPolicy has been reviewed and discussed. It was decided that it's not yet ready. Mark, Corey and Matt will redo the document.
The Swiss team has joined the ever growing list of official LoCoTeams. Go Switzerland!
10:59 Seveas ok, let's get started. Order in the room please === nixternal has to go learn how to be a programmer - GOOD LUCK to the candidates 11:00 Seveas agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda, first on the agenda is superm1 with the mythtv team 11:00 MikeB- sabdfl_: don't see him, is he traveling today to LinuxTag 11:00 Seveas (sriramadas is not here for derivative team) 11:00 dholbach MikeB-: I though he'd travel tomorrow 11:00 nixternal MikeB-: yes about Jono (read blog) 11:00 superm1 Okay, i'll get started then: 11:00 superm1 Hi, i'm Mario Limonciello and I'm one of the folks here representing the Ubuntu MythTV team. We were formed roughly 8 months ago, unofficially. My teamates and I have been working to make MythTV on Ubuntu a very solid experience that is easy to use. You can see our wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MythTVTeam 11:00 superm1 and some information about our upcoming Ubuntu remix, Mythbuntu at: http://www.mythbuntu.org. 11:00 spaceinvader welp: :P 11:01 imbrandon and I'm here on behalf of the MythTeam too 11:01 mdke Seveas: does anyone know what the issue that is referred to in the link under the derivative topic is? 11:01 sacater spaceinvader: please leave, this is not a good time 11:01 superm1 and Daviey and keescook too :) === keescook waves 11:01 ubuntu_demon hey :) 11:01 Seveas mdke, I don't and from the part of the discussion I saw last time, not many people do 11:01 Daviey yep, i'm here 11:02 mdke there is some reference to problems with Canonical 11:02 Seveas I'll poke sriramadas for next meeting 11:02 mdke sabdfl_: know anything? 11:02 crimsun (I've also worked with superm1 from -mythtv) 11:02 mdke Seveas: ok, we'll chase it up via email. 11:02 mdke the mythtv team looks well organised and well supported to me 11:03 blizzzek hi 11:03 dholbach it looks quite well to me too, and I'm happy to see so many people in it 11:03 dholbach how many of the mythbuntu changes go directly into Ubuntu? 11:03 superm1 we've also got several folks that regular the forums to troll and help posts 11:03 sabdfl_ mdke: problems in connection with? 11:03 superm1 so far everything but ubiquity 11:03 imbrandon dholbach, 100% 11:03 dholbach (I didn't see the splash screen package in Ubuntu yet, that's why I asked ;-)) 11:04 juliux hi all 11:04 dholbach imbrandon: excellent 11:04 superm1 crimsun uploaded it a week or so ago 11:04 dholbach ah ok 11:04 superm1 (the splash) 11:04 sabdfl_ superm1: i've had very good feedback from people about mythtv on ubuntu, thanks to your team's work 11:04 imbrandon it needed a bit of work, but we're striving to do everytign in the archive 11:04 mdke sabdfl_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-April/001281.html is the thread referred to 11:04 Daviey dholbach: were trying to get it in :) 11:04 crimsun (yes) 11:04 Klaidas @schedule Vilnius 11:04 ubotu Schedule for Europe/Vilnius: Current meeting: Community Council | 30 May 15:00: Edubuntu | 30 May 23:00: Xubuntu Developers | 31 May 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Jun 00:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jun 22:00: Technical Board 11:04 dholbach do you have close ties to the upstream folks? are there any in the team too? 11:04 Seveas (remove noise during meeting) 11:05 mdke thanks Seveas 11:05 superm1 sabdfl_, we've tried to follow as much input on the forums as possible with things that needed work for feisyt 11:05 Mithrandir I've been unhappy with some of their packages when doing reviews of them; I haven't reviewed enough of them to know whether it's a problem with a couple of people who just haven't had enough training or if it's a systemic problem. I suspect the former, in which case it's much easier to fix than in the latter case. 11:05 Mithrandir I think it can be fixed by trying to pull them more into the normal workflow, though. 11:06 mdke is there a process in place to deal with the problems Mithrandir mentions? 11:06 mdke within the team, I mean 11:06 superm1 Well that was one of the big reasons we are running to be recognized here, we were looking to get a mailing list made 11:06 sabdfl_ mdke: oh, no further news from dfarning afaik, and i'm still not sure what he was referring to there 11:06 keescook Mithrandir: I've been trying to help where I know how and to get other MOTU to comment on things I'm less familiar with. 11:06 superm1 we currently have IRC at #ubuntu-mythtv 11:06 imbrandon mdke, yes myself and i know crimsun and keescook atleaste have been working on getting everythgin 100% upto standards packing wise 11:06 superm1 but not everyone is on at all times 11:06 dholbach mdke, sabdfl_: I'll prod him again by mail. 11:07 mdke sabdfl_: weird. ok We'll follow up with him by email maybe 11:07 crimsun (I tend to be pretty rigorous/harsh in reviewing.) 11:07 mdke superm1: a mailing list sounds like a very good idea. 11:07 Mithrandir also, this was a couple of months back, so it might well have improved. 11:07 Daviey mdke: We applied for it over two months ago - not sure what the holdup is. 11:07 superm1 Mithrandir, yes - i think i know which upload your referring too also. putting some stuff into /home 11:07 superm1 and such 11:08 Seveas Daviey, general too-much-work-ness in the admin department 11:08 Daviey Seveas: heh :) 11:08 mdke Daviey: we have a bit of a problem with mailing list creation at the moment; jono is supposedly working on it so hopefully you will have good news soon 11:08 sabdfl_ superm1: if you guys are committed to making your changes in the archive, then i see no problem with official recognition of the team, and also of your dedicated derivative 11:08 Daviey mdke: that would be really good. Where we work on so many different timezones - irc doesn't always work out 11:09 mdke sure 11:09 superm1 sabdfl_, the only questionable change to commit back to archive will be the ubiquity - because its such a drastic patch that we are applying to it 11:09 mdke perhaps use -motu for now, and poke jono regularly :) 11:09 sabdfl_ superm1: this is to make the system boot straight to myth, right? 11:09 Mithrandir superm1: can't it be modularised or made conditional somehow? 11:09 superm1 mythbuntu will create a system that boots right into myth and configures myth 11:09 superm1 yes sabdfl_ 11:10 superm1 Mithrandir, I was going to work with the ubiquity guys after we have our patch fully completed and see how feasible that is 11:10 superm1 but atm there are a few things yet for us to finish and determine how much needs changing 11:10 Seveas superm1, isn't it possible to separate that from ubiquity so people can turn their existing ubuntu boxes into mythtv machines? 11:10 Seveas and hook the separate program into ubiquity in your derivative === ScottK has been reviewing superm1's packages on #ubuntu-motu and they definitely seem committed to getting things into the archives and doing things correctly. 11:11 superm1 We have docs explaining how to do that right now, but no seperate program yet 11:11 imbrandon Seveas, yes, thats also done quite easliy now with the currect meta packages 11:11 Seveas imbrandon, excellent 11:11 sabdfl_ i guess there are two use cases: (1) the box is dedicated, and (2) you want to work on it, then turn it into a myth box, then work on it again 11:11 mdke sounds good. The team clearly has some good peopl behind it and good communication, especially considering they don't have a mailing list yet 11:11 superm1 (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV) 11:11 Daviey Seveas: We are trying to get everything to work from exisiting repo's - so you don't need the dedicated release === Seveas cheers for the team 11:11 mdke +1 from me 11:11 sabdfl_ +1 from me, anyone else want to take a view? 11:11 Burgundavia +1 from me 11:11 dholbach I'm very happy with the team as it is, +1 from me too 11:11 MikeB- +1 from me 11:12 mdke nice 11:12 Seveas 5 out of 6, elmo care to cast a vote? 11:12 Seveas or are you already hiding for the next subject? ;) 11:12 imbrandon :) 11:12 elmo +1 11:12 Daviey woo 11:12 Seveas excellent, moving on quickly to covr more 11:12 superm1 Yay, unanimous vote :) 11:13 Seveas Burgundavia, you're on (planet ubuntu editorial) 11:13 mdke superm1: write to us if you don't get your list 11:13 Burgundavia right 11:13 superm1 Okay mdke thanks 11:13 Burgundavia we are considering the following spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntuEditorialPolicy#preview 11:13 Burgundavia the idea was mind, kicked up with the recent dell issue and brought again into the light with the \sh issue 11:14 Burgundavia the primary idea behind the spec is to create 1) a palce for people to contact to get illegal crap removed from planet, including accidential breaches of embargo 11:14 Burgundavia 2) a clearly defined procedure for objectionable content 11:14 Burgundavia mdke and myself have been working on the language over the past day 11:15 elmo could we please tone down the 'censorship' language on there? 11:15 mdke this afternoon I added some thoughts which I found in a previous discussion of these issues, by silbs, sabdfl and cjwatson; so it should have a reasonably cc-ed direction, I hope 11:15 elmo I see it's been improved, but it's still all over the use cases 11:15 yann2 i am not particularly happy with the "Material is posted which (generally unintentionally) offends another community member." :( 11:15 towsonu2003 2nd use case looks problematic 11:15 mdke yann2: just to be clear, that is in the Rationale. If you read the spec, it doesn't actually ban such material, far from it 11:16 sabdfl_ by illegal, i take it you also mean content which causes legal problems for companies or individuals as well as stuff that is genuinely illegal? 11:16 towsonu2003 yann2, me neither, there is too much stuff that might offend at least one person 11:16 yann2 "Melanie is a north american conservative catholic feminist, and is _Extremely_ offended by a post from a west european boy" 11:16 Burgundavia what should be very clear: we are not defining what should or should not be banned 11:16 yann2 (not related to melissa, but as example) 11:16 sabdfl_ just the process for addressing it 11:16 yann2 ok :) 11:16 mdke yann2: I don't think you've read the spec very carefully. You've just got stuck at the beginning 11:16 sabdfl_ i think the spec could use a little work 11:16 mdke but yeah, the use cases need work 11:16 yann2 mdke > i did read it :) 11:16 mdke and the spec in general should have more consultation, I think. It has come onto the agenda rather quickly 11:16 sabdfl_ it basically says "it's ok for us to take some stuff off, go here -> to get that done if you think something should come off" 11:17 gnomefreak a very good point was brought up on this in -women, where do we draw the line between offensive/inappoprate and ok to post. 11:17 ScottK Since planet is just a mirror, what would be the point of removing information due to breaches of confidentiality? Once something's on the internet, you can't really get it off. 11:17 Burgundavia i brought it up for consulation. I full expect it to require more work 11:17 Burgundavia ScottK: it is about best effort 11:17 yann2 in \sh comments, it was proposed to divide the planet in planet ubuntu and ubuntu universe, i would support this idea 11:17 mdke ScottK: because of the wide readership 11:17 PriceChild ScottK, but on planet it is representing Ubuntu. 11:17 sbalneav You're going to have to be very clear and explicit about what you consider to be objectionable material that's not suitable for planet. If you're not, your simply going to end up with arbitrary decisions being made for every case. 11:17 yann2 it would allow to be more laxist on the "universe" and maybe define stronger guidelines on the planet 11:18 Burgundavia yann2: that is a seperate issue 11:18 sabdfl_ i don't think we should aim to please everyone 11:18 JanC PriceChild: so hiding things that happen inside Ubuntu is good ? :) 11:18 ScottK OK. Joe posts information. Jane whines and claims to be Joe's employer. What's the process for verification? 11:18 PriceChild JanC, Of course not. 11:18 sabdfl_ you need something of a robust sense of humour to survive on the net, in any event 11:18 towsonu2003 but wouldn't universe work like the Backyard in ubuntuforums.org - a way to burry stuff? 11:18 mdke sabdfl_: +1 11:18 Burgundavia indeed 11:18 mdke sbalneav: I think the general approach is to leave it up to the individual member to decide what they consider suitable. For serious breaches of the coc, like with all mediums, we are here 11:18 JanC sabdfl_: not only on the net 11:18 sabdfl_ the recent question from melissa is really interesting in what it raises 11:19 MikeB- this is definate a case of Ubuntu growing pains 11:19 kalon33 JanC: sure, in the life too :p 11:19 ajmitch mdke: some people have a *very* broad view of what's acceptable 11:19 elkbuntu fyi, i am here, albeit half asleep still 11:19 mdke ajmitch: I understand that, and people's different personalities are part of what makes planet interesting 11:19 JanC it has been proposed to create both a "complete planet" and a "filtered planet" 11:20 ScottK Who is the filter? 11:20 sabdfl_ why not make this doc nice and short, and say "stuff can be removed here, being subscribed is not an automatic right to have anythin you write published here" 11:20 Burgundavia JanC: that gets into a kettle of fish I don't wnt to touch 11:20 imbrandon who filters , based on what 11:20 mdke ajmitch: fwiw, the previous complaints that sparked a discussion on the cc list were about a post dealing with politics that was found offensive 11:20 sabdfl_ then point to: canonical admins for emergencies, cc for social issues 11:20 JanC if you don't like the filter, don't use it :) 11:20 MikeB- we need express to people that the Ubuntu community is worldwide, all nationalities, religions, age groups, etc... 11:20 mdke sabdfl_: yeah, I think it will be better 11:20 Burgundavia sabdfl_: that is pretty much what is there, in the implementation section 11:21 sabdfl_ then also, separately, we could have a set of guidelines that mas the CoC to the blogosphere 11:21 sabdfl_ just like we have it for IRC, Forums === ScottK says +1 to sabdfl_'s latest. 11:21 Burgundavia what if we just nuked everything but the implementation section? 11:21 sabdfl_ i wouldn't mind having a non-CC team delegated to deal with social issues like this 11:21 Burgundavia that deals with the annoying use cases and rationale, etc. 11:22 dholbach I like sabdfl_'s idea. It should be a light-weight straight-forward process. Trying to point out what's allowed and what's not will always put you into problems. The less policy like and the more process like (for emergencies), the better. 11:22 kalon33 I like sabdfl_ idea too ;) 11:22 yann2 sso basically, remove everything that may pose problem? 11:22 towsonu2003 +1 Burgundavia's offer 11:22 ScottK Legal issues and company confidential information are two separate issues and should be deconflated. 11:22 yann2 if it offend one person, delete it? bloggers won't like that 11:22 JanC dholbach: true, but then you might get a bias by the judges 11:22 mdke yann2: arghh 11:22 sabdfl_ we should equally have a piece that says "hey, don't be a wilting flower, if you disagree with something here, write up a smart, witty counterblog and woo the crowds to your view" 11:23 dholbach JanC: which judges? 11:23 LaserJock yann2: please read what is being said. that was never suggested 11:23 imbrandon sabdfl_, +10 11:23 JanC well, whoever "judges" 11:23 sabdfl_ is there an existing team which would be a good pre-CC stop for issues raised along these lines? 11:23 markvandenborre couldn't we make a separation between "on topic" (ubuntu only) 11:23 Burgundavia sabdfl_: just a touch confused. What you propose. Is that not just the implemenation section as written? 11:23 mdke sabdfl_: well, jono 11:23 markvandenborre and off topic (not ubuntu only)? 11:23 JanC i just mean, the "judges" should be chosen carefully :) 11:24 keescook as long as we can avoid in-planet inter-blog flame wars, the "witty retort" can be nice. 11:24 elkbuntu sabdfl_, and when it comes to the CoC being broken, one would risk counterbreaking it, which is not something that should be encouraged 11:24 ScottK Burgundavia: The implementation section still conflates legal and company confidential in a way that is really problematic in my view. 11:24 sabdfl_ Burgundavia: roughly. let me have a stab at tightening it up 11:24 imbrandon sabdfl_, a one man team, jono , heh 11:24 dholbach JanC: to me the solution sounds like a process for emergencies, where things can be discussed - no active judging if or if not posts are suitable. 11:24 Burgundavia ScottK: you are concerned about how it puts the two together? 11:24 JanC well, someone will have to make decisions 11:24 mdke elkbuntu: the problem is that the question of whether the CoC has been broken can be quite subjective. 11:24 ypsila :-D 11:24 mdke I think what will eventually come out of issues like this, and which I've seen raised elsewhere too is the proposal of making some amendments to the CoC which makes it a bit clearer what is actually regarded as disrespectful and inconsiderate. People are having more and more difficulty applying it in various contexts. 11:25 ScottK Burgundavia: Yes as they are two completely separate issues in almost all cases. 11:25 ScottK Breaking a company rule and breaking the law are different 11:25 markvandenborre mdke, I think that idea is fundamentally flawed in a global context 11:25 imbrandon AACS key 11:25 markvandenborre when it comes to non-ubuntu things 11:25 yann2 +1 to mdke on the examples 11:25 mdke markvandenborre: you mean the CoC is fundamentally flawed? 11:25 markvandenborre no, not at all 11:26 ajmitch keescook: though some people will certainly just pack up & move on if they're constantly seeing stuff that's blatantly offensive, rather than write up something about it 11:26 Burgundavia ScottK: if you post something in contravention of an embargo, that is actually a legal issue 11:26 keescook ajmitch: yup. 11:26 markvandenborre I mean that in cultural background x, mentioning igasm is perfectly ok 11:26 ScottK It's a contractual issue which is not exactly the same thing. 11:26 markvandenborre in another one, it is not 11:27 mdke markvandenborre: right, that's why the spec suggests reminding posters that the planet is a global community 11:27 markvandenborre and the further you get from ubuntu as the binding factor, the less these 11:27 JanC mdke: what's appropriate is different all over the world, who are we to cut it in stone? 11:27 Burgundavia ScottK: they both need to be dealt with the same way, however 11:27 sabdfl_ anybody have a url for \sh's controversial post? 11:27 sabdfl_ i didn't see it 11:27 ajmitch markvandenborre: right, how willing should we be to allow offending people then? 11:27 mdke JanC: what we are defining is what is appropriate for global interaction, it's a common denominator. 11:28 ScottK Burgundavia: I disagree. I'll say again, Joe posts something. Jane shows up and complains that Joe has published confidential information and is an employee of Jane's company. How do you verify that? 11:28 ubuntugeek Just curious, is there a way for planet to only pull from a certain section of a persons blog? Perhaps the user if they want to be listed on the planet creates an Ubuntu section and that is the only thing that is polled into the planet feed. Since posts are made on a persons personal blog you are sorta telling them what they can and can't talk about outside the community.. my 2cents. 11:28 mdke ubuntugeek: sure, tags and filters work 11:28 keescook is there anything that recommend people only post ubuntu-related things to planet? I use an "ubuntu" tag in my blog, just so I have to choose to have a post be included. 11:28 gnomefreak sabdfl_: ill have it in a minute 11:28 elkbuntu sabdfl_, http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/335-Apple-is-not-amused,-but-you-should-be,-when-you-use-it.html 11:28 Burgundavia providing your blogging software supports that 11:28 Seveas sabdfl_, http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/335-Apple-is-not-amused,-but-you-should-be,-when-you-use-it.html http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/337-My-Appologies-to-everybody-not-living-in-a-free-country.html 11:28 Mithrandir sabdfl_: http://linux.blogweb.de/ ; http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/335-Apple-is-not-amused,-but-you-should-be,-when-you-use-it.html in particular 11:28 gnomefreak or not\ 11:28 JanC mdke: I don't think that such a thing really exists 11:28 Seveas lol :) 11:28 keescook Burgundavia: hm, true 11:28 profoX` ubuntugeek: that depends on the blog, but its possibnle with most blogs 11:28 imbrandon http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/335-Apple-is-not-amused,-but-you-should-be,-when-you-use-it.html 11:28 gnomefreak http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/335-Apple-is-not-amused%2C-but-you-should-be%2C-when-you-use-it.html 11:28 mdke JanC: essentially, the CoC is about helping people work efficiently in a large and global community. It's not about dictating what is acceptable in difference cultures 11:28 gnomefreak that would be it 11:29 welp with gentoo, the blogs have a 'gentoo' category, which gets aggreated to planet.gentoo.org, everything else goes to planet.gentoo.org/universe 11:29 welp just fyi 11:29 JanC mdke: and it already does that IMHO 11:29 ubuntugeek ProfoX': perhaps there should then be a requirement that your blog supports it. === welp stfu again 11:29 mdke JanC: sure. But it might be able to do it better 11:29 sabdfl_ ubuntugeek: we can't verify every detail, but it's possible to make a reasoned judgement 11:29 LaserJock ubuntugeek: that's certianlly possible, that's what I do. but in \sh's case I believe he termed that censorship 11:30 elkbuntu LaserJock, from how i understood his arguing, yes 11:30 MikeB- ubuntugeek: most blog software allow you to make a rss feed for a specific categories 11:30 mdke whether to filter/tag posts to planet is a question of choice of the individual blogger 11:30 imbrandon well not exactly, i intentionaly post everything from my blog to planet because planet in its true form is a "view into the lives of the people behind the project" not nessesarly "about" the project 11:30 markvandenborre I would like to see the responsibility for what a planet visitor looks at with the user for as much as possible 11:30 ubuntugeek sure but the downfall of that would surley be less then the downfall of someone posting something that aggravates multiple people. 11:30 imbrandon well not exactly, i intentionaly post everything from my blog to planet because planet in its true form is a "view into the lives of the people behind the project" not nessesarly "about" the project 11:30 imbrandon err 11:31 mdke we need to focus this discussion a bit 11:31 Burgundavia indeed 11:31 yann2 you will still need one person who is going to make the choices. 11:31 sabdfl_ interesting. i don't think that post is a problem. it's racy, sure, but not offensive in western terms 11:31 keescook imbrandon: that's why I was wondering if there was a published "the planet should be for all blog entries" vs "please keep it project-oriented" 11:31 ubuntugeek My point is, it would seem better to enforce a requirement policy and be upfront with it then to censor. The person should agree to that requirement, if they break it they loose their planet access. 11:31 sabdfl_ that's not to say that it won't cause some people a reasonably anxious moment or two 11:31 imbrandon keescook, there is a small blurb on the right 11:31 mattva01 shouldn't there just be a big disclaimer at the top? 11:32 keescook I kinda like welp's described tag/tagless split 11:32 markvandenborre We need a solution where on one hand posters know they can post what is appropriate in their cultural context, as long as it doesn't violate basic human rights civilised people can agree on. 11:32 markvandenborre Viewers on the other hand should be able to easily avoid posts potentially inappropriate to them. This carries the risk of alienating part of the community. 11:32 Seveas this is going on for too long -- maybe we should summarize the discussion, let corey amend the policy and give this a retry later? The agenda is rather long and we'v not come too far on this subject 11:32 JanC sabdfl_: "western" isn't the right word, it depends on the subculture you live in 11:32 sabdfl_ corey, would you also look into Tim O'Reilly's blog code of conduct? 11:32 sabdfl_ there might be things we can embrace there, as a translation of the CoC into blog-terms 11:32 Burgundavia sabdfl_: it looks a touch overdone, but sure 11:32 mdke markvandenborre: can you explain how the spec fails to do what you've described? 11:32 sabdfl_ i don't think we want to be that heavy handed 11:33 hypa7ia \sh's comments are also worth considering in the light of his earlier comments about "sexy posters" on planet 11:33 hypa7ia imo 11:33 sabdfl_ and i think we really only want to rule out deeply offensive and personal items 11:33 mdke hypa7ia: hi! 11:33 JanC hypa7ia: welcome (even if we don't agree on some things ;) ) 11:33 sabdfl_ in general, things like \sh's items are best addressed with a few quiet words, rathe than a lynching party 11:34 elkbuntu sabdfl_, we tried. believe me, we really did try. 11:34 sabdfl_ elkbuntu: i might well have posted that link myself! 11:34 JanC one problem is there had been previous issues with you a Hobbsee 11:34 sabdfl_ don't consider it a failure 11:34 elkbuntu sabdfl_, i'm glad you didnt. 11:34 Burgundavia for the record: http://blogging.wikia.com/wiki/BCC <-- drafts bloggesr code of conduct 11:34 sabdfl_ i'm more concerned with his style of response to you 11:34 sabdfl_ but i only have that second-hand 11:35 mdke that's the real problem here; the discussion afterwards 11:35 JanC sabdfl_: it's his style, he probably regrets some things by now :) 11:35 markvandenborre mdke, many posts that are controversial in some cultural backgrounds should be fine on the planet, but viewers from those cultural backgrounds should have an easy way to avoid them 11:35 ypsila \sh actually is in Berlin to represent Kubuntu on the linuxtag 11:35 sabdfl_ right. we should remember this: we can't encode "getting along" in a set of rules 11:35 imbrandon ok i must run , Seveas if sacater gets to membershiptoday he has my +1 11:35 towsonu2003 mdke, I'm not really sure what the real issue here... 11:35 sacater imbrandon: thanks 11:36 elkbuntu sabdfl_, im a person that is reasonably unfazeable, and while i personally was not offended by the post, due to my letter last week, i received a number of confidential communications concerned about it 11:36 sabdfl_ ok, can we conclude? this has been a good discussion. i'd like to move that: 11:36 hypa7ia sabdfl_: but an established process for dispute resolution is worthwhile 11:36 Seveas imbrandon, +1 means nothing without arguments 11:36 hypa7ia and in this case there wasn't a process for planet 11:36 sabdfl_ => i'll tighten up the current doc, on a KISS basis 11:36 imbrandon ok i'll be back shortly and give them to you 11:36 sacater imbrandon: ty 11:36 Seveas excellent 11:36 sabdfl_ => corey will work up something nice and guidelineish, with examples 11:36 mdke ok === Burgundavia looks like a deer in headlights 11:37 sabdfl_ => we'll deal with future matters arising on a case by case basis till a pattern emerges 11:37 mdke Burgundavia: I'll help 11:37 MikeB- Burgundavia: I can help also, what ever you need 11:38 dholbach shall we move on to the SwissTeam? 11:38 tormod apropos family-friendly content, see https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clusterfuck :) === elkbuntu hugs Burgundavia 11:38 mdke dholbach: yes 11:38 Seveas dholbach, we should 11:38 mdke *stgraber* 11:38 hypa7ia i'd be glad to help too 11:38 stgraber Good evening, I'm Stphane Graber and I'm here to represent the Ubuntu Swiss Team (Switzerland). 11:39 stgraber The Ubuntu Swiss Team was created more than a year ago and now is mainly about organizing events like the OpenExpo (having stands at computer shows and exhibitions), organizing release parties and other coming-togethers. 11:39 Seveas Burgundavia, mdke, sabdfl_: thanks for tackling it and good luck 11:39 stgraber We also provide support with our mailing-list, IRC channel and our extensive list of local contact persons spread all over Switzerland. 11:39 stgraber As we have 4 official languages here in Switzerland, we've chosen English as our exchange language and then people are mainly using language-specific forums for online-support and our contact list for local-support. 11:39 stgraber Our wikipage is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam 11:39 stgraber and our Application : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ApprovalApplication 11:39 Tribaal +1 11:39 dholbach I like the "Fondue for Human Beings" :-) 11:39 Tribaal hehehe 11:39 stgraber :) === tormod waves virtual Swiss flags 11:40 mdke stgraber: I read the wiki pages - looks excellent to me. I was wondering how your relationship with other teams is; the question of overlapping languages is a really tricky one in the Ubuntu community at the moment 11:40 JanC stgraber: sounds a bit like the Belgian team :) 11:40 markvandenborre mdke, it works fairly well in Belgium 11:40 stgraber yes, but with 4 languages in our case :) 11:40 welp swiss++ 11:40 mdke markvandenborre: yeah, I know 11:41 mdke but we can learn more from each new team 11:41 tormod we (SwissTeam) focus on local activities, not language-specific 11:41 markvandenborre absolutely 11:41 stgraber well, basically the team only do the on-site part of the support, which means meeting, release parties and exhibitions, the on-line activities are directed to the others communities like ubuntu-fr, ubuntu-it, ubuntu-de 11:41 JanC tormod: so do we in Belgium 11:41 mdke right 11:41 tormod JanC: makes sense doesn't it :) 11:42 yann2 ubuntu-fr will be happy to work with you stgraber , if you need help on some points, ... ;) 11:42 dholbach we could do with some more swiss MOTUs - do you know of any people getting involved with that part of the community? 11:42 mdke stgraber: ditto ubuntu-it 11:42 ypsila stgraber: you forgot kubuntu-de ;-) 11:42 tormod many SwissTeam members are members in -de -fr groups etc 11:42 stgraber and we also have some translators for those languages 11:43 stgraber ypsila: oops, sorry, that's right -de has kubuntu specific website 11:43 tormod yann2: if you need help from us... :) 11:43 stgraber yann2, mdke : thx 11:43 ypsila stgraber: not only! 11:44 Seveas A quick note for all member candidates: If you did not yet join the ubuntumembers tam on launchpad, please do so *now* 11:44 stgraber well, (x/ed/k)ubuntu-(it/de/fr).org should be better, isn't it ? :) 11:44 mdke I don't want to sound like a total noob, but what is the frame of reference for approving loco teams? What are the relevant considerations? 11:44 Tribaal ubuntu-ch members on launchpad? 11:45 Burgundavia mdke: was about to ask that myself 11:45 Seveas mdke, that they are actively promoting/supporting ubuntu -- which for the swiss team seems to be ok :) 11:45 ypsila stgraber: :-) of course! 11:45 tormod we also try to work closely and productively with all the general linux- and open-source associations here 11:45 mdke the swiss team sounds pretty well organised, well led and well supported. I'm happy to give my support, but I don't actually know what standard I'm supposed to apply for "officialising" locoteams === ScottK has to go in a few moments. I'd like to speak in favor of membership for sacater when the time comes. He is clearly very enthusiastic and committed to Ubuntu. My only suggestion would actually be to dial back his enthusiasm a bit as his interest in helping sometimes exceeds his experience, but that will come in time. I think he would make a good addition to Ubuntu members. 11:46 stgraber yep, we have quite a lot of LUGs here and I think we have some good links with them 11:46 Seveas mdke, other considerations are thir plans for the future, cooperation with othr teams etc... 11:46 Seveas jono/elkbuntu should b able to give the executiv summary :( 11:46 Seveas err :) 11:46 juliux or smurf ;) 11:46 sacater ScottK: tyvm 11:46 elkbuntu hmm? 11:46 Seveas ScottK, noted 11:47 mdke I think we should perhaps tie the standard required down sometime, maybe write some things down. But whatever it is, the swiss team clearly passes it :) 11:48 mdke so +1 11:48 dholbach does anybody have anymore questions? MikeB-, Burgundavia, sabdfl_, elmo? 11:48 Tribaal Yeeeha 11:48 Burgundavia +1 from me 11:48 elmo +1 11:48 MikeB- +1 from me, look like a great team 11:49 dholbach +1 from me too, excellent work being done in the team 11:49 WaVeR Ubuntu-ch is also for make some install party and to get more people using Ubuntu on Switzerland 11:49 WaVeR +1 for me 11:50 Seveas sabdfl_, ? 11:50 Seveas sabdfl_, seems to be missing, but since we still have quorum, I suggest we move on 11:50 Seveas he can catch up later and the agenda is massive 11:51 Seveas txwikinger, is the first member candidate on the list who is here 11:51 mdke ya 11:51 Seveas txwikinger, please paste your introduction 11:51 stgraber thx 11:51 tormod hurray! thanks for your trust, from the Swiss ubuntites :) 11:51 txwikinger https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Txwikinger 11:52 sabdfl_ +1 11:52 Seveas (all other member candidates: prepare a short introduction which you can paste in here when called) 11:52 mdke good work swiss guys 11:52 sabdfl_ Burgundavia: have a look at the editorial policy now? 11:52 stgraber sabdfl_: thx 11:52 Seveas txwikinger, no introduction? 11:52 Burgundavia sabdfl_: still looking through the blogging code of conduct 11:53 Tribaal https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Tribaal 11:53 Tribaal oops 11:53 WaVeR thanks all 11:53 txwikinger Short introduction 11:53 txwikinger I am working with uni/linux for a long time now 11:54 txwikinger started to be with ubuntu for more than 2 years 11:54 txwikinger Have a long time technical support background 11:54 txwikinger hence have a lot of fun helping out with questions 11:54 Seveas Are there people around who want to vouch for txwikinger ? 11:54 Seveas <nixternal> and txwikinger is in that crowd as well for rocking the marketing scene and I am sure Corey can attest to it as well 11:54 neversfelde yes 11:54 txwikinger due to being bilingual helping out with translating 11:55 neversfelde txwikinger is a bridge to launchpad for the whole german *ubuntu community. He is among other things an important and very active member of kubuntu-de.org and alongside he translates most of the "weekly" uwn into german 11:55 Tribaal yes 11:55 mdke lots of UWN translations listed there, nice 11:55 ypsila yes 11:55 Seveas Tribaal, ypsila tell us why he should be a member then :) 11:55 blizzzek yes 11:55 dholbach txwikinger: I noticed massive contributions to the answers tracker - that's great.... on your wiki page you say you're looking into becoming a MOTU - did you approach any MOTUs about that already? is there anything you'd like to work on? 11:55 Tribaal been pretty active, present and friendly. That qualifies in my book 11:56 ypsila Seveas: he is competent, his translations are always perfect, except some mistakes in the german language :-) 11:56 ubuntu_demon I'm going to sleep right now but I just want to +1 Brunellus (Luigi de Guzman) he has been on the ubuntuforums staff for a while and has been a good and able staff member. 11:56 Tribaal plus being billingual is a big plus 11:56 txwikinger dholbach: I have done a couple of simple fixes... like spellings and so on and submitted them to MOTUs 11:56 sabdfl_ txwikinger: regarding your school MIS, have you heard of SchoolTool? 11:56 txwikinger dholbach: I am practicing a little packaging for myself atm 11:57 txwikinger sabdfl_: Yes I have tested it before 11:57 sabdfl_ thanks ubuntu_demon 11:57 txwikinger sabdfl_: I am trying to connect things like SchoolTool with the requirements of the DFeS and LEAs 11:57 sabdfl_ +1 from me for txwikinger on the grounds of plenty of community work over a period of some time 11:57 dholbach txwikinger: I'm going to announce the ubuntu-motu-mentors mailing list quite soon, it'd be nice to see if that'd help you get going. Let me know how becoming a MOTU works out for you. 11:58 txwikinger dholbach: Thanks I would be very interested 11:58 dholbach +1 from me too 11:58 elmo +1 11:58 MikeB- +1 for me 11:58 dholbach txwikinger: thank you :) 11:58 mdke yes, +1 from me too; lots of nice contribution over what looks like a long period 11:58 Burgundavia +1 from me 11:58 Seveas Burgundavia, mdke ? 11:58 MikeB- AFK for a couple of minutes, need to send a fax ASAP 11:59 Seveas ok, /me too impatient :) 11:59 Seveas 6 out of 6, excellent! 11:59 Burgundavia now I just need to suck txwikinger into editing the english UWN... 11:59 Seveas Welcome txwikinger === ypsila waves the big handkerchief over to Great Britain for txwikinger 11:59 Seveas fernando, you're up 11:59 txwikinger Thanks a lot everybody 11:59 Tribaal *claps for tx* 11:59 ypsila Burgundavia: very good idea! 11:59 welp txwikinger's a brit? 11:59 txwikinger welp: I am German but live in the UK 11:59 fernando My name is Fernando Ribeiro. I'm living in brasilia (Brazil). I'm working as a consultant in governmental sites in my country. I have already patched the command line options to use optparser python module, other little patchs, same bug fixes and testing. I'm trying to be a motu (dholbach is my mentor). I have already build mrbayers, jadetex and music-applet. Working in libgnomedb3 and mergeant packages. =) 11:59 ypsila welp: no! he is geman! but he lives inuk 12:00 welp mmm, good enough, i suppose ;) 12:00 ypsila welp: good? are you kidding? 12:00 mdke fernando: how long have you been involved in Ubuntu? 12:01 Burgundavia fernando: link us up with a wiki page? 12:01 dholbach https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FernandoRibeiroSilva 12:01 Seveas Burgundavia, it's on the CC agenda page :) 12:01 Burgundavia Seveas: that is a few tabs and many conversations over 12:02 fernando mdke: since dapper how user, in LP +/- 6 months 12:02 Seveas Burgundavia, install the 'Permanent tab' extension for firefox, it helps in these cases :) 12:02 fernando dholbach: thanks 12:02 cypherbios I someone ask me, I think fernando would be a good addition to ubuntumembers to works in bug triage and packaging related stuffs 12:03 mdke fernando: so you've been doing bug work already for 6 months? 12:03 Seveas mdke, his karma seems not to suggest that 12:04 Seveas Besides cypherbios, is there anyone else who want to cheer for fernando? === OgMaciel hasn't met Fernando :/ 12:04 dholbach I think fernando's QA efforts were focussed on improving bughelper 12:04 dholbach I added my testimonials on his wiki page 12:05 mdke I'm not criticising at all, it's a good wiki page and I think the contributions are really good. i just want to get a feel for the period of participation 12:05 fernando mdke: no very active to bug work this last 4 months to marriage preparatives 12:05 mdke yeah, I know that one 12:05 dholbach mdke: I wasn't suggesting that you were. :-) 12:05 mdke dholbach: sure, I just wanted to make that clear anyway 12:07 sabdfl_ fernando: it's great to have your participation 12:07 sabdfl_ reading your wiki page i can see that you definitely have made an effort to understand ubuntu, and to contribute 12:07 fernando sabdfl_: thank you 12:08 sabdfl_ i think that membership is on the cards, but i for one think it would be worth waiting a while 12:08 sabdfl_ till there's a clearer track record 12:08 sabdfl_ fair enough? 12:08 OgMaciel fernando: you should meet the other Brazilians too ;) 12:08 fernando sabdfl_: no problem 12:08 mdke I'm with sabdfl_ 12:08 mdke fernando - stick to dholbach, and you can't go wrong :) 12:08 Seveas fernando, just pester dholbach with more patches :) 12:09 sabdfl_ ok, so keep at it, and we'll see you in a couple of months OK? 12:09 fernando sabdfl_: right, thank you by attention 12:09 dholbach with the speed fernando's working on packages I think it won't take that long 12:09 mdke nice work fernando, see you soon :) 12:10 Seveas dholbach, excellent 12:10 Seveas DarkSun88, you're up next 12:10 DarkSun88 Ok 12:10 DarkSun88 Hi, my name is Michele Angrisano. (Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MicheleAngrisano | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~micheleangrisano). I'm a 18 year old boy living in Naples (Italy). I started using Ubuntu Breezy from March 2006. I'm an active member of Italian Community where I try to help new users to solve their issues. 12:10 mdke I have a testimonial for DarkSun88 12:10 sabdfl_ hey DarkSun88. where would you say you are making the biggest contribution? === mdke pastes 12:10 mdke 22:10:56 <bluekuja> Unfortunately this evening, I wont partecipate to the CC meeting so long to sponsor Michele directly, so I would like to give this cheer to mdke that will be able to comunicate it to CC's members during Michele's turn. He's doing a GREAT job in the italian community providing support in every possible form: irc, forums, wiki pages and translations becoming a reference point for anyone who needs help in our loco-team. I've got the 12:11 imbrandon mdke, you cut off at "i've got the ....." 12:11 DarkSun88 Thanks mdke 12:11 JanC no, the server did ;) 12:11 mdke ... 22:10:56 <bluekuja> Unfortunately this evening, I wont partecipate to the CC meeting so long to sponsor Michele directly, so I would like to give this cheer to mdke that will be able to comunicate it to CC's members during Michele's turn. He's doing a GREAT job in the italian community providing support in every possible form: irc, forums, wiki pages and translations becoming a reference point for anyone who needs help in our loco-team. I've got 12:11 mdke damn 12:12 JanC max. line length exeeded 12:12 welp it got cut off :( 12:12 mdke [...] I've got the possibility to work with him on some packaging activities related to merging/patching fields too, and I think he will keep doing such a good work in the future! Thanks and good luck Michele! 12:12 DktrKranz I would like to cheer Michele too. 12:12 DktrKranz He's very active in Italian Community, especially in documentation and support to other users. 12:12 DktrKranz He started to work with MOTUs too, he did a great job by smashing some PHP 4 unmetdeps bug 12:12 welp right folks, i'm off to bed... Seveas, don't forget the stuff i said about sacater ;) 12:12 welp gnight all. 12:12 DktrKranz Feisty is a better place thanks to his work :) 12:12 mdke I also can big him up, I've worked with him in the -it community and he is a good Ubuntero; we made him an irc op and he is doing good work on documentation with translations. He is patient and has a good attitude to open source, he doesn't get discouraged 12:12 sacater bye welp 12:13 Burgundavia +1 from me, given three strong recommendations and a pretty good track record of work 12:13 Seveas mdke, I assume that's also a +1 from you :) 12:13 mdke yeah 12:13 Seveas looking very good 12:14 mdke we need more italian members :D 12:14 Seveas hehe 12:14 MikeB- +1 from me, great work 12:14 DktrKranz +1 :P 12:14 sabdfl_ +1 from me too 12:14 DarkSun88 I'm very interested to join MOTU one day 12:14 DarkSun88 :) === welp prefers gentoo's german conspiracy *hides* 12:14 Seveas elmo, ? 12:14 dholbach DarkSun88: do you have any plans for MOTU? anything you'd like to work on? 12:14 elmo sorry, just catching up, 2 secs 12:14 Seveas ok 12:14 sacater welp: sleep 12:15 elmo +1 12:15 Seveas xcellent 12:15 dholbach +1 from me too 12:15 DarkSun88 dholbach: Merge and Patch 12:15 DarkSun88 :) 12:15 DarkSun88 dholbach: I've just started working on packaging stuff, developing mostly merge and syncs packages 12:15 Seveas welcome aboard DarkSun88 ! 12:15 Seveas bdmurray, is next 12:15 dholbach DarkSun88: great - thanks a lot 12:15 mdke I'm going to duck out soon 12:15 bdmurray Hello! I work for Canonical as a Quality Assurance Engineer. My areas of responsibility include managing the Ubuntu QA team, keeping an eye out for important bugs and creating methods for triaging and reporting bugs more effectively. As such I've triaged more than a thousand bugs (my best lowball guess). My wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrianMurray . 12:16 DarkSun88 Thanks :D 12:16 DarkSun88 DktrKranz: Thanks a lot 12:16 DarkSun88 mdke: Thank 12:16 DarkSun88 :D 12:16 keescook i'm here to cheer bdmurray on; he's been doing great work, and is a very quick learner. 12:16 Seveas bdmurray, I'm curious, when did you start bugwork? I stopped doing it months ago and got out of touch 12:16 mdke I've been seriously impressed with the way that bdmurray slotted into the community quickly and smoothly 12:16 bdmurray Seveas: mid December 12:17 Burgundavia I can echo mdke's words 12:17 mdke the guy rocks 12:17 Seveas He's a lousy poker player though ;) 12:17 ajmitch he's also been very encouraging of other community members doing bug work 12:17 mdke oh, hang on then 12:17 Mithrandir bdmurray has done a fantastic job on the 7.04 release and it would have been significantly worse if it wasn't for his efforts. 12:17 ajmitch Seveas: can you hold that against him though? 12:17 Seveas ajmitch, not really === mdke rubs out his +1 on grounds of poker 12:18 elmo +1 12:18 Seveas one down, 5 to go 12:18 mdke me too 12:18 dholbach having worked with bdmurray directly, +1 from me too 12:18 MikeB- +1 12:18 mdke pleasure to have you with us bdmurray 12:18 bdmurray thanks everyone 12:18 Seveas sabdfl_, Burgundavia ? 12:18 Burgundavia +1 from me 12:19 imbrandon forget poker , how about mao 12:19 mdke ok, I'm off. Apologies to other candidates 12:20 Seveas effie_jayx, you're up next, please paste your introduction whilst we wait for sabdfl_ to return 12:20 Seveas by mdke! 12:20 keescook \o/ 12:20 kalon33 bye mdke ! 12:20 effie_jayx My Name is efrain Valles, I am sharing the Ubuntu LoCo team Contact in ubuntu-ve (Venezuelan Team) duties with Rolando Blanco. I am a member of a Local Lug (VELUG-MCBO) I am currently running a LUG at my University and I promote the use of ubuntu giving talks and much rencently I have started going out and putting together events to foster the use of ubuntu. I am also a OP at #ubuntu-ve. My day job I am an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) te 12:20 OgMaciel good luck effie_jayx :) 12:20 effie_jayx acher and I am hopong I can bridge my to Passions one day. I am a student of Computer Engineering. and Love programming. my wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EfrainValles. 12:20 Seveas We still have quorum, with the other 5 (so I hope sabdfl actually returns) 12:20 Seveas <nixternal> effie_jayx rocks out a lot of marketing stuff and does way more than I do with Marketing 12:21 elkbuntu Efrain definatly gets my vote. He's enthusiastic, capable and most of all, he's an excellent team player. He is one of the main reasons the venezuelan LoCo rocks as much as they do. 12:22 effie_jayx elkbuntu, :) 12:22 dholbach effie_jayx: you want to become a MOTU: did you get in touch with any MOTUs already? is there anything you'd like to work on specifically? 12:22 effie_jayx dholbach, I have tried... have started doing some bug triaging... but that was probably a month ago 12:23 Burgundavia effie_jayx: why do you say you translating outside the official teams? 12:23 effie_jayx Burgundavia, I just wanted to say I make suggestions for the team 12:23 Burgundavia right 12:23 effie_jayx Burgundavia, I am not an approved translator... I did join the team 12:23 effie_jayx but the approval is hard :S 12:23 Burgundavia ahh 12:23 JanC effie_jayx: you asked that question about sponsoring by companies in the locoteams channel ? 12:24 effie_jayx JanC, yes I did. I just wanted to gt a wider scope on sponsorship. 12:24 dholbach effie_jayx: it'd be nice to have you join the team - please let me know how that goes 12:24 JanC right, so I know you thought about it carefully and asked other people for their opinion :) 12:25 elkbuntu back in december, effie_jayx almost single-handedly reunited the venezuelan team with the rest of the ubuntu community 12:25 effie_jayx JanC, I did... when in doubt consult others... === WRATHCHILD cheers up effie_jayx !!! 12:25 effie_jayx elkbuntu, it was your inspirational talk :D 12:26 elkbuntu :) 12:26 effie_jayx I became very involved in the community stuff because of UbuntuOpen Week 12:26 Seveas elkbuntu, ftw :) 12:27 elkbuntu Seveas, effie_jayx ftw ;) 12:27 Seveas both 12:27 Seveas so, why are there no +1's yet? :) 12:27 Burgundavia +1 from me 12:28 sabdfl_ +1 from me on effie_jayx 12:28 MikeB- +1 here 12:28 sabdfl_ excellent community work 12:28 elmo +1 12:28 Seveas sabdfl_, and bdmurray ? 12:28 dholbach +1 from me too, hope to see you as an approved translator and motu soon :) 12:28 effie_jayx dholbach, you bet :D 12:28 Seveas welcome aboard effie_jayx ! 12:29 OgMaciel congrats effie_jayx 12:29 effie_jayx :D 12:29 WRATHCHILD GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD 12:29 effie_jayx thanks you all 12:29 Seveas sacater, you're up 12:29 sacater Hi, my name is Sam Cater, Im 14 years old and from the UK. Ive been 12:29 sacater using Ubuntu for about a year now. 12:29 sacater I mostly do Launchpad Q+A and help in IRC when I can, I can also do 12:29 sacater basic packaging and bug work. 12:29 sacater Quick Links: 12:29 sacater Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~sacater 12:29 sacater Karma: http://launchpad.net/~sacater/+karma 12:29 sacater Answers History: http://answers.launchpad.net/~sacater 12:29 sacater Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater 12:29 sacater Seveas: dont forget to paste what welp said 12:29 Seveas * ScottK has to go in a few moments. I'd like to speak in favor of membership for sacater when the time comes. He is clearly very enthusiastic and committed to Ubuntu. My only suggestion would actually be to dial back his enthusiasm a bit as his interest in helping sometimes exceeds his experience, but that will come in time. I think he would make a good addition to Ubuntu members. 12:29 Seveas <welp> (as i'm sure you can tell from my hostmask, i'm a gentoo developer). i was the one who introduced him to linux, and i'm always pleasantly surprised at how much he can learn in a short amount of time... he's a good guy. 12:29 Seveas don't worry sacater :) 12:30 sacater Seveas: theres more from welp 12:30 sacater oh 12:30 sacater wait 12:30 sacater scratch that :P 12:30 Seveas :) 12:30 sacater carry on :D 12:30 imbrandon I also would like to vouch for sacater he is a quick study in -motu and often is eager to help point people in the right direction 12:30 JanC sacater: you mean where he said you should get some sleep? :P 12:30 Burgundavia ok, now I feel old 12:30 sacater welp: well, i dunno what he does in ubuntuland, all i can really say is that he's a fast learner, really 12:31 sacater willing, knows how to look for information, that kinda stuff :) 12:31 Seveas Burgundavia, he's not just younger, he also seems to have an infinte amount of energy :) 12:31 sacater JanC: i havnt slept in 38 hours 12:31 sacater :P 12:31 sacater i have proof but thats for another time :P === elkbuntu hands Burgundavia a walking stick 12:31 imbrandon Burgundavia, haha me 3 12:31 JanC sacater: sleep is good for the quality of your work 12:32 sacater JanC: :D 12:32 JanC sacater: i'm serious 12:32 AndyP not to mention your health :) 12:32 sacater JanC: like Seveas said, I have plenty of health 12:32 sacater energy* 12:32 sabdfl_ sacater, i've heard good things about your contributions 12:32 sacater dont worry, im sleeping properly tonight 12:32 sacater sabdfl_: :D 12:32 sabdfl_ what is it that you think you bring to Ubuntu, and what is it that you think Ubuntu can bring to others? 12:33 sacater I bring help to those who need or request it, and ubuntu brings friendship and community to others 12:34 sacater pochu: vouch me please 12:34 sacater pochu: membership application is right now :o === sacater nods 12:35 dholbach sacater: impressive work on the answers tracker - you're involved in the cubuntu team (I didn't know it even exists), how's work going on there? 12:35 sacater dholbach: i havnt noticed that much activity personally, but yes, its a command-line deriritive 12:35 sacater hope I spelt that right 12:35 Burgundavia derivative, actually, but we will forgive you for it :) 12:36 pochu I can confirm sacater has been helping new users, and triaging some bugs :) 12:36 cypherbios :) 12:36 sacater whoot! 12:36 Burgundavia impressive karma 12:36 sacater thanks 12:36 Burgundavia LaserJock: I notice he mentions you on his wiki page 12:37 elmo hmm, sacater is this you're second time around? 12:37 sacater yes 12:37 sacater first time I was told to give it a month or 2 more 12:37 sacater to prove i wasnt grab and run 12:38 sacater 'get the membership and do nothing' 12:38 elmo heh - when was that? 12:38 sacater er 12:38 elmo (roughly) 12:38 sacater about a month and a half back 12:38 Seveas yup 12:39 Seveas april 17 12:39 sabdfl_ +1 from me on sacater 12:39 Seveas https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda?action=recall&rev=800 12:39 elmo yeah, +1 - thanks for coming back :) 12:39 sacater sabdfl_: thanks 12:39 Burgundavia +1 from me 12:39 sacater elmo: thanks 12:39 sacater Burgundavia: thanks 12:39 sacater :D 12:40 dholbach +1 from me too 12:40 Seveas MikeB- ? 12:40 sacater dholbach: :D 12:40 MikeB- +1 here, and get off my lawn:) 12:40 Seveas hehe 12:40 Burgundavia get 'm young, my mother always said :) 12:40 sacater gah 12:40 Seveas excellent work, welcome sacater ! 12:40 sacater WHOOT! 12:40 Seveas sfair, you're next 12:40 AndyP sacater: congrats 12:40 sfair so, let's go. My name is Rafael Sfair and I'm one of the administrators of the Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation team. 12:40 sacater AndyP: ty 12:40 sfair Most of my work is helping to organize the team and creating new documentation. 12:40 sfair You can find a list of some contribuitions in my wikipage (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RafaelSfair) and my LP page (https://launchpad.net/~sfair), and some contributions maybe can't be directly measured :) 12:42 OgMaciel my testimonial pretty much says everything I wanted to say in support for sfair 12:42 Seveas I'm impressed with sfairs wikipage, good work! 12:42 sfair thanks to cypherbios that helped me :) 12:42 cypherbios I gave my testimonial in this wikipage, but here is a bit more: 12:42 cypherbios Sfair is one of the greatest contributors of the Ubuntu-BR community. Hi works hard on our documentation team (ubuntu-br-doc) and is also a Official translator for pt_BR. Always helps people who wants to contribute pointing them to the right path, if there's someone who I support would be sfair (as well n3t0 too ;) ). His advocate in the Ubuntu Brazilian community is something amazing to see. I completely agree and support sfair's m 12:42 cypherbios embership. 12:44 Burgundavia I see some solid contributions and good testimonials 12:44 sabdfl_ sfair: we love physicists round here :-) 12:44 sabdfl_ +1 from me on the back of strong recommendations from team-BR 12:45 sfair sabdfl_: are there more?? im not th only one? im so happy! :D 12:45 cypherbios a very very geeky guy, indeed ! 12:45 Burgundavia +1 from me 12:45 sabdfl_ sfair: would you see if you can get in touch with the guys who build Scientific Linux? 12:45 sabdfl_ i think they are from Fermilab 12:45 MikeB- +1 here 12:45 sabdfl_ i'd like to meet them 12:45 sabdfl_ see if they would do a version based on Ubuntu too 12:45 sfair sabdfl_: it's one of my goals... 12:45 elmo +1 12:45 dholbach +1 from me too 12:46 sfair sabdfl_: it wuld be amazing 12:46 sfair *would 12:46 Seveas That's +5, welcome aboard sfair! 12:46 sfair thanks :) 12:46 cypherbios :D 12:46 Seveas n3t0, you're up now 12:46 cypherbios congrats sfair!! 12:46 OgMaciel sfair does all of his research on Ubuntu, isn't that right sfair? 12:46 sfair OgMaciel: yes... all my work 12:46 n3t0 My name is Alysson Neto and I'm one of the administrators of the Brazilian Ubuntu Forum, also I'm a member of the Ubuntu Brazilian Doc Team 12:46 n3t0 where I have the function to find material tu put in the wiki. You can find a list of some contribuitions in wiki wikipage (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlyssonNeto) and my LP page (https://launchpad.net/~alysson-neto) 12:46 kalon33 congrats sfair 12:47 OgMaciel n3t0: could you paste some stats about the volume (network) traffic the forum currently generates? 12:48 n3t0 11819 members 12:48 Burgundavia I might add: I love the recommendations stuff the Brazillian people are putting on their pages 12:48 n3t0 108080 posts 12:48 Burgundavia it makes it a lot easier to make decisions 12:48 n3t0 19258 topics 12:48 Burgundavia other loco teams might want to take note 12:48 cypherbios Burgundavia: thanks, we do our best in all :) 12:49 FaBMak n3t0 is a co-worker and a friend in Ubuntu-BR Forum, together we do improvements and support it. I can say that he really like Ubuntu and our community. 12:49 OgMaciel the Brazilian Forum (and other portuguese languages) has a rock solid team of administrators/moderators and n3t0 is doing an amazing job with the limited support they have 12:49 cypherbios n3t0 is one of the guys responsible to keep our *huge* ubuntu forum for portuguese speakers (include people from brazil, portugal and many others countries who speaks PT). His works is awesome in the forum administration, such as posting moderation as well system administration related stuff. I agree and support his membership. 12:49 Seveas impressive, how many brazilian ubuntu members do we have now? 12:49 sfair and n3t0 in and important link betweek the ubuntu-br-doc and forum 12:49 OgMaciel Seveas: approx. 15? 12:49 sabdfl_ hmm... i wonder if we should not have a team in .BR where we delegate membership for local advocacy, translation, infrastructure work 12:49 cypherbios Seveas: 15 12:50 Seveas OgMaciel, I thought there would be more, but 15 already is a lot :) 12:50 OgMaciel sabdfl_: we've been thinking along the same lines here too 12:50 cypherbios most likely in the next meeting Ubuntu-BR LoCo will be around here ;) 12:50 OgMaciel Seveas: we prefer that our users spend some time doing work before we point them to the CC 12:51 Seveas are we ready to vote or are there still questions? 12:51 Burgundavia not from me 12:52 sabdfl_ +1 from me on the back of forums admin work 12:52 Burgundavia +1 to the Brazillian horde^WWW n3t0 12:52 dholbach I'm happy with n3t0, +1 from me 12:52 Seveas elmo, MikeB- ? 12:52 MikeB- +1 here 12:52 elmo +1 12:53 Seveas woohoo 12:53 OgMaciel congrats n3t0 12:53 Seveas welcome n3t0 12:53 OgMaciel :) 12:53 Seveas yarddog, you're up 12:53 cypherbios n3t0: :) 12:53 n3t0 thanks a lot 12:53 FaBMak congrats n3t0 12:53 tritium Seveas: I don't believe yarddog was able to attend 12:53 Seveas his idle time seems to indicate that 12:53 Seveas profoX`, then you're up 12:53 profoX` euhm okay :) 12:53 profoX` Good night everyone (or possibly evening for some of you). I am Wesley Stessens (profoX) and I became a very active Ubuntu user and supporter in the last few years. I am very active in the NL and BE locoteams. I help to maintain the Dutch website and forum. I translate USN's to Dutch. I try to get involved with the rest of the community as much as I can.. Occasionally I travel far to be able to represent Ubuntu in Belgium and The 12:53 profoX` Netherlands. But I also try to do other things. I am chipping in everywhere I can. Marketing (ubuntu shirts for BE, ubuntu-nl magazine), Support (forums, IRC), Moderation (website, forums), Advocacy (everywhere), Programming, Packaging... You can read the wikipage for a more thorough description of all my activities in (and related to) Ubuntu; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WesleyStessens 12:54 tritium Seveas: I came on his behalf 12:54 dholbach Seveas: didn't he mail and said that he can't make it, and tritium would speak for him? 12:54 Seveas dholbach, maybe he mailed to community-council@, I don't get that mail 12:54 dholbach Seveas: he CCed you :-) 12:54 Seveas besides, we've never done 'speaking on behalf' and I don't see a rason to make an exception 12:55 dholbach right, ok 12:55 dholbach that's fine with me 12:55 tritium I'll pass that along to him. 12:55 dholbach thanks tritium 12:55 tritium Thanks, dholbach. 12:55 Seveas dholbach, odd, I don't see mail from him 12:56 Burgundavia Seveas: I can confirm that you were cc'ed 12:56 tritium Was he given any form of reply? === tritium was not copied on anything 12:56 Burgundavia not that I see 12:56 Seveas Burgundavia, can you pm me the from address? I'll grep through amavis' quarantine 12:57 dholbach ahhhh dennis@ubuntu.com vs seveas@ubuntu.com 12:57 Seveas dholbach, heh 12:57 Seveas indeed seveas@ does not exist, although some people seem to think it does :) 12:57 Burgundavia be nice if LP could do aliases liek that 12:57 Seveas anyway, back to the subject of profoX` 12:57 Burgundavia sabdfl_: ^ 12:58 Seveas I want to cheer for him, he's doing massive amountsof work on the dutch forums, and other parts of the dutch locoteam 12:58 JanC I've seen profoX` being active on the ubuntu-nl forums & IRC too 12:58 AndyP good work on the wiki page, impressive stuff 12:58 elmo +1 === ablomen chears for profoX` too 12:58 ablomen *cheers 12:58 Burgundavia +1 based on that 12:59 dholbach +1 from me too 12:59 MikeB- +1 12:59 JanC and he has a nice blog in Dutch that explains things in a readable way 12:59 JanC :) 12:59 dholbach with that, I have too leave now 12:59 Seveas dholbach, ok, goodnight! 12:59 dholbach have a nice evening everybody and see you tomorrow 12:59 sabdfl_ awesome wiki page 12:59 sabdfl_ +1 from me! 12:59 Seveas nice 12:59 Seveas good job profoX` ! 12:59 kalon33 good night dholbach 12:59 sabdfl_ night dholbach 12:59 profoX` yea.. I did my homework :) 12:59 Burgundavia do we still have quorum? 01:00 Seveas And this unfortunately ends todays meting as we now no longer have quorum :( 01:00 kalon33 I have to mail you about telepathy stuff soon... 01:00 sabdfl_ for members, yes 01:00 Seveas sabdfl_, no, we're now 4 of 8, we need 5 according to what we agreed on earlier :) 01:00 JanC (too many Dutch/Flemish people blog in English) 01:00 MikeB- I have to leave in 15 minute, my wife teach tonight and I have to pick up my son 01:00 sabdfl_ for members? i think 3/4 is fine 01:01 sabdfl_ if there's a controversial decision, we can set tighter guidelines 01:01 sabdfl_ but i don't think we should block memebrships on high quorum 01:01 sabdfl_ in fact, i think we should delegate more 01:01 sabdfl_ any objections? 01:01 tritium Seveas: could someone give yarddog a reply please? 01:02 Seveas tritium, I will 01:02 tritium Thank you. 01:02 JanC profoX`: it seems like you forgot to mention you wrote some patches for beryl too ;) 01:02 Seveas No objections yet, so let's continu with memberships 01:02 profoX` JanC: yes but that was no big deal.. just small bugfixes and very small enhancements 01:02 sabdfl_ ok, we have 4 to go 01:02 Burgundavia 4 if it is unanimous? 01:02 Seveas pleia2, you're next on the list 01:02 pleia2 Hi, I'm Elizabeth Bevilacqua. I've been working with the Ubuntu-Women Project for just over a year, I now an admin on the website, wiki and am the contact for #Ubuntu-Women. 01:03 pleia2 ore recently I've helped launch the US-PA Loco Team, where I admin the website and planet, op in IRC and have participated in and helped organize a few events. 01:03 pleia2 s/ore/More 01:03 Seveas Burgundavia, so far there are only unanimous decisions when it comes to membership (only a few +0's) 01:03 Seveas :) 01:03 yarddog i am here now 01:03 Burgundavia Seveas: there have been disagreements in the past === elkbuntu cheers loudly for pleia2 === towsonu2003 cheers for pleia2 who is a Debian package maintainer and a very good ubuntu-women project contributor - not to mention her level of awareness in women's issues as they relate to Linux and computing. 01:04 Burgundavia pleia2: anybody from the -pa loco team? 01:04 dinda Pleia2 has been doing some amazing work for the ubuntu community; and brings lots of upstream knowledge (Debian package maintainer) and linuxchix 01:04 Susana I'm here to cheer for pleia2, she has done a great effort to dynamize the ubuntu-women project and she's one of its greatest contributers. She has always been very wise in her decisions i think she'll be a great member. 01:04 yarddog Seveas: i am here now === jedijf cheers YO! from philly in pa loco for pleia2 01:05 elmo +1 01:05 AndyP strong fanclub :) === etank cheers for pleia2. She is very active in the PA LoCo and Ubuntu Women. 01:05 Seveas yarddog, excellent! 01:05 Burgundavia +1 01:05 MikeB- +1 01:05 Burgundavia yay for more women to bridge our awful gender inequality 01:05 pleia2 :) 01:05 Seveas yarddog, prepare a few lines of introduction so you can paste them when we call you. Pm me when ready 01:05 kalon33 AndyP: yes, what a good fanclub :p 01:05 yarddog Seveas: ok 01:05 dinda she's a rock star 01:06 kalon33 lol dinda ^^ 01:06 Seveas dinda, speaking of which, where's the movie of mark and me? 01:06 JanC no, she's a princess ;) 01:06 tritium I am sshed in from work, but have to leave. I support yarddog's applications, as he has been instrumental in helping with the creation of the New Mexico LoCO, #ubuntu-newmexico, the mailing list, requseting the LoCO bot, recruiting members, etc. 01:06 dinda seveas - being saved for the 'right' moment to reveal ;-) 01:06 sabdfl_ tritium: we'd love to have him, let's see if a better timed meeting comes along 01:06 Seveas dinda, I want to see it :) 01:07 tritium sabdfl_: okay, I understand. Thank you. 01:07 sabdfl_ pleia2: could you give us a quick state-of-the-nation on U-W? 01:07 Seveas sabdfl_, he's here now :) 01:07 dinda seveas - I'll add it to my 2do list - promise 01:07 Burgundavia unfortunately I need to run 01:07 Seveas hmm, the CC is falling apart :/ 01:08 Burgundavia we are past 2 hours... 01:08 pleia2 sabdfl_: we're currently working on a few projects we have out there - gathering mentors for our mentoring program and courses; and waiting on some informaiton from the recent UDS to move forward with more HCI stuff 01:08 elkbuntu Seveas, the meeting has hit 2hrs 01:08 kalon33 sure elkbuntu 01:08 elkbuntu kalon33, hmm? 01:08 MikeB- any chance to do the last two memberships 01:08 dinda and we're trying to get Pleia2 to offer an IRC ops course 01:08 pleia2 dinda: working on it! 01:09 MikeB- Breunellus and Toxicity999 01:09 kalon33 elkbuntu: (about the meeting length) 01:09 Seveas MikeB-, and yarddog 01:09 sabdfl_ ok, +1 from me mainly on the back of dinda and other recommendations 01:09 Seveas ok, that's 4 out of 4 01:10 Seveas yarddog is next (we still have 3 CC members) 01:10 dinda She's shy but she does amazing work for Ubuntu 01:10 Seveas welcome aboard pleia2 ! 01:10 etank good job pleia2 01:10 MikeB- I have 5 minutes:) 01:10 pleia2 thanks everyone! 01:10 sabdfl_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Luigi_de_guzman 01:10 Brunellus I'm Luigi de Guzman, aka Brunellus. I've been an ubuntu user since Warty. I'm a Forums staff member, an op on #ubuntuforums, a member of the NU Ubuntu Team. 01:10 yarddog I first started using Ubuntu about 2 years ago and have used various formats of Linux since 2001. In the fall of 2006, I helped start the IRC channel #ubuntu-newmexico on the Freenode IRC Network in conjunction with Ubuntu Member Michael Rimbert. I have helped in starting the [WWW] New Mexico Team Launchpad site and the Team wiki site as well as add the Team to the list of LoCo's. I requested the locobot for the IRC channe 01:10 sabdfl_ url in the agenda is busted === dinda cheers loud for Pleia2 and goes to have a drink in her honor! 01:10 yarddog My goals for the New Mexico Team is to include recruiting LoCo membership, assist fellow users with technical problems where possible, continue to serve the New Mexico Team, assist in getting the New Mexico Team recognized and approved, and overall, be a catalyst for Ubuntu. 01:10 DarkSun88 pleia2: Congratulations. 01:10 Seveas Brunellus, sabdfl_: yarddog is first 01:10 Brunellus sabdfl_: should be fixed 01:10 Brunellus sorry, sabdfl_posted my name. 01:11 sabdfl_ well, +1 from me for Brunellus on the back of being a Forums staff member 01:11 gnomefreak pleia2: congrats 01:11 Seveas sabdfl_, are you ignoring me now? :) 01:11 sabdfl_ any other quick acks? 01:12 lamalex +1 for pleia 01:12 lamalex sorry it's late 01:12 lamalex and unneeded 01:12 sabdfl_ Seveas: no, sorry, was just following the agenda, didn't see yarddog arrive 01:12 sabdfl_ welcome yarddog 01:12 MikeB- +1 for brunellus, a great mod on the forums and a pleasure to work with 01:12 sabdfl_ we've heard many good things about you :-) 01:12 yarddog hello sabdfl_ :P 01:12 elmo +1 for brunellus 01:12 sabdfl_ 3/4 01:12 PriceChild HUGE cheer for Brunellus !!! === `23meg cheers for Brunellus, who does a great job of steering discussions to constructive ends in the forums 01:13 Seveas sabdfl_, 3/3 -> Burgundavia left 01:13 sabdfl_ done 01:13 sabdfl_ welcome! 01:13 Brunellus YAY! 01:13 sabdfl_ yarddog: fire away 01:13 Brunellus thanks everyone! 01:13 MikeB- yarddog your wiki is kinda thin, what is your launchpad 01:13 Seveas sabdfl_, scroll up :) 01:13 sacater sabdfl_: pm 01:13 yarddog MikeB-: http://launchpad.net/~jamesbunnell 01:14 Brunellus Thanks everybody! I'll get my key signed soon enough. I'm off to catch a train. 01:15 MikeB- yarddog: you are off to a good start, but I think you are not quite ready, 01:15 sabdfl_ yarddog: agree with MikeB- on that front, the documentation in wiki and LP is thinner than your number of fans would suggest 01:16 MikeB- are you invloved in other Ubuntu areas 01:16 yarddog ive begun getting involved in kubuntu as well 01:16 sabdfl_ it may well be that there's more to the story, but it's not documented there 01:16 sabdfl_ could you spend some time on your profile in the project, then come back? 01:16 sabdfl_ there's no rush 01:18 MikeB- yarddog: expand your profile and come back, we would love to see you apply again 01:18 yarddog ok 01:18 sabdfl_ thanks for taking the time to come now, though 01:18 sabdfl_ ok 01:18 Seveas last one 01:18 sabdfl_ final stop? 01:18 Seveas Toxicity999, 01:18 hidan go go toxicity!!! :D 01:19 Toxicity999 Okay then! First, way sorry for holding up the meeting. And some people who I had asked to come help me out with some words of love couldn't make it, but moving on to the goodies! 01:19 cypherbios toxicity, like SOAD. cool! :) 01:19 Toxicity999 Lol 01:19 Toxicity999 Yes. 01:19 Toxicity999 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BryanHaskins 01:19 Toxicity999 Hi, I'm Bryan, I'm 16 years old and I live in Maine, the Canada of the States, and I've been working, as a user, with Ubuntu Since late in the release of hoary (Basically just before breezy) And I have made my mark in the community support sector. I hover the forums answering support needs with a lot of my free time, and even cover lead on the Launchpad (Ubuntu Answers) bit of The Forums Beginners Team. I spend a lot of my time doing 01:19 Toxicity999 the little things, like walking people through large issues more directly via irc. 01:20 sabdfl_ that's awesome 01:21 Toxicity999 And if you wonder why my Launchpad doesn't exactly reflect my claim to the Beginners team thing, basically we haven't 100% organized the Launchpad end yet. But you can see I lead the LP team on my account there. :D 01:22 MikeB- Toxicity999 does good work on the forums 01:23 MikeB- any other feedback for Toxicity999 01:23 sabdfl_ Toxicity999: are you a forums moderator or staff member? === Toxicity999 coughs. 01:23 Toxicity999 No, not currently. 01:24 sabdfl_ ok 01:24 sabdfl_ it seems you are helping in a very nice way 01:24 MikeB- sabdfl_: he is on a couple of our teams, not a moderator/staff 01:24 Seveas MikeB-, do something about that kthxbye ;) 01:24 sabdfl_ Toxicity999: what's your main reason for wanting to become a member? 01:25 MikeB- I do have to go 01:25 Seveas MikeB-, can we rcord a vote on Toxicity999 ? 01:25 Toxicity999 Well, I think that there is a certain level of trust which comes with it. I mean sure, it feels nice for me, some kind of accomplishment, but It seems as though users put more faith in you when they notice you. 01:26 MikeB- I think Toxicity999 is off to a good start, but I would like to see more 01:26 Toxicity999 A lot of what I do is just really hard to tally, I think. 01:26 DBO I know its a little late, but woo woo Toxicity999 =) 01:27 Toxicity999 I've been way more active on IRC lately. Whcih without scouring the logs and such kind of hard to quantify. 01:27 hidan oh good to go toxicity 01:27 Toxicity999 This is a really awkward silence =D 01:27 MikeB- Toxicity999: I say keep up the good work and come back in a couple of month 01:28 hidan awwww toxic... hmm. 01:28 MikeB- PM me in the forums and we can work on quanify your work in th wiki 01:28 MikeB- Mike in the forums 01:28 MikeB- later all 01:28 MikeB- I must get 01:29 Toxicity999 Alright, I think it might of worked out if more of the people I was hoping to show up would have =S they were all busy tonight. 01:29 sabdfl_ sorry 01:29 Seveas ok, so that concludes todays meeting (now we really have no quorum). 01:29 sabdfl_ wrapping up for the night here 01:29 hidan huh 01:29 sabdfl_ you're in good shape Toxicity999, but not there yet 01:29 Seveas Toxicity999, good luck next time, I'm sure you'll make it! 01:29 sabdfl_ keep going! 01:29 sabdfl_ seveas, it's just you and me! 01:29 sabdfl_ and elmo 01:29 Toxicity999 Understood =] Thanks. 01:29 Seveas datetim for next meeting? 01:29 sabdfl_ heh. whenever WE want :-) === sacater listens 01:30 sabdfl_ perhaps something early UTC, for the Asian side of the world? 01:30 Toxicity999 Well now it just has to be when it's inconvenient for the ditchers, hehe. 01:30 Seveas june 13, 09:00 UTC? 01:30 Seveas (edubuntu has the room 14:00-16:00) 01:31 elmo fine by me, FWIW 01:31 elmo maybe ask the list before confirming though? 01:31 Seveas yeah, will do === Seveas needs to go to bed as well, as the alarmbells will ring in 5 hours 01:32 sabdfl_ aaahm 01:32 sabdfl_ i think i'm in the USA on that date 01:32 Seveas launchpad will be poked tomorrow 01:32 sabdfl_ so i won't be up for that one :-( 01:32 sabdfl_ thanks seveas 01:32 sabdfl_ thanks elmo 01:32 effie_jayx sabdfl_, thanks 01:32 Seveas sabdfl_, available online if we make it a more reasonable USA time? 01:32 sabdfl_ welcome again effie_jayx 01:33 mneptok effie_jayx: congrats 01:33 sabdfl_ Seveas: i'll be jetlagged, so hard to predict 01:33 Seveas ok 01:33 hidan sabdfl = mark, right? O_o;; wow... but thanks for establishing canonical, mark. 01:33 sabdfl_ don't block on me, my travel schedule is a nightmare in the next 3 months 01:33 nixternal lol 01:33 effie_jayx mneptok, :D 01:33 sabdfl_ you're welcome, hidan 01:33 Seveas okay, I'll poke the CC list then. g'night for now 01:33 sabdfl_ night all!
MeetingLogs/CC/20070529 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:37 by localhost)